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Move to North Dakota

Move to North Dakota

Interesting videos above, those guys seem like decent fellas to work with, unlike some of the other unsavory characters you'll meet in the oil biz. The first guys really tells it like it is; don't go up there thinking you'll land a dream job in the first few days, be persistent and if you get one, work hard and stay focused.

Quote: (05-16-2012 01:35 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

I watched the first video. I have to admire the dudes dedication. 100+ hours a week, JESUS. He didn't say what he was making but I'm guessing 100k-150k.

Looking at the hours, this really isn't that great of money.

That being said, if you've got a shit degree or no degree, and have nothing else to do but bitch. I could see myself doing this. I'm sure it would be soul crushing at first but you'd come out a better person (assuming you finally GTFO).

The 100 hour work weeks aren't so bad once you get used to it, I've been back to work for about a month now, just did 25 days straight of 13-16 hours per day (one day we did 19 hours) then I had 3 days off, just finished my first shift (15 hours) and will be up here for another 24 days, at least. This is by far the toughest job I've done in my 5 years at it, my body aches after every shift.

Sure it sucks being in a remote work camp with a bunch of other dudes and a lack of social life (I haven't been laid in a month and likely won't for another two!), but I also made enough money in that 25 days to pay my mortgage for a year or spend a few months in a foreign country. That's all I think about when I'm at work, I'm up there to make money so I can enjoy my time off.

Those guys are making good coin too, $2500 for an entry level rough neck is a great starting wage, I imagine the driller (top guy on the rig) is making 3 times that and the consultant (top guy on site) probably 4 or more. None of those jobs take a lot of education (maybe some 1-3 week courses) just a lot of hard work and drinking beer with the right people.

Also guys, you don't have to be working on the rig to be making good money up there. The site I'm currently on has a couple of rigs on it and I'm working on the pipeline part of it that will eventually carry the oil to a plant on-site where the product will be treated and diluted before its sent to an upgrader or refinery, lots of trades type work involved.

Even if you don't work directly in oil, the service industries are hiring a lot and being in a boom town full of oil workers, guys are willing to pay other people to do everyday things that they just don't have time to do, like laundry. I bet a guy could make a small fortune up in Williston if he drove there with high pressure washer and shop vac and hit up all the work camps and motels offering to clean, wash and detail guy's trucks for them, I know the guys who do that Fort Mac are doing well.

Move to North Dakota

What about staying in shape? I understand the job is physically demanding, but it's hardly conducive to developing your body, is it?

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Move to North Dakota

I'd be interested to go there and make a couple of bucks for the summer, but lots of shit that are not in my favor (never learned how to drive, experience moving out, parents, and a little broke with 40bucks). But that money sounds 50 times better than a damn internship.

If I had to go, I'd first have to see what other members nearby are at. I'm a newb at stuff like this, but this would perhaps make my future a lot more better. That money sounds so good right now man.

And do they hire skinny people? [Image: tongue.gif]


Move to North Dakota

Get a credit card if you have to Rosca. Id let you hitch a ride with me if you caught a flight down here.

Move to North Dakota

Quote: (05-18-2012 04:44 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I'd be interested to go there and make a couple of bucks for the summer, but lots of shit that are not in my favor (never learned how to drive, experience moving out, parents, and a little broke with 40bucks). But that money sounds 50 times better than a damn internship.

If I had to go, I'd first have to see what other members nearby are at. I'm a newb at stuff like this, but this would perhaps make my future a lot more better. That money sounds so good right now man.

And do they hire skinny people? [Image: tongue.gif]

Don't move there broke because there's a good chance that you won't find work within a week or two and then you'd be fucked. The Bakken oil field will be producing for years to come, so if I was you, I'd save up as much as I can (I'd say at least 3K) before you head up.

You should learn to drive too because not having a license is frowned upon by many employers, although you may find a job where they provide transportation. Don't worry about being skinny, a few weeks of hard work will take care of that.

Move to North Dakota

Quote: (05-18-2012 02:30 AM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2012 01:52 PM)TTG Wrote:  

I want to check out Williston during MDW, but can't find any hotels there.. has no hits, choice and best western are over 100 miles away. What's available for short term accommodation for the weekend? Plane tickets are not cheap either [Image: sad.gif]
Are you going to check it out for yourself and forum members? Hell, I would sleep in my car if I was close by and come back with a data sheet. It won't kill you [Image: whip.gif]

Seriously thinking about it. Tuff decision though. $650 for R/T tickets, $149 a nite for a hotel 100 miles away, plus car rental. Or stay in Vegas for MDW with all the horny tourists. Hmm.

Move to North Dakota

I'm trying to get more info for Texas oil jobs also so I'll keep everyone updated.

TTG - do it player. I think you'd be the first person from here with info live and direct.

Move to North Dakota

I think you're right scotian. This is going to be a project for next year. Too much shit is going on this summer. Like no fucking joke, my grandmoms died today. It was weird too. I just came from getting bitched at by the folks again and I was about to sell,all of my games. Then we got news that shes dead. And it fucking sucks man, but I am glad that at least she died peacefully and not the typical hospital death.

