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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Typical slavic ''bird'' variety of face.This is the quality one can get in province if he stays there one week.I suspect that you get these girls by promises of career in the West(modeling or sth like that).They do not come to your home out of romantic interest but for some other reason(not sure how you present yourself,as proffessional photographer?,magazine editor?,TV showman?).

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Please Kamaki - I present myself as what I am - a smooth, well off, polyglot, British man who works in investment management. Simple as that. Between work and sarging, I don't have enough spare brain capacity to invent a persona or offer careers in the West ROFL.

I don't believe in lying during a sarge (except on length of stay) - whats the point if she turns out to be LTR material and then you have to drop the bombshell that you're a fucking fake. The talented Mr Ripley I am not.

Does anyone else think Kamaki is reading a different thread?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

In the UK you have plenty of slavic girls(millions).Why are you so impressed by typical slavic beauty?Is this level not obtainable in UK?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

It is but it is far harder work and less quality - many become westernised quickly after arriving. Its the very reason KRAUSER is off to EE every chance he gets yet lives in London. Come visit London to see for yourself, I was here 26 years and fled as quickly as I could.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Kiev Closing Report

Dear fellow pussy hounds, my time in Kiev draws to an end and the movable feast ends.


2 weeks. Around 10 girls dated all IMO >7.5, no nightgame at all, 50% daygame, 50% pipelined. 1 Bang, 2 heavy almost bangs. Around 6 girls I will be long gaming with import possibilities.

Who should come to Kiev

Anyone who speaks at least moderately conversational Russian. Level of English in Kiev is generally FAR WORSE than in Eastern Europe. If you don't speak Russian, do yourself a favour and plunder the baltics, balkans and central Europe instead. Rooshey concurs. Unless you're like me and prefer to make things as hard as possible for yourself and regularly bang your head against walls.

Anyone who wants to admire a number of 9s and 10s walking around during the day but not have a chance with them. Actually Moscow is better for that in all probability.

Anyone who has more than 2 weeks to stay here. Game here is far more traditional and these girls practice "logical sex". If you are averaging a bang on D4, you are doing well. Again I can't comment about SNLs or D1/D2 bangs from nightgame as it somewhat preselects for horniness and slutiness but I expect even night leads take significantly longer to bed than further West. I would suggest 1 month here as a minimum to have a chance at banging the 8s and 9s. Be prepared to drop cash as I have paid for EVERYTHING on EVERY date. This place isn't cheap. If I went Kamaki style I would be taking out a new mortgage round about now.

You are anglo looking (German, Scandi, Dutch, British, USA white etc) - this is the profile that allows you to open easier than others. Do not come if you in any way look very southern mediterranean, turkish, arabic, black or are in any shade dark skinned/ very tanned. They are fed up of sex tourists from these countries contacting them on VK and propositioning them for sex on the Kreshatic.

You're not a fan of online pipelining - Beyond a couple of hours pre arrival to get the ball rolling, I actually think pipelining is a waste of time in Kiev. There is too much talent on the streets and the girls online are lower quality in comparison. I wasted 2 evenings due to mamba girls appearing with 5-10kg excesses. Cold messaging via VK is also a waste of time (thankyou Turks/Italians and friends). Far better is to make friends here in daygame then friend their friends and voila you are in the social groups and preselected. My number 1 mistake in 2 weeks was wasting inordinate amounts of time with VK for low returns.

Anyone who is genuinely interested in Soviet architecture and buildings
- surprisingly Kiev is an ok tourist destination with enough to keep me occupied for 2 days.

You are a HNWI (High Net Worth Individual - the type of guy who invests in our fund) and are ready to drop important cash. I'm talking budgeting 500 dollars a day minimum kind of cash.

Anyone looking to romance a girl over several dates traditional style - This isn't the place for low investment/SNL junkies. The girls here are the most traditional I have met. They WILL jelously guard their pussies from your grubby mits. Expect to advance things on their schedule.

You are an advanced gamer - If you can pull quality pussy regularly at home then come here and you will pull. If you think that turning up here with your Western passport and cash will make all the hotties spread, think again. Ukraine has been officially plundered over the last 5 years. This is not pooooosy paradise and no place for a beginner to learn the ropes.

And thats it. The trip leaves a bittersweet feeling due to the level of talent I have on D2/D3 without banging that I am leaving on long game, a symptom of the time it takes to date these girls. I am a pragmatist and in my experience if you dont oxytocin bond a girl with 2 or 3 bangs before leaving, you can almost forget about picking things up where you left off when you return.

I am left thinking that I get almost as much pussy leverage at my base of operations in Spain (English levels shit, every girl wants to practice, 50% youth unemployment meaning they have no money, I have a luxury pimped pad, motorbike and sport car) and can work my LTR leads at my leisure. Only caveat being my AA in Ukraine has been almost 0 while in Spain, being my home turf, I have high approach resistance (Not AA as such but I weasel my way out of many approaches).

