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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-10-2013 06:01 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2013 05:54 PM)JohnKreese Wrote:  

To be fair, Screech claims to have hooked up with over 2,000 birds

"11 Most Scandalous Saved by the Bell Revelations in Screech's Autobiography"

[Image: Dustin-Diamond.jpg]

That's hard to believe. Let's say that came for a decade during the height of his fame. That would be 200 girls in a year. EVERY year. He'd have to be fucking a new girl almost every other day. Could be possible, but I have the feeling he's stretching the truth on that one.

"People don't realize that Disneyland in the early '90s was the perfect place to meet and hook up with chicks," he writes. He then goes on to describe the best rides on which to carry this out ("The Haunted Mansion -- a totally dark, nine-minute ride.") And finally, he explains, his method was simple. He and a friend would walk around, wait until two (often international) tourist girls would recognize him as Screech, and take it from there.

It seems like Screech was an RVFer before RvF was born.

Isaiah 4:1

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-11-2013 12:14 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

This notion of all/most Asian women "worshiping the ground white men walk on" is quite an interesting urban legend when you think about it, and you could really go on and on discussing it. I'm thinking it would be good to start a thread dedicated to discussing it when I have time, as it really is an extemely widely believed stereotype.

Ceterum censeo Ōsakam esse delendam!

That would really be a waste of time to be honest. The people who believe that/use that as an excuse/justification for putting people down are not people you should be addressing. They won't change their minds, and you'd have wasted your time trying. Just focus on enjoying your life and cutting anyone out who wants to take a crap on it.

I made very little actual friends (yeah I KNEW a lot of people and they knew me, but I would NOT under any circumstances hang out with them outside of doing the stuff I needed to do at that time)

The only people I ended up hanging out with and knowing as freinds were with DJs/Producers/ClubOwner/Talent buyers

i.e. people who had enouh shit going for them in their lives that their minds would never gravitate towards negative stuff like that. If you ever get a hint, a whiff of negative, confrontational behavior from someone to you, or about the lifestyle you may live (that you don't brag about I mean) Then I just straight up cut them out from my life. If people disrespect me, they're gone. Time is your greatest currency, don't waste it on people that aren't worth it.

Isaiah 4:1

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-11-2013 12:46 AM)CJ_W Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2013 12:14 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

This notion of all/most Asian women "worshiping the ground white men walk on" is quite an interesting urban legend when you think about it, and you could really go on and on discussing it. I'm thinking it would be good to start a thread dedicated to discussing it when I have time, as it really is an extemely widely believed stereotype.

Ceterum censeo Ōsakam esse delendam!

That would really be a waste of time to be honest. The people who believe that/use that as an excuse/justification for putting people down are not people you should be addressing. They won't change their minds, and you'd have wasted your time trying. Just focus on enjoying your life and cutting anyone out who wants to take a crap on it.

I think you misunderstood what I meant. I'm not trying to convince people who believe this stereotype otherwise, only to share opinions with people who know better on how it emerged. It's mainly out of intellectual curiosity as opposed to trying to disprove it. More of that coming soon...

Delenda est Ōsaka!

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-11-2013 12:23 AM)houston Wrote:  

I still think most people prefer to date and fuck their own. I said that before and another member was saying its not true because everyone loves white girls. Like thats the standard for beauty and every other girl comes after lol.

I think most prefer to date their own, but prefer to fuck something exotic. Actually, I wouldn't say "prefer". I would say they desire to fuck something exotic, at least once or twice, before settling with their own.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Sargon i was gonna do a thread on that but expand it to every country where that mentality exists. Members would be getting banned left and right and sleeper trolls would come out of no where

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100 lays isn't common BUT go in the right environments and you'll meet lots of people who are "sexually active"...

It all comes down to logistics, if your in an ideal situation like Gman stated where your living downtown right across the street from the clubs THEN you can literally have sex ALMOST EVERYDAY. My boy used to live a block from my fav venue and lets just say the schedule at this venue...
- Mondays from 2 to 8pm POOL PARTY
- Tuesdays MODEL NIGHT
- Wednesdays low key (nightcap early)
- Thursdays PACKED (you'll find a wide range of attractive women)
- Friday MODELS
- Saturday 6pm MODELS at day party and models late night
- Sunday 6pm MODELS

No matter how AMAZING I am, logistics at some point slow me down. I've had WEEKS where I'm leaving with a chick BUT we have nowhere to bang. (this is why I went on a rampage of public sex to the point that I didn't even care if anyone seen me) All in all though, this comes down to someones LIFESTYLE GOALS...

