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how much do you lie to girls?

how much do you lie to girls?

Not much, but I have an imaginary friend who I lean on.

If l chatted up a girl long enough and want to get digits while the irons hot, I say I'm late for meeting my friend.

Or if I'm sarging in a neighborhood not my own, and the chick asks me what brings me there, well I'm meeting my friend at Starbucks.

Take care of those titties for me.

how much do you lie to girls?

Like Scarface, even when i lie i tell the truth.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

how much do you lie to girls?

I am curious about you guys who lie about your age.

Does it come back to bite you later, or do they shrug it off?

how much do you lie to girls?

I almost never lie. I don't need to lie to get laid.

It cracks me up when guys lie about how much money they have, their jobs, being a professional "cage fighter", etc.

If I was older, I would lie about my age though.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-11-2013 01:13 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

I am curious about you guys who lie about your age.

Does it come back to bite you later, or do they shrug it off?

I'm in my 20's so I don't lie about my age, but I don't see how it could come back to hurt you.

For one, she won't find out if you don't want her to. And for two, if she does find out, it's after you've been banging her for a while already. If she's already into you, she won't care if you are 35 or 42.

how much do you lie to girls?

A lie I use to bind a woman through her own greed, feel free to use it:

When I call a woman and she doesn’t answer the phone, I never leave a message. When she calls back, she leaves a message. Usually “Hey, you called?” or some variant. They have to leave a message because all women in my phone are set to go directly to voicemail. If your phone doesn’t have that feature, download an app for it. When I call again and she picks up, this is what I say:
“I called because I have a [friend/business partner] that asked me for a favor, he is hosting a private [party/business function/event] and the girl who was going to be his [front desk greeter/ring girl/ticket punch] girl cancelled. He called me because I know a lot of people and he asked if I could find him a cute girl to replace the one who cancelled and he’d giver her [$100/$300$900] cash just to be a [front desk greeter/ring girl/ticket punch] for a few hours.”

At this point I wait for her to start to speak, then cut her off and say “So I called a model I hang out with, she wanted to do it but her [boyfriend/manager] won’t let her because he’s scared I’m trying to take her from him. Since she couldn’t do it, I called you. I figured I’d throw [$100/$300$900] your way.”

Of course, I tell her that I found a girl right after I tried talking to her.
Wherever you see [ ] is a place where you have to tailor the pitch to the bitch.

This routine plays into the female need and desire to be paid just to “look pretty”. It’ll also add an asterisk next to your name in her memory as a man connected to women, The Scene, and money. Once I’ve use this routine on a woman I’ve yet to have a woman not pick up on the first ring or call within seconds of my not leaving a voicemail. They are also far more inclined to want to be in my circle and cater to me because I can provide her with opportunities.


Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

how much do you lie to girls?

I lie about dates and periods of time. For instance when girls ask why I'm single I'll say I was with the same girl for 5 years and broke up 4 earlier. Now I did have . 5 year long relationship but it's been over for a couple of years now, through experimentation I find that saying it ended 4 months ago is the sweet spot.

Logistical lies are fine too. House is 5 to ten min walk away, always, even as we get into a taxi.

The big lies are telling girls I love them, telling harem members that I'm only seeing them, telling girls we're exclusive, telling them I use condoms with other girls, etc. Honestly there are no rules to this thing so while I try to keep things on the straight up I don't say anything that'll cost me a lay or cause me drama.

how much do you lie to girls?

I believe honesty is the best policy...but until such a girl who is down with me being 100% honest about me, my past, and who I am comes into existence...

Stuff I lie will about:

- Notch count (downplayed, though some girls have figured it out and put together surprisingly sound estimates).
- Age (sometimes, not always).
- Having just been in a relationship that is now over (discovered years ago by accident, a great way to keep girls at arm's length until the situation gets more clear).
- How long I'm in town/the country (I've shot myself in the foot far too many times by being honest about this).
- Small white lies about what I've been doing lately ('What did you do this weekend?', 'Just hung out with some friends, nothing crazy.').
- About other girls I'm seeing.
- The existence of certain friends (I'm pretty sure I bit this from Roosh. More than one girl hates my friend Tommy, who doesn't exist because he and I are always hitting clubs and chopping girls).
- I have several stories, most real, some made up, some stolen, that demonstrate value and humor, chances are you guys do too.
- Sometimes I use a fake name (I don't want anybody and everybody knowing who I am in an age where so much of your identity is just some Google-fu away...but most of the time I use it on wack dudes and cockblockers, rarely on girls I want to bang).

Stuff I won't lie about:

- LTR experience (I have maybe 4 years of it, no need to lie).
- Travel experience (I have traveled, no need to lie).
- My job and how much money I have or make (when I'm low I try not to spend much; when I'm flush I spend mostly on myself, easily the worst thing to lie about, and there's no real need for it, since most girls care that you have a job and have some money - I don't think it's 'beta' to spend money on girls [when you deem it fit], but any girl eying your stacks, or with her hand always out should immediately be nexted).

Small lies, no dealbreaking shit, and yes, girls have told me far more lies ('Maybe five or six...', 'I don't have a boyfriend...', 'I drink occasionally and don't do drugs...', 'I'm on the pill...', 'I didn't fuck that guy...' and so on until the end of time) than I have told them.

how much do you lie to girls?

I tell them what they want to hear. If a girl is not relationship material I feel no guilt about lying to them.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-11-2013 01:44 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

It cracks me up when guys lie about how much money they have, their jobs, being a professional "cage fighter", etc.

