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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

One last question: I am skeptical about the use of the weight-training after reading Convict Conditioning. Basically Wade had stated that using weights and such can cause pain in joints and in the back. My only question about this is, how can I do such training without killing myself in the long term?

Thanks for the advice though, I honestly appreciate it. So far I've been going off my dad's card game that he did while serving time. Where you'd take a deck of cards and then when you pull out a card, you do that certain number of push-ups (A king = 13 push-ups, a ace = 1 push-up). It's very challenging, but I am going to get this deck completed sooner or later

And basically my motto for the summer is that I gotta get ripped or die trying [Image: smile.gif]


Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:36 PM)Rosca Wrote:  

One last question: I am skeptical about the use of the weight-training after reading Convict Conditioning. Basically Wade had stated that using weights and such can cause pain in joints and in the back. My only question about this is, how can I do such training without killing myself in the long term?

Thanks for the advice though, I honestly appreciate it. So far I've been going off my dad's card game that he did while serving time. Where you'd take a deck of cards and then when you pull out a card, you do that certain number of push-ups (A king = 13 push-ups, a ace = 1 push-up). It's very challenging, but I am going to get this deck completed sooner or later

And basically my motto for the summer is that I gotta get ripped or die trying [Image: smile.gif]

Lifting weights with incorrect form can lead to injury. Which is why you must lift with correct form. read or buy yourself a copy of Starting Strength. Either resource has all of the information you need to get started and breaks down the technique for each lift extremely well.

People who claim that lifting with weights is dangerous are either ill informed, or trying to sell a product. Many times they are both. Doing body weight conditioning without proper form can lead to injury as well.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


I am 6'0" and 220....a current flabby 220 at that.

I want to be about 195. I know what I will look like at 195 and want to get back there.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-14-2012 07:22 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  


I am 6'0" and 220....a current flabby 220 at that.

I want to be about 195. I know what I will look like at 195 and want to get back there.

I started out from right around your weight and currently just under what your goal is right now.

It's definitely awesome. Put in the work and you'll get your reward.

As for the thread, I'm like where I'm at right now, but I want just a little more muscle on my frame.

Reppin the Jersey Shore.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:36 PM)Rosca Wrote:  

One last question: I am skeptical about the use of the weight-training after reading Convict Conditioning. Basically Wade had stated that using weights and such can cause pain in joints and in the back. My only question about this is, how can I do such training without killing myself in the long term?

Thanks for the advice though, I honestly appreciate it. So far I've been going off my dad's card game that he did while serving time. Where you'd take a deck of cards and then when you pull out a card, you do that certain number of push-ups (A king = 13 push-ups, a ace = 1 push-up). It's very challenging, but I am going to get this deck completed sooner or later

And basically my motto for the summer is that I gotta get ripped or die trying [Image: smile.gif]

Over time I have questioned Paul Wade's claims to injuries on the barbell. He was probably talking about powerlifters. Even so, it is a concern.

I think that if you stayed flexible, rested enough, had a coach, and did not push yourself too hard on the weights, you would probably not injure yourself on barbells.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-07-2012 03:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So what do you prefer for your body: lean or bulky?

There is a difference between 190 lbs lean and 190 lbs bulky.
No one should aspire to be bulky.

My goal over the next few years is to be 220 lbs at (10%-12% BF)

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


Just got my BF% measured.

May 1
Height: 5'10''
BF%: 21.1%
Weight: 207.7lbs
Fat-mass: 43.8lbs

I was a bit shocked, but whatever. Time to get chiseled. I started May 1.

I have gone carb-free throughout the week (less than 10gs daily), then I eat a lot (incl lotsa fiber) weekends.

May 12
BF%: 21.7
Weight: 197.3lbs
Fat-mass: 42.9lbs

Yeah, so I must've dropped a shit-load of fluid. Disappointed in the fat-loss, but I had to experiment a bit, so will have to see how things proceed. My routine now looks at follows:

5x WODS (Crossfit every weekday in AM)
3x HIIT (Tabata Protocol/Sprints MWF)
1x long-distance jog/run (Saturday)
3x push-up + crunch routine

In addition, 2-4 times a week (depending on the WOD), I'll stretch, drink loads of water, then lift heavy after cross-jizzin' (7-14 sets of 1-2 reps) to keep my strength up. My 1RM on bench went down from 320 to 310, don't know about my squat, but I guess it's down from 400 two weeks ago.

The goal is to lose the fat (20lbs) while avoiding muscle atrophy. As you can see, the first two weeks were completely ridiculous as my body lost all this water (carbs hold on to water).

So now I'm going to stick to the program, eat healthier carbs in weekends, and drink more water during the week.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I started reading "Starting Strength" today, fcuk me, 70 pages on how to do the perfect squat. Can't a personal trainer teach me in one hour?!

