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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-13-2013 03:57 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2013 10:15 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:13 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  


A 20 year old in Zanesville is going to have a hard time relating to a guy who has spent 15+ years going out in Las Vegas, Southern California, NYC and Miami Beach at high end nightclubs.

Depends on the guy. Small town Ohio is gold. Right next to Zanesville is West Zanesville then next to that and on and on. I'd rather be there than LA doing this shit because everyone is off guard. Forget bottle service and all that bullshit I'm talking real road warrior fast in and out destruction of local bars.

If not for the DUI laws of today I'd still be doing this in WI. The 90's were epic for hitting a different town every weekend. SNL's consistently.

And I'm talking towns as small as 1000 or less.

I actually prefer small towns over the city, but logistics are much more difficult now.

I'm interested in techniques for doing this hit and run style game

There's a whole lot of country ass little towns and small cities north of the coast here that I go through from time to time and when I stop for gas or lunch I always see decent talent and sometimes real hotties.

I was thinking maybe hitting one or two every weekend and daygaming in the afternoon and then going to the local bar at night

Anybody got any tips and techniques for this? We have a few threads on small town game but they aren't informative on this point

For me it's mostly been "Don't fuck it up game" as the broads are intrigued by someone new in town. The smaller the town the more likely everyone knows everyone's business, so you stand out from the crowd as they do not know anything about you. And they WANT to know about you.

Broads out at the bar are usually DTF. Fucking someone from out of town makes it less likely everyone knows she's slutting it up.

I still do this but it's more spread out now due to traveling all over the upper midwest for work. Mostly in smaller towns.

Hotel bars also work well for traveling broads. Wedding rings do NOT close up that hole by any means.

My favorite close? "Let's go watch some ESPN."

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-14-2013 04:26 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

The effortless aspect is key.

McQueen has emphasized the importance of verbal self-affirmation before and I'm a big believer in it as well. Here's a bit of a routine I do as I'm on my way to meet a girl for a date:

The girl will generally text me or call telling me she has arrived at the venue. I am a couple blocks away, making sure to show up after her.

As I walk over to the place where I'm supposed to meet her I look at the other people walking around the street, look them in the eye as I'm passing them, and say this to myself:

I am dressed better than you
I am in better shape physically than you.
I am happier with my life than you.
I'm living a more interesting life than you.

This last minute self affirmation reminds me that I am the catch. If I can realize these things, than of course the girl can see these things. It is effortless attraction because it's easy for her to see the effort I put into every other aspect of my life.

I'd like to see this broken down. I know very little about self affirmation, but seems like it would be a very powerful tool.

Mindset is always the biggest thing holding me back. I know I have good game, am a good looking (not male model though) guy, dress decent, and that girls like me. However, far too often there is that voice in the back of my mind that tells me otherwise.

When I'm feeling good I am on the money. However, when that voice gets a little too loud, it fucks up my head. Alcohol is how I shut it up, but I think self affirmation sounds like a much better way to do it.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Maybe in a community like this it's not absolutely incredible, but compared to the average schmo... 100 is a fuckload. Like 10 times what he can ever hope for.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-07-2013 08:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2013 08:04 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

It depends on where you live. If you live in NYC, yeah triple digit numbers can be very obtainable. But if you're in Atlanta, you're a player if you can bang more than 20.

ATL/DC - heaven for men who like black women, hell for those that don't.


Can I get an "AMEN" from the congregation!?!


Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Short version - yes, it's a lot in the normal blue pill world of sexual beggars. In our world - no, skies the limit. To someone with a limited view of the world, anything beyond the socially conditioned path is a lot, but if you have an abundance view, there is no comparison, just how much you want and are willing to allow.

I was out recently and a friend told me he was impressed with how easy I made it seem to talk to girls. It struck me as really odd, as I'm wasn't a natural. It occurred to me that to someone who hasn't put work into that area of their life, I must seem really good at this. But I don't think of myself as really good because I'm comparing myself to guys like Roosh, Tyler & the RSD instructors, and the manosphere writers going "oh, how can I hit that level? Can I reach that level of abundance?"

