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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

I got approached buy this short haired chick yesteryday. As soon as I had gotten out of the car it seemed like she came over to me to give me a hug. Since shes a sophomore, I popped the "Wassup Freshman" opener. It seemed to work and I got her number. When I saw her later after she flaked on my "wassup freshman" text, she was jokingly offended by me calling her that. Oh well.

My second approach was a fail. I yelled "SUP FRESHMEN" to these girls I knew and one said hi and the other one just didn't seem to care. Oh fuckin well.

Two girls that were in a group with me yelled my name and I chatted with em for a minute. They asked me the "HOWS UR SUMMAR" bullshit question and I replied with, "Sex and fighting". I gotten one of the chick's number and told them I'd hit them up if I'm having a party in my room. She seemed happy with it, but she had to go with her bitch clique somewhere.

By the end of the night, I had too many numbers from football bros and just regular people that I've seen/talked to. Now I do not know who's number is who [Image: confused.gif]. I might have to just give out some calls later on.

Lesson's Learned:
-Typical yelling game does not work on college girls. It doesn't work [Image: sad.gif]
-"Sex and fighting" seems to be a good response to their usual "HOW R U" basic questions. Anything thats out of the ordinary will work.
-Texting girls with the same opener you used seems to make them flake.
-Getting too many numbers in one day can confuse the shit out of you.
-Freshman dudes are usually cool. If you're chill with them, they will have no problem helping you with the chicks.

And the last important thing I learned is that. A new semester is always like the reset button. You haven't seen these chicks, they haven't seen you in a while. So they're more happier to see you.

brb library


The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-19-2012 11:02 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Went to a club last night with Slubu. Place is supposed to be the hot shit in Hollywood. I must have run 8 or so approaches. Slubu had a couple that he brought me into, he brought a couple girls outside to smoke, these girls were pretty bangin' (esp. that girl in the blue dress) and I thought we had something going until they pulled some ADD bullshit, one of them saw someone they knew and they ran off. Each of my approaches turned out the same and I lost steam pretty early in the night actually. Usually I gain momentum but I just got frustrated.

As the night wore on, the ratio got worse, and the music got louder. In retrospect, my only options at that point would have been to go caveman style, which itself would have been hard since there was no proper dance floor, and the scene was very cliquey.

Typical club bullshit, I'd get some interaction going, go for strong initial contact, arm around the back and whatnot, but the ADD level was through the roof. Also I'd watch girls bounce from one group of guys to the next, just soaking up attention.

At one point I was talking to a girl, and another girl across the bar with big tits waved at me. I think it was one of the girls we chitchatted on the street before going into the club. This was probably my only chance to score but I stayed talking to my girl and she, in turn, left after a couple minutes to go check up on her friend. I ran all my approaches at the bar but it led to nothing. Girls would come up, I'd open her up, maybe get a laugh, I'd go for physical contact, she'd flake and bounce. Rinse, repeat.

Seems like girls were just walking around constantly, there was constant traffic and I'm pretty sure it was girls walking to the bathroom and then walking all the way back to the table they were whoring themselves out to for free booze.

All in all, confirming everything I know about clubs. Even though we got into the hot club of the moment, we still had to deal with all the horseshit. This particular club is renowned for celebs hanging out, and there was a private VIP room adjacent to the room we were in. I can only imagine that's where all the hotties went to go suck some celebrity cock and do a few lines. I'm sticking to my policy of only going to clubs if I have a strong hookup, can get free bottle service or otherwise VIP treatment, because otherwise there's literally no way to stand out.

Now that I have a chance to digest the previous night what absurdity to have a separate VIP club that you can't even look into without getting in. So the main club had another "side club" that only certain people go into. That's probably where all the hot girls were at, because the pedestrian area while still having talent wasn't the levels it should be for the it spot in Hollywood. You're right about the bathroom - whenever I walked by there many many girls were there that I hadn't seen. So my only guess is they were table whores or in that secret VIP area.

First approach was a hipster looking girl with her friends by the bar. Chatted her up a bit, brought thedude in and went back and forth. At one point she mentioned she has a "guy's" attitude towards things and is very direct and to the point. Translation - slut? Anyway to echo what thedude said ADD kicked in and she left after a solid 20 minute chat session. Saw her later bouncing from dude to dude.

Few more approaches were nothing special, quick interactions that died quickly. Then found those two hotties, goddamn that one in the blue dress was attractive. She invited me outside to smoke with her and her friend, grabbed thedude and we went outside. Apparently she had just taken some molly and was ready to have fun. Completely absorbing all my touching. But ADD time, left and I really thought last man standing would have gotten her.

What turned out to be my last approach of the night I'm not even sure how I found her (kinda buzzing at this point). Must have been outside at the smoking patio. Half chinese half french girl, slender like I enjoy. Can't recall face that much. Anyway, immediately went into touching, she kept saying she had a boyfriend but literally started grabbing my dick at the club. Ended up bouncing with her, trying to get her to come back to my place (about 10 minutes away). Wouldn't, went to her hotel and she wouldn't let me up to her room because she was splitting it with 4 other girls. Eventually her friends came and dragged her away. It was a hard sell anyway because she kept saying "I have a boyfriend, I have to go home" but was holding my hand the entire time and rubbing up on me. If my place was closer or I had a hotel room I think I could have banged.

Outside super sluts that will go through whatever obstacle to get boned logistics are so key. Not sure what has caused me to go out so much these past few months, but I'm out on a date or go to a bar (or sometimes both) 5x a week now. And the more I go out the more I notice a trend of how to succeed. Basically it's 1) not giving a shit, 2) not giving up / persistence, and 3) logistics. Obviously there is more in terms of general game tactics but those 3 seem huge to me.

Outside Vegas, clubs are much worse than bars/lounges even restaurants. Oh well onto the next night.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-19-2012 02:14 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2012 11:02 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Went to a club last night with Slubu. Place is supposed to be the hot shit in Hollywood. I must have run 8 or so approaches. Slubu had a couple that he brought me into, he brought a couple girls outside to smoke, these girls were pretty bangin' (esp. that girl in the blue dress) and I thought we had something going until they pulled some ADD bullshit, one of them saw someone they knew and they ran off. Each of my approaches turned out the same and I lost steam pretty early in the night actually. Usually I gain momentum but I just got frustrated.

