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KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes


I will have been in Kiev for two weeks. For the benefit of my RVF brothers in arms, I present a trip report with some case studies for your voyeuristic delectation. My Russian is basic but I can have a simple conversation. I am 32, have intermediate game, moderately handsome and visibly appear to have money and assets. My verbal attraction game is superb, comfort good but my physical kino escalation is not as smooth and as aggresive as I would like it to be.

I was originally going to Kharkov as a juicy looking Tier 2 that received good reviews on RVF, but then correspondence with Rooshey who had stayed there previously (I expect all will be revealed in Bang Ukraine) warned me off it due to the appalling levels of English and general shithole nature of the place.

So Kiev it would be. Conclusions for you gentlemen:

1) Don't come here (or to Ukraine in general IMO) unless you have a basic conversational Russian. 1 in 10 of my approaches speaks conversational English, that’s a lot of turning over stones. Compare that to Belgrade/Zagreb etc where 9 in 10 speak great English. Poland, Baltics and Balkans would render far better bang for your buck for far less effort.

2) Yes Kiev has a slightly larger percentage than most EE destinations of 9 and 10s. This is irrelevant because you won't be slaying any unless you arrived in your private jet or starred in the last Hollywood blockbuster. Next to my apartment is a Ferrari showroom; the fact that you're foreign and have a bit of disposable income means shit to the top girls.

3) The 6,7,8s of Kiev that should be our normal staple are as prevalent and hot as in the aforementioned alternative EE destinations. As in those countries they speak much better English, its a no brainer to go there first unless your Russian is decent or you have a hard on for FSU architecture.

4) Kiev itself is a very nice city and pleasant to stay in. No problems for me with crime or idiots or Russian guys. The problems with the language have made basic administrative tasks far harder than they should have been. Tourism options are severely limited and they seem to have a penchant for truly bad combined pizza/sushi restaurants. It doesn't feel dirt poor. AirBNB apartment the best option as centrally as possible. DO NOT SKIMP AND GET AN APARTMENT IN THE SUBURBS. As Rooshey recently mentioned in his Zagreb post, this WILL bite you in the ass and you will be spending many nights with only your hand for company.

The city has its fair share of Turks/Italians/American goons propositioning every hot girl in heels that walks down the main strip (Kreshatic). This makes them highly suspicious of you before you have a chance to lay down your more refined game. This is no longer an undiscovered sex paradise and will only receive more tourists as time passes. Conversational Russian would I am sure bypass these bitch shields, allowing you to segue nicely into English should they speak it.

5) The few 6-8 girls that do speak english are more than receptive to talking to you and going out for coffee etc especially to practice their English. Converting them into bangs is another thing as you will see in my case studies. Figuring out the Ukrainian girl mentality has not been easy for me despite reading advice from such EE luminaries as Kamaki, Hooligan Harry, Luckystar and others.

6) I met up with a fellow RVFer called Jeff and we hung and gamed for most of the last week. Makes a longish foreign trip by yourself twice as fun to game with a wingman. AA was significantly reduced by being social with someone between approaches and not being in my head – something to bear in mind for the introverts travelling alone to game foreign countries.

Case Studies

They’re a bit long but I wanted to give a full flavour of the games played by Ukrianian girls.

I am a quality fiend. On a pussy hunting expedition abroad I only game girls 7.5 and above. These are hot girls that are highly in demand by their own men, let alone horny foreigners and the difficulty of banging them will be evident. I only work young and hot targets abroad, I’m a fillet mignon man.


Input from kamaki and co appreciated on the mentality of these lovely FSU women. I still haven’t figured them out...

Catwalk Model 9, 20
Model I number closed in front of national Ukrainian TV cameras. She was filming a NEXT UKRAINIAN TOP SUPERMODEL SHOW which I barged in on. The square was covered in roving camera men filming for the show and the girls and boys had to sell some overpriced gap stuff they were wearing to win a competition against another group of models. The model and I were having great chemistry so I motioned her over with my finger. Bought a scarf for myself (cheap for my pocket and she wanted me to buy her blouse LOL), and then surrounded by camera crew I number closed her. She wants me to come to her filming hotel but its 75km away and they have a curfew.