It's a bit like a small business owner. To anyone working a wage-slave job he's successful. But if that guy is reading books by Warren Buffett and Charles Munger and trying to build his business to those levels, he probably feels like a small player.

So a 100+ lays? Awesome. Huge. All your friends should be impressed. Celebrate and be glad that you've reached the abundance where that doesn't even seem like a big deal, cause we all started as virgins and all of us had to grow in some way to reach those points.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

When I passed 100 notches, I didn't tell anyone. I just made a little mark in my game notes.

No one cares, my life didn't change at all. It didn't bring my any extra happiness.

But, in my heart, I know that I have accomplished something that many men wish to accomplish but never will.

I guess it does solidify my self belief.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-09-2013 02:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Too many stupid replies in this thread, I can't waste my time with them all. Some of you guys are so insecure it makes me wonder how you have the balls to even approach a girl.

But my original comment was that the difficulty of banging white chicks vs. banging asian chicks, especially if you go to asia, is dramatically different and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

Straight up - it takes way less game to fuck an asian girl, than a white girl, especially if it's an asian girl in asia. Asian girls in America are still easier than white girls but not to the same degree; I've met asian girls here in America who write me postcards back from Vietnam (or whatever shithole country they are from) after spending not even a few hours just chatting with them. I didn't bang because I didn't find them attractive enough.

The fact that asian girls worship white mean means it takes less game to bang them, which is the original point of this thread - is banging 100+ girls nothing?

And again, the difficulty of banging 100+ asian girls is about the same difficulty as banging 30+ white chicks. (as a white man)

Now, you may find asian girls better than white chicks; I don't care. That's between a man and his boner. I know what I prefer (boyish bodies and flat faces are whatever) but if you prefer differently then I don't judge. Not to mention, I've already sung the virtues of asian girls before.

Quote:Scotian Wrote:

Kind of ironic how RVF's most anti-Latino, anti-black, "the white race/culture is going down the tubes" wind bag isn't even white himself eh?

I don't like to start shit on here but I get tired of hearing that guy's racist diatribes.

You need to chill the fuck out. I don't appreciate your slander. Just because you have the ability to bang fatties does not mean I'm hating on you. I look at the boner as a very neutral force in the world - if you get hard for fatties, then so be it. If you get hard for men, so be it. If you get hard for ladyboys, so be it. If you get hard for animals... just don't tell anyone about it. If you get hard for children, well that's fucked up and I'm gonna draw the line. But even for the pedophile, at least I can understand what motivates them - the same thing that motivates me to smash young pussy.

But the boner is the boss and ultimately men must give respect to the almighty boner. Wars have been fought for boners.

Next - just because I point out the truth - that you all live in a white culture and benefit immensely from it, and the destruction of white culture will make the world a worse place - will automatically make me unpopular in today's white-bashing zeitgeist. If the truth disturbs you, not my problem.

As for my own skin color, it's great to see who the real racists on these boards are - the ones who obsess over what skin color I am, as if it makes any difference.

If I may interject, I agree with the above comment about Asian women "worshipping" white Amercian culture, making them more approachable/bangable for white cats in many instances. No BIG deal because the occurrences of said situation happens pretty frequently here in the US. I think game is game, but lets be honest about cultural biases. Conversely, when a black dude (I'm black FYI) scoops up an Asian chick it's seen as a come up.

The opposite is true as well, if a white dude can bag a sexy sista then he gets his playa card "platinumized", whereas for a the average black cat that's easy work. I think a good deal of this is based on the media coverage of the African-American male in our country as it is "marketed" to the new immigrant/less knowledgeable. Black is seen as debased, less than, and we are shown in a very unflattering light overall. Of course, the counterargument can be made that the white culture has ALWAYS been portrayed as something to aspire to, pure and glamorous. Just an observation gentleman...As you were...


Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:42 PM)MHaes Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:59 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2013 11:49 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

G is 100% spot on here. Surprised he's catching so much heat on this one.

Of course I am catching heat on here. The truth is painful.

Shit, I've been thinking and all this hate G gets reminds me of Socrates.