As the night wore on, the ratio got worse, and the music got louder. In retrospect, my only options at that point would have been to go caveman style, which itself would have been hard since there was no proper dance floor, and the scene was very cliquey.

Typical club bullshit, I'd get some interaction going, go for strong initial contact, arm around the back and whatnot, but the ADD level was through the roof. Also I'd watch girls bounce from one group of guys to the next, just soaking up attention.

At one point I was talking to a girl, and another girl across the bar with big tits waved at me. I think it was one of the girls we chitchatted on the street before going into the club. This was probably my only chance to score but I stayed talking to my girl and she, in turn, left after a couple minutes to go check up on her friend. I ran all my approaches at the bar but it led to nothing. Girls would come up, I'd open her up, maybe get a laugh, I'd go for physical contact, she'd flake and bounce. Rinse, repeat.

Seems like girls were just walking around constantly, there was constant traffic and I'm pretty sure it was girls walking to the bathroom and then walking all the way back to the table they were whoring themselves out to for free booze.

All in all, confirming everything I know about clubs. Even though we got into the hot club of the moment, we still had to deal with all the horseshit. This particular club is renowned for celebs hanging out, and there was a private VIP room adjacent to the room we were in. I can only imagine that's where all the hotties went to go suck some celebrity cock and do a few lines. I'm sticking to my policy of only going to clubs if I have a strong hookup, can get free bottle service or otherwise VIP treatment, because otherwise there's literally no way to stand out.

Now that I have a chance to digest the previous night what absurdity to have a separate VIP club that you can't even look into without getting in. So the main club had another "side club" that only certain people go into. That's probably where all the hot girls were at, because the pedestrian area while still having talent wasn't the levels it should be for the it spot in Hollywood. You're right about the bathroom - whenever I walked by there many many girls were there that I hadn't seen. So my only guess is they were table whores or in that secret VIP area.

First approach was a hipster looking girl with her friends by the bar. Chatted her up a bit, brought thedude in and went back and forth. At one point she mentioned she has a "guy's" attitude towards things and is very direct and to the point. Translation - slut? Anyway to echo what thedude said ADD kicked in and she left after a solid 20 minute chat session. Saw her later bouncing from dude to dude.

Few more approaches were nothing special, quick interactions that died quickly. Then found those two hotties, goddamn that one in the blue dress was attractive. She invited me outside to smoke with her and her friend, grabbed thedude and we went outside. Apparently she had just taken some molly and was ready to have fun. Completely absorbing all my touching. But ADD time, left and I really thought last man standing would have gotten her.

What turned out to be my last approach of the night I'm not even sure how I found her (kinda buzzing at this point). Must have been outside at the smoking patio. Half chinese half french girl, slender like I enjoy. Can't recall face that much. Anyway, immediately went into touching, she kept saying she had a boyfriend but literally started grabbing my dick at the club. Ended up bouncing with her, trying to get her to come back to my place (about 10 minutes away). Wouldn't, went to her hotel and she wouldn't let me up to her room because she was splitting it with 4 other girls. Eventually her friends came and dragged her away. It was a hard sell anyway because she kept saying "I have a boyfriend, I have to go home" but was holding my hand the entire time and rubbing up on me. If my place was closer or I had a hotel room I think I could have banged.

Outside super sluts that will go through whatever obstacle to get boned logistics are so key. Not sure what has caused me to go out so much these past few months, but I'm out on a date or go to a bar (or sometimes both) 5x a week now. And the more I go out the more I notice a trend of how to succeed. Basically it's 1) not giving a shit, 2) not giving up / persistence, and 3) logistics. Obviously there is more in terms of general game tactics but those 3 seem huge to me.

Outside Vegas, clubs are much worse than bars/lounges even restaurants. Oh well onto the next night.

I was outside scanning like a mofo and trying to chat chicks up. They weren't looking to bone, they were looking for the next party. Literally, every group was chattering to each other, "Where to now?! Where's the afterparty?! AFTER PARTY! AFTER PARTY!"

Also there were few/no girls paired up. Lots of bigger groups.

I thought for sure you were gonna bang that chick. Last I saw of her she had her body pressed against yours and was looking to get fucked.

@speakeasy it was a typically Hollywood night. I just haven't done a club in about a year and I wanted to see how it was, especially at a so-called hotspot. Pickup is like the stock market to me, I like to have a diverse portfolio. I think we can agree that clubs are worth it if you get treated like royalty, i.e. you're a celebrity. Otherwise fuck it. There's a high end steakhouse/lounge literally right across the street that has very respectable talent. Next time.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

I know those club frustrations well.

Cold approaches in ADD club scenes dominated by cliques and high-status men is frustrating as fuck. Gotta keep powering on though, because the next night one of the girls who previously blew you off will be like, "Oh it's you!!! I know you!!!!!" all friendly and *boom* you're in.

It also makes me strive to earn status on some level, like performing in a band or something attainable.

Stupid little superficial gimmicks work well on the hotties to to generate initial fucking interested, but the ADD shit always kicks in. But the gimmicks do make you more memorable for future run-ins as well. For example, when I spike my hair in a spiky faux hawk or liberty spikes all the hotties always wanna touch the spikes. Stupid shit like that.

The Approach Thread

I was back at Target, I saw a cute white girl looking at dresses, blue eyes, blond hair, wearing a dress that showed off her nice breasts. I immediately took out my phone and started a fake phone call..

I walk over to the ladies dress area as I am talking to myself..

me: where are you?
me: ya hurry up
me: i'm by the ladies dressing room

As I get closer to the girl, I make sure I speak loud enough so she notices me. I never look at the girl. I really pretend like I am looking for someone.

me: ya im over by the ladies dresses and skirts, hurry up

Now, I am only a few feet away from her. She has already noticed me and seen me talking on the phone.

I hang up and then look at her for the first time. Remember, she thinks this is the first time I am noticing her. She doesn't know that I saw her 5 minutes earlier and this whole interaction is staged.