Looks wise she is absolutely gorgeous but achieving a bang would be very tricky logistically for obvious reasons. I kind of fucked this one up this afternoon by mentioning that I had a present for her (some fake perfume, not that she would know) that I would drop round when I visited and she reacted by saying that she didn’t need presents, I should give it to my girlfriend etc. This sort of error results from not yet understanding the mentality of the babes here.

Kamaki I am sure will comment on this as he has more experience with presents. My conclusion is that presents must only be used to solidify an already imminent bang. Do not use it as bait for an early date as they will take offence that you are trying to buy them.

Will get one of my girlfriends here to record the show and post it on RVF for the LOLs.

Red Head 8, 20, Part time model.
Met her through social network. She is smoking hot but after arriving late and I called her out on it, she proceeded to act like a complete c**t taking offence at everything I said. I hung in there as I was very keen to jizz in that red hair of hers she was so proud of and mess it up completely. Clearly enjoys practicing her english which is excellent as she spent a year in USA when she was 16. Explains everything really.

After 2 hours of me holding alpha frame and her acting up she chills a bit and we get into some comfort listening to my music at the metro entrance. She clearly is lacking money and has a boyfriend she’s “in love with”. BF is her age, unemployed, lives with parents and can’t help her with anything financially. A loser. I was under the impression girls would be keen to jump ship to a smooth handsome British guy with money, but not so, as you will see.

She calls me out of the blue on Saturday midnight when I’m in my pijamas to smoke hookah. Asks me to pay for the taxi and of course I will have to pay for everything as shes broke. I reluctantly agree thinking it’s a chance to get her drunk. To her credit all taxis shes taken have been super cheap and she hasn’t tried to shaft me on them at all. We hang out, kino is very hard work because she keeps backing away. I get several coctails down her and start to crowd her personal space, hand behind back several times etc. Tough work. We are doing deep comfort conversation and she is obviously enjoying being with me.

Taxi for her at 6 AM and didn’t try the one last cocktail at home move because I wasn’t getting far enough with the kino. She mentioned her BF a couple of times and I of course ignored and ploughed.
Next day she takes me to coffee and gives me two little presents including a glossy brochure of Ukraines sexiest women. We are really starting to connect. We correspond quite a lot on VK between the meets and there is chemistry.


Tuesday, at 1 AM after a long VK chat, I tell her I will be flying out in 5 days for work before returning to kiev (lie) and I won’t be able to see her before. She immediately says she is getting a taxi to come over… to have a hot shower at mine because she hasn’t got hot water…LOL

I immediately assume it’s a booty call and prep the flat as per GAME 101: Chocolates, Martini, small present as recommended by Kamaki and mood music. But I lay these elements on one at a time smoothly so it looks like they just happen to be around. She arrives in heels and nice dress (my conditions for her to come ), she has shower and we sit down on the small couch side by side with chocs and drinks and music. Comfort again with some attraction mixed in.

She seems confused or conflicted. I assume it’s the age old hindbrain forebrain conflict and work deep comfort, lingering kino and eye fucking. But any kino is rebuffed. After 2 hours of this my body is slouched right next to hers touching all along the length. Without any green light to escalate further I don’t beyond the kino. She says she has to go at 3AM and calls taxi. Walk her out with “WTF happened there” running through my head. Message her the next day and coolly tell her: that shit is unacceptable. She seems confused, she has a boyfriend blah blah, came there to talk etc. Explained to her that I don’t do gay best friend and backburner her.

The error I can identify is not going full on aggressive sexual on her as soon as she arrived in the flat, making out etc. The risk was she would reject it and I burn the set but at least she knows what its about and doesn’t waste my time. In the absence of green lights I played the gentleman because caveman game isn’t my forte. Coming to a dudes flat you’ve met twice and who is obviously attracted to you 1 AM for a hot shower LOL.

Conclusion: Sexualising meets with girls met with indirect game on social networks (“Lets meet for a coffee and chat a bit in English”) is time consuming, tricky and needs its own RVF post. Assess quickly if these girls have boyfriends and seem in love still and if so NEXT them. You’re working with limited time when on a poon vacation.

