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The God pill

The God pill

Now Roosh has discovered Fr Chad Ripperger, matching my own journey towards truth.


I mentioned this video in passing last November:


I listened to an interesting talk by an Exorcist a few weeks back, who suggested that Civilizations follow the same predictable pattern of destruction, as they progressively-fall prey to what is known as The Table, the five demons under Lucifer. The first goal is to promote sexual promiscuity, and each demon is given reign as each marker falls: one for the satanic sacrament of abortion, male homosexuality, female homosexuality / feminism, etc. One of the Feminist websites is, unsurprisingly, named after one of them.

I've been listening to his talks since about February last year, and have been amazed at how reliably-accurate his knowledge is.

This is how following his advice on How To Heal Your Primary Wound healed the deep rift between me and my Father:


Note in this second post I had listened to another video after I wrote all the first one, and was floored by him describing exactly what I had just experienced: the fwoom of Infused Knowledge.


A couple of other things, offhand:

- His video on identifying your Spiritual Temperament and advice on how to 'correct' the deficiencies that arise from them was incredible. In my case, there was a particularly-useful to devotion to do daily, which was confronting enough initially to make me cry as I said it, and I'm not a man who sheds tears easily.

A friend had observed my reaction to saying the prayer, and, didn't understand it. A few weeks later, he was listening to another talk by Fr Ripperger on a different subject with me, and, by chance, he mentioned my temperament and the devotion.

He said something like "What you'll usually find, is that saying this prayer causes the Melancholic Physical Pain, to the extent that they'll frequently cry saying it."

My friend, flabbergasted: "How could he know that?"

I've heard that a lot over the last year.

- His advice on Generational Spirits led me to, once again, do the suggested devotion and receiving the Infused Knowledge that, yes, as I suspected, my family was cursed. Including that it came via my Grandfather, that he was a Freemason, and the Demon's Name we were promised to: one of The Table.

When I told my Sister, she didn't believe me. "But he always seemed so nice."

I was firm. I can't quite explain the calm surety that comes from this kind of thing. "This came from the Blessed Mother. I even received a quick vision of a Freemason Ring."

She wasn't convinced, until I... very casually... tried to bring it up with my Father a few days later, only to find him very open about it:

"Oh yeah, Dad was a Freemason. I still have his apron."

Looking further into what that Demon is said to do, I could see why my Grandmother was hit by a car one day, then had to spend 40 years of her life hunched over to almost a 90 degree angle on a cane. I could see why my Uncle died of a snapped neck. I could see why my grandfather's early death surprised everyone. I could see why there's so much Cancer all through the family.

Particularly, I saw how that Demon had controlled me from, I'm guessing, about 14 or so, until sometime in 2015. There was a weird event in my childhood: a sensation that something outside myself had... invaded... me - mirrored by what seemed like a reversal of the same event that year - as something was... expelled... out of me.

Reading about his influence over a soul was like reading my life history, right down to the wound with my Father and the resulting deep insecurity from that that drove my dysfunctional behaviour.

- Understanding the full horror of a complete destruction of a family line - even seeing how my Grandfather was used and lied to - and not knowing what else to do, I offered myself up as a sacrifice of love to free everyone, saying I would take on the burden of their sins.

A few weeks later, in August, I was struck almost fully-deaf. My nervous system started malfunctioning, meaning I now have regular seizures and have to walk with a cane. I have constant pain in my lower spine and on one side of my neck. It's not unusual to have 14 hour attacks of vertigo, where all I can do is lie in bed and vomit.

I haven't really talked about this because I'm not a whiny bitch, and can always adapt to problems that arise in my life. Plus, I have the Father: it's hard to explain but, as St John of the Cross says, 'Joy and Pain both mean nothing to me'. Suffering becomes an expression of his love.

- Interestingly, the Priests here seem very veiled when you discuss Demons, believing it all has (((psychological))) explanations, but the Nuns all understand: "God will hold you to that promise." According to them, I, somehow suffer well.

- If you study the Demon, he attacks the Neck, The Spine and the Nervous System. They say to picture him as curled around your spine, squeezing the life out of you.

- Having Known the Demon, you can easily-recognise his Children by their behaviour - I'll write something on that when I have the time - and can see how they are often moved around like pawns to attempt bring you back into the fold. I mentioned nine months of dealing with a Stalker from Church here: he evidences all the predicted-behaviour.