She was looking at a yellow dress..

me: that one would look nice on you
her: (just smiles)(doesn't say anything)
me: let me know if you want a mans opinion
her: ok i might take you up on that
me: just shopping for a new dress today?
her: well someone broke into my car and stole a bunch of my clothes
me: oh no, that sucks, where were you parked?
her: potrero hill
me: damn, too bad, when they see luggage they will break in
her: ya i totally wasn't thinking about that
me: its a usually not a bad area
her: really, i just moved to the city
me: oh from where
her: maine
me: i don't think ive ever met someone from maine, i'm gio
her: jessica, nice to meet you
me: how are you liking it?
her: i love it
me: i hear maine is beautiful
her: it is, just like out here
me: i hear its very green and hilly
her: thats true
me: we have some nice outdoors here too if you know where to look
her: really? i havent explored anywhere yet
me: ya, i've been to the top of all these mountains
her: thats sounds like fun, california has everything
me: literally, well, i gotta run, good luck with everything, nice chatting with you.
her: nice chatting with you too
me: do you wanna exchange numbers?
her: i don't think my boyfriend would like that

FUUCCKKK!!! [Image: bash.gif]

I just realized that I need to do a better job at "dropping bait" earlier in my approaches. You guys never criticize my approaches!!! I want criticism!!! Constructive or not!

The Approach Thread

dont beat yourself up over it. maybe she does have a serious bf. who the fuck knows.

What I use at clothing stores is grab 2 pairs of sunglasses off the rack - usually an aviator and an oakleys type and ask the girl which looks better on me. than tease her by saying I'm definitely getting the opposite of what she chooses. then ask what she's getting, then drop some bait: "when i was hiking in the jungles of costa rica, my hiking buddy had a pair of these aviators that im holding in my hand."

blah blah blah.

The Approach Thread

Went to bed last night with the intention of spending the whole day doing day game.

Unfortunately, I slept until 3pm.

I was pissed at myself, how could I sleep for 13 hours?

Thoughts and excuses swarmed in my head about how I couldn't do approaches now, the whole day is basically over! Meh, I said, and went out to the pool. I enter the gate and see a beautiful white girl wearing a white string bikini.

"I should have brought my vodka" I say to myself.

She looks at me as I approach the chair next to hers. "Is this seat taken?" I ask as I put my towel down.

She seemed kind of cold so I said "You don't mind me laying up next to you, do you?"

Her:"haha No, why would I mind? I mean as long as you don't stand right here and take all my sun"
Me: "I don't know some people are weird.
Her: "Yeah I guess but I've never seen someone get mad because they decided to layout next to them"
Me: "Me either"

And she talks on her phone for a while. Goes to the other side of the pool and turns around and shows me her ass for a while.

I Dive into the pool

and do an underwater lap. I swam around until she went back to her chair. I got out and asked her if she thought I was good enough to make it to the 2016 Olympics.

Then this guy comes out and sits down next to her and says whats up to her. Apparently it's her boyfriend.

He gets up after a few minutes and walks past me with a big smile and says "Hey bro" and I smirked back and gave him the whats up head nod!

Her fucking phone goes off again and she talks to her friend about how her boyfriend fucked another girl while she was at work. She said she was going to forgive him.

He must be a cool guy.

This whole time she has her ass to my like this
[Image: attachment.jpg7365]   

With her meaty vagina lips slightly bulging out through the bikini.

She hears the gate slam shut and she goes Oh no its steven I gotta get out of her! And hops up and runs to the other side of the pool.

He walks past me looking pissed off and stares at her from across the pool. I sit there for another minute before I leave.

I ordered takeout from a Mexican food restaurant. The girl at the counter was cute.

Her: Do you want guacamole or salsa [Image: biggrin.gif]
Me: Guacamole.
Her: Good I guessed right!
Me: Do I look like a guy who likes guacamole or something?


Her: Is there anything else you wanted?
Me: Coke
Her:OH thats right! One or two.
Me: Hmmm one?

Not sure why she asked me that.. She comes back and goes
her: Here's your coke..Anything else [Image: smile.gif]"

Annnnnndddd I bombed said nope thanks see you later. And left without asking for her number. [Image: sadwave.gif]

From now on I'm going to start asking every single cute food service girl for their number when they ask me "Anything else?"

Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 10 am and approach all day until I go out to dinner. I expect most of the interactions to bomb as my day game is subpar.

One of my friends told me that I'm really good at turning awkward situations into not so awkward situations. I guess I have that going for me.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-20-2012 04:32 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: that one would look nice on you
her: (just smiles)(doesn't say anything)
me: let me know if you want a mans opinion
her: ok i might take you up on that
me: just shopping for a new dress today?
her: well someone broke into my car and stole a bunch of my clothes
me: oh no, that sucks, where were you parked?
her: potrero hill
me: damn, too bad, when they see luggage they will break in
her: ya i totally wasn't thinking about that
me: its a usually not a bad area
her: really, i just moved to the city
me: oh from where
her: maine
me: i don't think ive ever met someone from maine, i'm gio
her: jessica, nice to meet you
me: how are you liking it?
her: i love it
me: i hear maine is beautiful
her: it is, just like out here
me: i hear its very green and hilly
her: thats true
me: we have some nice outdoors here too if you know where to look
her: really? i havent explored anywhere yet
me: ya, i've been to the top of all these mountains
her: thats sounds like fun, california has everything
me: literally, well, i gotta run, good luck with everything, nice chatting with you.
her: nice chatting with you too
me: do you wanna exchange numbers?
her: i don't think my boyfriend would like that

FUUCCKKK!!! [Image: bash.gif]

I just realized that I need to do a better job at "dropping bait" earlier in my approaches. You guys never criticize my approaches!!! I want criticism!!! Constructive or not!

Alright Gio you asked for criticism, here it goes......

1. You ejected out of the set why ? seemed like conversation was going ok, If the girl hasn't developed an attraction to you she will even make a fake BF and if a connection has been developed she will forget about the existing one...

2. I Know you do not follow any routines for pick up but just for shit and giggles try roosh's model to a tee, I did it and it does makes sense. Open- Ramble-Small Bait- Large Bait. and wait for girls to ask you a personal question then GALNUC. with time your standard covo would be rambling with bait ......, Your goal should be to make Girls ask youa personal question.

