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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (05-04-2019 12:01 PM)busterrhymes Wrote:  

having a tough time getting matches. I think it's a combination of poor pictures and living in the suburbs. What do you guys suggest for pictures in order to get the most matches? how many and what type?

It all starts from the pictures. If they're crap you're not gonna be getting matches or dates. Focus on improving the pictures (especially your main) as your first step.

Once that's out of the way, read about reset methods a few pages back and start applying them to get your matches up. Once you have the numbers then you're laughing.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-03-2019 08:18 PM)The King Wrote:  

The photo is actually a selfie. I'm only visible from the upper abdominals and up. Keep in mind I have long arms and had the one with the camera at full extension. YMMV. Could just get someone to take it for you or use a timer.

Oh that's interesting way to get such a photo.

Btw guys, I've tested out multiple photos of myself and others. Shirtless almost always seems to get more matches. Even those mirror selfies. Some were slight increases, some were significant increases. "Buffer" did not necessarily translate into more matches though. All were done with people with decent bodies, and not with flat stomach

Tinder App

You guys are using shirtless photos as your main?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Tinder App

Shirtless photos are my shit. Take one outside with good lighting, preferably on the beach. Shitty mirror pics are a no no.

I would STRONGLY STRONGLY recommend getting some professional or model shots done. I don't even have professional pictures (first pic was taken with an iPhone with good lighting). My decently quality shirtless beach pic has gotten me a good number of dates, lays, and one awesome LTR in 2018.

Tinder gets a lot of hate, but honestly, I fuck with it. It puts me in contact with girls who I never would have met otherwise. My current location has a pretty dead social scene, but there are tons of bored girls living at home who have nothing to do. It's opened up hundreds of girls who I would never be able to talk to otherwise. There actually is quality on there if you select for it.

One thing I want to recommend is calling the girl before the date. I say some shit like "I want to make sure you aren't some creepy old man". Great personal connection. You want to be a human being she is talking to and spending time with, not an online profile sending her messages. She gets enough of those.

Also, what are your thoughts on waiting two to three days to text a girl after the first date? Went out with this Chinese girl yesterday and made out with her. She's down to meet up again, but I'm busy as fuck this weekend (both with work and with other Tinder girls lmao). Don't want to freeze her out (cause I liked her) but I want to ping her at least once or twice this week. Was thinking of just shooting her a funny meme or something on Tuesday.

And how do you guys handle girls asking if you're seeing other girls via Tinder? I was just going to be honest and say that I'm trying to meet new people, I'm not looking for a serious relationship, I'm just trying to see where shit goes.

Tinder App

I alternate between mine. I have an average face, so only the main thing that stands out about me is my body. My best "clothed" photo shot under dslr quality, currently rivals my shirtless mirror photo. Im hoping to get a shirtless photo outdoors photographed to try up the results.

Tinder App

The funny thing about shirtless pic as a first pic is, that if you ask women, they say that it is a no go and they dont like such profiles. But the truth is you get matches and lays over that. But mostly ons.

Tinder App

Changed my main pic to a suit and tie photo with a good camera, from a wedding. Match rate has gone up a lot.

Had 3 dates in the last 3 days. First one was while I was out of town for a conference. Was straight up about my transient status and it bothered her a ton. Got a little make out but no more.

Number 2 was local to my town. She is a nurse and was on-call so she didn’t drink. Sober date while we ate some bar food. Had my hand around her hip, good kino and eye contact. She suggested a second date at the end and had a little make out.

Third was an easy one. 38-year old filipina, great body with a plastic-surgery face. Suggested a same-night date after some convo, on a Saturday no less. One round of drinks at a fancy winery, bounce to my place for round two. Slight resistance but nothing major. She was super nervous and giggly. Big fake tits and a nice yoga body for her age. Hit it raw twice before taking her back to her car.