Socrates encouraged the young men of Athens to "lead examined lives" and in doing so, to improve their life. Naturally,the majority of Athens didn't like him going against the grain, so they put him to death on charges of "Corrupting the Youth." Now, thousands of years later people remember the name of Socrates and his teachings, and not the names of those who put him to death.

G shares mad knowledge here and is always encouraging guys to "examine their lives" and to improve wherever they can. And naturally, guys are quick to hate on him.

He posted stuff on "Custom Suits" in 2005 and people laughed at him. Now, everyone in the game knows the value of being custom-suited-up.

He was telling us all how smoking cigarettes can give you mad opportunities to spit primo game at girls. People laughed at him again, but sure enough give it a few years and things have changed. Guys even started smoking clove cigarettes just to get an edge.

Maybe some of you doubters should take a look at G's track record.

This really is an intelligent, even handed and well thought out post.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 07:07 PM)deathtofatties Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 06:47 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

For sure, this really is a lot of what it boils down to the 80/20 concept, but I think a big part of the divide is in terms of men's looks. Sure we can all put in the effort to spend years in the gym, work hard and make money to afford top notch clothing, etc., but at the end of the day, not all men are created equal when it comes to looks and height.

This is stating the obvious, but I think a lot of the guys who think it's easy to obtain 100+ notches are in the top 20% of looks. When you are better looking than 80% of other men, it will make attracting and bedding women that much easier, sometimes even to the point where the women are putting in a good bit of effort to facilitate the hook up.

Not to say that average looking guys can't achieve 100 lays, but aside from a couple guys, the only dudes I know personally that have 100+ notches are way above average in terms of looks and height.

The other guys who have near that many notches either have exceptional game, or fuck fugly fat girls. I know a guy with according to his estimate 300 notches, but he's fucked some real trolls. Whereas I have no where near as many, but I've always kept my standards so much higher, there are plenty of girls he's banged, I wouldn't even touch.

Really what it boils down to are looks, game, and location. Ideally you have all 3, but at least 1 of the 3. A guy who women rate a 9, with exceptional game, who lives in the most ideal spot in Miami or NYC will kill 100 times harder than a guy who is a 6, has decent game, and lives in the rural south.

Obviously we all strive to improve ourselves and our situations in life, but sometimes we can only improve so much, everyone has a "ceiling" to how far they can take it.

There are some outliers out there, but if you look like Steve Buscemi good luck laying 100 women in your life outside of being famous or truly rich, whereas a 6 ft. 4 in guy who looks like Brad Pitt could work as a greeter at Walmart, but bed 100 women by the time he's 30 no problem.

I don't agree 100%, but you're much, much closer to the truth than anyone else on here.

All these 100+ notch players are living in Major Cities, places that are sexually much more open and liberal than small towns. It's like something out of the pages of Malcolm Gladwell book Outliers. Many of us are like the Chris Langan of game.

Players like G Manifesto or Boytoy simply don't have to face the challenges and obstacles the average guy has to deal with.

They are fighting a downhill battle compared to us.

What all this assumes is that girls that are going out frequently are wired like guys and want to get shagged. Truth is most of the girls that go out are NOT into being shagged, but are just into Attention Whoring!

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I don't remember #100.

Is this a bad thing?

*Small town playah

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-07-2013 10:32 PM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

The best players I know don't tell you how many women they've slept with, nor do they keep count.

I indeed stopped counting after 100.

Now I only care about quality, since I already had quantity.

Best of both worlds.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I'm amazed that this thread is still going. 100 bangs means this guy belongs in a very select club. Likely 1 in 10000-100000.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (11-29-2013 04:58 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:42 PM)MHaes Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 05:59 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2013 11:49 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

G is 100% spot on here. Surprised he's catching so much heat on this one.

Of course I am catching heat on here. The truth is painful.

Shit, I've been thinking and all this hate G gets reminds me of Socrates.

Socrates encouraged the young men of Athens to "lead examined lives" and in doing so, to improve their life. Naturally,the majority of Athens didn't like him going against the grain, so they put him to death on charges of "Corrupting the Youth." Now, thousands of years later people remember the name of Socrates and his teachings, and not the names of those who put him to death.

G shares mad knowledge here and is always encouraging guys to "examine their lives" and to improve wherever they can. And naturally, guys are quick to hate on him.