Very curious - Its for another thread but I subscribe to the evo psych rival tribal unit theory of AA with rival males from the unknown tribe killing you for attempting to mate poach their females. Being abroad and knowing i'm leaving soon may mean my treacherous hind brain thinks there won't be any rival tribe repercussions to bash my brains out after an approach.

I've had a very tough but lovely time, I have met some wonderful kiev girls who have been very friendly to me and I thank the city for its hospitality.

Over and out!

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Been an awesome thread Alex,thanks for sharing your experiences.

A well deserved +1 from me.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 08:03 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Kiev Closing Report

Dear fellow pussy hounds, my time in Kiev draws to an end and the movable feast ends.


2 weeks. Around 10 girls dated all IMO >7.5, no nightgame at all, 50% daygame, 50% pipelined. 1 Bang, 2 heavy almost bangs. Around 6 girls I will be long gaming with import possibilities.

Who should come to Kiev

Anyone who speaks at least moderately conversational Russian. Level of English in Kiev is generally FAR WORSE than in Eastern Europe. If you don't speak Russian, do yourself a favour and plunder the baltics, balkans and central Europe instead. Rooshey concurs. Unless you're like me and prefer to make things as hard as possible for yourself and regularly bang your head against walls.

Anyone who wants to admire a number of 9s and 10s walking around during the day but not have a chance with them. Actually Moscow is better for that in all probability.

Anyone who has more than 2 weeks to stay here. Game here is far more traditional and these girls practice "logical sex". If you are averaging a bang on D4, you are doing well. Again I can't comment about SNLs or D1/D2 bangs from nightgame as it somewhat preselects for horniness and slutiness but I expect even night leads take significantly longer to bed than further West. I would suggest 1 month here as a minimum to have a chance at banging the 8s and 9s. Be prepared to drop cash as I have paid for EVERYTHING on EVERY date. This place isn't cheap. If I went Kamaki style I would be taking out a new mortgage round about now.

You are anglo looking (German, Scandi, Dutch, British, USA white etc) - this is the profile that allows you to open easier than others. Do not come if you in any way look very southern mediterranean, turkish, arabic, black or are in any shade dark skinned/ very tanned. They are fed up of sex tourists from these countries contacting them on VK and propositioning them for sex on the Kreshatic.

You're not a fan of online pipelining - Beyond a couple of hours pre arrival to get the ball rolling, I actually think pipelining is a waste of time in Kiev. There is too much talent on the streets and the girls online are lower quality in comparison. I wasted 2 evenings due to mamba girls appearing with 5-10kg excesses. Cold messaging via VK is also a waste of time (thankyou Turks/Italians and friends). Far better is to make friends here in daygame then friend their friends and voila you are in the social groups and preselected. My number 1 mistake in 2 weeks was wasting inordinate amounts of time with VK for low returns.

Anyone who is genuinely interested in Soviet architecture and buildings
- surprisingly Kiev is an ok tourist destination with enough to keep me occupied for 2 days.

You are a HNWI (High Net Worth Individual - the type of guy who invests in our fund) and are ready to drop important cash. I'm talking budgeting 500 dollars a day minimum kind of cash.

Anyone looking to romance a girl over several dates traditional style - This isn't the place for low investment/SNL junkies. The girls here are the most traditional I have met. They WILL jelously guard their pussies from your grubby mits. Expect to advance things on their schedule.

You are an advanced gamer - If you can pull quality pussy regularly at home then come here and you will pull. If you think that turning up here with your Western passport and cash will make all the hotties spread, think again. Ukraine has been officially plundered over the last 5 years. This is not pooooosy paradise and no place for a beginner to learn the ropes.

And thats it. The trip leaves a bittersweet feeling due to the level of talent I have on D2/D3 without banging that I am leaving on long game, a symptom of the time it takes to date these girls. I am a pragmatist and in my experience if you dont oxytocin bond a girl with 2 or 3 bangs before leaving, you can almost forget about picking things up where you left off when you return.

I am left thinking that I get almost as much pussy leverage at my base of operations in Spain (English levels shit, every girl wants to practice, 50% youth unemployment meaning they have no money, I have a luxury pimped pad, motorbike and sport car) and can work my LTR leads at my leisure. Only caveat being my AA in Ukraine has been almost 0 while in Spain, being my home turf, I have high approach resistance (Not AA as such but I weasel my way out of many approaches).

Very curious - Its for another thread but I subscribe to the evo psych rival tribal unit theory of AA with rival males from the unknown tribe killing you for attempting to mate poach their females. Being abroad and knowing i'm leaving soon may mean my treacherous hind brain thinks there won't be any rival tribe repercussions to bash my brains out after an approach.