These are big types of lies I avoid. If you lie about being in MMA around here you will probably get your ass kicked and this is Canada Im talking about.

Like someone here said before, girls lie all the time so its more than fair game.

how much do you lie to girls?

Usually I just lie about my age so I can bang teenagers. Otherwise don't need to lie about much.

However, the only reason I don't lie is just for ease. If it comes down to truth or bang, the truth goes out the window.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

how much do you lie to girls?

It's worth keeping in mind that there can be a challenge to keeping the lies straight in your head. To me it's a difficulty on par with keeping track of who I've told what to of the girls in my soft harem.

Preferable to lying is to obfuscate a girl. She asks you a question you don't want to answer? Make her work for it.

how much do you lie to girls?

Rarely, white lies here and there but nothing too major. I have some solid travel experience and a large enough catalog of interesting stories that the only thing I tend to embellish are my LTR credentials. A 2 month fling gets turned into a "girlfriend" for simplicities sake, things of that nature.

how much do you lie to girls?

Depends. Sometimes I go all out, different name, nationality, accent, job, interests. I've been seamus O'Neal, worlds only Irish rodeo man more nights than I can remember.

how much do you lie to girls?

how much do you lie to girls?

as much as I have to

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

how much do you lie to girls?

"I never told weak ass lies, only respectable ones" - Retired West side Chicago pimp I met in Las Vegas

how much do you lie to girls?

Every time I have to utter these words. " This is not just a one-time thing. We have a connection together. I'll call you later. "

Seriously though, if I'm ever asked how I feel about a particular social issue of the moment, I get a read on how she feels about the issue and immediately take the opposite viewpoint just to have a conversation. I have no idea how many times I've been a Democrat or Republican in situations (hell,sometimes I'm one of the few Black Tea Party members). Why? Because when we eventually come to an agreement she'll feel as if she made me change my viewpoint by the power of her emotions. In other words, she gets comfortable because she feels she is now in control. Especially, when I say let's go to your place. 2 hours later I'm saying the quote above.

how much do you lie to girls?

I never lie to them, it's too difficult to keep your lies straight if you start lying about oh, anything.

If you don't want to answer questions like 'how many women have you been with', just tell them 'i would rather not say, I don't want you to get jealous'.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-09-2013 09:10 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:12 PM)bacan Wrote:  

I lie very little about myself and what I have to offer to girls.. I sometimes cock-block myself by being honest about how soon I'm leaving the country when I travel and so on..

Same here.

Me too.

The only thing I tend to be dishonest about with women is if we're in a serious relationship and I've cheated or something like that, and I only tend to stray when buzzed up or if some puddy is really pushed in my face (not much of a cheater otherwise).

Also, with Asian girls I've learned to lie about sexual history - or at least within-Asia sexual history - more because they really react a lot more jealous about it and it's just too much headache. I'll also play down my current promiscuity with them even if we're not all that serious yet, whereas I would never have done that in America. Can be too easy to lose a quality bang with Asian women if you don't play it down a tad. On the other hand I agree and amplify a lot too and say I've slept with 5000 Thai girls if they ask, but that's just fun and games.

Only bother lying with halfway-decent girls though. On a slut or a shore I don't bother with that nonsense.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

how much do you lie to girls?

If i'm lying, i try to make it a different "profile" of myself to keep it together. It's basically me but with a different set of interests i make consistent between girls as something that is interesting and out of the ordinary.

I try not to lie anymore though, i find my job and hobbies to be interesting enough.

how much do you lie to girls?

do you know what holds relationships together ?...lies!

how much do you lie to girls?

My question to the self-confessed liars is ... if you're prepared to tell blatant lies to get approval and validation from women, why would you not lie on this forum in order to get same from men?

Not taking the moral high ground, just curious.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-14-2013 07:53 AM)Acute Angle Wrote:  

to get approval and validation from women

My guess is that most are lying to get the pussy.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-14-2013 08:06 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-14-2013 07:53 AM)Acute Angle Wrote:  

to get approval and validation from women

My guess is that most are lying to get the pussy.

Sure, but I think most are wanting validation, too.

how much do you lie to girls?

Quote: (08-14-2013 06:47 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2013 09:10 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2013 07:12 PM)bacan Wrote:  

I lie very little about myself and what I have to offer to girls.. I sometimes cock-block myself by being honest about how soon I'm leaving the country when I travel and so on..

Same here.

Me too.

The only thing I tend to be dishonest about with women is if we're in a serious relationship and I've cheated or something like that, and I only tend to stray when buzzed up or if some puddy is really pushed in my face (not much of a cheater otherwise).

Also, with Asian girls I've learned to lie about sexual history - or at least within-Asia sexual history - more because they really react a lot more jealous about it and it's just too much headache. I'll also play down my current promiscuity with them even if we're not all that serious yet, whereas I would never have done that in America. Can be too easy to lose a quality bang with Asian women if you don't play it down a tad. On the other hand I agree and amplify a lot too and say I've slept with 5000 Thai girls if they ask, but that's just fun and games.

Only bother lying with halfway-decent girls though. On a slut or a shore I don't bother with that nonsense.

Yeah, that's what I do with those kind of questions; just evade them by giving ridiculous answers. As I said in another thread, when Thai girls inevitably ask me if I have a Thai girlfriend, I usually say I have one million.

Generally I just tell the truth, even about things that cast me in a bad light. Not for any moral reason, but rather because I just can't be arsed to lie. I'd say this has got me more bangs than it's cost me.

I occasionally fake some vulnerability/empathy just to seem human.

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