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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Alright so I'll be in Toronto next week. My research tells me two places to stay near:

1. King and Spadina (lots of clubs)
2. Queen and Ossington (less suburban crowd, better vibe)

What do you think?

The Toronto thread

Uh oh [Image: popcorn2.gif]

The Toronto thread

Those are both definite party spots. When are you arriving?

...and why the change from montreal?

The Toronto thread

OMG, you do realize Toronto is not a Montreal suburb.!!!

Tough call on places to stay, I think Queen and Ossington is more your style. King/Spadina is a great location but more upscale clubs in the area.

What dates???

Our New Blog:

The Toronto thread


I arrive next midweek for just the weekend. I want to do some sort of mini meetup.

Looking at lodging now and Toronto is more expensive than Montreal. I will probably stay towards Ossington out of necessity.

The Toronto thread

This will be very interesting, I want to see how Roosh finds Toronto.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

That will be nice indeed to see how Roosh finds TO. Let's definitely organize a meet up or something. Ossington area is a good choice as there are a lot of bars, clubs nearby. It's right in the middle of the Latino/Portuguese/Brazilian/Itailan communities.

The Toronto thread

Those are good areas. Queen west of Ossington is a sort of continuation from Ossington. Ossington was great. It used to be a little secret of just locals (ie no suburban outsiders polluting it like the club district) SO no fighting and a good friendly attitude.

All the bars on Ossington are small and tight

On Ossington hit up LeVack Block where I've scored 5 lays. I like it here because there is a bar up front where everyone enters and dancing at the back. I sit here and talk to everyone because as people go in back to dance, fresh people escape dancing to rest and talk. It's smaller so you can always turn around and talk to someone new. The DJ up front might be DJ Code. geeky, glasses. I haven't been there in a while so the vibe might have changed. I hope not.

Across the street is the Ossington which the only thing I know about it is I was banging a girl whose ex husband owns it.

Up the street is Repasado a very fine tequila bar. Been a few times. Great women. kinda hit or miss.

Up a little further is The Pink Lady. Saturday night I really enjoyed the DJ and again, tight and intimate. almost naked women dance on the bars for your pleasure.

If you head to the lights is Dundas (north) turn left on the south side is a few good bars. The Red Light I think its called and the Communists daughter

Head back down to Queen and go right (west) and stay on the north side and you'll run into a slew of bars

The Beaconsfield is ok.

The Drake hotel is probably where you would want to end up. 3 floors. Used to be high quality women.

The Double Deuce - I've had a bit of success here.

If you want to keep walking on Queen under the train tracks you hit Parkdale. The new hot spot. Lots of new little bars. The only one I can recommend for a possible quick lay is The Wrong Bar. University girls, immature, always hanging on their girl friends and grinding with each other when everyone is looking. The bar is nothing special really. Here a re a few more

As for King West. These are more clubs than bars with DJ's (link with search of bars

Brant House seems to be popular still. It's owned by 3 bond traders so just imagine the vibe. I've been once, pre-red pill.

If you want a guaranteed lay - head to 2Cats. over 30's and desperate.

Forgot Bier Markt. This is the smaller Bier Markt (the other one east and south on Esplanade) Last time I went is had many women. Data is old, I haven't been in a while)

The Spice Route is across the street from Brant House. Hit or miss. Weekend should be busy. It's been around a few years and thats a long time in Toronto.

If you head to King and Bathurst, the Thompson Hotel is there (south on Bathurst), I've had some good luck at the bar and they have a bangin roof top pool.

If you get bored of all that, head to College Street between Bathurst and Ossington. Lot's of bars and women. This is little Italy

That's all I have.

The Toronto thread

Very nice list Zeus! I'm even learning in here! Also, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag. If you Roosh or anyone is in town on a wednesday night, there's a bar on Queen ST west and Spadina (forgot the name at this time but once it comes back, I'll post it) where every wednesday night they have a language exchange night where people from all over the world gather to practice any language they want. As you can imagine, the place is packed with lizards from all over the world with most of them being FOBs and ready for the picking. [Image: wink.gif] I've taken one or 2 guys from here there before and it was nice and fun.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (10-24-2012 08:40 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Alright so I'll be in Toronto next week. My research tells me two places to stay near:

1. King and Spadina (lots of clubs)
2. Queen and Ossington (less suburban crowd, better vibe)

What do you think?