One month I'll be whoring it up and the next month I'd be having so much fun living life that I don't even want to have sex. I had a recent facebook chat where my boy was calling me out as to why I watch pornstars when "chick" who also can read the messages wants me to fuck her...When you can have sex at anytime you want, you tend to do it when YOU TRULY ENJOY IT. No "sport fucking".

P.S...Only time I think I'd ever have sex ALMOST everyday is when I travel. Based on past experiences the times I've gone on a whore-fest was when I was alone. I still remember a female friend stating she once seen me blackedout in one of my fav hipster hideaways. I've had soooo much sex in that bathroom and during that time, almost lost a friendship out of it since my boy could no longer take the fact that I would just "disappear" and not say anything.

P.S.S...The average "nightlife" dude probably has sex every 3-6 months and "community" dudes who are GOOD chasers, 1x monthly or bi-monthly. Now the FASCINATING MEN 1-2x a week MAX since most people tend to have a moment of "love" where they just have a short term relationship. This is based on people I see/know as I first used to think guys in this "high end" scene were banging tons of chicks. In reality, only a select few were "consistent"

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Ive had sex with around 275+ women. I am neither proud of it, nor do I expect people to be impressed by the fact.

Folks are asking: how did you do it, don't just brag about the numbers. Here's how I did it:

1. I have been sexually active for over 20+ years

2. I have lived in major cities throughout my teenage years and adulthood

3. I am 6' broad shouldered and generally attractive.

4. I was a waiter in my teens and bartender from age 21-29ish when I finished grad school. Waitresses generally want to fuck bartenders and I got with at least 1 waitress or female bartender at every job I worked at. In some cases more.

5. I'm somewhat of a natural from mid-game to end game. If a woman is alone with me, it is usually on if I want that.

6. I have fucked every woman who passes the boner test that would allow me to. This includes married women and women with boyfriends when I was younger. Until I learned some karma lessons. I will NEVER fuck a married woman again. I don't care if it's giselle bundchen.

7. I spammed messages on OKCupid and Match and have pulled at least 50 girls from that

8. Always taken care of my body, nutrition, weightlifting, grooming.

9. I have a seductive way of doing eye contact. I didn't learn it from anywhere it's natural. This sounds gay, but I know at least 20% of the girls I've been with looked into my eyes and it was game over.

10. I got laid when my logistics were bad, but my logistics now are RETARDED good. I live on a major street in a major city, with tons of drunk horny girls.

11. Girls have been between 4-9s. I haven't been very discriminating. Still the substantial majority of the girls were 6,7ish with many 8s.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-10-2013 11:45 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Then you have your standard middle class girls. I mostly target these girls. The young University student who may or may not have her own car, and whose parents work corporate type of jobs for a living. With these girls some love white guys, some wouldn't ever fuck with a white guy, and I'd say the large majority of them are open to it, but not actively looking for it.

I'd even go further to say that the "large majority" part, as pertains to middle class Thais, mostly just holds water in Bangkok. In much of the rest of the country, middle class women are going to be far more split on whether they're willing to be a public spectacle by dating farang. Bangkok is an international city so traditional views are a lot more lax there, not to mention that many women are far away from their families and not under the thumb of public scrutiny.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100 by 30yo is much more manageable than 100 by 25yo. 100 by 20yo would be god-mode, verging on impossible but surely a handful of guys around the world pull it off.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I'd like to hit triple digits before I'm 25. I can see my numbers going through the roof by next year

It's not exactly a huge accomplishment, but it's definitely a whole lot better than your average simp

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?


...But this post was awesome.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100 notches is not hard to get if you have enough things in your life in order. Hell, I got to 100 and I am not super-muscled nor rich. Yeah, always in a better-than-average tax-bracket, but not rich. I will take you through the different phases of my life.