All of these dates were set up within 60 minutes of matching

Tinder App

Have been getting a ton of matches and more than usual lately for no apparent reason. I haven't changed any profile info or photos, swiped more or changed location. Any one else had this happening? Could it be related to the recent talk about changing algorithms?

Also, I went out last night with this hot 24-year-old, an 8, who super liked me and we ended up fucking. When it's this easy I start wondering whether I am the one gaming or the one being gamed.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:17 PM)HAcoreRD Wrote:  

Have been getting a ton of matches and more than usual lately for no apparent reason. I haven't changed any profile info or photos, swiped more or changed location. Any one else had this happening? Could it be related to the recent talk about changing algorithms?

Also, I went out last night with this hot 24-year-old, an 8, who super liked me and we ended up fucking. When it's this easy I start wondering whether I am the one gaming or the one being gamed.

posts like this are making me want to create an account again.

how old are you and how old are the girls you target on tinder?

what is your match to sex rate?

Do you have any specific messaging strategy/approach that works for you?

I tried everything from being super sexual to having normal conversations to making sure I try to close within 4-6 messages....nothing really worked and they just always stop responding out of nowhere.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 01:15 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Changed my main pic to a suit and tie photo with a good camera, from a wedding. Match rate has gone up a lot.

Had 3 dates in the last 3 days. First one was while I was out of town for a conference. Was straight up about my transient status and it bothered her a ton. Got a little make out but no more.

Number 2 was local to my town. She is a nurse and was on-call so she didn’t drink. Sober date while we ate some bar food. Had my hand around her hip, good kino and eye contact. She suggested a second date at the end and had a little make out.

Third was an easy one. 38-year old filipina, great body with a plastic-surgery face. Suggested a same-night date after some convo, on a Saturday no less. One round of drinks at a fancy winery, bounce to my place for round two. Slight resistance but nothing major. She was super nervous and giggly. Big fake tits and a nice yoga body for her age. Hit it raw twice before taking her back to her car.

All of these dates were set up within 60 minutes of matching

I was very impressed by your post until I reread it and noticed the bolded part.

I cannot remember the last time I met a 28 year old woman I wanted to fuck and definitely have no interest in a 38 year old.

How old where the other 2 girls?

It's important that we all share info like this about the girls we go after on tinder.

3 dates in 3 days sounds very impressive but NOT if your targeting old women who are less desirable and thus of course easier to meet with as they have less options.

I only targeted 18-21 when I was on tinder

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:36 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

posts like this are making me want to create an account again.

how old are you and how old are the girls you target on tinder?

what is your match to sex rate?

Do you have any specific messaging strategy/approach that works for you?

I tried everything from being super sexual to having normal conversations to making sure I try to close within 4-6 messages....nothing really worked and they just always stop responding out of nowhere.

Well, I have always done well with online game, being in my mid-20s and living in a major metropolitan area. I couldn't say anything about match-to-sex ratio--I get loads of matches (ages 18 to 34), the majority of whom I don't message. Most matches are accidental 5s, intentional 6s and 7s and sometimes 8+ girls (note that I rate harsly, my 8s and 9s would be what many others call 10s on this forum, I bet). I usually start by messaging the most interesting matches and then work myself down, if I have time, through strong 6s to weak 6s. While I admit to banging 5s every now and then, it is almost always because they looked like a 6 or 7 in their profile and didn't require any effort on my end after meeting up.

My strategy is to be flirtatious while maintaining the impression that you are not being flirtatious with other girls. The risk with being too flirtatious right off the bat is that it makes it seem like you are sending the same thing to everyone, which on average lowers your chances with most girls since you are not making them feel special. You want to find some excuse, preferably related to their profile or something they said, which justifies your being flirty. Anyhow, after a short exchange you should quickly move to texting and, if you have time, give her a call to both stand out and build pre-comfort. Invite to drinks or whatever floats your boat, nothing fancy. In the majority of cases, about 2 out of 3, I get the bang in the end.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:56 PM)HAcoreRD Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:36 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

posts like this are making me want to create an account again.

how old are you and how old are the girls you target on tinder?

what is your match to sex rate?

