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Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Castor Troy Wrote:  

I am from Toronto and am actually living here now and as much as it pains me to say it about my own city, what's being said here is pretty accurate. Someone here said that it has a toxic mix of betas, a greater proportion of men to women as well the fact that it is a de facto capital of feminism. The men here are feminized beyond belief and I'm not sure who here said that there are 100k more women than men but (and I'm not sure whether that's true or not) you would never guess it setting foot in a bar.

It was also said here that the beta men here just offer their dicks up to any girl that is around and that is also true. Most guys are beta, uninteresting and have no concept of game but get drunk enough that most nights there is no shortage of toolish men trying drowning their insecurities on 8 dollar drinks and desperately trying to hit on women. It really can be a pathetic sight. When the numbers ratio is already against you (which they usually are), often times a girl who may be receptive to your look or game will blow you out before you can even open your mouth because she has had like 20 of these morons trying to pick her already. I get this is a problem everywhere but I've travelled to and lived in enough place to know it is especially bad here. Mix in the fact that it is also Canada's financial capital and you have people running around with money (or at least spending it like they have it) who are only too willing to buy girls drinks and the snobby, entitled attitudes feminine attitudes this creates and you have a situation where your game savvy player is almost always behind the 8 ball.

That being said, Toronto isn't all bad and if you have the right look and good game you will get laid here. I always do fine when I'm here but I generally have a completely indifferent outlook on my relations with girls I meet. It helps I have a few friends that have half decent game and I have a wide social network so that definitely works in my favour but if you're looking for a good place to get your Canada flag or just have a good time gaming and bullshitting with your buddies, skip Toronto altogether and just do Montreal.

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game. Thats what it takes, and 0 weakness. A European guy or a guy in an easier city will never work as hard as a Toronto guy. This means that when Toronto players move out they have the willpower that very few other men have. Sheer persistence and motivation is a requirement.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:36 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Castor Troy Wrote:  

I am from Toronto and am actually living here now and as much as it pains me to say it about my own city, what's being said here is pretty accurate. Someone here said that it has a toxic mix of betas, a greater proportion of men to women as well the fact that it is a de facto capital of feminism. The men here are feminized beyond belief and I'm not sure who here said that there are 100k more women than men but (and I'm not sure whether that's true or not) you would never guess it setting foot in a bar.

It was also said here that the beta men here just offer their dicks up to any girl that is around and that is also true. Most guys are beta, uninteresting and have no concept of game but get drunk enough that most nights there is no shortage of toolish men trying drowning their insecurities on 8 dollar drinks and desperately trying to hit on women. It really can be a pathetic sight. When the numbers ratio is already against you (which they usually are), often times a girl who may be receptive to your look or game will blow you out before you can even open your mouth because she has had like 20 of these morons trying to pick her already. I get this is a problem everywhere but I've travelled to and lived in enough place to know it is especially bad here. Mix in the fact that it is also Canada's financial capital and you have people running around with money (or at least spending it like they have it) who are only too willing to buy girls drinks and the snobby, entitled attitudes feminine attitudes this creates and you have a situation where your game savvy player is almost always behind the 8 ball.

That being said, Toronto isn't all bad and if you have the right look and good game you will get laid here. I always do fine when I'm here but I generally have a completely indifferent outlook on my relations with girls I meet. It helps I have a few friends that have half decent game and I have a wide social network so that definitely works in my favour but if you're looking for a good place to get your Canada flag or just have a good time gaming and bullshitting with your buddies, skip Toronto altogether and just do Montreal.

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game. Thats what it takes, and 0 weakness. A European guy or a guy in an easier city will never work as hard as a Toronto guy. This means that when Toronto players move out they have the willpower that very few other men have. Sheer persistence and motivation is a requirement.

I also nominate Toronto. For 3.5 yrs I've never seen so many guys letting themselves get treated like snot rags from spoiled overgrown little girls who have zero idea of how to behave like women (who are either unattractive, downright ugly, dressed like homeless people or some combination of the three).