3. You have the same problem as me, numbers, numbers, numbers, who needs them , Try Instadating and numbers only if logistics were not right for instadate. numbers only to meet later.

4. Seems like you are going for numbers within 5 min in the convo, try staying in convo a little longer.

Your Pickup is awsome Gio just mentined the things above just because you asked for it [Image: smile.gif]

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-20-2012 04:32 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I just realized that I need to do a better job at "dropping bait" earlier in my approaches. You guys never criticize my approaches!!! I want criticism!!! Constructive or not!

Like Lothario said above me, you ejected too early. If she did listen to your "phone call," then she would have brought up, "Don't you need to meet a friend?" You were locked in and should have gone further. In conversations like that, I like to straight up ask either "Are you single" or something gauging whether or not she has a boyfriend. I'd rather not hear the "I have a boyfriend" line if I don't have to.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-21-2012 10:36 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Alright Gio you asked for criticism, here it goes......

1. You ejected out of the set why ? seemed like conversation was going ok, If the girl hasn't developed an attraction to you she will even make a fake BF and if a connection has been developed she will forget about the existing one...

2. I Know you do not follow any routines for pick up but just for shit and giggles try roosh's model to a tee, I did it and it does makes sense. Open- Ramble-Small Bait- Large Bait. and wait for girls to ask you a personal question then GALNUC. with time your standard covo would be rambling with bait ......, Your goal should be to make Girls ask youa personal question.

3. You have the same problem as me, numbers, numbers, numbers, who needs them , Try Instadating and numbers only if logistics were not right for instadate. numbers only to meet later.

4. Seems like you are going for numbers within 5 min in the convo, try staying in convo a little longer.

Your Pickup is awsome Gio just mentined the things above just because you asked for it [Image: smile.gif]

Thanks Lothario!

I'm definitely gonna start dropping more bait. Writing up my approaches here has made me realize that I don't do that enough. I will also experiment with using Gulnuc in the proper order. I usually go with more of a direct style. Thanks for the observations.

Quote: (08-21-2012 11:30 AM)Blaze Frazier Wrote:  

You were locked in and should have gone further. In conversations like that, I like to straight up ask either "Are you single" or something gauging whether or not she has a boyfriend. I'd rather not hear the "I have a boyfriend" line if I don't have to.

You're right, I ejected to early. I do use that - "are you single" line occasionally. Thanks for the tips Blaze Frazier.


Okay, here are 3 new ones from yesterday. I was at Whole Foods, I saw a cute white girl wearing yoga pants. Great slim body, dirty blond hair, God, I love those yoga pants! She was looking at some salt.

me: is that a good salt?
her: ya but im not gonna it because the dates are wrong
me: what do you mean?
her: this one says best used by january 2012
me: thats funny
her: this is 2012 right?
me: um ya i think so haha
her: haha so this is 6 months too old
me: your not crazy, that date is wrong
her: seriously right?
me: yup, thats weird
her: well, i will just get this truffle salt instead
me: whats truffle salt
her: its something that makes everything yummy
me: ha i might have to try it
her: you should
me: i love those pizzas (pointing to her cart)
her: oh yes, aren't these awesome, very fattening though ha
me: you know what i've been doing?
her: huh?
me: i've been making my own cornmeal crust pizza from scratch
her: oh is it as good as these
me: better. its homemade
her: wow you know what you should do?
me: whats that?
her: put some truffle salt in the cornmeal
me: really?
her: ya its makes everything better
me: im gonna try that
her: hope you like it
me: thanks for the truffle idea, if i have any more questions about this would you be available to advise me, i would repay you with pizza and red wine?
her: haha well im flattered but actually no, im not available to advise you on this matter.
me: oh no your taken?
her: yes
me: well, see you around the salt aisle
her: or the cornmeal section

Smile, smile, walked away.

5 minutes later, I am paying for my groceries. The bagger girl is smokin hot. I actually noticed her earlier and thats why I got into her line. Young looking, like 18 or 19, latina, perfect teenage body, petite and slim, jeans and a pink shirt..

She starts bagging my stuff and she is looking into all my little brown paper bags that hold my fruits and veges..

me: are you checking out all my stuff?
her: oh i just need to see what is soft so i don't crush anything
me: ok i trust you you're the pro
her: ya the pro bagger
me: i thought you were looking at my food so you could copy my diet
her: it does look good
me: this is what keeps me handsome
her: hah is that your secret?
me: yes i know all the beauty secrets
her: oh really?
me: yup

At this moment a few managers walk over to us and start talking to her. She finishes bagging my stuff and they are still talking to her. I just say thanks and walk away. I go to my car and put my groceries away. I write down my name and number on a little piece of paper. I go back into the store and walk back over to her..

me: you're a really good bagger (half sarcastic tone)
her: haha thanks

I hand her the piece of paper.

me: i wrote down my number for you. i know its crazy but i don't live around here and i dig your style, text me later, my name is gio
her: i'm paulina, nice to meet you gio
me: i was gonna say something earlier but your managers were right there
her: i know

More groceries were coming her way so I stepped back and let her work

me: bye
her: bye

So, I get back to my car put I don't drive away. I have a great free parking spot in the middle of this nice neighborhood so I decide to walk around a bit. I see another amazing ass in yoga pants!!!White, blond, slim, fine. She is up about 2 blocks in front of me so I have to walk fast to catch up. I walk up from behind her and just as I am passing her I say..

you: i can see you've been doing your yoga
me: yes i have
me: you have a great butt
her: thank you
me: im sure you get that alot
her: actaully no
me: im sure guys are thinking it but they must be afraid to tell you
her: ha i don't know
me: did you just have class
her: yes right around the corner
me: i need to start doing more yoga
her: you should try that studio
me: well, more importantly then that, i want to ask you about yourself
her: oh really?
me: ya whats your name?
her: shannon
me: thats a nice name, im giovonny
her:nice to meet you
me: i'd like to hire you as my yoga teacher
her: haha
me: yes i will pay you with red wine and homemade food, im a chef
her: i don't think my husband would approve
me: your kidding right?
her: sorry sweetie, I appreciate the offer though

Well, fuck it, I am out there approaching hard. I am really happy with the direction I am going. I have very little fear and approach anxiety. Its fun for me to challenge myself like this. Nothing else really puts me "on the spot" and forces me to present myself in the best possible way under pressure.