I've had a very tough but lovely time, I have met some wonderful kiev girls who have been very friendly to me and I thank the city for its hospitality.

Over and out!

I disagree with some of these points.
1.The percentage of girls peaking English in Kiev is much higher than the rest of Ukraine.Actually as an English speaker one has the best chances in Kiev compared to any other Ukrainian city.
2.Agreed that '9s and 10's are not available unless you are willing to drop serious cash on them or in case they come from province.
3.I do not agree at all.You do not need more than 4-5 days.Only probems with time management are apparent as all girls have the same schedule(they work till 18.00 except in the weekends).

4.If by logical sex you mean sex in exchange for material goods I concur that these girls are fans of logical sex.
5.I agree with appearance attractiveness ladder although the desired look is not what we call anglo but the Germanic,Scandinavian one.Mediteranean guys have an audience but are in disadvantage however it does not matter much since it is numbers game.(A Mediteranean has to do roughly the double number of approaches than a Scandinavian to get the same result).
6.Pipelining only serves in the first 1-2 days to get secured bangs(prearranged).After that it is waste of time with all the talent walking by(it is ridiculous to stay at home and send messages while all the hot debushkas parade in the streets).

7.Kiev is not so Soviet like Minsk.It was relatively left intact from WW2 and has many buildings from tsarist period or even older.It is a very European city in looks.
8.I completely agree that to have maximum effects one has to spend around 400 euro a day.It is better to spend 1500 euro in 3 days and live like a King than spend it in one week and live like middle class.Kiev gives you this opportunity to be King for a weekend.

9.I disagree.Girls are quite open to one night stands after first date in case you make the right impression.Also if you spend on them(classic convo sushi,cocktails in expensive cafe,shopping perfumes or boots).
10.Yes,better be advanced but Ukrainian provinces are even more difficult for the layman.I would advise the novice to actually start with Kiev and not with Russia or Belarus.(Kiev is more europeanized and you get the meaning easier).

Kiev is for adventure.Prerequisites:
1.Older than 30 years old.
2.Established job
3.Expensive clothes and shoes
4.Ready to spend 400 euro per day or at least 300 euro per day.
5.Knowledge of Russian,experience in FSU helps immensely.
6.Ready to take risks including being mugged,cheated,ripped off etc.
7.Physical stamina.Ready to get through serial dating,extensive clubbing and prolonged banging in drunk state without stops(that is why short term vaccations are better,you get then some time to relax).

In my opinion you failed to calibrate internet contacts correctly due to lack of experience.You could not place them in categories 100% sure,very likely,some chances etc to know which one to date first and which not.Calibration is difficult and takes a lot of talk and negotiations before you come and even when you come you can never be sure.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Kamaki - sure this is just my point of view on kiev. Everything I said about englsh levels of course assumes kiev has the best in the country. That was a given. Even you will admit levels of english are far worse than balkans,baltics and poland.

Some of our.difference in because I speak almost no.russian and including accompdation am averaging 50 to 60 euros per day. Kiev on the cheap and parr of the challenge I set myself.

No doibt its paradise.if you can blow serious cash. I don't on principle, and yes I do make life harder for myself.

Kamaki completely concur on the calibration front. That wasted a lot of dates. Great input thanks.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

What's the SOP for cockblocking members?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:21 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

What's the SOP for cockblocking members?

That is a no-no!
Ali can we expect to see you in Kiev, anytime soon?

Our New Blog:

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:24 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:21 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

What's the SOP for cockblocking members?

That is a no-no!
Ali can we expect to see you in Kiev, anytime soon?

No I mean what do we do when a member blatantly cockblocks another member? This is something that I don't think has been addressed on the forum.

And no, you'll never see me in the Ukraine. Or Russia.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

All this is very helpful, but also a bit disheartening since I'll be in Kiev tomorrow for a week. Anyone else in Kiev the coming week?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

The things some guys can learn from this thread (including all the posts and responses) is that

if you want to experience a whiff of higher/different quality league, all you've got to do is go to Kiev, and splash cash just to be in company of demure, sweet talking, sweet-accented bitches who will not put out because they are stringing you along to maximize their benefits.

In addition to that, you also have to constantly calibrate how much do you want to be mugged on other fronts as well, either by street thugs, landlords, or artificially inflated "official" store prices. Luckily, at least the police isn't supplementing their income off of you too (like they do in some other places).

Overall, if carefully and analytically read and comprehended, this is an excellent lesson for some.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

It's not true. It was a joke.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:39 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

And no, you'll never see me in the Ukraine. Or Russia.

What's your reason?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:39 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:24 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:21 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:03 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


Wolverine is a cool guy so I'm sure it was absolutely inadvertent - although he did tell me that he number closed your girl when you went to the toilet )

That's disgraceful if true.

