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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-10-2011 05:28 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

PWP - are you American-Black? As a latin man, I did not have an easy time with 2 german girls I have gamed in the past. So, maybe it's strictly that they go more for black men than white or latin guys. Or maybe, it's just the 2 encounters I've had, but I did not get to bang them at all. I still don't have my Germany flag.


I am actually Afro-Cuban(came to US as a child). My complexion is similar Pedro Knight (Celia Cruz's husband) I am also one of the rare Cubans who can't dance for shit. I wouldn't say that all German chicks are into Black dudes, probably what's going on is that the ones who are make the extra effort to move the interaction along. This is not the case every where though, Namibia for example has one of the largest German expat population and I got absolutely no love over there.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I havent been all over europe so the easy will be where i stay the most and that is england and portugal. England is not easy in London (go leeeds,nottingham and other small cities), although most of the chicks i have slept with were from London, i find London to be the hardest city in the world to game, i wont say that they are hard to get but london girls dont know what they want..also london is full of guys that approach women all the time and lots of good looking guys so the girls in London have too many good options, so you wont fuck around as much as you would in other countries (although i fuck 3 chicks per month on the average but thats bad comparing to when i hit other countries)

Portugal hard? I never been to Greece or Argentina but im starting to believe that Greece and Argentina may be easier than i thought (almost every guy guy say those two countries are hard to game). When i came to Lisbon in March last year, i slept with 6 different chicks in one week, i met all of them day gaming. I wont say that portuguese women are the friendliest in the world but they can be friendly if you have the right swagger and you are already good in talking to women. Remember that Portugal apart from colonising Brazil, also colonised few african countries that have portuguese as their official language, thats Angola, cape verde and guinea Bissau and women from those countries are hotttt, many look brazillians, many are mixed, so they have the portuguese blood and african blood just like the brazillian black chicks. After London, Lisbon is the second most black city in Europe. So these black chicks are usually not difficult to game. Specially if you are a black american, shit is just mad easy..who wouldnt want to date a black american in Lisbon so they can show off to their friends? There are many many black nightclubs in Lisbon, if you visit the right place and already got good game, it shouldnt be hard for you to fuck.

I dont reallly go for races, i have fucked, black, brazillian and portuguese chicks while im a mullato..for the white posh portuguese chicks, it may be better if you are a white guy but many hood portuguese white girls only date black guys, so yeah you have your ''market'' here regardless of what race you are..If you get bitches in New york, you will get it here..shit here is far from being hard, well at least not for me.

Yeah dominican republic will go on my list on the easiest too, although is not in europe.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 07:36 PM)Badstuber Wrote:  


btw, day game is NOT DONE in belgium.

There are girls walking around Antwerp city center all day

that's true, Antwerp has the greatest shopping areas and nightlife in belgium.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Hm, maybe the German girls like US guys/black guys/soldiers? from my experience, it´s def. not that easy for a local. (at least here in Austria, can´t speak for large parts of Germany)
Im from a Salzburg, a smaller city with only 150 000 inhabitants, ( Americans might know it because of Sound of Music)
For black guys it´s very easy though, if they have decent game because they are so rare in a smaller city like Salzburg. different story in Munich or Vienna.
Whites and even Latins have it much harder. Latins could be mistake for being Turkish, one of the largest minority groups in Austria/Germany. so also not a rarity.

The Germans we have here are either from Northrhine-Westphalia or Southern Bavaria (mostly students) . Maybe the girls are easier in other parts of Germany.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest: france, czech

I actually have a very hard time to close chicks from Luxembourg, which is a bad news for me cause I m stuck here for some time...
I always end up pulling french chicks which is an issue from a logistic point of view as I am living Luxembourg...
So my question is should I keep on trying with girls from Luxembourg or just move to France?
Btw I m only 6 months new to the game...

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:22 AM)Cruatha Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2011 10:44 PM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

Although I don't like French people there is something about French girls that turns me on. French blondes are the only type of blondes that I like. Can you elaborate on a few of your encounters in Montreal?

I live in Montreal. If you like French blondes, don't come here. They're pretty rare. Lots and lots of gorgeous brunettes though.

Montreal is actually a pretty amazing city for women.

What club or location in Montreal would you personally recommend for a chocolate male who is looking for ONS and SNL?



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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 08:04 AM)Austrian Wrote:  

Whites and even Latins have it much harder. Latins could be mistake for being Turkish, one of the largest minority groups in Austria/Germany. so also not a rarity.

From my experience I would say that German girls have a serious fetish for Latin Guys. Sure, there might be a little resistance in the beginning as you might be mistaken for a Turkish dude (that too, if you are not well groomed and have no sense of style) but later when you reveal your nationality and run a bit of game things will move your way.

However, sometimes you will meet an ice queen. One of the coldest girls that I have met in my life was German and she was only into white dudes.

German people in general are cold nature and that might be mistaken for rudeness by people from South America, Spain, Italy etc. Its just their culture. I remember reading posts from a guy called "Subutai" (?) at this forum. He received a lot of attention when he was in Berlin and I think that the guy is brown skinned. (?)