Choice 1: it's the bottle service crowd for the most part. Yes there are some hotties, but you deal with crazy lineups if you a. Aren't there by 10pm b. no guest list or bottle service. You can still score, but you will need to pay cover charge, possibly coat check, overpriced drinks and usually a shitty attitude by doormen which coincides with shitty patron attitudes IMHO.

Choice 2: more laid back. Less extreme than choice 1, if not the opposite!!! More of a local crowd who live nearby and cab it as opposed to driving 30 min to the burbs ala choice 1. Hence you are correct, less suburban crowd.

There are a few good spots for the after work crowds on queen west. Drake hotel from Wednesday onwards after 6 pm has a decent crowd upstairs in the patio. Again hit or miss, but when you see a company/office mini party with all those girls in sexy pencil skirts your eyes pop out.

The Toronto thread

2Cats? I went there, it was a complete sausage fest. There were 2 women there that night and something like 30 guys.

I haven't been to Toronto since August though.

Good luck Roosh. It's not as bad as they say, location location! There's some great spots out there.

The Toronto thread

Stay on Ossington it DHV just dropping that line with folks. Plus your right by the Lakeview Diner which is a solid After bars spot to grab food and scrounge for crumbs if needed haha.

King and Spadina are close by so even if you stumble onto that strip at night the King West strip stretches to as far as Niagara/Shaw which is only a block from Ossington.

I'll be adding to this thread as I have time to drop info. There may be a special jam taking place that weekend. Jams is what I prefer to hit up nowadays. I am big on the 'MANSION' parties as of late.

What day are you getting in?

I do agree if your in somewhat late in the week you can take advantage of the Post-work crowd at spots like The Drake, or The Beaconsfield, The Tompson Hotel lounge would be a good bet for post work/early evening also. Go suited up and do your thing. I can see you working this angle well sicne you were raised in DC on the Happy Hour culture, which is not dominant here. I can't picture nothing but Beta Toronto schlubs talking about boring work crap at these spots so you can easily break that pattern.

In general The Drake and Wrongbar are Westend standards. Suburban clowns and downtowners all still hit it up. The only things that kinda mess it up, especially for Wrongbar is that its mostly a 'music venue' so one night might have some rock band, but generally its electro that is all up in there. So try and search before hand to see what (if anything) is going on there for music as it will effect the crowd. Generally its always full of coked out whores but some music can keep them away.

Parts and Labour - is my favourite Westend bar, its in Parkdale and the lounge downstairs called "The Shop" is my favourite place to game because of the set-up. Its just one long bar in a right room so everybody is funnelling by one on all sides. Your constantly making physical contact with people and its easy peasy to open up broads.

This Is London - is way past is expiry date but its still a solid good crowd every weekend. This is the only bar in "Clubland" I will ever venture too. Last time I was there a few months back when some homies came to town I had a good time.

Laveck Block - I like the setup hear and have had okay success here. Its generally a decent crowd on the weekends. Last time I hit it up was April I believe. Zues already went into detail about it but nothing more to add, only that a vouch for it being a good spot to game. The front room is mellow, while the backroom can be a shit show at times.

Baby Huey - This is one of my favourite set-ups as its set-up like a house with lots of nooks and crannys to do your thing. The first few times I went here I had no idea where the hell I was and was to drunk to re-cap all of my night but I did manage to score a lizard from here. After I realized this bar was called 'Baby Huey' I hit it up on a Friday and it was mad weak inside. This place is hit or miss for sure, but when its busy its a solid venue set-up to game.

F-stop I have not been here yet personally but was supposed to check it for a jam in September but got sidetracked. I have heard good things about it. Its kind of hidden away of Spadina. This is a King West spot I would sniff out, from searching around it seems like a solid spot.

Dog and Bark - This is a new place that opened up a few months back its like a English Pub but classed up. I have been here once and very much enjoyed the set up, nice long bar with booth, seats, pool table and such. A lot of good choke points and circulation it was easy to chat people up in this place. Since the booths are raised you are always at level with people so even if a broad is at the edge of the booth its not hard to open her op when clutching your drink.