But I gotta suck that shit up and get my ass together. Sell all the bullshit thats promotes my betaness (Video Games, WoW all that), work out as much as i can, get a joband be ready to bust ass in class next semester. I fucked up badly first year since it the first time I was socially out there. So now I either kickass next semester or parents are putting me in the military.

On the brightside though, I'm going to Pittsburgh with a few friends since they are dragging me to this furry convention. Its my first time I am paying and funding for a trip on my own. And I don't give a fuck what my friends are doing, but I gotta stop being a pussy and try to slay something. If any of you guys are there, I woulfn'
t mind saying wassup.
But you best believe, I'm gonna keep this North Dakota thing on my mind. I'm sure by then you players are gonna rip that place alive out there. Good luck bros. [Image: smile.gif]


Move to North Dakota

Talked to my cousin earlier. I had no idea he worked on a rig for a few years. Said he went in with no experience at all and was hired in Houston. He was sweeping, painting, shit like that for 2 weeks on and 2 off. Made 45k a year but said he did no overtime at all. Some people hardly come back and are making a lot more. Gave me some numbers and companies to apply at in town. He quit because someone almost hit him with a huge nail from way up. Guess he got shook up.

A friend of a friend said if for some reason I can't get shit poppin down here then to get my ass to North Dakota. No idea what kind of oil job he has since my friend let him know I was interested.

In going to check out some companies in town next week.

Move to North Dakota

Not just oil but I've heard good things about the propane/acc biz in Texas.

Move to North Dakota

OK bit the bullet and bought plane tickets and got a car rental to check Williston out. Only problem: Can't find a room. At least not online. Anyone made it there yet that can help with lodging?

Move to North Dakota

Thanks TTG! I don't think anyone has made the jump yet. You might want to try hitting up girls on POF and OKC in the area and ask them. I was talking to a girl on POF who was a housekeeper up there but my damn profile got deleted for [Image: troll.gif] to much

Move to North Dakota

Quote: (06-03-2012 08:49 PM)houston Wrote:  

Thanks TTG! I don't think anyone has made the jump yet. You might want to try hitting up girls on POF and OKC in the area and ask them. I was talking to a girl on POF who was a housekeeper up there but my damn profile got deleted for [Image: troll.gif] to much

I tried CS, no one's hosting.. one recommended camping in a state park. It's that bad. Can't go the OKC route, I'm bringing a girl. (Hey they said 90% of the pop is male.. so BYOB). But for US folks it's easier to find work than in Alberta I've been told.

Move to North Dakota

Saw this vid on youtube that some of you may like, I especially like what buddy has to say at the end:


Move to North Dakota

I can just imagine how much DL shit goes on among these big, burly men.

Move to North Dakota

There's a Williston Couchsurfing group.


Hi all,

A few of my friends have moved up here because of the many jobs available and I'm planning on heading up there myself.

My plan is to head up there on the Greyhound bus with enough funds to pay for food and housing for a few weeks.

However, do you guys think it's feasible to go job-hunting up there w/o a car? Is it easy to rent a place to sleep and find a job in town?

I've heard that it's hard to get housing, so I was looking on getting into a man-camp, though I'm worried as I imagine those to be a few miles out of town.

David Glenn
Posted March 9th, 2012 - 8:20 pm by David Glenn from Williston, United States (Permalink)
I just moved back from Williston. My advice is to hold off moving there until you have secured a job. Hotels charge about $180.00 a night due to the oil companies renting rooms for their employees. Unless you are able and willing to live in your vehicle places to rent are hard to come by and very expensive.

Your best bet is to create a resume on the ND Workforce Connection and then apply to jobs listed there. There is also The Shopper which is a local ad filled paper where jobs are also listed.

Either way I wouldn't advise moving there without a vehicle or having a job lined unless you have some special skill that is in high demand.

Also be advised that most jobs worth having require a background check and a urinalysis.


Hi there, visiting Williston for the first time, and it looks like every hotel is booked solid. At least the ones that I can find online. Does anyone have any recommendations as far as lodging?


Dave VanAssche
Posted June 3rd, 2012 - 10:01 pm by Dave VanAssche from Williston, United States (Permalink)
I'd check Lewis/Clark state park which is about 15 miles to the east of Williston. They might have camping spots available. Also, you can try for 2 hours away in Minot, or 2 1/2 hour drive away in Dickinson for hotel rooms. They are often full as well.

It's more likely to find vacancies on weekends or last minute, meaning you can show up here - but you might end up sleeping in your car if no rooms happen to open up.

If it's just for a few days I'd recommend a large van or smaller RV and just find a random place to park each night.

Walmart has evicted all people from parking overnight in their parking lots with campers etc.

You could probably get away with parking in hotel parking lots so long as you change up locations daily.

It's a pretty rough situation out here, to be sure.


Looking for a job in Williston?
Posted April 16th, 2012 - 1:42 am by Dave VanAssche from Williston, United States (Permalink)
1) You need to come to town with transportation. (or have the resources to get it once you get here)

2) You need housing. It's next to impossible --- get an RV or a large car/van that you can park in random places at night.