Now, I still consider myself beta on occasions but what I've seen in Toronto still continues to blow my mind and I've decided to move the fuck out of here before it is too late (i.e. before I've become insane). Making a lot of money here won't be worth wasting my youth to learn how to deal with spoiled misbehaved cunts. I came from Eastern Europe and that is my problem.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:36 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game.

This is true. Toronto also produces players that are as good as they get.

Biggest betas: Chinese and Indians, tie.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:02 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:36 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game.

This is true. Toronto also produces players that are as good as they get.

Biggest betas: Chinese and Indians, tie.
I would like to see this. You would think that but it may work the opposite.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:10 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:02 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:36 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game.

This is true. Toronto also produces players that are as good as they get.

Biggest betas: Chinese and Indians, tie.
I would like to see this. You would think that but it may work the opposite.

Oh, you've seen it my, friend. And he should have eliminated any doubts you have...


Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:22 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:10 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2012 03:02 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:36 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Toronto also creates the greatest players. All the guys I know in Toronto who are getting it in regularly have razer sharp game.

This is true. Toronto also produces players that are as good as they get.

Biggest betas: Chinese and Indians, tie.
I would like to see this. You would think that but it may work the opposite.

Oh, you've seen it my, friend. And he should have eliminated any doubts you have...
I'm not sure if you're serious. If you If you're
I watched dudes half my life try to pull in Connecticut and come up with goose eggs. It did not make them better out of town. Some dudes up there killed it like nothing you have ever seen. Very few though.

So remove them and go to Spring break and they would still be lost.

My theory..You know how those african dudes can get their range rovers fixed out in the bush with sticks and rocks? Bring them into a modern repair shop and they would be lost.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)
I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-13-2013 07:05 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)
I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Don't agree

Dowries are paid by women. Marriages were also traditionally paid for by the woman's family.

Men in India probably don't have solid game, but that is not different than anywhere else.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-13-2013 07:05 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)
I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Agreed 100%.

Indians in India have for the most part zero or even minus game. Mostly that is because they don't need it since marriages are arranged so there is no need to learn game also people need to understand what Indian dudes are up against outside of the metro cities or more advanced states like Gujarat and Maharasthra. A poorer Indian dude living in Bihar can't even stop a girl on the street and chat her up unless they are in the same social circle because if the girl's brother or friends sees it he will get a smack around and she will get a reputation that can fuck her up long term. It always makes me laugh when people hate on Indian dudes for being beta because non of us would be any different if we were born into that culture unless you are lucky enough to be born into wealthy progressive families. India stunted my game immensely and I was only living there for 4 years and had British cultural values. Had I been born into those Indian values I'd probably never shaken them off. That is why I have more respect for good Indian players than anyone else, because I understand the weight of ancient fucked up traditions and culture passed down from the Dravidian and Aryan cultures that they have to cast off before they can play the game on a level playing field. That is why prostitution is rife there, it's the only way people can get laid pre-marriage. Every area had a 'Gandh-Mari' or two for the locals to bang on a mud floor somewhere for 150 Rupees.

The worship of white women by Indian dudes there was not just because they were white but because what our culture represents: freedom. Freedom to fuck and be free from social constraints. If you lived in some shit hole in Madhya Pradesh then white women are a beacon of a life they could only dream about. The thing with India is it's not a healthy place mentally. You have millions of young dudes wanting pussy but not getting any which leads to resentment, anger, frustration, temporary-homosexuality, loads of unhealthy shit.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:36 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2013 07:05 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)
I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Agreed 100%.

