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Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Printable Version

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Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Lumiere - 01-24-2012

Who is in the maddest race to put the pussy on the pedestal?

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Mr.GM - 01-24-2012

Scandinavians maybe?

Jante Law is very beta , I mean, it's a culture that has opted to ban Alphahood for the "greater good".

I think you should divide Europe in Southern/Northern/Scandinavia etc.. it's too big and diverse.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Lumiere - 01-24-2012

Well we can do that in the chat part of the thread. Max numbers of polling options is 10.

Did not include Africa as most people have never been (Apart from NN)

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Spike - 01-24-2012

Without a doubt : Indians. second best : North asians.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - MiXX - 01-24-2012

Actually, I voted for Colombia, but I forgot that India takes the cake.

I think there is a video somewhere here where an Indian guy is meeting his future bride and they are having their first interview. She goes on to be a cocky, overly confident bitch - and at that point he tells her "It's better to live a life fighting with someone than loneliness" bbbaaaaarrfff!!

However, Colombia is 1st runner up, with a video from Ziago as an example:


Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Moma - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:16 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Well we can do that in the chat part of the thread. Max numbers of polling options is 10.

Did not include Africa as most people have never been (Apart from NN)

You must not read the travel threads, bro. I don't think Africans are beta at all, not West Africa anyway.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Lumiere - 01-24-2012

Mixx, I made it 20 seconds into that clip.

If I didnt actually speak Spanish and understand everything he said, I might have found his lack of talent amusing enough to continue.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Lumiere - 01-24-2012

Suprised no votes for SE asia so far.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - MiXX - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:57 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Mixx, I made it 20 seconds into that clip.

If I didnt actually speak Spanish and understand everything he said, I might have found his lack of talent amusing enough to continue.

[Image: lol.gif] That's cool. 20 seconds is all it takes to experience just how beta colombian men are!


Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Kish - 01-24-2012

N. American cities with bad ratios. DC is case and point.

Nowhere on the eastcoast do guys put the pussy on a pedestal more then here. "Game" for most guys in DC is strictly social circle based.

DC is the beta orbiter capital of the world.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - wolfpack10 - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:51 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:16 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Well we can do that in the chat part of the thread. Max numbers of polling options is 10.

Did not include Africa as most people have never been (Apart from NN)

You must not read the travel threads, bro. I don't think Africans are beta at all, not West Africa anyway.

I agree. Ive only been to Southern Africa. The men there make no hesitations about going for what they want. The women are used to alpha males, and react best to it. Being a beta in Africa is pretty useless for a guy, and lots of guys have multiple girls on the go at all times.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - kosko - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 05:09 PM)rakishness Wrote:  

N. American cities with bad ratios. DC is case and point.

Nowhere on the eastcoast do guys put the pussy on a pedestal more then here. "Game" for most guys in DC is strictly social circle based.

*TORONTO* is the beta orbiter capital of the world.

I had to fix this. DC seems to just have terribly bad ratios. There are too many Men in DC whom are surrounded by sub-par Women. Academic and job demagogs from the arm-pits and wasteland regions of America.

80% of the Men in Toronto are either gay, beta or omega. Toronto I think has almost 100K more women than Men, and Men here still largely catch L's. Add that Toronto is the North American Feminist capital of the world and it is a toxic mix.

I can't even put Canada on this list, even though our largest metro is a wasteland, and represents almost 30% of our national population Canada by and large is still full of Alpha or at least sturdy Men whom handle their shit. And while DC is a dump, America by and large has one of the largest concentrations of Alphas on the globe. I don't know much about Mexico so I can't comment, but in all honesty from a cultural perspective they are with Central America. North America is American and baby America (Canada).

Leave the Beta concentration to SE Asia and Japan. And about Africa... no Betas exist in the motherland - you either die, or flee off to another land if you are one.

This below is for laughs:


The quintessential Toronto Male displayed in 2 Pictures:

[Image: 149.jpg]

[Image: 62.jpg]

.....[Image: undecided.gif]

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - MiXX - 01-24-2012

OMG - the black girl to the right is hideous!! Her face, and jaw lines are so square, she looks like a Tranny.

the idiot in the center should not be making funny faces, he's looks like an idiot just by remaining serious!