High-School Years: I had exactly ONE notch. This 21 year old who worked at the same department store dropped those panties for me (I was 17 at the time)

College Years: Only 4 notches during that time. I had a steady girl for about 2.5 years of those years that slowed me. science degree + software engineering job + new city + new apartment (in nice suburb) + new car

Age 22-30: Between dealing with intercity girls in Pittsburgh who were tired of dealing with "do nothing in life guys", discovering Toronto (1990's) and small USA towns, BUSINESS PICKED UP! I was banging an average of 7-8 NEW chicks per year. The recipe was similar to what I talk about in other posts. I exploited the fact that most women want someone to settle down with. I will not deny that race and economics played a role as most african-american men were not at the educational level, professional career path and tax-bracket as myself, so many black women (USA or Canada) were easy pickings. I also started the international travel to Brazil and a few other Latin-American nations.

Age 31+: Even further along in career and now homeowner, so even more attractive to women. Yes, I kept myself in decent shape, but definitely no model. Now hitting Latin-American & Caribbean nations regularly and taking advantage of being a perceived "successful man" that woman want to be with. The new-chick banging average is lower but now there is less time and I want better quality of chicks.

It's not that hard.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-09-2013 05:34 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm a black guy. I want to know how I can bang 100 white girls who are 9+ before I turn 40. Can someone bust out a data sheet?

Edit -- And they must all be blonde, have thigh gap and weigh under 120lbs.

Ever heard of Lexington Steele? lol

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-11-2013 10:49 PM)Sugar Wrote:  

Ive had sex with around 275+ women. I am neither proud of it, nor do I expect people to be impressed by the fact.

Folks are asking: how did you do it, don't just brag about the numbers. Here's how I did it:

1. I have been sexually active for over 20+ years

2. I have lived in major cities throughout my teenage years and adulthood

3. I am 6' broad shouldered and generally attractive.

4. I was a waiter in my teens and bartender from age 21-29ish when I finished grad school. Waitresses generally want to fuck bartenders and I got with at least 1 waitress or female bartender at every job I worked at. In some cases more.

5. I'm somewhat of a natural from mid-game to end game. If a woman is alone with me, it is usually on if I want that.

6. I have fucked every woman who passes the boner test that would allow me to. This includes married women and women with boyfriends when I was younger. Until I learned some karma lessons. I will NEVER fuck a married woman again. I don't care if it's giselle bundchen.

7. I spammed messages on OKCupid and Match and have pulled at least 50 girls from that

8. Always taken care of my body, nutrition, weightlifting, grooming.

9. I have a seductive way of doing eye contact. I didn't learn it from anywhere it's natural. This sounds gay, but I know at least 20% of the girls I've been with looked into my eyes and it was game over.

10. I got laid when my logistics were bad, but my logistics now are RETARDED good. I live on a major street in a major city, with tons of drunk horny girls.

11. Girls have been between 4-9s. I haven't been very discriminating. Still the substantial majority of the girls were 6,7ish with many 8s.

This is a great summation of what's important. It's funny, once you reach a certain point of life competence it becomes more about not fucking up, rather than thinking about the moves.

Stay in shape, stay wealthy, stay single, style, and logistics will make sure you never go dry.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-07-2013 08:04 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

It depends on where you live. If you live in NYC, yeah triple digit numbers can be very obtainable. But if you're in Atlanta, you're a player if you can bang more than 20.

I've found Atlanta girls (Buckhead) to be really friendly and receptive to my approaches. I only go there for work and I don't have much time for picking up girls but it seemed markedly easier than girls here in Northern CA (not including SF)

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I takes effort for most guys to screw 100 of any kind of women on the 1-10 scale.

If you've fucked 100 women, you are definitely weird and different, or strange and unusual.


Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:13 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  


A 20 year old in Zanesville is going to have a hard time relating to a guy who has spent 15+ years going out in Las Vegas, Southern California, NYC and Miami Beach at high end nightclubs.

Depends on the guy. Small town Ohio is gold. Right next to Zanesville is West Zanesville then next to that and on and on. I'd rather be there than LA doing this shit because everyone is off guard. Forget bottle service and all that bullshit I'm talking real road warrior fast in and out destruction of local bars.

If not for the DUI laws of today I'd still be doing this in WI. The 90's were epic for hitting a different town every weekend. SNL's consistently.

And I'm talking towns as small as 1000 or less.

I actually prefer small towns over the city, but logistics are much more difficult now.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-13-2013 10:15 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2013 11:13 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  


A 20 year old in Zanesville is going to have a hard time relating to a guy who has spent 15+ years going out in Las Vegas, Southern California, NYC and Miami Beach at high end nightclubs.