He posted stuff on "Custom Suits" in 2005 and people laughed at him. Now, everyone in the game knows the value of being custom-suited-up.

He was telling us all how smoking cigarettes can give you mad opportunities to spit primo game at girls. People laughed at him again, but sure enough give it a few years and things have changed. Guys even started smoking clove cigarettes just to get an edge.

Maybe some of you doubters should take a look at G's track record.

The Death of Socrates (The G Manifesto)

[Image: Cignaroli_Giambettino-The_Death_of_Socrates.jpg]

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:42 PM)MHaes Wrote:  

He posted stuff on "Custom Suits" in 2005 and people laughed at him.

I wish we could see the names of the people who laughed at this..?

G said to dress well.

Who would have a problem with that???

Guys just don't like the fact that no one has ever met G.

The funny thing is that no one has ever met Tuthmosis or Athlone Mcginnis either. (Or, half of the other guys on the forum)

Quote: (11-30-2013 12:31 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

The Death of Socrates (The G Manifesto)

I will help you pass through to the otherside.

I like being there when people die. Its really a fascinating experience. I inherit some of their life force.

I helped my dad, uncle, and grandma pass. I make people feel comfortable as they go.

Hopefully, it will be around the year 3000 AD.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I've banged over a hundred girls in the last two years, and I still get thirsty and insecure like a dog sometimes.

If you are like me, there will always be new hurdles and things to get past. I don't feel like I've hit my full potential, my ultimate soupness form, yet.

Getting a hundred girls is just a stepping stone.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (11-30-2013 01:00 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I wish we could see the names of the people who laughed at this..?

G said to dress well.

Who would have a problem with that???

Tons of "guys". (I am using the term "guys" loosely here.)

It was a battle field in the early years of my blog and this forum.

You remember that Gio, hell, I still have to bitch slap "alphas" on a daily basis over this issue.


Guys just don't like the fact that no one has ever met G.

The hilarious thing is since summer I have met two guys from the forum.

I reached out to them and hired them to do some work for me. I was going to meet another as well, but we never connected.

Since there are a few real weirdos on the forum, we decided to keep it on the low, besides a mention.

Not to mention, thru a company I have a stake in, I have had one of my biz partners pay for webservices probably 40-50 forum members, in full, on time. Maybe more. Some multiple (3, 4 and 5 times).

It would be pretty easy to figure out who I met though.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

The reason I know G is legit is because you can't "fake" real knowledge and having good banter over thousands of posts. Game always recognises game.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I look forward to eventually hitting 100 but damn I have some work ahead of me

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Lol it's pretty obvious reading the posts that the G has met more than a few people off the forum.

Unfortunately people just don't "get it".

Shit it's pretty easy to see who the haters are follow the money always the dorky broke dudes who think he is fake. Just go back to when he almost got banned and you can quickly find the guys you never want to meet off the forum. Always the guys with a light wallet. Always.

Come to think about it, in a rare case the guys with money who hate on him definitely have negative game and always end up banned.

Anyway, 100 notches is certainly not bad, nothing to scoff at. Once you clear 50 you can start giving advice, when you hit 100 you stop caring no one knows their notch count at that level unless you're seriously tracking it with your free time, who knows what happens if you hit 1000+.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-13-2013 10:15 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

If not for the DUI laws of today I'd still be doing this in WI. The 90's were epic for hitting a different town every weekend. SNL's consistently.

Dont know man, was up there for the big music fest in Milwaukee, and that looked like a poosy paradise(was married at the time[Image: boring.gif].) Stayed at the Iron Horse, awesome hotel.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I have decent game, not too good looking, am under 5'10, and black. Black helps me and hurts me alot. Hey either want black D or dont.

That being said Ill hit 100 before my 29th bday. I started at 18. Went dry for three years because of deployments so I have been averaging ten new notches a year. About one a month. This year I am around 20 with the help of the forum, and a few international trips.