Reading about game is one thing, going to the gym is something else but there is nothing like getting face to face with a beautiful woman and presenting yourself as a strong sexual man. When you can make her feel that masculine power, and get her to respond, its really one of the best feelings in the world. Approaching a girl and within 5-10 minutes she is gazing in your eyes, asking you personal questions, and looking you up and down, and giggling. It doesn't happen everyday but when it does it feels great and I know all this game stuff has helped me become a stronger man.

The Approach Thread

Hey Gio...2 out of last 3 approaches were already taken. I'm thinking you ought to change your hunting grounds to where all the single ladies are.....

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Approach #1
Went out to the pool and sat next to a cutie.
Me:What's up?
Her:Not much you?
Me: I've got the worst hangover ever.
Her:Ha well maybe getting some sun will help. I'm Page by the way.

We talked for a while. I kind of blew myself out and talked too much instead of letting her ask me questions.

She went cold on me so I decided to not go for the number and instead said see you around.

Decent interaction that I can build off.

The Approach Thread

Approach at Walmart : I saw a Brunette girl who had her back towards me, Nice long legs , slight belly roll. I walk past her and go to the next aisle and make a U turn and come back with perfect timing when she was entering the aisle and looks at me and smiles, I open with

Me: "Are you Pregnant ?"
Her: Yes I am about 5 months
Me: Don't be offended, you had a certain glow about you that's why I asked
Her: yeah most people don't even notice.
Me: So how's the antenatal care going ?
Her: Well haven't started , Just moved from Fl ( Sarasota, close to e-mech's neck of woods) [Image: smile.gif]
Me: That's funny I just moved from Fl too
Me: Fort Lauderdale
Her: What do you do

That was what I was waiting for and went into my scripted routine and told her to how to start taking such and such vitamins for the baby and how to go about getting Medicaid and or Free maternal care at the Local Hospital, her eyes spazz out looks at me with doe eyes and says , well I have to be honest with you, I came here wih my BF and he had some court fines that he didn't pay and he is the Big House these days and I broke up with him [Image: huh.gif]

I told her I'm busy and travelling till next mon, Tue and we should get together sometime later, exchanged numbers. Gave her a Hug before leaving.

My Take : This can lead to Big Drama , Lots of Red Flags and on the other hand I'm looking at Banging a Pregnant Chica just to scratch off the list. I think the Girl sees me as ATM but we will see....

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

hahahaha classic white trash tramp. my current city in the South is full of em.

go for it.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-22-2012 04:50 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

Approach at Walmart : I saw a Brunette girl who had her back towards me, Nice long legs , slight belly roll. I walk past her and go to the next aisle and make a U turn and come back with perfect timing when she was entering the aisle and looks at me and smiles, I open with

Me: "Are you Pregnant ?"
Her: Yes I am about 5 months
Me: Don't be offended, you had a certain glow about you that's why I asked
Her: yeah most people don't even notice.
Me: So how's the antenatal care going ?
Her: Well haven't started , Just moved from Fl ( Sarasota, close to e-mech's neck of woods) [Image: smile.gif]
Me: That's funny I just moved from Fl too
Me: Fort Lauderdale
Her: What do you do

That was what I was waiting for and went into my scripted routine and told her to how to start taking such and such vitamins for the baby and how to go about getting Medicaid and or Free maternal care at the Local Hospital, her eyes spazz out looks at me with doe eyes and says , well I have to be honest with you, I came here wih my BF and he had some court fines that he didn't pay and he is the Big House these days and I broke up with him [Image: huh.gif]

I told her I'm busy and travelling till next mon, Tue and we should get together sometime later, exchanged numbers. Gave her a Hug before leaving.

My Take : This can lead to Big Drama , Lots of Red Flags and on the other hand I'm looking at Banging a Pregnant Chica just to scratch off the list. I think the Girl sees me as ATM but we will see....

Go for it, and you can go raw dog because she can't get pregnant twice!

The Approach Thread

Gio - I really admire your day approach strategy. I like how you let the girl know you are interested in banging her very early in the conversation, even when you open indirectly. I need to make it more obvious to my target that I want to have sex with her, whether I say it with words or body language.

I've been having trouble with my approaches lately. During the day, I use a more indirect approach than you, but I think I've been overselling my elderly openers and my "confused old man" face. At night, I've been focusing too much on making strong eye contact, being cocky, and giving off an 'i'm a badass cuz i'm going out solo' attitude. Unforunately, I end up looking like this the whole time, even when delivering punchlines to my jokes: [Image: dodgy.gif]

No bueno.

I read RVF and watched some day gaming videos after work today. I got pissed at myself for sucking lately and forced myself to the supermarket for the sole purpose of approaching. My goal was to give off a more sexual vibe. I saw a cute asian girl in soccer shorts looking at eggs.

Me: Hey, do you know the difference between the brown ones and the white ones?
Her: Yea, the brown eggs taste better.
Me: Hmm. Why is that?
Her: Brown eggs are from chickens that have a natural diet. The white eggs have chemicals and the chickens are fed left over meat and stuff.
Me: Oh damn, these cheap white eggs just became a little less appealling! What kind of eggs do you get?

This is what I had been leaving out recently. I wasn't making the interaction personal at ALL. This barely noticable personal question put me in the driver's seat.

Her: I usually get the brown ones, they are more expensive though.
Me: Do they have six packs of those? I want to give em a try now.
Her: No don't think so, you can try Trader Joe's though.
Me: Oh well, I guess I'll have to hold off on my egg purchasing for another day.
Her: Haha yea. Well it was nice to meet you!

She continues down the aisle and I follow her after picking up some milk. I had run out of egg topics to discuss, but I could tell she liked me. I pretend to look at frozen food for about a minute and then reapproach her:

Me: by the way, what was your name?
Her: azn girl. How bout you?
Me: americanbk. Do you live around here?
Her: Yea, at a nearby crossroad. Do you?
Me: Yea I live right behind the store, all I have to do is jump a fence. Thats why its not a big deal for me to come here this late on a Wednesday.
Her: Oh cool haha. So what do you do?