"Don't talk to me about humility! I'm humble! If there's something I can't stand, it's being told something I already know!"

- and -

"The Catholic Church is controlled by Satanists! Vatican II! Don't take communion in the hand! You can't trust the mainstream Church! You need to go to the Latin Mass! Pope Francis is the AntiPope!"

The Demon's Goal is to separate you from the Body, so you are more vulnerable. Note my Sister has an incredible Infused Knowledge of the Father - perfectly-echoing Contemplative Saints she's never read - but can't physically-seem to get herself to go to a Church, almost as if something is blocking her.

Sometimes the Demon's Children will try and separate you via Wormtongue: they'll be bashing Catholics one moment, or at other times they'll pretend that they're just concerned that you somehow don't know that you're 'worshipping Satan'.

I'm guessing my Stalker fell under full control during his suicide attempt twenty years ago, when he threw himself in front of a truck, damaging - you guessed it - his neck.


Considering Ripperger is a member of a supposedly-Satanic Church, recommending I pray to Mary for help, who is supposedly a Demon, he really has the Goods. Everything he suggests works, and can reveal the spiritual reality of the demonic forces around you, allowing the dysfunction to be repaired. Most people won't have anywhere near the harsh journey I've had: my parent's were Hippies and Occultists. My Sister and I always thought we grew up in a Haunted House - everyone who ever stepped foot in that place sensed and commented on it - but, now we understand it was Demonic Activity.

How did we end up in that particular house? I was talking to my Dad recently and I commented on our extreme poverty in my youth, but then we suddenly had a house, and he said "Oh, I never even saw it before we moved in. That was all your Grandfather: he found it and put a deposit down on the house for us."

Why would my Grandfather have chosen that particular house? See how everything is linked?

There's one more link in this puzzle: a childhood memory of overhearing my father crying to my mother in the middle of the night, the day after my Grandfather had died. As a child, I couldn't register the reality of what I was hearing: that he'd seen His Dead Father in the front hallway (always a place my Sister and I had long learnt not to linger in, and if you had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you kept your eyes on the carpet).

Whatever Dad saw so deeply-disturbed him that, a week later, he was taking us to a Catholic Church. I wonder if he was warned? How do I even bring this up with him?

If you want to take on a similar journey, I recommend Ripperger's video on overcoming your Primary Wound. Despite what it might look like to outside observers, I'd rather be where I am - even with the suffering - than ever again be what I was.

The God pill

Thanks, AB. I went back and re-read your other two posts and listened to that Ripperger sermon. I'm going to listen to some more of them, it's interesting.

However I do find your journey here to be pretty much endlessly fascinating. You've already written a lot, but I'll read whatever else you want to divulge.

Also, regarding your sister. Ripperger mentions in an offhand way some prayer he recites when people aren't coming into the confession booth because demons are blocking them from doing so. Is there something similar you can use on your sister to get her into a church?

The God pill

I've gone down a more spiritual path in the last 2 or 3 years. I was raised Christian, but could never fully embrace the teachings. It didn't feel right. For many years I just lived life without much thought for religion even thought I still believed in God. I'm not sure if I truly believed or if this was a belief that was built into me from a child.

About 10 years ago, I had something happen to me to that had removed any doubts of a afterlife. I still didn't think about what that afterlife may actually be, but knew that our time here wasn't an end to us when we leave it.

I'd say a couple years ago I started catching some videos and then found some blogs and read some books and a picture of a afterlife emerged to where it just made sense to me.

To sum up what I have come to believe is that our time on Earth was pre-planned. Our true home is heaven or the afterlife. Things are so great there that we come here to experience negativity and to learn from it in order to grow more spiritually.

We may experience many reincarnations to grow spiritually.

I don't know why, but this all made sense to me a couple of years ago. Before that I would roll my eyes and think crazy. It answers all of my questions as to why a God would allow such bad things to happen to us. God created this place for our learning and gave us free will in order for us to grow. Many bad things are planned, but many are not. Some things are not pre-planned like murder. That is based on free will.

So, for me, I'm trying to judge less and be more loving to people. I think for most of us the feeling of helping someone just naturally feels great. That is our true selves shining through. I've dedicated some time to reading books on getting over the ego issue. I used to think the ego was a good thing but realized it leads us down a false path. We can't get rid of our ego's but we do have power over what thoughts take root and what thoughts we just allow to pass through.

