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Mastering Getting Dumped

Mastering Getting Dumped

I read recently that social rejection triggers the same response in the brain as physical pain. No one likes getting blown off or dumped. Unfortunately for us, when it comes to doing the rejection, it's often the females of our species doing it.

Which is why I think we need to brainstorm the opposite of how to meet women...specifically, how to get dumped by them. It occurred to me the problem sometimes isn't so much getting dumped, it's the lack of control over the situation. You feel like you've been owned.

I stumbled upon a way to sidestep this. I tend to date flighty women who I only see once in a while, so it was easy for me to pull the following exchange off and I was thinking some of y'all might find it handy:


Her: I don't think we should see each other anymore.

Me: How were we "seeing each other."

Her: What do you call what we've been doing the last few months?

Me: I don't know. Hanging? Friends with benefits? What did you think it was?

Her (agitated): I thought we said we were going out!

Me: Well, not sure how serious you were, but it's not like we moved in or made plans -- how is that "going out?"

Her (really pissed): You know what your problem is? Blah blah blah (profanity) blah blah (bad word)...

Me (interrupting): I'm not going to listen to you insult me. Call me sometime when you're not insane. Bye.


You don't change the situation, obviously. But what you can change is that bitter aftertaste of having to say words like "WHY? Don't you LIKE me anymore?" Plus, you can always attempt to go back in later using the massive reframe (not that I plan on doing that, just saying).

Mastering Getting Dumped

Well done, sir, well done. This is just what I needed. Thank you!

[Image: tumblr_inline_n1whzoLMzF1r80pf4.gif]

Mastering Getting Dumped

When I read the title, my response was, "how can you get dumped if you don't make the mistake of having exclusive relationships?"

Upon reading your post in its entirety, it is clear that you understand that there is nothing to master about getting dumped.

Never put yourself in a position where a woman can dump you. My personal view (and yours may be as well), that if she isn't getting fatter, she hasn't been too crazy recently and she wants to come over and suck my dick, I'm always open for business.

There is no "break up." The deal is always available.

If you are female, a seven or better, weigh under 120 LB, have recently showered and don't plan on being a bitch, you can come satisfy me sexually on any evening where I don't have a prior commitment.

You may chose not to or promise never to again, but I'm always cool with you changing your mind.

There is no "relationship."

I'm the King of Beijing!

Mastering Getting Dumped

I don't think it's about being dumped more so UNDERSTAND THAT...
- All things come to an end
- You can EASILY meet new women (and there are tons of women currently wanting you)
- All things are opportunities to learn
- My lifestyle continues with or without them

I'm possibly one of the most indifferent people when it comes to this, at 1st I thought I was cold hearted BUT it's allowed me to genuinely enjoy all experiences and forever LOVE the women I've come t love.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Her: "I don't think we should see each other any longer."

Me: "OK."

Case closed.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Actual break up talks like this seem rare these days.

In our always connected world, girls seem to just silent fade now.

Mastering Getting Dumped

...When one leaves, another moves up in the rotation. Simple

Agreed. Having the "plentiful" attitude and other options soften the blow tremendously

I've gotten that text and before the evening was over I've forgotten the offender's name.

She is unsubscribed and deleted immediately

Most time I won't "save" a number/contact upon receiving it because I know there's a chance that she might not make the final cut.

Cop n blow


Mastering Getting Dumped

Nice one, DBA!

There are two types of breakups:

1) Her angry and 2) her indifferent.

The latter is the worst for guys, of course, and in this case it seemed to start off like that. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

It's slightly more difficult if you're the one chasing. If you want to see her again, and she says something like "yeah, well... I'm just gonna be super busy the next couple of weeks", you have fewer options. You can't rightly say "perfect" or "I'm gonna be busy too", since you're chasing. The easiest solution is to not be the chaser, but with hot broads that's difficult to avoid at least some of the time.

In this instance, where she blows you off, I think the only thing you can do is laugh.

But whatever you do:

Don't take her seriously + don't show butthurtness.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Mastering Getting Dumped

Based on the title of the thread, I thought it was going to be about psychologically manipulating a girl to dump you when you are done with her. I usually do the dumping, but I'd rather be dumped since dropping a girl with a screw loose can cause some inconveniences for a few weeks. I had one that got drunk every other night and showed up crying at my door for a couple weeks. I don't ever want to deal with that again.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (03-13-2014 03:50 PM)ddjembe mutombo Wrote:  

Based on the title of the thread, I thought it was going to be about psychologically manipulating a girl to dump you when you are done with her. I usually do the dumping, but I'd rather be dumped since dropping a girl with a screw loose can cause some inconveniences for a few weeks.

I was going to write exactly this. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on how to instigate a break-up on her part so I can selfishly not have my conscience affected by destroying a poor girl.