Got her. Talked some more. Asked if she wants to exchange numbers and go out sometime. BS a bit more about our weekend plans and music interests. Far from standard GALNUC, but it worked, and she was very playful/enthusiastic.

I was wondering if, during the day, its beneficial as i did here to end the initial interaction and then start a new one after she's comfortable, which is much more direct than the first. Maybe coming back and asking personal questions later gives off the impression that you weren't interested at first, but the initial conversation made you attracted to her (making you look hard to win over and therefore higher value)? What do yall think? Maybe I'm overanalyzing.

The Approach Thread

I feel like the comeback kid right now. First new bang in months.

Approaches: 2
SNL: 1
Date close: 1

Went to my regular pulling venue. I get in and the ratio is bad. No girls couple up. Not many prospects at all. I sit out front with a drink and bide my time, head back in, go to the back bar which is less busy. There's two girls there, one looks exactly like Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction. Pretty hot. Right as I'm about to butt in their conversation, a cute girl sits next to me and orders drinks for her and her friends. I strike it up with them and they're SUPER receptive. At one point we're talking about what kind of guys they all like, one of them teases the cute girl, "Oh she likes Eurotrash". I say "Perfect" and grab her by the waist and pull her next to me, her friends are all squealing and she's blushing. They go get a table and tell me to come with them. I let em go. Strike it up with Uma and her friend, we hit it off too. They're both hardcore bi, but both in a "girl phase". I have fun talking to them about banging chicks and they laugh, we hit it off. After 30 min they go to smoke, invite me out, I say I'll be out there in a bit.

Go to the table of cuties, sit across from the girl I've got my eye on. I'm sitting next to the mother hen with my arm around her, and she keeps asking me tons of questions about myself, which I avoid, and she replies, "Okay well I'll find out about you anyway when you start dating my friend (referring to the cutie I had my arm around earlier)" Her friend blushes. I get cutie's number, set up a date for tonight, she's super responsive in text. Chance of flake seems low.

Go back outside to the bi chicks. We talk some more. Uma is friendly to me but her friend starts getting physical. I start giving them advice on how to handle chicks, they start cracking up and Uma's friend starts grabbing me and kissing my neck. They head out, Uma's friend comes home with me, bang. They also tell me they'll hook me up with some of their friends. I think there's solid threesome potential here.

Some notes/observations: I just got a new outfit that looks pretty dope if I may say so. I was asked by both groups of girls if I was a model. The mother hen in the cutie group and Uma were both asking me nonstop what I do for a living, I mean they would NOT let it go. Tonight was the first night that I would not, no exceptions, tell them what I do. I wound up bullshitting the girls that I work for the government and that's all I could tell them. I told Uma and her friend that I'm in "hospitality". I only revealed details that pandered to their hamster brains, like my star sign, my taste in music, the fact that I'm shy (I always drop this to girls I approach. Completely fucks with them...)

I think my game's gotten pretty tight, but I find it only REALLY comes out in the right situations. In my mathematical mind, it's like a logarithm. "If a, then b. If x, then y". That sort of thing. It's only when I'm halfway through the approach that I find myself thinking, "Man, I'm passing the shit test with flying colors." It further boosts my confidence and pushes the interaction forward.

On an unrelated note, at some point in the middle of all this, I went back to the back bar to see if there were any new prospects. There was a couple on a date. When I sat down, the girl craned her neck to check me out, she was pretty damn cute, but it was obvious she was on a date. The dude was Indian but he looked very presentable and like he might have game. He was well dressed and wore a dope watch. I started making coughing noises and belted out, "*cough cough TUTHMOSIS, cough cough." But it wasn't him.

[Image: lol.gif]

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-23-2012 10:55 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

I feel like the comeback kid right now. First new bang in months.

Approaches: 2
SNL: 1
Date close: 1

Went to my regular pulling venue. I get in and the ratio is bad. No girls couple up. Not many prospects at all. I sit out front with a drink and bide my time, head back in, go to the back bar which is less busy. There's two girls there, one looks exactly like Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction. Pretty hot. Right as I'm about to butt in their conversation, a cute girl sits next to me and orders drinks for her and her friends. I strike it up with them and they're SUPER receptive. At one point we're talking about what kind of guys they all like, one of them teases the cute girl, "Oh she likes Eurotrash". I say "Perfect" and grab her by the waist and pull her next to me, her friends are all squealing and she's blushing. They go get a table and tell me to come with them. I let em go. Strike it up with Uma and her friend, we hit it off too. They're both hardcore bi, but both in a "girl phase". I have fun talking to them about banging chicks and they laugh, we hit it off. After 30 min they go to smoke, invite me out, I say I'll be out there in a bit.

Go to the table of cuties, sit across from the girl I've got my eye on. I'm sitting next to the mother hen with my arm around her, and she keeps asking me tons of questions about myself, which I avoid, and she replies, "Okay well I'll find out about you anyway when you start dating my friend (referring to the cutie I had my arm around earlier)" Her friend blushes. I get cutie's number, set up a date for tonight, she's super responsive in text. Chance of flake seems low.

Go back outside to the bi chicks. We talk some more. Uma is friendly to me but her friend starts getting physical. I start giving them advice on how to handle chicks, they start cracking up and Uma's friend starts grabbing me and kissing my neck. They head out, Uma's friend comes home with me, bang. They also tell me they'll hook me up with some of their friends. I think there's solid threesome potential here.

Some notes/observations: I just got a new outfit that looks pretty dope if I may say so. I was asked by both groups of girls if I was a model. The mother hen in the cutie group and Uma were both asking me nonstop what I do for a living, I mean they would NOT let it go. Tonight was the first night that I would not, no exceptions, tell them what I do. I wound up bullshitting the girls that I work for the government and that's all I could tell them. I told Uma and her friend that I'm in "hospitality". I only revealed details that pandered to their hamster brains, like my star sign, my taste in music, the fact that I'm shy (I always drop this to girls I approach. Completely fucks with them...)

I think my game's gotten pretty tight, but I find it only REALLY comes out in the right situations. In my mathematical mind, it's like a logarithm. "If a, then b. If x, then y". That sort of thing. It's only when I'm halfway through the approach that I find myself thinking, "Man, I'm passing the shit test with flying colors." It further boosts my confidence and pushes the interaction forward.