Indians in India have for the most part zero or even minus game. Mostly that is because they don't need it since marriages are arranged so there is no need to learn game also people need to understand what Indian dudes are up against outside of the metro cities or more advanced states like Gujarat and Maharasthra. A poorer Indian dude living in Bihar can't even stop a girl on the street and chat her up unless they are in the same social circle because if the girl's brother or friends sees it he will get a smack around and she will get a reputation that can fuck her up long term. It always makes me laugh when people hate on Indian dudes for being beta because non of us would be any different if we were born into that culture unless you are lucky enough to be born into wealthy progressive families. India stunted my game immensely and I was only living there for 4 years and had British cultural values. Had I been born into those Indian values I'd probably never shaken them off. That is why I have more respect for good Indian players than anyone else, because I understand the weight of ancient fucked up traditions and culture passed down from the Dravidian and Aryan cultures that they have to cast off before they can play the game on a level playing field. That is why prostitution is rife there, it's the only way people can get laid pre-marriage. Every area had a 'Gandh-Mari' or two for the locals to bang on a mud floor somewhere for 150 Rupees.

The worship of white women by Indian dudes there was not just because they were white but because what our culture represents: freedom. Freedom to fuck and be free from social constraints. If you lived in some shit hole in Madhya Pradesh then white women are a beacon of a life they could only dream about. The thing with India is it's not a healthy place mentally. You have millions of young dudes wanting pussy but not getting any which leads to resentment, anger, frustration, temporary-homosexuality, loads of unhealthy shit.

nail head, this is exactly right. great post

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:36 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

You have millions of young dudes wanting pussy but not getting any which leads to resentment, anger, frustration, temporary-homosexuality, loads of unhealthy shit.

+1. Oddly enough, there is quite a lot of Indian mongers in Tashkent, and honestly I have never seen such obnoxious bunch of assholes. They had a UGLY behavior with women, I mean really ugly. Furthermore they can't hold alcohol and get disrespectful and agressive not only with women, but with anyone. I got into a fight with three or four of those drunk pricks who tried to become territory at the bar. Obnoxious vermin. They were very easy to manage (I am an ex french-boxing/savate competitor - national level) but one of the guys touched my eye, which caused me a retinal detachment (or maybe was it a cornea crack, I never really understood what the doctor said lol, anyway it was something you definitely don't want to have in Uzbekistan). I then spend a whole week going twice a day to an eye-clinic to plaster my eye, and had to endure a bandage covering half of my face. This kind of things doesn't add to your travel pleasures. The positive side is that during that week, girls pampered me like never (smilie).

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Never been to India, but spent 7 months (and counting) in Asia.
I would say so far uber beta are filipinos and chinese. In comparison, S americans got great game (esp brazilian cavemen, I met lots of those during my time there). central eastern europe would be somewhere in the middle, but imo closer to S. america than asians I mentioned (I mean Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic).

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 05:27 AM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:36 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

You have millions of young dudes wanting pussy but not getting any which leads to resentment, anger, frustration, temporary-homosexuality, loads of unhealthy shit.

+1. Oddly enough, there is quite a lot of Indian mongers in Tashkent, and honestly I have never seen such obnoxious bunch of assholes. They had a UGLY behavior with women, I mean really ugly. Furthermore they can't hold alcohol and get disrespectful and agressive not only with women, but with anyone. I got into a fight with three or four of those drunk pricks who tried to become territory at the bar. Obnoxious vermin. They were very easy to manage (I am an ex french-boxing/savate competitor - national level) but one of the guys touched my eye, which caused me a retinal detachment (or maybe was it a cornea crack, I never really understood what the doctor said lol, anyway it was something you definitely don't want to have in Uzbekistan). I then spend a whole week going twice a day to an eye-clinic to plaster my eye, and had to endure a bandage covering half of my face. This kind of things doesn't add to your travel pleasures. The positive side is that during that week, girls pampered me like never (smilie).

Yes this is common behaviour amongst Indian dudes ( I mean born and raised in the country ) in tourist areas such as Goa or Pushkar or when they travel outside of their country. Part of the problem is that they have this idea about Western women being freer sexually which they are but the thing is these Indian dudes coming from India have zero game and hence don't know how to talk to these women. So they go to places like Tashkent thinking they will be banging everything and realise for the first time that they need some kind of game to do so, that it's not as easy as in the movies or they were led to believe so this leads to a mass of anger and emotions and resentment when you walk in and swoop some young devushka away from them in a club. To combat this they tend to hunt in packs to protect their territory at the club etc. ( I have seen this in Kyrgyzstan ). Combine this with their lack of alcohol holding ability which makes them brave and they are ready to fight.