3) You need an address. I started a company here - Mailbox Solutions Plus. You can rent a mailbox that comes with a local physical address, text message notifications and the ability to get all your mail and packages (UPS/FedEx). The office is at 910 E Broadway (8 Blocks East of the Williston Post Office).

4) You need to bring money for beer. GO OUT AT NIGHT. Network at the bars downtown to meet people and find a job. It's not what you know, it's WHO you know.

Move to North Dakota

So can anyone verify that the jobs are getting hard to come by?

And, will the market pick back up in the winter because people leave/don't want to stay for the cold?

Move to North Dakota

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:24 AM)ATTA Wrote:  

So can anyone verify that the jobs are getting hard to come by?

And, will the market pick back up in the winter because people leave/don't want to stay for the cold?

It isn't that jobs are hard to come by, it's that the qualifications for jobs has risen. Mostly, these companies are now seeking experienced workers. You can still get other jobs that pay decently but the oil field jobs are getting tougher to get into. I'm here now and it's still a madhouse.

I'll post this on my thread as well, yesterday I went back to Tervita, the supervisor I met originally told me of another place I could go and apply from a terminal inside of another building further down (everything is hard to recognize here, steel buildings thrown up and sometimes it's tough to know what's what). I came inside and started speaking with a lady there, basically using game, rambling making little jokes. Finally she asked what I needed. I told here that I tried to apply online from my laptop and everytime I did it would reject my application. She led me to a computer and actually sat there and did everything for me, while she was applying for the 2 different jobs I wanted, she asked me to tell her about myself. I did and when she was done she told me that she is one of the people who personally reviews the resumes. She said that while they were looking for experience they are also open to hiring a "floorhand" (beginner on the rig) that has a good attitude. She also said would make sure my resume was looked at and considered. We'll see what all that means, I'll stop by again in a day or so. Key Energy is still my best prospect.

Move to North Dakota

Elabayarde and I are contemplating a move to N. Dakota in Oct. I'll be able to return to the U.S. by then and will probably have something lined up before I go. Already had some emails inquiring for positions, but they weren't aggressive knowing i was in the ME and making serious bank already. That will be a good bargaining chip when it's time.

Not my first choice but I'd consider working a 3 month startup/shutdown, or getting a 28/28 rotation.

Still eyeing China and Brazil, and Aussie. A friend with similar experience started the Aussie work visa, but it is taking forever. Plus I believe he got low-balled.

I would rather find an easy job up there, and make the company pay for the certifications I want to knock out. They are expensive, but will be worth it in the long run.

In the meantime, I'll start plugging for China and Brazil. I'm not allowed into Canada. [Image: confused.gif]

Move to North Dakota


If you feel comfortable sharing, what exactly is that you do in the middle-east?

Quote: (09-03-2012 01:35 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Elabayarde and I are contemplating a move to N. Dakota in Oct. I'll be able to return to the U.S. by then and will probably have something lined up before I go. Already had some emails inquiring for positions, but they weren't aggressive knowing i was in the ME and making serious bank already. That will be a good bargaining chip when it's time.

Not my first choice but I'd consider working a 3 month startup/shutdown, or getting a 28/28 rotation.

Still eyeing China and Brazil, and Aussie. A friend with similar experience started the Aussie work visa, but it is taking forever. Plus I believe he got low-balled.

I would rather find an easy job up there, and make the company pay for the certifications I want to knock out. They are expensive, but will be worth it in the long run.

In the meantime, I'll start plugging for China and Brazil. I'm not allowed into Canada. [Image: confused.gif]

Move to North Dakota

Quote: (09-03-2012 05:10 PM)Technics Wrote:  


If you feel comfortable sharing, what exactly is that you do in the middle-east?

I was contracting for the man for years. I actually took some time to look for work in Dubai, and found it. That's another option, but I'd probably have to go back and hit the streets again. Hanging out in the hotel lounges produced some results, although I had some money issues, and was running around like a maniac. Had I actually been focused, a solid offer probably would have presented itself.

Move to North Dakota

Ok, by contracting, I assume you mean private security?

Quote: (09-03-2012 05:19 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2012 05:10 PM)Technics Wrote:  


If you feel comfortable sharing, what exactly is that you do in the middle-east?

I was contracting for the man for years. I actually took some time to look for work in Dubai, and found it. That's another option, but I'd probably have to go back and hit the streets again. Hanging out in the hotel lounges produced some results, although I had some money issues, and was running around like a maniac. Had I actually been focused, a solid offer probably would have presented itself.

Move to North Dakota

^^^ Mostly technical work. Training, electronics, mechanical, ect.

Move to North Dakota

I might be there with you Ali. If I don't get this job with Halliburton in Oklahoma (interviews this week), I am planning a move up to North Dakota in October or November. Should be able to use my CDL to get a job. I am taking the big plunge.

Move to North Dakota

Anyone know the fastest way to get a CDL. Are the accelerated courses or anything of that nature.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

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