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GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Mech, all that poster Soup du Jour is saying is that if you look at the Boise Google street view pic he links to, you can see that it matches the location in which the videos were shot.

He isn't saying that somehow Google captured the scene at the time it was being shot, just that it's the same place.

And of course that has no relevance that I can see to whether the videos are staged or not.

Is there anything about this that is not clear to you?

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Oz, I believe you misunderstood El Mech. On GLL's site, he claimed to be daygaming in Washington, which is nowhere near Idaho. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Which is why he kept avoiding to answer which park he was at, apparently.

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Now this is awfully suspect. In the comment section he says he was daygaming near the University of Washington. I tried to google through Seattle models and a quick search through model mayhem for Seattle but I did not find anything.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-21-2014 10:47 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Mech, all that poster Soup du Jour is saying is that if you look at the Boise Google street view pic he links to, you can see that it matches the location in which the videos were shot.

He isn't saying that somehow Google captured the scene at the time it was being shot, just that it's the same place.

And of course that has no relevance that I can see to whether the videos are staged or not.

Exactly, I'm not qualified to comment on the legitimacy of the videos, but I knew that park immediately and threw the google links in to back it up.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Maybe it's a typo? [Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Ok Eastside it looks like you are doing a field trip to Boise.

Idaho touches Washington right?

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-21-2014 10:02 PM)SoupDuJour Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2014 09:14 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Is that real?

100% certain.

Look at minute 27:08 of the footage where he approaches the girl with a dog. You can see the playground and disabled parking spot. It matches exactly with this street view:,-1...ig88Ww!2e0

Plus all the cars have Idaho license plates.

Good catch. At 46:40 he walks right by these statues...

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-21-2014 10:47 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Mech, all that poster Soup du Jour is saying is that if you look at the Boise Google street view pic he links to, you can see that it matches the location in which the videos were shot.

He isn't saying that somehow Google captured the scene at the time it was being shot, just that it's the same place.

And of course that has no relevance that I can see to whether the videos are staged or not.

Is there anything about this that is not clear to you?

This has no relevance? Are you kidding me? GLL is being caught lying. He said he was daygaming near the University of Washington and now it's in Idaho?

WTF... I'm fucking tired but I will investigate more later

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 12:20 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Ok Eastside it looks like you are doing a field trip to Boise.

Idaho touches Washington right?

Haha the next time I am in Boise I will have to check this place out. Until then I will stick to UW, Bellevue College and the areas surrounding them. I would like to hear how any Idaho players can do at the GLL magical day game park™, however.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 01:58 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2014 10:47 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Mech, all that poster Soup du Jour is saying is that if you look at the Boise Google street view pic he links to, you can see that it matches the location in which the videos were shot.

He isn't saying that somehow Google captured the scene at the time it was being shot, just that it's the same place.

And of course that has no relevance that I can see to whether the videos are staged or not.

Is there anything about this that is not clear to you?

This has no relevance? Are you kidding me? GLL is being caught lying. He said he was daygaming near the University of Washington and now it's in Idaho?

WTF... I'm fucking tired but I will investigate more later

Actually I'm not sure GLL ever specifically said he was at UW or Seattle. All I know was that he said it was near a big college campus (which I guess would probably mean Boise State now).

It's possible someone who watches his videos just had that theory and ran with it and since it looks like it could possibly be in Seattle, people (including me) just accepted it as the truth and the rumor just expanded from there. Hell, I'm from Seattle and this looks like it could easily be somewhere in western washington.

Or maybe Chris was in Seattle at some point recently as well and mentioned that somewhere and people took it to mean that the video must have been shot there also without thinking he could have been in other places too shortly before and/or after (ie Boise) if indeed he actually was in Seattle at all.

Boise isn't that far off either, so I guess it wasn't all that bad of a theory.

Anyways, it doesn't really matter where this happened. The dynamics of the interactions are going to be similar with most american college girls no matter what college they go to.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

He didn't say he was in Washington. He said he comes from Washington and spends half the year in LA. This makes sense, because he filmed a podcast with Victor Pride in Boise a little while ago.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain


GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Models go to the park too ya know..

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 08:49 AM)Nolecbo Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Now this is awfully suspect. In the comment section he says he was daygaming near the University of Washington. I tried to google through Seattle models and a quick search through model mayhem for Seattle but I did not find anything.

If you repeat this search but switch to Boise, does anybody think the soccer watching girl looks like this Boise based model? Those teeth are really distinctive.

[Image: tard.gif]

You guys still going on with this?

I've got a novel idea. Go hit on some girls and just ignore GLL if you think he's full of shit.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Looks like the same girl to me.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 09:10 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2014 08:49 AM)Nolecbo Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Now this is awfully suspect. In the comment section he says he was daygaming near the University of Washington. I tried to google through Seattle models and a quick search through model mayhem for Seattle but I did not find anything.

If you repeat this search but switch to Boise, does anybody think the soccer watching girl looks like this Boise based model? Those teeth are really distinctive.

[Image: tard.gif]

You guys still going on with this?

I've got a novel idea. Go hit on some girls and just ignore GLL if you think he's full of shit.

You got game already. There are guys lurking the forum right now and newbies that are learning that should know who's legit and who isn't. Should we just ignore them and allow them to get scam?