Anyways, this is just speculation as I have never been there and to judge an entire race based on just a few encounters in a foreign country is not really a good idea.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

mystictraveller thats so true..i remember this girl from germany who came to my house through cs..she was cold as fuck..i would ask her a question and she will answer me in a rude way..i was thinking wtf..why did you come to my friend was more cool about it, he was like..thats the way germans like fuck that..i just ignored her the wholenight when now she decided to talk to me morning she left because i made it clear indirectly that my cs couch is for cool people..since like, ''fuck germans''

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 10:30 AM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

I remember reading posts from a guy called "Subutai" (?) at this forum. He received a lot of attention when he was in Berlin and I think that the guy is brown skinned. (?)

I believe the country is Lithuania. Subutai, you around to clarify?


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 11:20 AM)lottery Wrote:  

mystictraveller thats so true..i remember this girl from germany who came to my house through cs..she was cold as fuck..i would ask her a question and she will answer me in a rude way..i was thinking wtf..why did you come to my friend was more cool about it, he was like..thats the way germans like fuck that..i just ignored her the wholenight when now she decided to talk to me morning she left because i made it clear indirectly that my cs couch is for cool people..since like, ''fuck germans''

I know what you mean. That German Ice queen ignored me so hard that I felt emotionally molested (I was not used to that in Europe). With that being said, I have some good friends who are German. I met a German dude who was really cool and I think he slept with half of the girls in Paris. If you are different from the usual stereotype then you command so much attention and respect for being different (or rather having the brains to understand that the world does not revolve around your country) that it is a cake walk to get laid.

CS= Couch surfing?

Also, German girls have a fetish for more than just Latin guys. I have met some really freaks (No, I did not sleep with them, I don't think I could have handled it)

@Mixx: I dug out Subutai's thread about Berlin but I am not sure about his ethnicity.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

The thing about about the coldness of the German and also Austrian people is SO true. I´m always glad when i meet some American girls here when going out because they are so much easier to talk to, easier to game, much more friendly in general.
The coldness and "ice-queen-attitude" is rampant here, even though the girls aren´t that attractive. Can´t wait to get outta here to EE for a few weeks!

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Yeah CS= couchsurfing

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 09:40 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:22 AM)Cruatha Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2011 10:44 PM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

Although I don't like French people there is something about French girls that turns me on. French blondes are the only type of blondes that I like. Can you elaborate on a few of your encounters in Montreal?

I live in Montreal. If you like French blondes, don't come here. They're pretty rare. Lots and lots of gorgeous brunettes though.

Montreal is actually a pretty amazing city for women.

What club or location in Montreal would you personally recommend for a chocolate male who is looking for ONS and SNL?

I'm totally the wrong guy to ask - I almost never go clubbing and I suck at night game.

That said, I have been out a bit. There's some nice places on St Laurent, they get classier as you get closer to downtown. So clubs like Koko, etc, in that area. Time supper club is another one. They're both places that serve dinner and drinks and then turn into bottle service dance clubs around 10.

(Note: I'm pretty sure Time is one of those, have only been there for private parties).

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

MiXX - German chicks are def. freaks, but there is a good % of them that are still old school girls. Same as here, smaller towns have more simple old school chicks that still cook and want families. Cities like Berlin have more "independant" women who shun traditional German values, bang foreigners, each other, party all night etc.

PP - Thing about the German chicks and American Army dudes is also a bit skewed too. Army GI's of all backgrounds come home talking about nailing German ho's but then again they nail ass all over every base around the world. These girls are base rats and come from all cultures. Their lives revolve around banging foreign men of all backgrounds. And yes around German Army bases black guys are seen as unique and cool, however just remember they might be coming there just for that. She certainly isn't going to look toward a German Army base for brothers. So I thnk for black guys in Germany hit an Army town.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 02:13 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

The coldness and "ice-queen-attitude" is rampant here, even though the girls aren´t that attractive.

And they give you this weird vibe. The complete opposite of what you get from a Brazilian chik.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

It´s always easy to pull girls in any European country, the question is where in Europe can you pull easier 8, 9 and 10´s. For me it´s Eastern Europe. Even though it´s getting germanized there´s still some gems. Czech Rep. my all time favourite is ruined. Nowadays there´s no difference between Czechs and Germans. After Eastern Europe you have Scandinavia. The thing about Scandinavia is that it´s extremely pricey. If you don´t mind the cold (and nazis meatheads) the baltic countries are probably the best place in europe for easygoing supermodels.

The hardest is catholic southern Europe. Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. Even though I get a lot of love from Spanish chicks (I speak spanish) Obviously it´s also easy to pull here if you lower your standards. but I guarrantee you that getting an 8 or 9 in Portugal is far from being a walk in the park. It´s kinda like Mixx says about Colombia, peer aproval is important. As for quality in this part of Europe I would rate spanish chicks the hottest, followed by Italians, Greeks and portuguese. By quality I mean in 10 girls you see walking dow a street how many are above 7.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 08:55 AM)Pepini Wrote:  

For me it´s Eastern Europe. Even though it´s getting germanized...

