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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

So, I have heard good things about the Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland and the Baltics but I haven´t been there myself yet. Southern Europe seems to be the opposite as far as ONS are concerned.

From my experience, in my homecountry Austria and neighbouring Germany girls are in generally not easy and SNL happen rarely. Dates are required to get some action in general.
For those who have travelled a bit, which countries would you say were the easiest and hardest ?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 08:44 AM)Austrian Wrote:  

For those who have travelled a bit, which countries would you say were the easiest and hardest ?

Easiest - France - I like French girls and they like me [Image: banana.gif]
Hardest - Spain - Damn those Catalans! [Image: angry.gif]

I think Iceland would have been the easiest but I pussied out because the girls were too aggressive for me. [Image: blush.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

If you count Britain as Europe then it's by far the easiest. Quality would be lower than that of continental Europe, much lower.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

@MysticTraveler: What do you physically look like? French girls are easy for me too, and especially French-Canadian girls love my latin looks.

Alos, I think this really depends on what you look like, and your style.

The easiest country to pull real non-pro ass for any man (from any background) with decent game and average style, is Colombia. I've seen old-geezer Hindi/Indian men come to Medellin and pull major fine tail. However, I have heard of guys who have had to work a little harder than they feel they should, but it mostly boils down to a language barrier and their below average looks.


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I second Britain but the quality would not be great, i dated girls over there that i would not be seen talking to back home.

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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

I think best places to pull overall in Europe are the beach party destinations. I am talking about pulling girls on vacation though, not girls in their own country. Corfu, Rhodes, Mykonos and Ios in Greece, Ibiza in Spain, Lagos in Portugal, Ayya Nappa in Cyprus all come to mind. For pulling local girls in their own country I would have to say UK.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Are the British girls really this ugly on average? I knew only a handful, exchange students here in Austria and the few were quite attravtive. exceptions? i never heard any good things about them here on the forum, though.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

@mystic traveler: can you elaborate a bit more on the Icelandic girls? why did you pussy out ?

I heard the same thing about Finnish girls, someone posted it on a trip report here. Apparently also quite aggressive (and drunk)

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 02:23 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

Are the British girls really this ugly on average? I knew only a handful, exchange students here in Austria and the few were quite attravtive. exceptions? i never heard any good things about them here on the forum, though.

There are some hotties but you gotta cull through the butter faces. I kept seeing some girls that were fine as a frog hair that turned out to be Polish. The up side is they spoke English and didn't seem to awfully interested in British dudes.

P.S. If you see a Polish girl working in a surplus store in S. London please tell her I'm sorry for the snail trails. Hehe. [Image: blush.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest - Poland, Estonia (March 9 cannot come fast enough), northern England
Hardest - Spain

This is all from personal experience, and in your case is gonna depend on your look, your game and your "table selection" skills, as stated before..................

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

It woudl be great for everyone to also say their look: Black (american or other), Anglo White, Latino, Asian, Slavic, Indian etc to indicate their "novelty/exotic" factor to local women of the country where they felt they had the easiest lays. For example, blonde/white men will pull non-pros easily in Brazil/Colombia/Central America/Asia, however, another latino or South American, may pull well, but not as as easy as whiter version of the same caliber male.

The same goes for a black/latin man in a mostly white country like Switzerland/Israel. I Also pulled easier in Slovania as a latin man, than the local white males. However, I would do well in Colombia, but not Southern Brazil.


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 02:23 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

Are the British girls really this ugly on average? I knew only a handful, exchange students here in Austria and the few were quite attravtive. exceptions? i never heard any good things about them here on the forum, though.

British women from the north of England/Scotland tend to be very average looking, at best. However you get quite a few 7s and upwards in the south (around London etc). Some of the most attractive women I've ever seen were English, and I've always found British women to be easy. The accent is pretty attractive too.

I'd regard southen Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece - as the most difficult countries to pull a local in. Far from impossible though.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

English girls get such a bad wrap on this forum. Being English Im obviously biased but I'm very well travelled and have been with girls from all nationalities, but amongst all the trolls you cannot compete with an English Beauty. I like european looks in general but its hard to find the personality to match in say scandinavia or Eastern Europe. Also I find the good looking ones in the UK the hardest work. I really have to pull out all the stops because I know she will be worth it.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 11:51 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

The easiest country to pull real non-pro ass for any man (from any background) with decent game and average style, is Colombia. I've seen old-geezer Hindi/Indian men come to Medellin and pull major fine tail. However, I have heard of guys who have had to work a little harder than they feel they should, but it mostly boils down to a language barrier and their below average looks.