Shy blonde 8.5/9, 24, English Teacher
The pick of the bunch, a real gem. Very attractive girl, 180cm, long silky blonde hair down to her ass and large tits, who is actually quite geeky, slightly shy with men and doesn’t know she is as hot as she is. Yes I know she sounds made up but thats what I'm working with. Shame she may be frigid LOL.

The two times I’ve picked her up from the metro, both times when I have arrived she has been being hit on by a different Russian dude with no game. LTR material for sure.

Meet her through aforementioned indirect game social network and she really wants to meet to practice her English. Meet and quickly realise I have discovered a gem. Move her to a pub for food and immediately start gaming her. She is somewhat shy. I ask her if she is married as a joke and she replies yes without cracking a smile. She plays this charade for 10 minutes until I ask her where her ring is and she admits she isn’t married and is single. Strange behaviour and maybe I was telegraphing too much interest. Bounce her to cocktail bar, I sit on a sofa and she is sitting on the opposite chair across from a table. Tell her to sit next to me, which she is somewhat reluctant to do but she does.

Lots of attraction and comfort material from me and she is IOIng like mad and constantly rearranging her dress. She really doesnt know what to do with herself and is blushing. I am getting lingering kino in but anything like an arm around the back move is rebuffed saying she doesn’t like it when people touch her.

Cocktail bar closes and she says she has to get back home with a taxi. Again don’t try to bounce her for one last cocktail to my place because I am getting the vibe shes a fairly serious and shy girl and my kino has not advanced enough.

Next day I tell her to meet me for a coffee. She does and takes me to her favourite place where I work more comfort and attraction, she is having a great time. Leaving coffee shop I get my arm around her for 20 second intervals and then release and she is more or less comfortable with that. Hand holding is a definite nono.

She SMSes to see me the next day in the evening and we go to a restaurant. Im thinking this D3 is the moment I get to holding hands and make out. Starts off on the wrong foot as her instructions to the restaurant are not good and she gets cold. At the restaurant (to her credit only orders a dessert) she is pumping me for corrections to her English on the SMSes and asking me to explain difficult grammatical points from my SMSes (I am expert in English grammar). At this point I get the feeling I am being played for my English. Its Sunday so she says she’s going home as she works next day. Try to get my arm around the back and its rebuffed “touching makes me angry” though she continues being cordial with me. I seed a dinner at my flat and a movie and she agrees with no fuss. WTF!?

So we get to today where she comes round this evening. No idea how to play it. No idea what shes thinking. At 24 in FSU shes getting old for not being married but this girl is a mystery to me. Accepting an invite to dinner and movie at my place must be an IOI right? Confusing to say the least.

Girl next door 8, 20, Student
Brief one: Number closed her in local eatery after she was IOIing me after hearing me speak English with my wing. I join her group of guys and girls and quickly become AMOG, directing conversation flow. Confirm with her she is single and get her VK and number easily. She is super cute, slightly shy and very very feminine. Get her out for a coffee date and she is giving me enormous IOIs, looking down, blushing, twirling her hair etc. I kino her often.

On the walk back I try to get my arm around her back but she is uncomfortable and says that she had a boyfriend until 3 weeks ago and isn’t ready for another one. WTF LOL? I ignore and continue working comfort. She leaves and tells me the times she’s free to see me. Will have to get her out on a night time date.

All in all, the mentality of these girls is somewhat confusing when compared to my experiences with Western European girls. I am still working them out and establishing the optimum modus operandi.

Someone mentioned in a recent post (Kamaki?) that in general for affluent westerners, banging top shelf talent gets easier the poorer the country, but when you reach a threshold poorness level (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus) bangs parodoxically get harder. This actually sounds about right and I have no idea why. At a certain poverty level. could us westerners be too disconnected from their day to day reality that it hinders our ability to truly read where we are in the seduction?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Amazing report, +1... this is very similar to my experience. None of that "Google Translate easy bangs" bullshit.