Do you have any specific messaging strategy/approach that works for you?

I tried everything from being super sexual to having normal conversations to making sure I try to close within 4-6 messages....nothing really worked and they just always stop responding out of nowhere.

Well, I have always done well with online game, being in my mid-20s and living in a major metropolitan area. I couldn't say anything about match-to-sex ratio--I get loads of matches (ages 18 to 34), the majority of whom I don't message. Most matches are accidental 5s, intentional 6s and 7s and sometimes 8+ girls (note that I rate harsly, my 8s and 9s would be what many others call 10s on this forum, I bet). I usually start by messaging the most interesting matches and then, if I'm feeling a bit desperate, message 6s. While I admit to banging 5s every now and then, it is almost always because they looked like a 6 or 7 in their profile and didn't require any effort on my end after meeting up.

My strategy is to be flirtatious while maintaining the impression that you are not being flirtatious with other girls. The risk with being too flirtatious right off the bat is that it makes it seem like you are sending the same thing to everyone, which on average lowers your chances with most girls since you are not making them feel special. You want to find some excuse, preferably related to their profile or something they said, which justifies your being flirty. Anyhow, after a short exchange you should quickly move to texting and, if you have time, give her a call to both stand out and build pre-comfort. Invite to drinks or whatever floats your boat, nothing fancy. In the majority of cases, about 2 out of 3, I get the bang in the end.

the bolded part really hit me.

thank you for that.

I think that actually explains some of the issues I had on tinder.

how many matches a week would you estimate you get that are age 18-21 and at least a 6 in looks (I'm also a harsh rater)?

also, how many people in your city and what do you have your distance set to?

do you use boosts?

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:08 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

the bolded part really hit me.

thank you for that.

I think that actually explains some of the issues I had on tinder.

how many matches a week would you estimate you get that are age 18-21 and at least a 6 in looks (I'm also a harsh rater)?

also, how many people in your city and what do you have your distance set to?

do you use boosts?

No problem. In essence, I think the key is to be flirtatious while making them seem special while simultaneously communicating a high SMV on your part. To them, they are the lucky girl who happened to pique your interest. They can probably sense that you are sleeping around, but you still need to come across as a man of quality rather than quantity.

As for your first question, I honestly couldn't say. This varies tremendously from week to week which makes it hard to say how much it happens on average. The 18-21 age range is very flaky as well, so even if you match and engage it often doesn't lead to much. Just recently I had a 20 year old who seemed really excited ending up ghosting me on the day of our date. That being said, though the average age of girls I bang is closer to 26, this past week all four girls I banged were 22 except for the aforementioned one who was 24, all in the 7 to 8 territory, which makes for what I'd definitely call a damn good week.

I live in a major metropolitan area (several million people) and have my distance set to about 12 miles. I don't pay for extra boosts.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:34 PM)HAcoreRD Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:08 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

the bolded part really hit me.

thank you for that.

I think that actually explains some of the issues I had on tinder.

how many matches a week would you estimate you get that are age 18-21 and at least a 6 in looks (I'm also a harsh rater)?

also, how many people in your city and what do you have your distance set to?

do you use boosts?

No problem. In essence, I think the key is to be flirtatious while making them seem special while simultaneously communicating a high SMV on your part. To them, they are the lucky girl who happened to pique your interest. They can probably sense that you are sleeping around, but you still need to come across as a man of quality rather than quantity.

As for your first question, I honestly couldn't say. This varies tremendously from week to week which makes it hard to say how much it happens on average. The 18-21 age range is very flaky as well, so even if you match and engage it often doesn't lead to much. Just recently I had a 20 year old who seemed really excited ending up ghosting me on the day of our date. That being said, though the average age of girls I bang is closer to 26, this past week all four girls I banged were 22 except for the aforementioned one who was 24, all in the 7 to 8 territory, which makes for what I'd definitely call a damn good week.