What's the SOP for cockblocking members?

That is a no-no!
Ali can we expect to see you in Kiev, anytime soon?

No I mean what do we do when a member blatantly cockblocks another member? This is something that I don't think has been addressed on the forum.

And no, you'll never see me in the Ukraine. Or Russia.

Great post Alex and great info from many others. Im with you too Ali about not going to Russia or Ukraine, I was considering learning Russian and heading over there in the spring, but one has to be honest with oneself about the posibilties one has in another country. I also dont like waiting long to bang (even if it is a 9) or spending a lot of money on girls. So for me as a Latino American it would not be worth all the effort.......I would probably have to do 10 times more approaches than an Anglo looking man.
By the way Ali I have read Punto Cana in the DR is becoming very popular with Russian tourists. Maybe that is our ticket to banging some hot Russian girls.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

She says.not. Wolf is.completely innocent because I think.I misrembered that.he went to the toilet.before. just before we left.

Very bad joke by Vorkuta lol (top bloke btw) - I would have preferred he.joke about my sexuality than another player stealing my set.

I.actually.didn't D2 her. Posted that to throw.him off the.scent in case he had.taken her number because she was acting strange on SMS. He may not be.a model wingman but he's not a set poacher lol.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 12:26 PM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Very bad joke by Vorkuta lol (top bloke btw) - I would have preferred he.joke about my sexuality than another player stealing my set.

[Image: embarrassed.gif]

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:57 AM)Gaston Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:39 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

And no, you'll never see me in the Ukraine. Or Russia.

What's your reason?

Not learning Russian.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 01:15 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:57 AM)Gaston Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:39 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

And no, you'll never see me in the Ukraine. Or Russia.

What's your reason?

Not learning Russian.

Too bad Ali, they love loud American Rock Stars in Ukraine/Russia. Women would be throwing their panties at you even when walking down the streets.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Just to note I didn't say categorically don't.come to the.ukraine/russian if you.don't speak russian.

Just that you are making life more difficult than necessary.when you could.have.gone further west.

There.are many.beautiful speak good english. Just far less than elsewhere - I think.this will change in the next 10 to 20 years as ukrainian foreign language teaching recovers.from its post soviet slumber.

If you speak.conversational russian and english, get your ass over here, you will be warmly received.

For my tastes of high.cheekbones etc, light hair, light skin and long limbs FSU cant be beat. I fully intend to learn enough russian for a conversation by next year.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

^^^That's painful to hear but listen to my reason. So if +/- 10% of the local populous speaks English that greatly reduces the dating pool. Now, of that 10%, how many of those girls would be attracted to me? I'd say 1% of that. So, that narrows down virtually the WHOLE population. And how much time or effort would be involved in finding these girls? It's about as good as finding one specific grain of sand on a whole beach.

I hate to throw out numbers when talking pussy, but damn, those odds aren't I want to spend $ on. I'll stay in LatAm. Or SEA. Will leave EE for you young energetic players.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-29-2012 11:51 AM)Gaston Wrote:  

The things some guys can learn from this thread (including all the posts and responses) is that

if you want to experience a whiff of higher/different quality league, all you've got to do is go to Kiev, and splash cash just to be in company of demure, sweet talking, sweet-accented bitches who will not put out because they are stringing you along to maximize their benefits.

In addition to that, you also have to constantly calibrate how much do you want to be mugged on other fronts as well, either by street thugs, landlords, or artificially inflated "official" store prices. Luckily, at least the police isn't supplementing their income off of you too (like they do in some other places).

Overall, if carefully and analytically read and comprehended, this is an excellent lesson for some.
LOL, actually the police do fleece alot of tourists. kiev is one of the most expensive cities when it comes to luxuries and the girls all want luxury. Kiev isn't representative of the whole country. Like NYC isn't representative of America. Plenty of long term residents including lowly paid english teachers make it work. Same bang for less bucks.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Just looking at Roosh's average cost thread and I am pleased that I was rocking more or less the same low daily budget as him.

That is pure game in my opinion, using just your looks, charm, startegy and game to get them into bed. If you are spending double or triple that (no hatin', do it if you can) then thats significantly helping your ROI and may even border "soft prostitution" kamaki style over here in FSU.

Not specific to Kiev but great article on style in foreign countries by roosh here (as always offering real value in his writing)

I commited the 2 sizes too big sin over here but it was more through losing so much weight. Food isn't great if u're used to Italy and Spain. We are talking Sushi Pizzas. We are talking me on a date in a top Italian restaurant, getting up to go to the kitchen and instruct the chef on what toppings constitute a proper Neopolitan pizza. Not sure if that was DHV or not - bring your own Parmegiano Regiano as I did LOL.

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