I've become more and more happier since I started following this path. I don't fear death, I don't fear about what I may have missed... I just accept that I am following a plan and have faith that it will lead me to being better. We are all going to the same afterlife. We are all here for the same purpose even if we are taking different paths to get there.

The God pill

Quote: (04-30-2019 11:50 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I've dedicated some time to reading books on getting over the ego issue. I used to think the ego was a good thing but realized it leads us down a false path. We can't get rid of our ego's but we do have power over what thoughts take root and what thoughts we just allow to pass through.

One of the best books in this regard was written in 1903 and is entitled "As a Man Thinketh." The title is influenced by a verse in the Bible from the Book of Proverbs 23:7 -- "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The full passage, taken from the King James Version, reads as follows:

Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:
Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

While the passage suggests that one should consider the true motivations of a person who is being uncharacteristically generous before accepting his generosity, the actual title and content of the book refers to the reader himself -- and how his thoughts will make him the man that he eventually becomes.

This book opens with this rather profound statement:

Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: —
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass.

The book is only about sixty pages long. You can buy the Kindle edition on Amazon for 49 cents:

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 12:40 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

The book is only about sixty pages long. You can buy the Kindle edition on Amazon for 49 cents:

Thanks! I will give it a read.

I got a lot out of "In the World but Not of It" by Gina Lake.

The chapters on how the ego works and what you can do to not listen to it was very practical and worked a lot better than I would have thought.

The basics is you have a lot of thoughts passing through your head all the time. The moment you stop and give a particular thought some weight it can then branch out into a full on story. Something simple can quickly become something complicated.

I don't even know how many times I was angry and then afterwards wondered why I got angry to begin with. That was a brief thought given focus and I allowed it to become something else. Understanding that this happens, we can work on avoiding the thought becoming a "thing" by focusing on something else until it disappears.

The God pill

Quote: (04-30-2019 08:02 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Now Roosh has discovered Fr Chad Ripperger, matching my own journey towards truth.


I mentioned this video in passing last November:


I listened to an interesting talk by an Exorcist a few weeks back, who suggested that Civilizations follow the same predictable pattern of destruction, as they progressively-fall prey to what is known as The Table, the five demons under Lucifer. The first goal is to promote sexual promiscuity, and each demon is given reign as each marker falls: one for the satanic sacrament of abortion, male homosexuality, female homosexuality / feminism, etc. One of the Feminist websites is, unsurprisingly, named after one of them.

I've been listening to his talks since about February last year, and have been amazed at how reliably-accurate his knowledge is.

This is how following his advice on How To Heal Your Primary Wound healed the deep rift between me and my Father:


Note in this second post I had listened to another video after I wrote all the first one, and was floored by him describing exactly what I had just experienced: the fwoom of Infused Knowledge.


A couple of other things, offhand:

- His video on identifying your Spiritual Temperament and advice on how to 'correct' the deficiencies that arise from them was incredible. In my case, there was a particularly-useful to devotion to do daily, which was confronting enough initially to make me cry as I said it, and I'm not a man who sheds tears easily.

A friend had observed my reaction to saying the prayer, and, didn't understand it. A few weeks later, he was listening to another talk by Fr Ripperger on a different subject with me, and, by chance, he mentioned my temperament and the devotion.

He said something like "What you'll usually find, is that saying this prayer causes the Melancholic Physical Pain, to the extent that they'll frequently cry saying it."

My friend, flabbergasted: "How could he know that?"

I've heard that a lot over the last year.

- His advice on Generational Spirits led me to, once again, do the suggested devotion and receiving the Infused Knowledge that, yes, as I suspected, my family was cursed. Including that it came via my Grandfather, that he was a Freemason, and the Demon's Name we were promised to: one of The Table.

When I told my Sister, she didn't believe me. "But he always seemed so nice."

I was firm. I can't quite explain the calm surety that comes from this kind of thing. "This came from the Blessed Mother. I even received a quick vision of a Freemason Ring."

She wasn't convinced, until I... very casually... tried to bring it up with my Father a few days later, only to find him very open about it:

"Oh yeah, Dad was a Freemason. I still have his apron."

Looking further into what that Demon is said to do, I could see why my Grandmother was hit by a car one day, then had to spend 40 years of her life hunched over to almost a 90 degree angle on a cane. I could see why my Uncle died of a snapped neck. I could see why my grandfather's early death surprised everyone. I could see why there's so much Cancer all through the family.