Anyway, great response OP… let us know when she comes knocking again, because there's no question she will.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Genuinely I never have break ups anymore. Girls that don't want to see you just stop all contact and that works fine for me.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (03-12-2014 10:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I read recently that social rejection triggers the same response in the brain as physical pain. No one likes getting blown off or dumped. Unfortunately for us, when it comes to doing the rejection, it's often the females of our species doing it.

Which is why I think we need to brainstorm the opposite of how to meet women...specifically, how to get dumped by them. It occurred to me the problem sometimes isn't so much getting dumped, it's the lack of control over the situation. You feel like you've been owned.

I stumbled upon a way to sidestep this. I tend to date flighty women who I only see once in a while, so it was easy for me to pull the following exchange off and I was thinking some of y'all might find it handy:


Her: I don't think we should see each other anymore.

Me: How were we "seeing each other."

Her: What do you call what we've been doing the last few months?

Me: I don't know. Hanging? Friends with benefits? What did you think it was?

Her (agitated): I thought we said we were going out!

Me: Well, not sure how serious you were, but it's not like we moved in or made plans -- how is that "going out?"

Her (really pissed): You know what your problem is? Blah blah blah (profanity) blah blah (bad word)...

Me (interrupting): I'm not going to listen to you insult me. Call me sometime when you're not insane. Bye.


You don't change the situation, obviously. But what you can change is that bitter aftertaste of having to say words like "WHY? Don't you LIKE me anymore?" Plus, you can always attempt to go back in later using the massive reframe (not that I plan on doing that, just saying).

Good ol' ABUNDANCE mentality with an extra-informative response:
[Image: 1photo.jpg]

[Image: 2image.jpg]

Normalcy Is The Rat Race, A Modern-Day Slavery.

Mastering Getting Dumped

The last time I was 100% dumped was like 7 years ago.

I've had girls pull many lines on me, "I don't think we should see each other. I want to see other people. Blah blah blah blah". I always reply, "Okay." And leave...

...and then get a phone call or text 2-3 months later trying to reconnect. Fuck for a while. Then I ditch them.

Sometimes I wish girls would just dump me for good every time. I would much prefer that than being the one to break it off. I hate that shit.

Don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of times when girls go full radio silence. It's only maddening when I really want to get laid but it's not like I miss their personality or anything.

Jesus I sound jaded.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Mastering Getting Dumped

They always come back if they break up with you. When it comes to women I leave burnt bridges burnt. Why should I validate some girl that thinks she can do better than me? Also, if I dump a girl I do it for a logical reason. There is no reason to revisit the past.

Mastering Getting Dumped

I've only been dumped once.
She dumped me in front of the school during lunch in the cafeteria. I was extremely fat and she was a bitch.

I move on to the next girl when i feel it's no longer worth keeping her around.
I have a main girl around that's easy to be around and keeps herself fit, the rest of the girls i keep them in the rotation.
I'm always on the hunt for new poon so adding and removing is fairly easy.
Once they start getting flaky or give me attitude for no reason i'll drop them and they have to try to get into my good graces again.

If i come across a nutter i'll run air-tight beta game. Calling and texting all the time.
Stupid little comments about who's this guy and that guy. Just pretty much everything you could say to dry a pussy up. Within a week they want nothing to do with me.
Then i usually lay low for 2 weeks and go back hunting.
A few times i've seen the nutter girls after it ended. I'll be looking good with a girl on my arm and then they realize i played them.
Its quite funny to see their reaction.

Mastering Getting Dumped

It doesn't matter who dumps who, the entire concept is childish and absurd. You're using her for sex, validation, etc. As long as you can get what you want out of her, what difference does it make if she "dumps" you? If girls try the "dump" speech on me, I let them babble on till I they shut up, then I hang up the phone and pretend I never had the conversation with them. If I bump into them again I proceed to game if I want to bang.

Likewise, if she is in person with me and tells me she doesn't want to see me anymore, etc. I proceed to game and bang like normal. As long as your cock goes in her pussy, what difference do the words that come out of her mouth make?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Mastering Getting Dumped

It always gets to a point where I'm hoping the chick would ditch me, so I can cut her off my rotation quicker and easier.
After I hit it a couple times the thrill is gone anyway.

Mastering Getting Dumped


I proceed to game and bang like normal. As long as your cock goes in her pussy, what difference do the words that come out of her mouth make?

[Image: agree2.gif]

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (03-13-2014 07:51 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Jesus I sound jaded.

LOL cold truth on display.

Yes we all are probably considered jaded to outsiders. Really it is just Enlightenment. Visit a foreign country, and maybe you will find a girl worth caring for. If not, party on - what is the alternative?

I am O.C. bred puberty onward and now in S.B. SoCal is no place for men seeking a real relationship when it comes to the Odds. I am guessing MN, GA, Nebraska? hahha may be better.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Mastering Getting Dumped

If you are trying to get dumped, it's really easy. just keep very minimal contact with them and stop setting up new dates.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (03-16-2014 09:08 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If you are trying to get dumped, it's really easy. just keep very minimal contact with them and stop setting up new dates.