Mixx, over time your posts have really got my attention on Colombia. Man, what have I been missing all this time if these old geezers are scorin down there?! I mean latinas are not my thing, but I think I gotta find out for myself how good the gettin is.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 02:23 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

Are the British girls really this ugly on average? I knew only a handful, exchange students here in Austria and the few were quite attravtive. exceptions? i never heard any good things about them here on the forum, though.

Austrian, UK girls have been the easiest lays of my life. The downside is they are beastly on average. Not worth the time, unless you have to be in London.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 03:26 PM)Super Etoile Wrote:  

Easiest - Poland, Estonia (March 9 cannot come fast enough), northern England
Hardest - Spain

This is all from personal experience, and in your case is gonna depend on your look, your game and your "table selection" skills, as stated before..................

Super Etiole,

Do the forum a favor and let us know how your trip goes down. I m sure many of us will be interested.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 03:36 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

It woudl be great for everyone to also say their look: Black (american or other), Anglo White, Latino, Asian, Slavic, Indian etc to indicate their "novelty/exotic" factor to local women of the country where they felt they had the easiest lays. For example, blonde/white men will pull non-pros easily in Brazil/Colombia/Central America/Asia, however, another latino or South American, may pull well, but not as as easy as whiter version of the same caliber male.

The same goes for a black/latin man in a mostly white country like Switzerland/Israel. I Also pulled easier in Slovania as a latin man, than the local white males. However, I would do well in Colombia, but not Southern Brazil.


I am a half latino-half belgian guy living in belgium. I speak both spanish and ducth as a native but have a latino look.

until now i have only run game in belgium and i can say that the attitude of belgian girls hardly differs from city to city.
brussels is very multicultural and pretty nothing is exotic there. Leuven is a small university town where half of the population are students. obviously the atmosphere is there openminded and girls are very curious to exotic persons.

in general i can say that at parties a lot of girls react positive by being approached by me, but at the least the same amount run scared away.
btw, day game is NOT DONE in belgium.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?


btw, day game is NOT DONE in belgium.

There are girls walking around Antwerp city center all day

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 05:08 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2011 03:26 PM)Super Etoile Wrote:  

Easiest - Poland, Estonia (March 9 cannot come fast enough), northern England
Hardest - Spain

This is all from personal experience, and in your case is gonna depend on your look, your game and your "table selection" skills, as stated before..................

Super Etiole,

Do the forum a favor and let us know how your trip goes down. I m sure many of us will be interested.

Don't worry, I'm on it!

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 04:55 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Mixx, over time your posts have really got my attention on Colombia. Man, what have I been missing all this time if these old geezers are scorin down there?! I mean latinas are not my thing, but I think I gotta find out for myself how good the gettin is.

Yeah, every man should have a visit to Colombia on their bucket list. The Hindi/Indian old fart I am talking about was about 55 years old, 1.75M (about 5'7) and weight about 130lbs (60kg) - he was scrawny, old, bald, and worst of all - CHEAP! A girl I was banging was friends with the Indians guys girl, and she would tell me stories of how cheap he was. He had everything going against him that any man looking for pussy would need to fix. He was so cheap, that to save 40USD, he took his girl on vacation on a 14hr bus ride, when a plane could have taken 1hr to their destination.

Now, I WISH I had a picture of this girl....OMG!!! I was PISSED I did not meet her before I met her girlfriend I was banging - PISSED!!! She would definitely make the cover of Maxim magazine without even fucking putting on make-up - that's how fine she was! I mean, if I were to compare her to a celebrity, I would say she comes closest to Eva Mendes. Yet, she was with this cheapskate, old fart.


Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Spain and Italy keeps coming back to me as places that are the hardest.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 09:31 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2011 04:55 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Mixx, over time your posts have really got my attention on Colombia. Man, what have I been missing all this time if these old geezers are scorin down there?! I mean latinas are not my thing, but I think I gotta find out for myself how good the gettin is.