Then we have Mr. 4 eyes - flossing like he's a Saudi prince surrounded by 10's - you fucking kidding me?

The asian kid just needs some style, that grey shirt makes him look paler (and boring) than he actually is.


Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - rudebwoy - 01-24-2012

I am sure your average Colombian dude gets more tail than your average North American dude!!

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Lumiere - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 08:28 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I am sure your average Colombian dude gets more tail than your average North American dude!!

Yeah, for about $20 per hour.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - UrbanNerd - 01-24-2012

I will have to read the threads on Indian men to see why so many voted for them. I voted for North America because I see WAAAAAYYYYYY more married/attached women that make me ask "WHO DA FUKK WIFED THEM??" In other countries/continents, I do see a slight correlation between married/attached women and physical appearance. Here in North America (and I have been to Toronto about 50 times), whether it is at my worksite, malls, wherever...I see women who I cannot believe someone actually bought a ring or even had multiple dates with.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Deluge - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:39 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Without a doubt : Indians. second best : North asians.

Spot on. And S.E Asians are far less beta than say, Chinese.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - mofo - 01-24-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:44 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Actually, I voted for Colombia, but I forgot that India takes the cake.

I think there is a video somewhere here where an Indian guy is meeting his future bride and they are having their first interview. She goes on to be a cocky, overly confident bitch - and at that point he tells her "It's better to live a life fighting with someone than loneliness" bbbaaaaarrfff!!

However, Colombia is 1st runner up, with a video from Ziago as an example:

The way he sings is funny.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - misterstir - 01-24-2012

Let me pick this carefully.
Country: India. I almost said Scandinavia, but when they get drunk the run cave man game and social circle game and they are still banging girls by the plenty. India is the only country I can think of where I never of any man banging lots of different girls who are non pros. You see India guys deal with being beta in that their parents arrange marriage for them. So technically they don't have to worry about pussy. still beta though.

The good side of this though is that Indian girls should be easy to kill with game because they are so use to betas. Its not so bad that indian guys are beta in general because it means for those with game who like indian chicks it should be a field day. But I think that Pakistan girls might be hotter.

City: Toronto, especially the father you go from downtown where it is considered more acceptable to talk to strangers and not get completely dissed- outside of club environment, coffee shops and the girls who work in them. But Toronto men are the worst because there are just too many beta guys running around offering dicks on the platter to girls meaning they make zero effort to get a guy unless you already impress them with game or are good looking.

@Kosko, I can't find the link but toronto has a horrible ratio, For people under 40 it was basically 20% more men than woman because of the high % of immigrant men who come (immigrants, especially from the 3rd world, tend to be more male as they are willing to leave to go to a new country over women). But fliriting is just not that common. There are only some girls who flirt openly and these girls are basically females with harems, they flirt with lots of guys, bang lots of guys and always never tell you about their boyfriend who ironically they never put out pussy for.

Women who come to toronto almost always come with their husband from old country and you are not getting in that pussy.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - MiXX - 01-24-2012

@mofo - I sent you a PM. You and I need to seriously talk, and fast!


Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Vicious - 01-24-2012

I don't believe in the alpha/beta psuedoscience and I'm honoring it by even calling it such).

The overall culture that shows the least initiative and proficiency with women are the japanese and indian.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - xmlenigma - 01-25-2012


The good side of this though is that Indian girls should be easy to kill with game because they are so use to betas. Its not so bad that indian guys are beta in general because it means for those with game who like indian chicks it should be a field day. But I think that Pakistan girls might be hotter.

Yes & no. Its a sexually repressed society. So, that makes it tougher on men as well as women to OPEN UP about their SEXUAL needs / wants. Too much Moral Code mental drama.

Indian & Asian cultures would majorly FROWN any open Sexual Attraction or conduct.
Everyone knows everyone phenomena. If a girl or guy gets a BAD rap once for being 'sexual" he will be MARKED in black for long time.
Traditionally, everything happens through Micro-Ethnic Micro-Communities. e.g. Arranged marriages.
People are very much guilted in by family not to marry outside certain sub-community from some tradition, some small village.

And ofcourse the romantic movies portray the whole Romeo will die for juliet saga. Love = Sacrifice for the woman. Prove your love to her.. Crap!