Can you explain further?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Pepini Portugal is not hard as you are making it sound.I am currently here and im not having problems in getting women. Remember that Portugal is now full of different races, so yeah approaching the black chicks in Lisbon or the white hood chicks in Lisbon is totally different from approaching a white classy portuguese chick, but this can be applied literally anywhere, not just Portugal.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 08:55 AM)Pepini Wrote:  

It´s always easy to pull girls in any European country, the question is where in Europe can you pull easier 8, 9 and 10´s. For me it´s Eastern Europe. Even though it´s getting germanized there´s still some gems. Czech Rep. my all time favourite is ruined. Nowadays there´s no difference between Czechs and Germans.

What about Slovakia? I hear it's what the Czech Repub used to be like.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-11-2011 11:21 PM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2011 02:13 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

The coldness and "ice-queen-attitude" is rampant here, even though the girls aren´t that attractive.

And they give you this weird vibe. The complete opposite of what you get from a Brazilian chik.

can you explain that? what do you mean by weird vibe?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Again keep in mind, what people are talking about with the Coldness of the German chicks is what is also happening here and many other places. It's masculinization of females that is of course huge in Germany and getting bigger here every day.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 11:58 AM)Austrian Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2011 11:21 PM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2011 02:13 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

The coldness and "ice-queen-attitude" is rampant here, even though the girls aren´t that attractive.

And they give you this weird vibe. The complete opposite of what you get from a Brazilian chik.

can you explain that? what do you mean by weird vibe?

As Roosh says, whenever you see a Brazilian Chik you mind jumps to sex not only because of their beauty but also because of their expressions, body language and some kind of sexy energy around them. The same happens to me with French women but with German girls I get a repulsive feeling. I really don't know how to describe it in words.

Quote: (01-12-2011 12:07 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

Again keep in mind, what people are talking about with the Coldness of the German chicks is what is also happening here and many other places. It's masculinization of females that is of course huge in Germany and getting bigger here every day.

Its also a part of the culture. French girls are very feminine and they have been so for a long time. Germans have had a cold nature since the beginning. Girls in India want to beat men even before they get out of their mother's wombs. I don't see Thai women turning into Feminazis.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

ok I havent read all the thread, just quickly skipped through. First, british girls are not that ugly, you have many very fine girls in uk.
Second, i have not yet been in a hard country to pull. (i d say there are cities which are a little bit harder : the very big capitals, because a lot of naturals there)
In general the more you go to the cold countries, the sluttier and easier the girls are. (exples: brit girls easier than french girls, east europe and scandinavian girls easier than west europe girls etc etc) But it s really easy everywhere, and there is no such country where it s hard to get snls, and you need to have a date etc, well i have never been in such a country.

PS: your home coutry is often the hardest.. (except for scandinavian guys, i guess since i ve met scandinavian guys telling me they find their local girls very easy to lay, and had trouble when travelling spain or france..)

PS2: what the fuck are you guys saying about german girls? they (along with austrian) recently entered my fav list. They give me boner much much faster than french girls lol. they have better boobs and asses, and they are so fucking sexual and horny, i love them so much. VERY good lays!!! very very good lays!!! (and i ve not noticed any ice queen attitude in german and austrian girls, i notice it more in french or italian hot girls.. WEIRD.. maybe you guys mix a bit of shyness/coldness due to the girls being from countries where everybody is a bit cold With the ice queen atttitude)

PS3: what places we find the easiest to get girls depends partly on your looks and ethnicity but also on your type of game/personality, i know guys who do extremely well on social circle type of game, but cant get girls in clubs( and social circle kind of game is more important in france than in scandinavia for example..)

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?


However, sometimes you will meet an ice queen. One of the coldest girls that I have met in my life was German and she was only into white dudes.
German people in general are cold nature and that might be mistaken for rudeness by people from South America, Spain, Italy etc. Its just their culture.

I agree with this. Germans (Austrians and maybe the Swiss) are always serious as hell. Many of them I've gotten in touch with do not have humor, but the German mentality is the best there is.


As Roosh says, whenever you see a Brazilian Chik you mind jumps to sex not only because of their beauty but also because of their expressions, body language and some kind of sexy energy around them. The same happens to me with French women but with German girls I get a repulsive feeling. I really don't know how to describe it in words.

I think it's the masculine language. Whenever I hear a girl speak German I think of a man.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 09:56 AM)lottery Wrote:  

Pepini Portugal is not hard as you are making it sound.I am currently here and im not having problems in getting women. Remember that Portugal is now full of different races, so yeah approaching the black chicks in Lisbon or the white hood chicks in Lisbon is totally different from approaching a white classy portuguese chick, but this can be applied literally anywhere, not just Portugal.

Lottery I don´t give a fuck if the girl is from the hood or classy, I´m talking quality of the average chick (above 7 chicks). Don´t generalize a niche into the average chick.

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