Random Lounges on Queen West - If your night is sprawling into the toilet and every Venue your hitting is full of koo-koo girls then hit up the random lounges that stretch from Ossington St. - to - Dufferin St.
Spots like UNIT, and The Savoy and a bunch of others I cant even remember the names off. All are hit or miss but on a weekend a good chunk will have women in them. I have had good and bad nights out at all of them. Just avoid the bar called "B'' Its a Lezbo bar.. I made the mistake going in there because it was full of chics. When I got in 95% of them where dykes, I managed to screen out one strait girl but ended up getting cock blocked by her butch fembot friend.

College West [Little Italy] and Dundas West [Little Portugal] all are in reach from Ossington. you are near 4-5 different "Bar strips" on Ossington. Dundas West is more Hipster-ish while College West is almost strictly lounges which vary to Dumpy Dives, Cougar lounges, and Student hang outs.

I used to always hit up the The Crawford in Little Italy but have not been there since probably January. It is dependent on the Jam taking place. Its kinda of like Wrongbar in that you will always have a circulation of women coming through there but it being busy is highly dependant on what is taking place there that night.

The general keys are to organize your nights. And be early. I find there are to rushes of women (venue dependent) if it is a lounge you will get a early rush that is there from like 7-9ish.. then the regular rush at like 11pm-ish. You can be strategic and hit up two venues in both windows.

The scenes I've been rolling in have been heavy in that Whyte. I don't touch the stuff but maybe have a 8-ball back at your crib as bait... or lie and say you do.


Toronto broads and Liqour. Aside from sugar laden Vodkas or Grey Goose they will be down for:

[Image: jameson_range.jpg]
[Image: 622282_Strongbow-4x500ml-cans.png]
[Image: 138685.jpg]
[Image: MOSCATO-ROSE.jpg]

Stock any of that stuff up and use it as bait to lure them back to your place.

Or .....

[Image: cocaine-300x200.jpg]
[Image: lol.gif]

Zues dropped a quality list! I have my issues with a few of the venues though:

Brant House is full of old asses and Cougars. I'd avoid it. I have not been there in years and I always forget about the place. The old couples prior to hitting the Swingers Clubs hit up Brant House to warm up....[Image: confused.gif]

The Pink Lady - is a fun place. Its a chill atmosphere and the half naked ladies dancing around add to that. But them half naked broads bring a lot of bummy dudes whom come there and gawk and act like creep heads. Its good contrast though since its easy to stick out lol.


Welcome to Toronto Roosh - This man right here has been waiting for you! He is a cracked out legend Downtown and he is waiting for Jesus lol:


The Toronto thread

Try Earls on king and University...Thursday-Sat nights. Thank me later...

The Toronto thread

For Day-Game aside from the obvious places like Starbucks (Which are like on evrey 2nd block in the Ossington area) there are some un-traditional spots where you can try to day game.

The Mascot - Parkdale

Its a Independent Coffee shop, its set up kinda quirky so I don;t know if you can multi-task and get work done but the atmosphere s so chill. Unlike Starbucks which brings out major ADHD in me from all the backround noise and activity. This place you chill back and just casually talk to anybody. I picked up a broad here once not really meaning to, and nearly got with a *future Grammy award winner* at this spot also (She was just to big, she was a cool girl, but she was like 7lbs to heavy for my limits and I could tell she was a nightrider who only goes after Big Daddy Kane's).

Loblaws - Urban Format
(Queen West @ Bathurst)

I placed the Queen Street location since its closer to where you are staying but the holy grail of Supermarkets is at Carlton @ Church Street (Its filled with a lot University girls, versus the Queen Street one). Regardless of which one you choose you will find a Supermarket that is always filled with 60-70% women at any time of day...

I kid you not.

Dark Horse Espresso
(All over downtown)

This is our answer to Starbucks. Its a local Chain of Expresso lounges scattered all over the Downtown. I used the one at Spadina as a date spot once for a girl whom wanted to meet in the daytime. I found it nice and was able to have a good convo with her as it wasn't crazy loud in there.

Random clothing shops

Iunno I always do this when I visit other cities. I act dumb and aloof as hell and chat up the Store staff. You should be able to break their shields since your an American. Since Canadians have a fetish for Americans they will 100% be open to talking. Tons of stores on Queen West are never really that busy, and as long as they sell Men's shit too you won't look outta place. I used to always chat up whores at 69 Vintage (Queen St W @ Dovercourt). The American Apparel on Queen Street is good too as they are required to hire whores.