Ukraine is hard. It was the hardest out of my 11 country tour with the worst ROI even though it's a "poor" country. It's becoming clear that Ukraine is for adventurers with game balls of steel. None of that "I'm going to bar to have a couple drinks and spit some game" shit. You gotta work for the pussy here and not knowing Russian is like driving blind.

Ukraine is definitely not beginners.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Thanks dude, appreciated coming from you. And thanks for warning me off Kharkov which would have been even harder going.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes


6) I met up with a fellow RVFer called Jeff and we hung and gamed for most of the last week. Makes a longish foreign trip by yourself twice as fun to game with a wingman. AA was significantly reduced by being social with someone between approaches and not being in my head – something to bear in mind for the introverts travelling alone to game foreign countries.

Very true. This is what I found as well. I think basically, whatever AA issues you have in your home country, you will have them in the foreign country, and potentially worse if language is an issue.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Shy blonde 8.5/9, dinner date is happening today (Wednesday) so I would appreciate input on how RVFers would play it.

I am even considering violating the first law of thermogameanics and......... buying some nice flowers for her. I know..... the situation is that bad. I may have to go full beta on her LOL.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Regarding the shy blonde, sounds like she has some sort of insecurity about controlling when she's being touched.

Suggestion: Ask her next time before you want to touch her some way.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Great Report!

Are the gifts a must? I would hold off on the flowers, seems a bit too needy and try hard.

I would only touch once inside your apartment, then I would be a full on molester. Since it is there city they probably don't want a bad rep being seen with a foreigner. The shyness might be a cover, if she is that hot I am sure alot of dudes have tried there luck with her. (I am not saying she is a slut).

Our New Blog:

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Excellent! This report is pure gold.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Jesus Christ! Calibrate, calibrate and calibrate! Ukrainian girls are really different from western women. They are more traditional and polite. Even if she didn't like your advances she will keep it cordial and continue the conversation with you.
Flowers is a nice gesture and FSU girls love it! It's considered rather normal for a guy to give flowers( not over the top like in the US).

There are also gold diggers and sluts, so you have to figure out what she is and play accordingly.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Good report. I liked Kiev girls, some are a tease, but definitely not the worst in Ukraine. I thought for sure I was going to bang one of the barmaids from O'Brien's and she waited until I asked her to meet for a drink to tell me her boyfriend was working the other bar downstairs (after she gave me her number and I'd had my hand on her back).

In my experience the 3 date rule is golden in Ukraine. At the very least if she doesn't give you at least an HJ by the 3rd date you are getting taken for a ride, or she has been damaged by too many foreigners.

I would recommend lying in general about your length of stay, but especially as it is starting to get colder and girls will be wanting to have a boyfriend for the winter.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-25-2012 05:11 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Amazing report, +1... this is very similar to my experience. None of that "Google Translate easy bangs" bullshit.

Ukraine is hard. It was the hardest out of my 11 country tour with the worst ROI even though it's a "poor" country. It's becoming clear that Ukraine is for adventurers with game balls of steel. None of that "I'm going to bar to have a couple drinks and spit some game" shit. You gotta work for the pussy here and not knowing Russian is like driving blind.

Ukraine is definitely not beginners.
Funny. Ukraine is really quite easy, especially Odessa. Go to Odessa in the summer, everyone, even Ukrainians go there to let go. International game should work there. Eastern Ukraine, like Lviv, many of the girls are quite conservative and religious.

Roosh's post about Eastern game was just about right. So many women are just looking for a good man. When they think they have one, they let you know. It oddly helps if you are older. I was there with a twenty-something colleague who scored consistently in Asia. In my 40's, I got all the attention.

It is hard to come back after being away for a long time. American women are no longer sex objects at all to me. They are generally competition. They are wannabe men without the better qualities of men. I am stuck here for a while, but two years abroad made me permanently immune.

"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact."

"Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!"

"It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day, than to say bright things from time to time."

Balzac, Physiology of Marriage

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-25-2012 10:42 PM)rastignac Wrote:  

Eastern Ukraine, like Lviv, many of the girls are quite conservative and religious.

Lviv is in Western Ukraine.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Great report, makes me feel better I 'm not the only one that didn't get very far.