The other thing is Indians in India fight mob handed. The idea of a one on one fair fight is unknown pretty much so you must be careful. I'd slap a tourist tout who was hassling my clients in India and I'd have 20 lads turn up at my door wanting to kill me an hour later. I once had to slap a guy for throwing a rock at a baby pig's head on the street, can't stand messed up shit like that, and he came back with about 40 guys armed with knives saying they were going to kill me. So I sent a friend to get my cleaner Ramesh who was part of a large gang of Bungies ( untouchables ) and he turned up with about 80 armed guys ready to throw down. I never had any trouble after that. It's just the way their culture works. Fucked up.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Indian men are huge betas. I would agree; I am one.

The poorer communities end up having dominant males for the most part though, but that's everywhere; not just India. If you're poor there is not much else out there anyways. It's in the higher echelons of society that men become more and more beta. I would think it's due to the promotion of beta behavior around women in movies and other indian media even when it comes to alpha male characters.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:36 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

The thing with India is it's not a healthy place mentally. You have millions of young dudes wanting pussy but not getting any which leads to resentment, anger, frustration, temporary-homosexuality, loads of unhealthy shit.

If you think India is bad, then China is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode due to its 'One Child' policy introduced in 1984. The gender imbalance there has to be seen to be believed.

These articles are from 2004 and 2007, both from the southern Hainan Island and Guangdong province. I'd say the gender imbalance is a lot worse there now.


China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women by 2020, making it difficult for them to find wives, according to a national report.

The gender imbalance could lead to social instability, the report by the State Population and Family Planning Commission warned.

It found that around 118 boys were born to every 100 girls in 2005.

and wait for this..


The report said the 118 to 100 ratio of newborn boys to girls had jumped from 110 to 100 recorded in 2000.

In some areas of southern China, such as Guangdong and Hainan, the figure was 130 boys to 100 girls in 2005.


From Hainan Island.


I don't have a girlfriend, I can't find one," said 25-year-old Xiao Ming, blushing furiously, as he concentrates on chopping bamboo. "It's because I can't speak properly and I don't understand romance

That was from 2004. I wonder did Xiao get laid since.

So there you have it. Within a decade, the Chinese Government will be dealing with tens of millions of sexually frustrated and angry men. Thats one big almighty social upheaval simmering away.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

^^Wow! That's going to be a real mess! Thank god they can't come here and troll us for white girls! IRT should consider himself extremely lucky in his position.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (01-24-2012 07:38 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Add that San Francisco is the North American Feminist capital of the world and it is a toxic mix.

An older comment, but I fixed that for you. No east coast/middle city can compare to SF or Seattle for feminism.

You can meet a girl from just over the bridge in Oakland or Berkeley, 2 points higher, and she'll have a quarter the attitude.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

I see a few more shouts outs for Toronto in the thread. All I can say is you guys must have never lived on the west coast of the US, particularly the northwest.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

I think Seattle ranked #1 in one of roosh's articles, did some sort of game filter.

It's funny just go trough the history of threads here on this forum and tally up, how many guys who go from California to the east coast bitch about the women. What zero? Then do the reverse and suddenly no one wants to live in California. California is still a great state depending on what you want to do, but feminism is pretty much ground zero in SF/Seattle.

No doubt Toronto and DC also blow based on posts on here.

California gets hate but look at where the top posters came from...

Thegmanifesto, tuthmosis, giovonny, fisto, basil ransom, MikeCF, thedude37, slubu, speakeasy seems pretty damn California roots/experience heavy to me.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 01:50 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I think Seattle ranked #1 in one of roosh's articles, did some sort of game filter.

It's funny just go trough the history of threads here on this forum and tally up, how many guys who go from California to the east coast bitch about the women. What zero? Then do the reverse and suddenly no one wants to live in California. California is still a great state depending on what you want to do, but feminism is pretty much ground zero in SF/Seattle.