Evergreen brick works - (Location... in the Valley a shuttle bus takes you there from the Metro)

See this one is hard because its a Farmers Market and its early mornings on the weekends. I realize that women simply wake up before men on Saturdays and Sundays. When I am going home at times at 9am still drunk I see women crawling around going to Yoga and shit. Many women stay in at night and then go to these spots early to run errands. I used to live by the Metro stop that had the shuttle and it had exclusively women on the shuttle bus. You will run into wacky age variations but the ratio there will be majority women, or men that got dragged there by their women.

Kensington Market

Weekend afternoons they shut down the streets and its a outdoor market. A lot of random restos, coffee shops, shops, bars. A lot of whores live in this area as its a grimy little arts hood in the City. A lot of Hipster-ish chicks are in this area. Its a lot better in the summer as the patios and such are open. But if its a nice weekend morning and your not to hungover check it out.

AVOID: Eatons Centre. TorontoKid got hassled there in the past for running pickups and to be honest is a farm pen in there. Just a mass of humans circulating through. Yorkdale Mall is better but that's all the way in North York-istan... way to far from Downtown.

The Toronto thread

Good luck man, you are going to see a lot of guys wandering around with PTSD from being veterans of the 'dating scene' in TO, such as it is. Just remember, you can leave whenever you want. But those guys are trapped.

Bars close at 2AM. No exceptions. If you need any help with the illegal after-hours scene, send me a PM and I'll try and point you in the right direction.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (10-29-2012 10:44 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Loblaws - Urban Format
(Queen West @ Bathurst)

I placed the Queen Street location since its closer to where you are staying but the holy grail of Supermarkets is at Carlton @ Church Street (Its filled with a lot University girls, versus the Queen Street one). Regardless of which one you choose you will find a Supermarket that is always filled with 60-70% women at any time of day...

I kid you not.

Kensington Market

Weekend afternoons they shut down the streets and its a outdoor market. A lot of random restos, coffee shops, shops, bars. A lot of whores live in this area as its a grimy little arts hood in the City. A lot of Hipster-ish chicks are in this area. Its a lot better in the summer as the patios and such are open. But if its a nice weekend morning and your not to hungover check it out.

AVOID: Eatons Centre. TorontoKid got hassled there in the past for running pickups and to be honest is a farm pen in there. Just a mass of humans circulating through. Yorkdale Mall is better but that's all the way in North York-istan... way to far from Downtown.

I'm going to have to strongly recommend that Loblaws. I used to ride over from the east end just to shop there, passing 3 other Loblaws on the way and countless other food stores just to go there. i'm happy others see the treasure.

Also, Kensigton is good. I picked up an Aussie who had only been in Toronto for 2 days.

The Toronto thread

Any farmer's market (St. Lawrence, Brickworks, Junction Flea). Nearly every girl in Toronto is a "foodie", whatever the fuck it means. I think it's something to do with taking pictures of very small portions of expensive food for the sake of status competitions. Actual cooking or having interest in traditional gourmet foods doesn't matter.

The Toronto thread

The AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) has a "party" each 1st day of the month. This invite showed up in my Facebook. I don't know if I will go as its to early for me but scanning the 'going' list I see its mostly women whom are planning to attend. This party can serve as a good middle stop transition from the post-work - to - a night out.

Its tonight from 7pm-11pm @ Dundas and McCaul :

- 1st of the Month Party at AGO -

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-01-2012 09:55 AM)kosko Wrote:  

The AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) has a "party" each 1st day of the month. This invite showed up in my Facebook. I don't know if I will go as its to early for me but scanning the 'going' list I see its mostly women whom are planning to attend. This party can serve as a good middle stop transition from the post-work - to - a night out.

Its tonight from 7pm-11pm @ Dundas and McCaul :

- 1st of the Month Party at AGO -

I went to the AGO Massive Party in the Spring, which is much more formal than the First Thursday Parties, check the attached link to get an idea of the age group and talent.

The Toronto thread

Sold out when I looked into it today - if you're there let us know what it's like. Galleries are unbeatable for doing what we do...