Point is 100 notches before 30th is too easy. Dress well or within your niche, workout, and approach. Most of the pussy I have gotten I fall into or requires little game. I can count how many times I have had LMR. Now quality is another story. Mostly 6's with a few 7's. 2014 is grind time for me so I wont have too much time for pussy but 2015 is quality over quantity. Till then pussy has no face ha.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 04:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

No other senior member attracts so much hate. It's really a fascinating phenomenon. I think people see the gun and the fancy suits and it gets their hamster spinning. We often fear and criticize what we don't understand or can't relate to.

Without knowing this is the case, just from my own life experience, a lot of men that live in nice places grew up in utter shit holes. And they are making the best of life. They are doers. They are not stuck in the same old town/neighborhood/shitty family/situation they were born into. Most of these people immigrate to where they want to be, in location, mind frame, lifestyle and pleasure. They scrape, fight and bludgeon their way out of a bad situation and create the life they want.

So when I hear someone say "Its just too expensive" "Oh its just too hard" "Oh its too much" "Well we all can't be" "My sciatica" etc etc, nothing turns my stomach more. This is the talk I hear in people who have never lived with intent, or at least ATTEMPTED to. This is how they react to someone who has, they will call him every name in the book. I will never criticize the musician, artist, contractor or the corporate guy who started from zero, doing what he wants. No one is handed anything. Suits at Macy's are $100. Going out 5 nights a week is average, AVERAGE! Most of these basic tenants that are getting shit on are typical lifestyles from where your not from. People cant wrap their heads around the fact that things are DIFFERENT from their scene.

Its not worth even returning the monkey shit toss if someone has an inflexible brain. I actually think its the start of dementia or alzheimer's, the inability to have a flexible brain, to stick and move to the best result, learn/adapt, attain something or even appreciate it in others.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (11-30-2013 04:38 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Lol it's pretty obvious reading the posts that the G has met more than a few people off the forum.

Unfortunately people just don't "get it".

Shit it's pretty easy to see who the haters are follow the money always the dorky broke dudes who think he is fake. Just go back to when he almost got banned and you can quickly find the guys you never want to meet off the forum. Always the guys with a light wallet. Always.

Come to think about it, in a rare case the guys with money who hate on him definitely have negative game and always end up banned.

Anyway, 100 notches is certainly not bad, nothing to scoff at. Once you clear 50 you can start giving advice, when you hit 100 you stop caring no one knows their notch count at that level unless you're seriously tracking it with your free time, who knows what happens if you hit 1000+.

Yeah, all my haters have always had a few characteristics:

1. From Zanesville, or equally comparable sh*thole
2. Broke
3. Closet Homo
4. Minimal to no success with women
5. Bullied as a kid
6. Weak
7. Low testosterone
8. Aspergers with no sense of humor
9. Hates them-self
10. All or any combination of the above.

Basically, the type of person I never come in contact with.

However, I think the hate was always somewhat exaggerated as a but of the haters were proved to have multiple accounts.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (11-30-2013 01:00 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 09:42 PM)MHaes Wrote:  

He posted stuff on "Custom Suits" in 2005 and people laughed at him.

I wish we could see the names of the people who laughed at this..?

G said to dress well.

Who would have a problem with that???

Guys just don't like the fact that no one has ever met G.

The funny thing is that no one has ever met Tuthmosis or Athlone Mcginnis either. (Or, half of the other guys on the forum)

Also in regards to when guys used to bitch and moan about how "The G won't meet anyone on the forum".

Here is the lesson for the younger guys on here:

You want to meet someone? You pitch them on a meeting.

You bring something to the table.

That is how it works in the real world.

Me? Both guys I tried to meet before on the forum, I reached out to them.

One I pitched on a trip I was going on, the other I came to his city. As it's been talked about many times, we didn't meet up because of them.

Since this summer, I reached out to two guys on the forum and took them to drinks and dinner and pitched them on working for me. Which they have.

The other one, I also reached out to but we didn't connect.

That is how its done.

People used to claim I would never meet guys, but you know what?

No one ever invited me to meet them.

No one brought anything to the table.

So for example, if you got an invite for me for David Lynch's and Pharrell's Art Basel Party, a grip of drugs and a limo full of Models, I might meet you out.

That is how it's done.

Hope the young ones learn that valuable life and biz lesson.

You want to meet someone? You make it worth their while.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

G, how old are you?

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