No doubt Toronto and DC also blow based on posts on here.

Yeah California gets hate but look at where the top posters came from...

Thegmanifesto, tuthmosis, giovonny, fisto, basil ransom, MikeCF, thedude37, slubu, speakeasy seems pretty damn California experience heavy.

I did an online dating experiment in 2011 where I dated about 20 girls over the course of the summer. I went out with girls primarily from SF, Oakland, Fremont, Piedmont Santa Cruz and Berkeley.

And I consistently found younger hotter girls from the east bay, 2 points hotter and literally zero to minimal attitude whereas the SF dates tended to be ruder, bitchier, shit-testier, more feminist, and just generally more annoying. It got to where I could predict the first 15 minutes of the date just by knowing where the girl was located.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Yep if you can make it in California you can make it anywhere. The saying should no longer refer to New York, New York is a pussy paradise if you have $50 in your pocket.

California is where winners are trained. This forum has nothing but proof written all over it in terms of lifestyle as well (hell go down the rep list even more and more California people, born or experienced). But people keep thinking I'm complaining about the state of California. I'd rather compete in a shark tank to earn my stripes than play the bush league version in a place like NYC. When it's time to leave or vacation the game is on easy mode

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

California breeds beta not players. New York is not the minor leagues.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:10 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

California breeds beta not players. New York is not the minor leagues.

Yeah we can agree to disagree. Most guys end up not making it in California and end up being pussies that is true.

NYC is a joke though, Monday - Sunday you can close with relative ease, too dense, just get a spot in manhattan and the game ends.

If you can't pull in NYC you should really take a hard look in the mirror, it's 2:1 ratio and everyone gets fucked up from 11am to 4am the next day.

People can just take a glance at the top posters and make a decision themselves. Or ignore that and see how many California people complain about NYC... Seriously if you can't pull in NYC I don't know how to help you. I sent one forum member to one club, told him where to stand and he pulled and closed that very night.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-13-2013 11:18 PM)speeddemon Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2013 07:05 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)

I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Don't agree

Dowries are paid by women. Marriages were also traditionally paid for by the woman's family.

Men in India probably don't have solid game, but that is not different than anywhere else.

you would be right if we were talking about rural marriages, but chances are nobody on this forum has met a rural indian. It's the middle-class urban indian that is the subject here, and with the jewelry, honeymoon and all kinds of other stuff that the man pays for, excluding the fact that his job is to basically buy her anything she wants for the rest of her life, the man invests a lot into the marriage. And nowadays grooms have started to share the burden for the marriage along with the father-in-law, either way it's still men showering money on a girl for being born with a vagina.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation?

Quote: (05-14-2013 04:18 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2013 11:18 PM)speeddemon Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2013 07:05 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

I see people putting indians and chinese/japanese as equally beta. Not even close. Indians are the most beta, white-knighting, pedastalizing, pussyfied men in the world.
It doesn't have to do with their genetics or some shit like that, it has to do with the culture.The biggest indicator is the huge marriage ceremony where the female is pedestalized, men spend a shit ton of money on the woman and promise to love and cherish and be devoted to her for eternity. (btw rural women in india are the most ill-treated in the world, I am talking about the urban middle/upperclass bitches)

I am indian and have lived the majority of my life in India.

Don't agree

Dowries are paid by women. Marriages were also traditionally paid for by the woman's family.

Men in India probably don't have solid game, but that is not different than anywhere else.

you would be right if we were talking about rural marriages, but chances are nobody on this forum has met a rural indian. It's the middle-class urban indian that is the subject here, and with the jewelry, honeymoon and all kinds of other stuff that the man pays for, excluding the fact that his job is to basically buy her anything she wants for the rest of her life, the man invests a lot into the marriage. And nowadays grooms have started to share the burden for the marriage along with the father-in-law, either way it's still men showering money on a girl for being born with a vagina.

haha I've met rural indians, my old man built a house in rural india

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

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