The Toronto thread

My first night out was not good... the city was dead. I think it's a combination of the weather and also day after Halloween. I walked down Ossington and poked my head in all the little bars, but not much of a crowd. I made a right on Queens and browsed until Parkdale. The Drake and Beaconfield had a small crowd with maybe one approachable set each. I feel like all the bars were better for dates.

I remember "Madison" was mentioned here and how it was for PUAs. I figured why not, so I took a cab there. Man, it was like 50 Tyler Durden's running around! I've never seen anything like it. If PUA had a global headquarters, this was it. I felt like I took a time machine to my early 20s.

The guys were obviously practicing the RSD style of game... fake high energy, puffed out chests, fashion accessories, not drinking, etc. I wouldn't care about them but the ratio was pretty bad. Picture:

[Image: vstVR.jpg]

The bars in Queens West are too small. I need a bigger place where I can approach a few girls, so I figure I should hit a club. Any club recommendations for Friday and Saturday? Maybe a medium sized place. I know the mega clubs will attract a bridge and tunnel crowd.

The Toronto thread

Grindhouse is a hipster club which is pretty packed on the weekend. High bitch shields there though and lots of people who know each other. I personally dislike it.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-02-2012 02:04 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The bars in Queens West are too small. I need a bigger place where I can approach a few girls, so I figure I should hit a club. Any club recommendations for Friday and Saturday? Maybe a medium sized place. I know the mega clubs will attract a bridge and tunnel crowd.

If I were you, I'd just hit up the drake again. It should be packed on all 3 floors after midnight. But I'm not a local, so I may be missing something.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-02-2012 02:04 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The bars in Queens West are too small. I need a bigger place where I can approach a few girls, so I figure I should hit a club. Any club recommendations for Friday and Saturday? Maybe a medium sized place. I know the mega clubs will attract a bridge and tunnel crowd.

The clubs are mostly for suburbanites who come into town on weekends. Downtown people usually prefer parties at unofficial venues.

There's a party at 99 Sudbury on Saturday.

For tonight, if you're looking for medium sized clubs and want to avoid the actual club district, stick to the Ossington and West Queen West strips. They fill up on weekends. 3 recommendations (no guarantees) are The Ossington (61 Ossington), LeVack Block (basically across the street from The Ossington, and WrongBar (West of the bridge on Queen, 1279 Queen W. if I'm not mistaken). I'd show you around, but I'm in Bosnia...

The Toronto thread

Yes last night was dead. The factors you aimed at we're true - weather plus it being after Halloween. I regret not making it out on the 31 st but was way to busy. Went to a concert last might and when I went passed The Drake on a Streetcar shit did look dead as hell, seen a guitar and knew it was a snooze fest ("local" artist nights and Kareoke are boner killers for me). Cheval had a jam last night, was going to drop info on it - forget why I did not - It was a hip-hop jam with a strictly scenester crowd.

We will drop info for clubs. But in honesty the lounges trump them. The downtown whores are femenists and thus sluts, the girls from the suburbs are hesitant for SNLs so they don't miss their ride home. 90% will have BFs or a row of cocks waiting for them in Richmond Hill or where ever suburb they are from lol.

Thursday's I usually always find quite slow. Unless your hitting lounges most clubs will be a quarter full. Your playing roulette with it because paying 15-20$ bucks cover to drink 8$ drinks in a quarter filled club is the zenith of frustrations for me. I can't gamble like that so If I do go out Thursdays it has to be at the Jams (one off parties, monthlys, etc). Right now if I do go out Thursdays its to the 'Beastmode' monthly at 'Parts and labour'.

Surprisingly that Earls when I went by on the Streetcar was still popping, a lot of suits. It was probably 11pm. I was surprised. I still get creeped that a mega-chain resto can be a spot to party in downtown?! This isn't Oakville now!

Did you hit anything in the daytime? Those spots like The Beacs and The Drake are better for Happy Hours which I did note in my list.

Don't fuck with Ossington tommrow night as It's too much of a gamble. I admit I am viewing Toronto through a locals eyes. Roosh just wants volume not ease its sounding like, so he may find regular clubs appealing.

I'll recommend some spots once I load up my Facebook and scan my events page. Try a club Friday then a lounge Saturday.

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