Sometimes its hard to keep your dick out of a stage 5 clinger.
They just make it too easy and convenient for us.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Bump, I know I sound newbie and stupid but here it goes:

Right now I have (had) a rotation of 4, my number two is cool, I liked the sex, drinking and hanging with her, unfortunately I kind of developed an emotional connection with her (sometimes I have feelings).

She asked me some weeks ago what kind of relationship we had, I said no boundaries, drink, eat, sex, fun.

Today she texted me that she wants to start something serious and that I am not that guy (and I don't want to be) and that we should not see us each other again.

I know that my mistake was getting invested, all the other girls that I'm banging I don't give a shit about them, I know that the best advice is to grow my harem with hotter girls, workout and earn money (things that I already do) but yeah, I feel a little bit sad about the idea of not fucking number two again.

Any advice?

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (04-06-2014 08:13 PM)bars Wrote:  

Bump, I know I sound newbie and stupid but here it goes:

Right now I have (had) a rotation of 4, my number two is cool, I liked the sex, drinking and hanging with her, unfortunately I kind of developed an emotional connection with her (sometimes I have feelings).

She asked me some weeks ago what kind of relationship we had, I said no boundaries, drink, eat, sex, fun.

Today she texted me that she wants to start something serious and that I am not that guy (and I don't want to be) and that we should not see us each other again.

I know that my mistake was getting invested, all the other girls that I'm banging I don't give a shit about them, I know that the best advice is to grow my harem with hotter girls, workout and earn money (things that I already do) but yeah, I feel a little bit sad about the idea of not fucking number two again.

Any advice?

It sounds to me like you didn't build up enough comfort with her. A lot of girls are eventually going to want to get serious and you need to at least provide them with the hope you might do that at some point if you want to keep them around for a while.

If you live in a van and earn your living through street performances that doesn't really provide her with enough material to hamsterbate about you two getting married and having a beautiful family together. And there was really nothing you could have done to change that.

If your shit is relatively together though you can occasionally make offhand remarks about settling down one day or half-joke about what you'll name your kids. Build a connection outside of sex/food/drinking. Girls like being a man's lover more than his friend with benefits.

While 95% of guys lose women due to acting too needy/possessive/beta, its also possible to chase a girl away by being too aloof and emotionally distant.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Keeping girls attracted and attached to you is long-term game.

Like the above poster said, you have to dangle the carrot and keep them literally addicted to you through deep conversion sex, and mental manipulation. Sounds harsh? It's true.

I've kept girls in my harem for literally years, NOT because I promised them a LTR or exclusivity, but because I know how to keep them wanting more. They may get a bf for a couple of months, but always run back into my arms, or shall I say, back onto my dick.

Your best solution is to learn from this, tighten your game and replace her. Women are like jello: the tighter you try to hold onto them, the more they slip through your fingers.

Mastering Getting Dumped

Quote: (04-06-2014 08:13 PM)bars Wrote:  

Bump, I know I sound newbie and stupid but here it goes:

Right now I have (had) a rotation of 4, my number two is cool, I liked the sex, drinking and hanging with her, unfortunately I kind of developed an emotional connection with her (sometimes I have feelings).

She asked me some weeks ago what kind of relationship we had, I said no boundaries, drink, eat, sex, fun.

Today she texted me that she wants to start something serious and that I am not that guy (and I don't want to be) and that we should not see us each other again.

I know that my mistake was getting invested, all the other girls that I'm banging I don't give a shit about them, I know that the best advice is to grow my harem with hotter girls, workout and earn money (things that I already do) but yeah, I feel a little bit sad about the idea of not fucking number two again.

Any advice?

Two options.

1). Go cold. Then hope she misses you and crawls back. You gave her an answer about the relationship she didn't want to hear (my problem too, sometimes), but if she likes you enough, she'll come back and learn to deal with it.

2). Sympathy game. Before I explain this concept (which I developed in the Roissy comments section) let me explain what NOT to do. Do NOT try to engage her "logical" brain. Don't say things like "But we specifically discussed..." Doesn't work on most women and will cause resentment and make the situation worse.

Rather, tap into her emotional side and the way to do this is to COMPLETELY sidestep what she just said like it never happened and hit her with something emotional from left field like "My dog might be dying" or "I think I might be really sick." This will usually cause the women in question to put aside her indigence or and come to your rescue. From there, you can work the sympathy into some sort of makeup sex. And when she's in the post-sex mood, you can then attempt to appease her by telling her whatever it is you need to that will make her stick around. Yes, it's cynical but I've found it works.

Just be careful not to screw up if you get a second chance, because a third usually doesn't come.

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