Yeah, every man should have a visit to Colombia on their bucket list. The Hindi/Indian old fart I am talking about was about 55 years old, 1.75M (about 5'7) and weight about 130lbs (60kg) - he was scrawny, old, bald, and worst of all - CHEAP! A girl I was banging was friends with the Indians guys girl, and she would tell me stories of how cheap he was. He had everything going against him that any man looking for pussy would need to fix. He was so cheap, that to save 40USD, he took his girl on vacation on a 14hr bus ride, when a plane could have taken 1hr to their destination.

Now, I WISH I had a picture of this girl....OMG!!! I was PISSED I did not meet her before I met her girlfriend I was banging - PISSED!!! She would definitely make the cover of Maxim magazine without even fucking putting on make-up - that's how fine she was! I mean, if I were to compare her to a celebrity, I would say she comes closest to Eva Mendes. Yet, she was with this cheapskate, old fart.


Man, that's unreal.

When I finally do get down to scoring a paisa, I ll have you to thank. Bless your heart Mixx.

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 09:31 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Yeah, every man should have a visit to Colombia on their bucket list. The Hindi/Indian old fart I am talking about was about 55 years old, 1.75M (about 5'7) and weight about 130lbs (60kg) - he was scrawny, old, bald, and worst of all - CHEAP!

How was his Spanish? dancing? overall vibe?
I've seen a few damn good 50+ players, speaking nine languages and dancing like Cuban chicks on extasy. You might actually be one of them when you're 50 [Image: smile.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

@Mixx:I am 5ft 11 (70 kgs back then, now 75 kgs, [Image: sad.gif] ), brown skin (lighter than the Indian stereotype) and black hair. And people find me good looking to the extent that I have been told to take up modeling as a career.

People can't figure out my ethnicity if they haven't traveled a bit. They mistake me for a Latino most of the time. I have told chiks that I am from Brazil, Spian, Bahamas and even France and they believe me. They are usually attracted to me because they want to know where I am from. I obviously don't tell them which creates even more tension.

Also, the typical Indian guy usually wears a five year old gap sweat shirt and ill fitting jeans with worn out sneakers and gets a 5 Euro superman hair cut from a Pakistani refugee I don't wear expensive Emporio Armani suits but I shop at nothing less than Zara and Lacoste and I always wear a good cologne. I always sport a cool buzzed hair style. No Affliction T-shirts or spiked hair. And the biggest point, I don't have a thick Indian accent. Indians will pull a lot more pussy if they did not have that accent. I can also dance a bit of salsa which is a great tool to get pussy. Ok, enough bragging for one day.

As for Colombian girls (the ones I met in Spain), did not really game them. Don't have much experience with them. However, I did get a LOT of attention from Brazilian girls(in Spain) and most of them were hot. Brazilian girls are by far my favorite, I love them! Haven' been to Montreal but want to go there. Although I don't like French people there is something about French girls that turns me on. French blondes are the only type of blondes that I like. Can you elaborate on a few of your encounters in Montreal?


Scenario 1: I am walking on the shopping street in Reykjavik and a group of chicks start making moaning sounds. I look back and one of them smiles at me. I turn around and keep walking and then she starts making even louder sounds. I turn around and stop and she gives me serious fuck me eyes. She was a 7 in looks and as tall as me. I get intimidated and my game goes down the drain. She asks me "what am I doing in Iceland?" I tell her "I am here to fuck exotic women" (I a creepy way) END OF STORY.

Scenario 2: I am drunk walking the streets at night. A girl comes behind me and grabs my ass. I have never had my ass grabbed. I would have given her a 7 because she was a shortie. Don't like short women.

Scenario 3: A drunk girl spills beer on my hand, takes my hand and starts rubbing it against hair tits to dry it off. Ok, this one was 4 and drunk. But still I wouldn't expect a 4 to do this in Spain. In this case I would say that I creeped out than pussied out.

I am very shy guy and pussy out a lot. [Image: sad.gif]

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-09-2011 09:31 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Now, I WISH I had a picture of this girl....OMG!!! I was PISSED I did not meet her before I met her girlfriend I was banging - PISSED!!! She would definitely make the cover of Maxim magazine without even fucking putting on make-up - that's how fine she was! I mean, if I were to compare her to a celebrity, I would say she comes closest to Eva Mendes. Yet, she was with this cheapskate, old fart.


Are you sure that she was not a pro? If she wasn't then fuck Thailand, I will save the money and get my ass to South America. I am anyways a sucker for Latinas.

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