My speculation:

-It's very hard for us to understand how broad the impoverishment of stimuli is relative to a Western life growing up. A girl who is 24 probably didn't have broadband around until her mid-teens? The constant shopping, driving around, all the overstimulation that Western girls are numbed by wasn't there. So they did this weird thing, they sat there and talked with their friends. Where friends mean something different than in carousel-land.

The male friends I made in Ukraine had a whole different subtle behavioral demeanor when they sat in a coffee shop with me. They actually LOOKED at you. They talked about their lives and emotions besides anger ( the only manly emotion) and it seemed so much more real than my American male friends, who do have bonds with me, but are really too inward to express their emotions. There are downsides-- most of my friends tried to mooch money, but they weren't mad when I wouldn't cough up.

In America, people NEVER seem to relax to me, they feel COMPELLED to always appear busy and detached, they'll talk with you for a few seconds seriously, but then it's back to making plans. Just like for a PUA, it's always back to "escalating kino".

There's a lot of time spent cooking in these homes, they can't buy all the convenience food crap, things are just a lot slower and there is a much clearer and implicit goal of getting MARRIED. I've mentioned before it's not the Disney fairly tale idea of marriage like the West, it's just to be halfway comfortable, have an apartment without your parents there.Marriage is not an option looked at after the girl has "conquered the world" with her 50k HR job like in USA; it's her MAIN goal.

To get used by a bunch of guys is a badge of honor to a Western whore, but to these girls, they're thinking " I don't know this guy, he hasn't earned my trust at all, he's superficially desirable but I don't have any real bond with him yet....but he wants to have sex with me?" It's sort of flattering, but doesn't match what her deep goals are at all. A one night stand gets her nothing of what she needs, unless she is a highly thrill-seeking girl who has bought in to the SATC carousel as the ideal. Most of them aren't that shallow.

That's why I'm going back.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-25-2012 05:25 PM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Shy blonde 8.5/9, dinner date is happening today (Wednesday) so I would appreciate input on how RVFers would play it.

I am even considering violating the first law of thermogameanics and......... buying some nice flowers for her. I know..... the situation is that bad. I may have to go full beta on her LOL.

The English teacher needs a present from you.You should buy her a present in the 100-150 euro range.This is the reason she hooks with you.She expects it.(teachers make very small money in Ukraine).

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

I should add for the record, that all Ukraine Poon Slaying 101 tips have been followed. For example everyone thinks I am here for a year at least, I have Ukrainian business cards, Ukrainian rented apartment, ukrainian sim etc. The presents, I had prearranged before coming here so they would cost me very little and I would have them ready to pull out of my ass as the adequate moment presented itself.

Kamaki may have a point here, it is a careful balancing act. Flowers OR a present because both would be overkill. Shy blonde is definitely not a gold digger but may well be planning to long game me into some sort of LTR/marriage. Definitely not a SNL girl.

It makes you wonder how many weeks you need in Ukraine to get a small rotation of 7.5+ girls going. Possibly a minimum of 1 month. Thats a big investment.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Buy her a present of 200 euro and you will decrease the one month to one day.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Kamaki mate, I love you and you should really have your own TV show where you plunder the FSU with Balkan power. But I don't do expensive presents as such as it goes against my principles. I may give presents that "look" expensive but no way will I drop 200 euros on a broad LOL. For that I'll go to Buddha bar and save myself the time.

A small present will be in order, to show my appreciation. The kino escalation with some of these girls is excrutiating, its as if they expect to have to get to know you over at least 1 month before escalating. As such telling them I work here may be working against me.

We are also seeing the famed SEXUAL CAMEL effect going on here, with some of these babes not having banged for over a month yet resisting their natural horniness in order to secure the long term provider. What Rooshey referred to as logical sex vs emotional sex. Here its logical sex all the way.

ANOTHER TRIP NOTE: Do not burn your bridges with these babes after they have LJBFed you. Cultivate them and they will pimp you their friends via social game - Rooshey has mentioned this in his Industrial Shithole thread as possibly the optimum bang strategy for hot girls in FSU, problem being it necessarily requires longer term stays to implement.