On an unrelated note, at some point in the middle of all this, I went back to the back bar to see if there were any new prospects. There was a couple on a date. When I sat down, the girl craned her neck to check me out, she was pretty damn cute, but it was obvious she was on a date. The dude was Indian but he looked very presentable and like he might have game. He was well dressed and wore a dope watch. I started making coughing noises and belted out, "*cough cough TUTHMOSIS, cough cough." But it wasn't him.

[Image: lol.gif]

Bolded some of the stuff that I think was awesome - I definitely have to try and incorporate that. I probably would have taken the first invite to go with them, but what you did was way better. Also I've experimented with not telling girls what I do (saying I work at chipotle) but that doesn't fly that well. Seems like I do better when I actually tell them (lawyer). Maybe I'll try being more evasive.

The Approach Thread

thedude's post motivated me to post my approaches on Tuesday night. Had an OKC date setup, so told her to meet me at the bar. Usually I show up late, but I thought let's just switch it up.

Bar 1, Approach #1:
Get there early and sit at the bar. Girl comes and sits next to me, so I ask her if she is the one I'm supposed to meet. She laughs and says no but that she's meeting some guy off of OKC for the first time too. Chat a bit, she seems friendly. Told her if it doesn't work out to come grab me and we'll head to another bar. Laughs and says ok. Eventually her guy shows and she goes. My mistake? I should have just gotten her # there. Live and learn.

Bar 1, Approach #2:
Guess this isn't really an approach, but the date shows up. Horrendous face, though pretty good body. Annoying as shit. I tried to see if I could get drunk enough to get past the face, and I was almost there. She had to be one of the top 5 most annoying girls I've met so eventually the date fizzled. Whatever, time to roll solo to my new pulling joint. Already a bit buzzed/drunk.

Bar 2, Approach #1:
Get to my spot and it's packed, lots of girls. I really love this place. Go outside to the smoking patio, ask a girl for a light, she's ok nothing special just wanted to get an approach out of the way. Start chatting she is there with her boyfriend and some friends, she says she'll introduce me to her friend who's birthday it is. Go inside, meet there friends nobody bangable so eject myself politely to go to the bathroom.

However, before I actually go into the bathroom see this bangable girl smoking a cig by herself. I had to piss so badly though I went to the bathroom and thought I'd approach her after. Come back, she's gone. Dammit.

Bar 2, Approach #2:
Go inside to the main bar and position myself next to two girls. Ask this columbian looking girl if I can see the drink menu. She hands it to me and asks me what I'm going to order, and we start looking at the menu together. Fizzles out eventually, though she had a british accent which I am a sucker for.

Bar 2, Approach #3:
So back on the smoking patio, I start actually chatting up a guy. Cool guy, said had a girlfriend and we were just shooting the shit. The girl that was smoking by herself walks by and the other dude grabs her and introduces her to me. I think he had just met her that night. So we start chatting and she's a photographer etc. etc. Going well, then I asked her who she's with, and she responded: I took the subway alone from downtown. Ok, we are in LA so this is not common, nor is it common for girls to go out alone that often. So my slut radar was going nuts at this point. She was decent, but certainly hotter girls were walking around. I almost thought of trying with the other hotties, but she passed the boner test, was 24 and looked 19, so I went with it. Kept talking, got a drink, then she said it was late so I walked her out and used my standard line of "I'm not that tired, going to grab a drink at my place if you want to join me." She goes where is your place and I told her a few blocks down.

Head to my place, at first she wouldn't even kiss me. Some more touching and she warmed up, then again said no sex. I said why she said she was on the rag I said bullshit. Well she was, so she was not lying. I told her let's get in the shower. For whatever reason, after I said this she went from shy to super whore. Her response... "I don't want to go in the shower, I want a man to fuck me on my period in his bed." WTF. Ok whatever so I picked her up from the couch and carried her into the bed and started going after it. Then she goes "Ok we can do this if you promise to be nice to me and take me to breakfast tomorrow." me: "you want me to be nice to you?" her: "not really you could be mean." Anyway, so we end up boning, twice, then she leaves in the middle of the night. I wake up, make a fake attempt at trying to stop her from leaving, then pass out.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:54 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Approach #1

Went out to the pool and sat next to a cutie.

Me:What's up?

Its that easy sometimes!!!

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:54 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I kind of blew myself out and talked too much instead of letting her ask me questions.

Too often, we are in a hurry to ramble! Don't talk too much, don't talk too fast! Its beta and makes you appear nervous. It makes it seem like you are trying too hard. Slow down, relax. Let her talk when she gets going. Be a good listener. Encourage her to talk more by asking open ended questions based on what she says.

You know what is better then rambling???


If she is rambling then she is investing her emotion into you, she is sharing her experience with you and thus connecting to you. The more she tells you, the more she will feel like you have gotten to know her. Thats is what you want.

Quote: (08-22-2012 03:54 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Decent interaction that I can build off.

Exactly, it was a decent interaction that you can build off of. You are learning some valuable lessons. Keep grinding! You are getting better, little by little.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-22-2012 10:52 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

Gio - I really admire your day approach strategy. I like how you let the girl know you are interested in banging her very early in the conversation, even when you open indirectly. I need to make it more obvious to my target that I want to have sex with her, whether I say it with words or body language.

Don't say - "I wanna fuck you". I have tried it many times and it rarely, if ever, works. Maybe at a rave or club or something like that. Communicate with your body language, your eyes, the tone of your voice, sexual innuendos, touch her, grab her hand.

Here is an example of some indirect yet direct speech..

Quote: (08-21-2012 01:38 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: thanks for the truffle idea, if i have any more questions about this would you be available to advise me, i would repay you with pizza and red wine?
her: haha well im flattered but actually no, im not available to advise you on this matter.

She knew exactly what I was talking about and we were looking into each others eyes the whole time. Its a double entendre. I love that shit and girls love it too! Its clever and sexy!

Sometimes, I just come out and say..

"you look nice today"
"you have a great butt"
"your so skinny, whats your secret"

Stuff like that. To let them know that I want to fuck them.