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

the solution to long term fat loss/staying lean is long term resistance training

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

My goal is neither lean nor big. I want to be strong and healthy. I'll take the body that comes with my diet and exercise program which will probably be lean (currently weigh 12 stone at 6"4"). If I were able to easily put on muscle I'd go the bulk route instead.

21 y/o brit.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I've come to the conclusion Mark Rippetoe is a long-winded fatass whose main redeeming quality is his long-windedness in a world where few provide adequate and/or scientific detail.

Learning how to squat is fucking easy, and he'll confuse as soon as help you. Same goes for deadlift. absolutely worthless advice. Go to your gym, see who squats/deadlifts a shitload, and ask each one how. The past few months I've learnt it's better and more prudent to discount advice from anyone who isn't already where you want to be.

My breakthrough came when I figured out I better ditch the shoes, and squat in my socks (or feet). I almost automatically began pushing harder through my heels and boy did I feel that shit.

Besides the obvious with breathing in, going down, breathing out while going up.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:51 AM)dulst Wrote:  

My goal is neither lean nor big. I want to be strong and healthy. I'll take the body that comes with my diet and exercise program which will probably be lean (currently weigh 12 stone at 6"4"). If I were able to easily put on muscle I'd go the bulk route instead.

12 stone at 6'4''??

First of all, I'm insanely jealous of your height. Next, 12 stone is tiny! That's 14*12 = 168lbs.

May I suggest you put on at least 4 stone more? It's automatic pussy. Man, if I was that height I'd be aiming for 16 stone and a BF% of less than 10. Pussy would FLY!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:35 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

I've come to the conclusion Mark Rippetoe is a long-winded fatass whose main redeeming quality is his long-windedness in a world where few provide adequate and/or scientific detail.

Learning how to squat is fucking easy, and he'll confuse as soon as help you. Same goes for deadlift. absolutely worthless advice. Go to your gym, see who squats/deadlifts a shitload, and ask each one how. The past few months I've learnt it's better and more prudent to discount advice from anyone who isn't already where you want to be.

this is what I've been trying to tell people on this forum for awhile. I have not seen or read ANY good sources for fitness training online or in any book.

I've been taught and trained with some of the strongest lifters in the world and none of what I learned matches the advice given by Rippetoe or any publicly marketed power lifter. Not to disrespect those guys but if any of you are serious about learning how to lift the right way, you would go online, search for a dedicated powerlifting/bodybuilding gym and join.

"hardcore gyms" are cheaper, have better equipment, better atmosphere and the knowledge you gain is PRICELESS !!
You can start your search here

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:35 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

I've come to the conclusion Mark Rippetoe is a long-winded fatass whose main redeeming quality is his long-windedness in a world where few provide adequate and/or scientific detail.

Learning how to squat is fucking easy, and he'll confuse as soon as help you. Same goes for deadlift. absolutely worthless advice. Go to your gym, see who squats/deadlifts a shitload, and ask each one how. The past few months I've learnt it's better and more prudent to discount advice from anyone who isn't already where you want to be.

My breakthrough came when I figured out I better ditch the shoes, and squat in my socks (or feet). I almost automatically began pushing harder through my heels and boy did I feel that shit.

Besides the obvious with breathing in, going down, breathing out while going up.

Learning how to squat and deadlift properly is a challenge at any gym since most people do not do those lifts, as they are difficult. Most people don't even go below or near parallel on the squat and they round their backs deadlifting. The bench press is pretty popular though, and somewhat idiot proof.

Velkrum's link posted is pretty solid since powerlifting gyms are very legit. There's no powerlifting community where I'm from (though there is some strongman culture), as most people either have a home gym or go to Snap Fitness.

And I'm not saying that Rippetoe is the one and only source of all compound lifting wisdom, but he's made a career out of coaching and powerlifting himself, so I wouldn't be quick to call his works bullshit because a few big dudes have a different way of doing things. Being big is not a substitute for knowing anything. You can say that the mechanics of deadlifting and squatting are easy but he's seen more mistakes than anybody, and his book covers most of the basics.

I'm not a natural at weightlifting (unlike my buddy, who can squat and deadlift perfectly no problem) so I benefited a lot from his book. My spotter and I would read a chapter, go to the gym, and film our lifts until we did everything with no form errors.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:38 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:51 AM)dulst Wrote:  

My goal is neither lean nor big. I want to be strong and healthy. I'll take the body that comes with my diet and exercise program which will probably be lean (currently weigh 12 stone at 6"4"). If I were able to easily put on muscle I'd go the bulk route instead.

12 stone at 6'4''??

First of all, I'm insanely jealous of your height. Next, 12 stone is tiny! That's 14*12 = 168lbs.

May I suggest you put on at least 4 stone more? It's automatic pussy. Man, if I was that height I'd be aiming for 16 stone and a BF% of less than 10. Pussy would FLY!