I live in a major metropolitan area (several million people) and have my distance set to about 12 miles. I don't pay for extra boosts.

bolded part tells me everything i need to know.

I think I made the right decision and for now will continue to stay off tinder and stick with night game.

Thank you again for taking the time to try to help me.

Tinder App

Question for those that are making new facebook accounts each time they make a new tinder profile.

What do you put in the last name and will Tinder show it to others? Since I didn't use facebook since 2012 I was surprised to see that you cannot register with just your first name.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:22 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Question for those that are making new facebook accounts each time they make a new tinder profile.

What do you put in the last name and will Tinder show it to others? Since I didn't use facebook since 2012 I was surprised to see that you cannot register with just your first name.

you dont need to use facebook at all.

just create an account directly on tinder.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:53 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:34 PM)HAcoreRD Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 10:08 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

the bolded part really hit me.

thank you for that.

I think that actually explains some of the issues I had on tinder.

how many matches a week would you estimate you get that are age 18-21 and at least a 6 in looks (I'm also a harsh rater)?

also, how many people in your city and what do you have your distance set to?

do you use boosts?

No problem. In essence, I think the key is to be flirtatious while making them seem special while simultaneously communicating a high SMV on your part. To them, they are the lucky girl who happened to pique your interest. They can probably sense that you are sleeping around, but you still need to come across as a man of quality rather than quantity.

As for your first question, I honestly couldn't say. This varies tremendously from week to week which makes it hard to say how much it happens on average. The 18-21 age range is very flaky as well, so even if you match and engage it often doesn't lead to much. Just recently I had a 20 year old who seemed really excited ending up ghosting me on the day of our date. That being said, though the average age of girls I bang is closer to 26, this past week all four girls I banged were 22 except for the aforementioned one who was 24, all in the 7 to 8 territory, which makes for what I'd definitely call a damn good week.

I live in a major metropolitan area (several million people) and have my distance set to about 12 miles. I don't pay for extra boosts.

bolded part tells me everything i need to know.

I think I made the right decision and for now will continue to stay off tinder and stick with night game.

Thank you again for taking the time to try to help me.

dreadcom 18-21 year old girls may be flaky online, but are the easiest in real life. Just go to student night. Standard of game required is way lower and yet the girls are generally better looking.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-06-2019 03:18 AM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:22 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Question for those that are making new facebook accounts each time they make a new tinder profile.

What do you put in the last name and will Tinder show it to others? Since I didn't use facebook since 2012 I was surprised to see that you cannot register with just your first name.

you dont need to use facebook at all.

just create an account directly on tinder.

Yes, but for that I need a new number each time and I can't get it for free. Google voice doesn't function in my country and I got immediately stopped if I try to use any of numbers provided in various websites.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:42 PM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 01:15 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Changed my main pic to a suit and tie photo with a good camera, from a wedding. Match rate has gone up a lot.

Had 3 dates in the last 3 days. First one was while I was out of town for a conference. Was straight up about my transient status and it bothered her a ton. Got a little make out but no more.

Number 2 was local to my town. She is a nurse and was on-call so she didn’t drink. Sober date while we ate some bar food. Had my hand around her hip, good kino and eye contact. She suggested a second date at the end and had a little make out.

Third was an easy one. 38-year old filipina, great body with a plastic-surgery face. Suggested a same-night date after some convo, on a Saturday no less. One round of drinks at a fancy winery, bounce to my place for round two. Slight resistance but nothing major. She was super nervous and giggly. Big fake tits and a nice yoga body for her age. Hit it raw twice before taking her back to her car.

All of these dates were set up within 60 minutes of matching

I was very impressed by your post until I reread it and noticed the bolded part.

I cannot remember the last time I met a 28 year old woman I wanted to fuck and definitely have no interest in a 38 year old.

How old where the other 2 girls?

It's important that we all share info like this about the girls we go after on tinder.

3 dates in 3 days sounds very impressive but NOT if your targeting old women who are less desirable and thus of course easier to meet with as they have less options.