But, there are major tangents to this:
- Lot of middle class is very COMPLIANT
- Money is the focus of a lot of men. They may marry as per family & cast & sub community.. But lot of people do their P4P outside, in hiding and travel.
- Some of these people are DIRTY alpha.. like political/ mafioso/ local big man clout
- Even more rural india - Men mistreat women like its the freaking middle east ... Zero womens rights. they take Alpha to a very UGLY point..
women get gangraped, stripped in front of entire village, humiliation of weird kinds that would make you "save" them..
These are the women who really deserve some WOMENS RIGHTS! .. not the FEMINISTAS of SELF-SERVING ENTITLEMENT in the West or Westernized Cities of India.

In a population of religious & socially stigmatized culture.. Sexuality is a "hidden" under current.
- elite classes are pretty much a whole different flavor or blend of Western values with some traditionals.. - Power Alpha like a dictator - Media/ Film casting couch..
- rural / lower class - i've had a rickshaw guy tell me how he bangs this girl & once you get the pussy.. that pussy aint going nowhere..

Societal Compliance - Be nice. Be decent. Be non-sexual. Casual Sexuality is FROWNED upon big time.. unless you are in Urban Elite circles.

There are tons of people breaking that compliance in their own spheres.. SEMI-OPENLY.. or in HIDING.. or within their CIRCLES/ scenarios.

You do realize, that India & China are still the largest populations on the planet.. and India has higher population / unit area than china.

Its a very complicated contrived mix. You could live here a life time and still not understand all the variations & sub cultures..
The country has 30+ states each with a TOTALLY different language.. and each village within few miles having different dialects, traditions etc.

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Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - xmlenigma - 01-25-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 09:57 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't believe in the alpha/beta psuedoscience and I'm honoring it by even calling it such).

The overall culture that shows the least initiative and proficiency with women are the japanese and indian.

The power is stolen and taken by all LEADERSHIP/ HIGHER UPS in POWER (Political, Financial etc). They can do what they want.. (even in the middle east..). The REST are brainwashed to follow RESPECT all, COMPLIANCE to TRADITIONS.. which make sexuality TABOO.

Hence, the major Beta-ization.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Castor Troy - 01-25-2012

I am from Toronto and am actually living here now and as much as it pains me to say it about my own city, what's being said here is pretty accurate. Someone here said that it has a toxic mix of betas, a greater proportion of men to women as well the fact that it is a de facto capital of feminism. The men here are feminized beyond belief and I'm not sure who here said that there are 100k more women than men but (and I'm not sure whether that's true or not) you would never guess it setting foot in a bar.

It was also said here that the beta men here just offer their dicks up to any girl that is around and that is also true. Most guys are beta, uninteresting and have no concept of game but get drunk enough that most nights there is no shortage of toolish men trying drowning their insecurities on 8 dollar drinks and desperately trying to hit on women. It really can be a pathetic sight. When the numbers ratio is already against you (which they usually are), often times a girl who may be receptive to your look or game will blow you out before you can even open your mouth because she has had like 20 of these morons trying to pick her already. I get this is a problem everywhere but I've travelled to and lived in enough place to know it is especially bad here. Mix in the fact that it is also Canada's financial capital and you have people running around with money (or at least spending it like they have it) who are only too willing to buy girls drinks and the snobby, entitled attitudes feminine attitudes this creates and you have a situation where your game savvy player is almost always behind the 8 ball.

That being said, Toronto isn't all bad and if you have the right look and good game you will get laid here. I always do fine when I'm here but I generally have a completely indifferent outlook on my relations with girls I meet. It helps I have a few friends that have half decent game and I have a wide social network so that definitely works in my favour but if you're looking for a good place to get your Canada flag or just have a good time gaming and bullshitting with your buddies, skip Toronto altogether and just do Montreal.

Biggest beta males in the world by nation? - Moma - 01-25-2012

Quote: (01-24-2012 07:58 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

OMG - the black girl to the right is hideous!! Her face, and jaw lines are so square, she looks like a Tranny.


And yet I bet you a 100 to 1 that she has at least 4 dudes blowing up her phone with texts and other simpish B.S. Yup, Toronto is a woman's city. Women can live like champs here. Eat, drink for free every night at some sucker's expense whether she looks like a dragon or a maiden.