Well to be fair he's only 19, I didn't start growing seriously till I was 17, at 19 I was 6' 6" and only 11 stone at my lowest!, very stressful time for me. Now i'm 35, and about 200 lbs.

He doesn't need to be at least 16 stone, that's ridiculous

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Im 6'3" at 228 and 14% BF On top of that I'm hairy. I always have and always will be built like a grizzly bear. I've accepted I'll probably never see my abs, but I think its a fair trade for being built like a brick shithouse.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Shit, at 35 I'm just trying to look good. Fuck the bulky or lean. I gain quick in the gym and have been working out on and off for years, thus the quickness. Problem is working out consistently while working long hours, or traveling so much. As soon as I start getting it back, the booze and pussy come and steal it all away.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

It would be better if people posted waist measurements in addition to bodyfat percentages, because many bodyfat measurements are unreliable.

Quote: (05-07-2012 03:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I don't like having thunder thighs that come from doing squats.

You do deadlifts, and I'll bet your female admirers appreciate the firm, rounded ass from deadlifts or squats.

Quote: (05-15-2012 03:13 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

May 1
Weight: 207.7lbs
Fat-mass: 43.8lbs

May 12
Weight: 197.3lbs
Fat-mass: 42.9lbs

This is a wonderful argument against low-carb. You lost weight without losing fat. Nobody wants deflated muscles with a pot-belly!


5x Crossfit every weekday in AM
3x Tabata Protocol/Sprints MWF
1x long-distance jog/run Saturday
3x push-up + crunch routine
In addition, 2-4 times ... lift heavy (7-14 sets of 1-2 reps)

That is an insane volume for someone who is fat. I really question your intensity. Often I am sore and shaky/on-edge the day after a Crossfit class, unable to workout effectively.

I suggest working out 3-6 times per week. Integrate everything with your Crossfit plan. Push-ups and abs are often part of a Crossfit workout. You can lift heavy and then do Tabata aerobics. A typical Crossfit metabolic conditioning workout counts as a light recovery weightlifting session in addition to an aerobic workout.

But we both know the big problem is your diet. You must be skipping meals, eating junk, and gorging on midnight snacks. Eating regularly with quality should solve the problem.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 03:57 PM)kimleebj Wrote:  

That is an insane volume for someone who is fat. I really question your intensity. Often I am sore and shaky/on-edge the day after a Crossfit class, unable to workout effectively.

This is a good point. Everyone who knows me knows Im kinda Mr Fitness and working out and a lot of people like to regale me with stories of their 6-7 day a week intense workout routines. None of those people are in shape.

Personally I think if you workout and you're up to working out again the next day, you're workout is not intense enough. After 2.5 hours in the gym doing heavy compound lifts I can barely walk straight, let alone do it again the next day.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:38 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:51 AM)dulst Wrote:  

My goal is neither lean nor big. I want to be strong and healthy. I'll take the body that comes with my diet and exercise program which will probably be lean (currently weigh 12 stone at 6"4"). If I were able to easily put on muscle I'd go the bulk route instead.

12 stone at 6'4''??

First of all, I'm insanely jealous of your height. Next, 12 stone is tiny! That's 14*12 = 168lbs.

May I suggest you put on at least 4 stone more? It's automatic pussy. Man, if I was that height I'd be aiming for 16 stone and a BF% of less than 10. Pussy would FLY!

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

21 y/o brit.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:06 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

Find a high fat protein supplement powder and add one shake into your daily meal regiment.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:11 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:06 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

Find a high fat protein supplement powder and add one shake into your daily meal regiment.

I'm thinking a shake with whey, fruit, jersey cream (fattiest milk you can readily get here) and a tbsp of coconut oil. Will that do the trick?

21 y/o brit.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:24 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:11 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:06 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

Find a high fat protein supplement powder and add one shake into your daily meal regiment.

I'm thinking a shake with whey, fruit, jersey cream (fattiest milk you can readily get here) and a tbsp of coconut oil. Will that do the trick?

I'd imagine so, basically the same idea. Though you could skip the oil and milk and just buy straight coconut milk. Pure fat, tasty, and healthy.

Or do what I did when I was younger and eat and entire box of cereal for dinner two days a week [Image: banana.gif]

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Entire box of cereal? Isn't that a fuckload of sugar?

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

NO one needs to work out to the point of complete destruction. Thats actually one of the worst ways to train. No one needs to eat HIGH fat to gain weight, High fat actually makes you leaner and smaller (assuming we are talking about the good fats).

Read every single one of my posts if you want to get stronger, leaner and build muscle. Solid nutrition and good sleep is 70% of success, weight lifting is 30%

as far as training...join a good gym and do VARIOUS exercises. Compounds are great but should not be over emphasized. Every muscle is important and needs to be trained.

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