I only targeted 18-21 when I was on tinder

The other two girls were 24 and 33, respectively. Both were bangable 6's.

I have no qualms about older women IF they look good and have tight bodies. The 38-year old had a great body and I was very pleased by it. It was a very enjoyable experience. Her body was the best of the three girls.

I also bagged my last LTR, a 20-year old, from Tinder about a year ago. I've written about that on here before.

Overall, I definitely prefer 18-21 but if I only target that age group, I will be limiting myself when there are perfectly acceptable older girls out there that look great and are totally fine for me to FWB up.

To each their own. I'm glad there are guys like you who don't bother with girls over age 28. Makes them easier for guys like me who wouldn't kick them out of bed for having a few wrinkles and miles on them.

Tinder App

Quote: (05-06-2019 06:35 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2019 03:18 AM)dreadcom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:22 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Question for those that are making new facebook accounts each time they make a new tinder profile.

What do you put in the last name and will Tinder show it to others? Since I didn't use facebook since 2012 I was surprised to see that you cannot register with just your first name.

you dont need to use facebook at all.

just create an account directly on tinder.

Yes, but for that I need a new number each time and I can't get it for free. Google voice doesn't function in my country and I got immediately stopped if I try to use any of numbers provided in various websites.

You can put anything for your last name. Tinder wont show it, fake or real.

Tinder App

I delete and create my account on the app a ton. Partially because I'm busy and partially because I want a "boost" for new options. I've been noticing a lot of the same faces over and over. Do you guys think this could hurt your match rate? Because some women have already matched with you before/swiped left in the past.

Tinder App

Read an interesting report about a tech-savvy guy who tried to assess the algorythm.

He claims that extremely good-looking men are pushed upwards in the matrix and appear more often to women while the metric is lowered for average or below average guys. The reason is because they want to keep the few women still interested in the app, so they automatically promote guys who get more likes, so that they get even more promotion. Meanwhile those that don't receive enough likes are obviously lowered in in the algorythm since women would leave the app if they saw too many unattractive mugs.

It's funny that they even have to tweak those number even to the greater detriment of the average man - heck - even the good-looking 7-8 looks guy will be blown out of the water by the few 9-level looks men.

Tinder App

^ I've read similar. It's my understanding that women also swipe left or right on fewer men overall, and spend longer times contemplating each profile than the average man does. So not only are women swiping less often, they're also taking longer per swipe, typically only seeing 10-20 percent of male profiles before they stop swiping. The most popular profiles to them are typically shown first, so most women aren't digging deep enough into the swipe deck to see those men in the lower 50-70 percent.

From what I've learned it seems like the best way to "game" the Tinder algorithm is to a) actually be attractive, b) portray said attractiveness in such a manner that women are more likely to swipe right, c) use the newbie boost to make a decent number of matches and actually talk to those women, because d) one factor going into Tinder's "ELO" score is how often you actually initiate contact with your matches.

Tinder App

I can coborate and can vouch for what King said about shirtless pics.

I just recently bought a tinder course that focuses on hooking up with girls and one of the main things this guy said and granted he is a minority Indian is that "shirtless pics" of a decent to good looking guy or at least in shape guy may result in less "matches" but will actually result in more girls who are looking to fuck, in effect weeding out girls who are just "bored, AW or time wasters"

This makes sense because in effect you are "screening out" girls who are looking for dates, free meals or just want to sap your time. Granted you will still have some girls you will have to filter out IE time wasters, but by and large, I think having a shirtless pic or a picture looking really sexy will further lead to more sex even if you get fewer matches.

This guy initially had a shirtless selfie and started getting more results leading into sex. Of course, he recommends a higher quality camera and professional photography but you have to start somewhere.

Right now my tinder profile is more of me traveling in cool locations or with friends and when I tinder gold around the world I get a fair amount of matches. I've played around with a few locations and surprisingly Indonesia has been pretty solid, along with some European countries.