Quote: (08-22-2012 10:52 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

During the day, I use a more indirect approach than you, but I think I've been overselling my elderly openers and my "confused old man" face.

Experiment with going a little less elderly and a little more direct. You can open elderly and then transfer to something more direct. Experiment with Galnuc and see how it works for you. Everyones style is a little different.

Quote: (08-22-2012 10:52 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

At night, I've been focusing too much on making strong eye contact, being cocky, and giving off an 'i'm a badass cuz i'm going out solo' attitude. Unforunately, I end up looking like this the whole time, even when delivering punchlines to my jokes: [Image: dodgy.gif]

I don't know too much about night game My conversation is basically the same 24 hours a day.

Quote: (08-22-2012 10:52 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

I saw a cute asian girl in soccer shorts looking at eggs.

Me: Hey, do you know the difference between the brown ones and the white ones?
Her: Yea, the brown eggs taste better.
Me: Hmm. Why is that?
Her: Brown eggs are from chickens that have a natural diet. The white eggs have chemicals and the chickens are fed left over meat and stuff.
Me: Oh damn, these cheap white eggs just became a little less appealling! What kind of eggs do you get?

This is what I had been leaving out recently. I wasn't making the interaction personal at ALL. This barely noticable personal question put me in the driver's seat.

Her: I usually get the brown ones, they are more expensive though.
Me: Do they have six packs of those? I want to give em a try now.
Her: No don't think so, you can try Trader Joe's though.
Me: Oh well, I guess I'll have to hold off on my egg purchasing for another day.
Her: Haha yea. Well it was nice to meet you!

She continues down the aisle and I follow her after picking up some milk. I had run out of egg topics to discuss, but I could tell she liked me. I pretend to look at frozen food for about a minute and then reapproach her:

Me: by the way, what was your name?
Her: azn girl. How bout you?
Me: americanbk. Do you live around here?
Her: Yea, at a nearby crossroad. Do you?
Me: Yea I live right behind the store, all I have to do is jump a fence. Thats why its not a big deal for me to come here this late on a Wednesday.
Her: Oh cool haha. So what do you do?

Good work! You forced yourself to go out and approach! Every time you do this you will get stronger and more confident. Approach everyday!

Quote: (08-22-2012 10:52 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

I was wondering if, during the day, its beneficial as i did here to end the initial interaction and then start a new one after she's comfortable, which is much more direct than the first. Maybe coming back and asking personal questions later gives off the impression that you weren't interested at first, but the initial conversation made you attracted to her (making you look hard to win over and therefore higher value)? What do yall think?

Maybe I'm overanalyzing.

Yeah, you are over-analyzing a little bit. I mean, sometimes you will talk to a girl for a few minutes and then walk away only to talk to her again a few minutes later, but, this is not something you can really plan for and use as a strategy. Maybe at a bar or a party were you know you are gonna see her all night and you don't want to come on too strong in the beginning. That might be good time to do it.

During the day, its gonna be tough to play if like that. She could walk away, leave the store, go to another part of the mall, etc. What are you gonna do follow her around for 10 minutes and then re-approach?

It does happen occasionally like the situation you described above but don't worry about it. If it happens naturally, fine, but don't try to fake it for strategic purposes. I don't think its worth. Get all you can out of the first interaction and if you see her again and can take it further, do it, but this won't happen to often.

Keep working dude! You're learning

The Approach Thread

I was at the mall shopping (for girls).

I see a nice booty looking at the mens hats in Sears. Her back was to me so I couldn't see her face. But, I decided I would go talk to her just because her body was giving me a boner. I approached from behind and walked right past her grabbing at a hat that I pretended to like..

me: you know these are boys hats
her: yes i wear boys hats sometimes
me: i guess you could pull it off with these fadoras
her: these fadoras are almost uni-sex anyways
me: the whut?
her: the fadoras they're uni sex
me: ohh
her: yes

I was kind of flirty. She was filapino. Cute, I say 7, ok, 6.5 but the body was nice, slim legs but round booty, tight waistline and firm titties, good skin.

I pretended to look at hats for a minute. I was playing this approach a bit cooler then usual because of how she was looking at me. I could tell that she saw me as high value. You can tell just by the way they look at you if they are into you or not.

me: wheres the mirror around here?
her: oh over there

I took a chance by going over to the mirror but I just had a feeling that she would need to look in the mirror also. She is a girl buying hats, she needs a mirror, it was the only one in the section. So, I go pretend like I'm trying on hats and in 2-3 minutes she comes over from behind me..

her: i promise i'm not following you
me: i don't know if i believe that
her: you don't have to call security
me: im calling them now SECURITY!
her: ssshhh
(AS she starts trying on hats)

I try on a few hats, she tries on a few. We are both standing together looking in the mirror. Its obvious that we are flirting with each other.

me: that one doesn't look good on you
her: no
me: too big

We chat about hat styles. She makes her decision.

her: nice meeting you
me: aren't you forgetting something?
her: huh?
me: your phone number so i can call you later
her: your funny
me: your funny too, thats why we like each other
her: no one has ever talked to me like this at the mall
me: i don't believe that
her no seriously
me; whatever - you're kind of funky
her: ya you gotta be a little different
me: always
her: well, i guess if you promise not to stalk me, we can talk
me: me stalk you?? the reason we are talking now is because you stalked me!
her: oh is that the reason?
me: ya don't lie

I took out my phone and got her number. Then I gave her a kiss on both cheeks like I have been doing to every girl recently.

her: are you italian?
me: no spanish and french
her: oh yes i see the spanish and the french
me: are you trying to charm me?
her: haha no seriously
me: i'll call you tomorrow
her: k

This one has alot of potential.

The Approach Thread

Classic approach giovonny. Usually these kind of approaches tend to lead to bangs.

The Approach Thread

Some chick told me her friend liked me.

Her friend is 26 a cute mexicano. She was with her aunt. Couldn't chill tonight. She proposed tomorrow night. I can't chill out tomorrow night. She said ok Sunday. I can hang out Sunday. I kiss her and got her number.

She texts me a few minutes later saying

I wish you were 6 years older
Me. :best have your wii motes charged up

Her :they will be ready Sunday

The Approach Thread

Night game is waaaaayyyyy easier than day game

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