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Non fag gyms in DC

Non fag gyms in DC

I am moving back to DC in a month in a half. Can anyone reccomend any alpha gyms. By that I mean the ones where real men go to lift not where fags and women go to do yoga and Zumba and other weak ass shit. I'm talking about basically a powerlifting gym devoid of hipsters and scrawny fags. I am looking to bulk up.

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Non fag gyms in DC

Gyms where you can drop weights
-gyms where you can grunt and not be looked at like a weirdo because its normal when you squatting 400 or benching 250
-ones that you can use profanity because you're getting a bad ass workout
-where you hear the sound of clanking iron and heavy breathing
-protein shakes and bars
-big ass water jugs
--just typical alpha equipment and minimal pussy machines

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Non fag gyms in DC

I know of this one, but this is in Rockville (have not been there but it seems like what you want):

I don't know of one in DC but you can probably google. I got a WSC here and the weight room is separate from the exercise bikes etc, and you can grunt. But I'm not sure it's the rage fest you're looking for. There's hardly anyone there and guys just lift.

Non fag gyms in DC

So, why are you posting photos of yourself without a shirt? That seems gay and not relevant to finding a gym.

Non fag gyms in DC

to show progress. Because I mentioned that I am trying to bulk

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Non fag gyms in DC

Supreme Sports is where you want to be. The owners are powerlifters. They cater to powerlifters and olympic lifters.

Non fag gyms in DC

I looked into WSC, but I always hear that they are over crowded

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Non fag gyms in DC

Quote: (07-03-2013 11:27 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

I looked into WSC, but I always hear that they are over crowded

I use the location near Metro Center. I have never seen more than about 5 guys lifting weights there, but I go during working hours. After 6, maybe it is crowded.

Non fag gyms in DC

Yeah...what's up with posts of guys with their shirts off taking selfies in the mirror?

Non fag gyms in DC

What's up with you and all the gay posts?

Non fag gyms in DC

balance gym

but you look like a weirdo so please dont come

Non fag gyms in DC

I used to lift at WSC in Columbia Heights. It was decent and some nice eye candy.

Non fag gyms in DC

you mean ghetto gyms?

do you feel comfortable working out around those guys?

Non fag gyms in DC

Fitness First...the one I went to in Arlington had lifting platforms (rubber weights) and a Prowler in addition to most other things you'd expect to find in a commercial gym. I liked it.

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