Depends on the guy. Small town Ohio is gold. Right next to Zanesville is West Zanesville then next to that and on and on. I'd rather be there than LA doing this shit because everyone is off guard. Forget bottle service and all that bullshit I'm talking real road warrior fast in and out destruction of local bars.

If not for the DUI laws of today I'd still be doing this in WI. The 90's were epic for hitting a different town every weekend. SNL's consistently.

And I'm talking towns as small as 1000 or less.

I actually prefer small towns over the city, but logistics are much more difficult now.

I'm interested in techniques for doing this hit and run style game

There's a whole lot of country ass little towns and small cities north of the coast here that I go through from time to time and when I stop for gas or lunch I always see decent talent and sometimes real hotties.

I was thinking maybe hitting one or two every weekend and daygaming in the afternoon and then going to the local bar at night

Anybody got any tips and techniques for this? We have a few threads on small town game but they aren't informative on this point

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I wonder how many guys here are including prostitutes in their list of over 100 notches.

Any guy with a decent above average income can fuck over 100 women in their lifetime when prostitution is included.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-14-2013 02:39 AM)X-Pac Wrote:  

I wonder how many guys here are including prostitutes in their list of over 100 notches.

Any guy with a decent above average income can fuck over 100 women in their lifetime when prostitution is included.

No shit Sherlock.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-14-2013 02:39 AM)X-Pac Wrote:  

I wonder how many guys here are including prostitutes in their list of over 100 notches.

Any guy with a decent above average income can fuck over 100 women in their lifetime when prostitution is included.

What does that have to do with anything? Prostitutes 100% count towards your notch count.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-14-2013 03:20 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2013 02:39 AM)X-Pac Wrote:  

I wonder how many guys here are including prostitutes in their list of over 100 notches.

Any guy with a decent above average income can fuck over 100 women in their lifetime when prostitution is included.

What does that have to do with anything? Prostitutes 100% count towards your notch count.

Got any tips for gaming hookers? I always get nervous with the approach anxiety and keep pacing back and forth around the block.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-14-2013 03:25 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2013 03:20 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2013 02:39 AM)X-Pac Wrote:  

I wonder how many guys here are including prostitutes in their list of over 100 notches.

Any guy with a decent above average income can fuck over 100 women in their lifetime when prostitution is included.

What does that have to do with anything? Prostitutes 100% count towards your notch count.

Got any tips for gaming hookers? I always get nervous with the approach anxiety and keep pacing back and forth around the block.

I like to ask them where the pet shop is while sticking a 100 bill to my forehead.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-13-2013 12:29 AM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

once you reach a certain point of life competence it becomes more about not fucking up, rather than thinking about the moves.

Yes, exactly. When you reach a level of competence, you often Game Less. It's more about letting the seduction happen without getting in your own way and without taking unnecessary chances.

It becomes more about efficiency rather than sheer effort.

"Don't Fuck It Up Game", as we say..

For me, this often means letting the girl talk, letting her open up and connect herself to me. Not trying to be too funny or too witty, just being more quiet and relaxed. Keeping my body movements slow and aloof. Not looking the girl intensely in her eyes, not making her the center of my universe, not putting direct pressure on her. Etc.

It's just like a great athlete or a great fighter. They are not eager and hyper, they are calm and at ease. They might appear to be losing but they never show desperation.

It's like when a great football team is losing but everyone just knows that they will come back and win. They don't go crazy, the just keep calm and get it done one play at a time.

There is a fine line between trying hard and trying too hard.

Trying too hard looks desperate and needy.

When it looks effortless, you are really good.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

The effortless aspect is key.

McQueen has emphasized the importance of verbal self-affirmation before and I'm a big believer in it as well. Here's a bit of a routine I do as I'm on my way to meet a girl for a date:

The girl will generally text me or call telling me she has arrived at the venue. I am a couple blocks away, making sure to show up after her.

As I walk over to the place where I'm supposed to meet her I look at the other people walking around the street, look them in the eye as I'm passing them, and say this to myself:

I am dressed better than you
I am in better shape physically than you.
I am happier with my life than you.
I'm living a more interesting life than you.

This last minute self affirmation reminds me that I am the catch. If I can realize these things, than of course the girl can see these things. It is effortless attraction because it's easy for her to see the effort I put into every other aspect of my life.

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