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain


I am the cock carousel

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Can anyone find the other girls pages? Oh and it's plain as day that's the same girl.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Chicklet teeth on that one.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

You lot are dissected the fcuk out of Chris..let there be no slick moves past the RVF[Image: banana.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

I think you guys are just being ridiculous now. [Image: lol.gif]

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 09:28 AM)JoyStick Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2014 09:10 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2014 08:49 AM)Nolecbo Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2014 07:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Now this is awfully suspect. In the comment section he says he was daygaming near the University of Washington. I tried to google through Seattle models and a quick search through model mayhem for Seattle but I did not find anything.

If you repeat this search but switch to Boise, does anybody think the soccer watching girl looks like this Boise based model? Those teeth are really distinctive.

[Image: tard.gif]

You guys still going on with this?

I've got a novel idea. Go hit on some girls and just ignore GLL if you think he's full of shit.

You got game already. There are guys lurking the forum right now and newbies that are learning that should know who's legit and who isn't. Should we just ignore them and allow them to get scam?

I've seen witch-hunt after witch-hunt in the manosphere, and I've yet to see one that was productive or saved a bunch of guys from getting scammed - not to mention the "findings" hardly ever seem accurate to me. All I've seen them do is create more misinformation and tarnish the reputation of guys that typically don't deserve it, and yet still other posters jump into pat eachother on the back on these campaigns. People are too determined to grasp for straws and pretend to be internet sleuths.

I can think of plenty of reasons, for instance, why he would have concealed the real location of the park, and a hot girl in a park turning out to be a model is certainly no big surprise to me. Even half-beautiful girls are a rarity and can usually profit off it in one way or another. But just to be clear, I'm not going to stick around this thread arguing every piece of "evidence" someone conjures in their detective work.

Chris is one of the more honest, upfront marketers in the niche and on the internet in general, in my opinion, so it's lame to see him be the latest target. Fortunately, I doubt it'll hurt his sales too much.

If you guys are so concerned about saving newbies, someone get in touch with the guy and accompany him on the next mission. Otherwise it seems like just another reason to gossip about something, which we seem to have gotten really good at in these parts.

I mean, assuming the video is fake, which I highly doubt, what's so dangerous in the info presented or anything else he presents that warrants the effort of trying to prove the unprovable? Even if you were right, he obviously wouldn't try to pull it off again, and he obviously does have game. So when it comes down to it, a big waste of time, even if you guys were on the right trail - which suggests to me that our craving for gossip is being satisfied here more than any need to balance the scales of PUA justice.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

I just had to comment. Man, Chris got blasted here.

I'm not sure if someone said this already but the video is intended for a newbie approaching and is supposed to come off as authentic nervousness or shyness, which it will if you are a newbie.

HOWEVER, the video has an experienced cat trying what a true newbie should be doing. So of course it will look staged and "acted." For example, I don't think it even works for Chris (not beating this up anymore). He could have put a total noob in those videos to make it more natural though.

So no hate here; just some constructive criticism. It's a good effort to get newbies in the field and get out of their shell. I'm not far from a beginner myself and it actually helps me to see it at least being done and the video quality is pretty good. I'm not gonna pretend to be experienced and if I was I wouldn't blast too much because I know this whole video would not be intended for me.

And Chris came here to explain himself, which he didn't have to, so much respect for that. So not sure he deserves anything else.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Hey RVF, I have been a long-time lurker on ROK and RVF but decided to sign up finally.
I hadn't heard of GLL until this past month, he is the sponsor on ROK.

I'm in Boise myself, Born & Raised, and I can confirm that GLL's video IS in Catherine Albertson's State Park.
SoupDeJor is correct.

Ask me anything you want about Boise, I'll tell you all that I know.

I have not yet watched the GLL video but I'm going to do so right now.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 10:09 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I've seen witch-hunt after witch-hunt in the manosphere, and I've yet to see one that was productive or saved a bunch of guys from getting scammed - not to mention the "findings" hardly ever seem accurate to me. All I've seen them do is create more misinformation and tarnish the reputation of guys that typically don't deserve it, and yet still other posters jump into pat eachother on the back on these campaigns. People are too determined to grasp for straws and pretend to be internet sleuths.


I'm yet to see one these debates end anywhere productive.

For the record, I think the vid is legit, and I'll break it down in another post if anyone is interested. But that's not what's important. What's important is that it made me want to go out and approach. At the end of the day, I don't care who is "real" or "alpha." I want info and inspiration that will help make my life better. Everything else is masturbation.

The guys who are saying this is fake all live in big cities. This was shot in Idaho. You cats complaining that the women in the video aren't scared of strangers need to go game near a college campus in a city with a population below 100,000. You will be shocked at how friendly the girls are.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

GLL's infield daygame footage is off the chain

Quote: (06-22-2014 10:50 AM)broncos069 Wrote:  

Hey RVF, I have been a long-time lurker on ROK and RVF but decided to sign up finally.
I hadn't heard of GLL until this past month, he is the sponsor on ROK.

I'm in Boise myself and I can confirm that GLL's video IS in Catherine Albertson's State Park.
SoupDeJor is correct.

Ask me anything you want about Boise, I'll tell you all that I know.

I have not yet watched the GLL video but I'm going to do so right now.
are attractive women that common, or was GLL simply fortunate that day

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