Particularly, I saw how that Demon had controlled me from, I'm guessing, about 14 or so, until sometime in 2015. There was a weird event in my childhood: a sensation that something outside myself had... invaded... me - mirrored by what seemed like a reversal of the same event that year - as something was... expelled... out of me.

Reading about his influence over a soul was like reading my life history, right down to the wound with my Father and the resulting deep insecurity from that that drove my dysfunctional behaviour.

- Understanding the full horror of a complete destruction of a family line - even seeing how my Grandfather was used and lied to - and not knowing what else to do, I offered myself up as a sacrifice of love to free everyone, saying I would take on the burden of their sins.

A few weeks later, in August, I was struck almost fully-deaf. My nervous system started malfunctioning, meaning I now have regular seizures and have to walk with a cane. I have constant pain in my lower spine and on one side of my neck. It's not unusual to have 14 hour attacks of vertigo, where all I can do is lie in bed and vomit.

I haven't really talked about this because I'm not a whiny bitch, and can always adapt to problems that arise in my life. Plus, I have the Father: it's hard to explain but, as St John of the Cross says, 'Joy and Pain both mean nothing to me'. Suffering becomes an expression of his love.

- Interestingly, the Priests here seem very veiled when you discuss Demons, believing it all has (((psychological))) explanations, but the Nuns all understand: "God will hold you to that promise." According to them, I, somehow suffer well.

- If you study the Demon, he attacks the Neck, The Spine and the Nervous System. They say to picture him as curled around your spine, squeezing the life out of you.

- Having Known the Demon, you can easily-recognise his Children by their behaviour - I'll write something on that when I have the time - and can see how they are often moved around like pawns to attempt bring you back into the fold. I mentioned nine months of dealing with a Stalker from Church here: he evidences all the predicted-behaviour.

"Don't talk to me about humility! I'm humble! If there's something I can't stand, it's being told something I already know!"

- and -

"The Catholic Church is controlled by Satanists! Vatican II! Don't take communion in the hand! You can't trust the mainstream Church! You need to go to the Latin Mass! Pope Francis is the AntiPope!"

The Demon's Goal is to separate you from the Body, so you are more vulnerable. Note my Sister has an incredible Infused Knowledge of the Father - perfectly-echoing Contemplative Saints she's never read - but can't physically-seem to get herself to go to a Church, almost as if something is blocking her.

Sometimes the Demon's Children will try and separate you via Wormtongue: they'll be bashing Catholics one moment, or at other times they'll pretend that they're just concerned that you somehow don't know that you're 'worshipping Satan'.

I'm guessing my Stalker fell under full control during his suicide attempt twenty years ago, when he threw himself in front of a truck, damaging - you guessed it - his neck.


Considering Ripperger is a member of a supposedly-Satanic Church, recommending I pray to Mary for help, who is supposedly a Demon, he really has the Goods. Everything he suggests works, and can reveal the spiritual reality of the demonic forces around you, allowing the dysfunction to be repaired. Most people won't have anywhere near the harsh journey I've had: my parent's were Hippies and Occultists. My Sister and I always thought we grew up in a Haunted House - everyone who ever stepped foot in that place sensed and commented on it - but, now we understand it was Demonic Activity.

How did we end up in that particular house? I was talking to my Dad recently and I commented on our extreme poverty in my youth, but then we suddenly had a house, and he said "Oh, I never even saw it before we moved in. That was all your Grandfather: he found it and put a deposit down on the house for us."

Why would my Grandfather have chosen that particular house? See how everything is linked?

There's one more link in this puzzle: a childhood memory of overhearing my father crying to my mother in the middle of the night, the day after my Grandfather had died. As a child, I couldn't register the reality of what I was hearing: that he'd seen His Dead Father in the front hallway (always a place my Sister and I had long learnt not to linger in, and if you had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you kept your eyes on the carpet).

Whatever Dad saw so deeply-disturbed him that, a week later, he was taking us to a Catholic Church. I wonder if he was warned? How do I even bring this up with him?

If you want to take on a similar journey, I recommend Ripperger's video on overcoming your Primary Wound. Despite what it might look like to outside observers, I'd rather be where I am - even with the suffering - than ever again be what I was.

Thanks for sharing your experience and your knowledge AnonymousBosch, it is really valuable.

And one question : did you go to Church ever since your dad took you there after the death of your grandfather or you came later as an adult feeling that demonic possession?