Part time model red head has just pimped me her 20 year old virgin 7.5 for a date tomorrow. Yes I am preselected massively and yes the first thing redhead mentioned was that she was a virgin. Thats what friends are for LOL.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-26-2012 04:50 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Buy her a present of 200 euro and you will decrease the one month to one day.

Fuck no, I'd never spend 200 euro for a present to get laid, pay for the dinner, cinema or whatever, buy some roses if you want to, but If you sense that she has appetite for more tell her to fuck off.

BTW, I really like your report, It's accurate and honest, that's why I knew Deb was trollin, I'll never ever believe that someone is banging 8s and 9s in Ukraine without knowing russian and spending sometimes serious money, no matter how 'hot' he is.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Just so you boys can get an idea of my 0 - 10 calibration, and because I know you're all dirty perverts who live vicariously, this here is the 9 I am working on (shes in the middle, creepy beta orbiter on the right)

[Image: 93290554.jpg]

Would bang.

[Image: x9a36f816.jpg]

Not everyones idea of a 9 to be sure, but at 20 years of age, this is the type of girl I got into game for.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-26-2012 05:45 AM)polish rumble Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2012 04:50 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Buy her a present of 200 euro and you will decrease the one month to one day.

Fuck no, I'd never spend 200 euro for a present to get laid, pay for the dinner, cinema or whatever, buy some roses if you want to, but If you sense that she has appetite for more tell her to fuck off.

BTW, I really like your report, It's accurate and honest, that's why I knew Deb was trollin, I'll never ever believe that someone is banging 8s and 9s in Ukraine without knowing russian and spending sometimes serious money, no matter how 'hot' he is.

Ironically I'm actually in regular email contact with Deb and can confirm that hes a good guy. I have no doubt hes banging 6s and 7s but I dont see him banging 8+s. Google translate bangs ROFL. My wingman did land his LTR here (7-7.5) via google translate dates but I it is clearly an extreme exception and not the rule.

I will be happy to meet him. The issue with Deb on RVF (apart from talking about banging teens, something I don't oppose but respect the rules here) he didn't offer a lot of value to fellow RVFers on how to land these FSU girls in our nets.

If a dude is saying hes laying quality left right and center but not offering methodically tested methodology, he is doing other RVFers a disservice as we are all after the same thing here. Pickup is not a zero sum game. This is why Rooshey is my favourtite pickup writer. He is a scientist/engineer just like me and believes in optimising bang percentages to the maximum through repeated testing of techniques. The scientific method.

I almost get more pleasure helping a wing to a fine bang than getting one myself - must go back to the caveman days of hunting and cooperating in groups of men to bring down the mammoth.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Yes,8.5 for Ukrainian standards.Without some sushi restaurant, cocktails in expensive central cafe,clubbing with entrance of 25 euro for each and get drinks for free and some dinners of 50 euro you well not lay her.The alternative is to give her straight 200 euro or buy for her a mobile phone with this money.(same expenses)
You also likely met this girl through and very likely she is a scammer.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Greek mate, read what happened when I seeded an expensive present. This is a present that in ukraine would cost 1500 grivna (nearly half a monthly salary).

What I am trying to communicate to RVFers here, is that FSU isnt as simple as arriving all guns blazing with presents at the ready, these girls require some very nuanced and subtle game. It is very easy to blow yourself up here at any point in the seduction.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

So, you met this girl near the television crew, have you gone on a day 2 or has she been responding to you?

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

also, it sounds like you did purely day game, no? You didn't mention night game at all.

KIEV Trip report - confusing top shelf FSU babes

Quote: (09-26-2012 06:06 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Greek mate, read what happened when I seeded an expensive present. This is a present that in ukraine would cost 1500 grivna (nearly half a monthly salary).

What I am trying to communicate to RVFers here, is that FSU isnt as simple as arriving all guns blazing with presents at the ready, these girls require some very nuanced and subtle game. It is very easy to blow yourself up here at any point in the seduction.

What nuanced game?I have already described the dialogues.You actually strike a deal with these girls which involves dedicated appliance of rules from guys part and freedom of woman"s part to apply the rules on will.(she may or may not keep her promise because she is a woman and gas the right to be unstable).

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