I've managed to pipeline a few girls numbers from tinder to WhatsApp. While I do plan to hit up Indonesia at some point in the future right now I am leaning more towards EE a few countries in particular. From what I can tell Bali Indonesia seems to be a pretty good spot if you are looking for some variety along with the local talent.

That said my main profile picture is of me sporting a black v neck with pyramids in the background, then another is of me in a blazer and tie but it's a close up(most likely going to remove it) and the other two are me with friends.

I have yet to really test out the shirtless pic method aside from a crappy selfie of me naked(yes full body) but it got removed so I won't be going that far. While I've been told I'm a handsome lad, I could definitely use a solid 9-11 kilos of muscle mass to up my frame and then test it out properly.

When I was in Mexico a few weeks ago I discussed with a good bro of mine about getting some professional shots done as he is a damn good photographer and could def help me bring out my best features.

I, however, had an unexpected situation come up with my computer and I am currently stateside.

Although unexpected this is good news because as I can now focus on building up my body.

That way when I do return to get photos from him we can implement some of the ideas he had for me but also I will feel 10 times better taking a shirtless pic because I will know that I have more muscle mass and look better.

He's seen me shirtless before and he definitely recommends putting on more weight even though I have good genetics I'm naturally an ECTO.

A bit long-winded fellas, but the TLDR is, SHIRTLESS pics work.

Even if you get fewer matches you will/can get more sex assuming you can present yourself as a High SMV guy and text to lead to meetups.

Another thing this course recommends and granted I am only on the first module but is putting yourself in the "sex guy category" From what I can gather having a shirtless picture and provocatively crafted bio helps build up and create this image and fantasy in her head.

Coupled with you texting her in a manner that subconsciously communicates "you don't care, it's a game to me, it's fun, I get laid, I'm the prize that's going to give her the raw dominant sex she craves" and alas gentlemen you have a tinder profile that will yield you the results you are seeking.

Yes, "game" is important fellas but a women's imagination, your non-needy communication and the image you've helped create in her head will benefit you light years ahead of the competition who are trying to text her "corny ass pickup lines", "entertaining jester game" or cocky-funny negs.

You have to genuinely not give a shit if you fuck this bitch or not, as if you have done it before and she will pick up on this again subconsciously.

Lines and routines will only get so far and I don't recommend that stuff anyway.

Currently, I am in my home state and not really getting matches but the city is only 1 million+, I have limited transportation and quite honestly most of the local women here don't do it for me anyway.

It goes without saying but I'm a black guy and returning back to this pro-trump state, and conservativeness I know factor's in as well.

Meanwhile, in other countries like Europe, Latina America and parts of Asia/SEA I'm exotic, rare and a novelty. (I wonder what reception I would get from women in black countries around the world, but I digress)

Now granted I don't mind self-improvement for 3-4 months(however long it takes) to get my body and finances in order so when I do get matches with tinder gold/passport, the girls already know what's up and I have the finances to get there, or better yet I will already be there so that the sex can happen faster. Currently, I've just been pipelining, but need to update CC for gold activation.

I wasn't skeptical per se about the course but the methods were unconventional and in the minority especially with all the gurus trying to sell you the stuff that sounds good but doesn't work.

Kings post just further confirms and verifies what this Indian chap is talking about and I know there's power and truth to this methodology.

I'll keep you guys posted on my results as they come in, but right now I can definitely say that King knows what he is talking about and I looking forward to sharing my results as I continue to build and implement these principles into my profile.

Keep swiping gentlemen!

Until next time,

Tinder App

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:10 PM)jalke63 Wrote:  

I delete and create my account on the app a ton. Partially because I'm busy and partially because I want a "boost" for new options. I've been noticing a lot of the same faces over and over. Do you guys think this could hurt your match rate? Because some women have already matched with you before/swiped left in the past.

For sure. Same for a woman. If I see her 'new' profile every 3 months I don't think much of it. If she did it every 2 weeks i'd think she's a desperate weirdo.

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