The God pill

Quote: (04-30-2019 08:02 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Now Roosh has discovered Fr Chad Ripperger, matching my own journey towards truth.


- His advice on Generational Spirits led me to, once again, do the suggested devotion and receiving the Infused Knowledge that, yes, as I suspected, my family was cursed. Including that it came via my Grandfather, that he was a Freemason, and the Demon's Name we were promised to: one of The Table.

When I told my Sister, she didn't believe me. "But he always seemed so nice."

I was firm. I can't quite explain the calm surety that comes from this kind of thing. "This came from the Blessed Mother. I even received a quick vision of a Freemason Ring."

She wasn't convinced, until I... very casually... tried to bring it up with my Father a few days later, only to find him very open about it:

"Oh yeah, Dad was a Freemason. I still have his apron."

Looking further into what that Demon is said to do, I could see why my Grandmother was hit by a car one day, then had to spend 40 years of her life hunched over to almost a 90 degree angle on a cane. I could see why my Uncle died of a snapped neck. I could see why my grandfather's early death surprised everyone. I could see why there's so much Cancer all through the family.

Particularly, I saw how that Demon had controlled me from, I'm guessing, about 14 or so, until sometime in 2015. There was a weird event in my childhood: a sensation that something outside myself had... invaded... me - mirrored by what seemed like a reversal of the same event that year - as something was... expelled... out of me.

Reading about his influence over a soul was like reading my life history, right down to the wound with my Father and the resulting deep insecurity from that that drove my dysfunctional behaviour.

- Understanding the full horror of a complete destruction of a family line - even seeing how my Grandfather was used and lied to - and not knowing what else to do, I offered myself up as a sacrifice of love to free everyone, saying I would take on the burden of their sins.

A few weeks later, in August, I was struck almost fully-deaf. My nervous system started malfunctioning, meaning I now have regular seizures and have to walk with a cane. I have constant pain in my lower spine and on one side of my neck. It's not unusual to have 14 hour attacks of vertigo, where all I can do is lie in bed and vomit.

I haven't really talked about this because I'm not a whiny bitch, and can always adapt to problems that arise in my life. Plus, I have the Father: it's hard to explain but, as St John of the Cross says, 'Joy and Pain both mean nothing to me'. Suffering becomes an expression of his love.

- Interestingly, the Priests here seem very veiled when you discuss Demons, believing it all has (((psychological))) explanations, but the Nuns all understand: "God will hold you to that promise." According to them, I, somehow suffer well.

- If you study the Demon, he attacks the Neck, The Spine and the Nervous System. They say to picture him as curled around your spine, squeezing the life out of you.

- Having Known the Demon, you can easily-recognise his Children by their behaviour - I'll write something on that when I have the time - and can see how they are often moved around like pawns to attempt bring you back into the fold. I mentioned nine months of dealing with a Stalker from Church here: he evidences all the predicted-behaviour.

Thanks for sharing the video and sharing your story. Catholic priests tend to shy away from demonic explanations, like you said.

My great-grandfather was a Freemason. I, and my cousin, developed severe scoliosis at 14. We both got the titanium hardware to fix it.

And just like you, there's lots of cancer at a young age (including brain cancer!) and early death (always from cancer) all over that family line.

I'm looking forward to your post on their behavior. To anyone reading, don't mess with Freemasonry or any of that secret society stuff.

The God pill

Quote: (04-30-2019 11:50 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I've gone down a more spiritual path in the last 2 or 3 years. I was raised Christian, but could never fully embrace the teachings. It didn't feel right. For many years I just lived life without much thought for religion even thought I still believed in God. I'm not sure if I truly believed or if this was a belief that was built into me from a child.

About 10 years ago, I had something happen to me to that had removed any doubts of a afterlife. I still didn't think about what that afterlife may actually be, but knew that our time here wasn't an end to us when we leave it.

I'd say a couple years ago I started catching some videos and then found some blogs and read some books and a picture of a afterlife emerged to where it just made sense to me.

To sum up what I have come to believe is that our time on Earth was pre-planned. Our true home is heaven or the afterlife. Things are so great there that we come here to experience negativity and to learn from it in order to grow more spiritually.

We may experience many reincarnations to grow spiritually.

I don't know why, but this all made sense to me a couple of years ago. Before that I would roll my eyes and think crazy. It answers all of my questions as to why a God would allow such bad things to happen to us. God created this place for our learning and gave us free will in order for us to grow. Many bad things are planned, but many are not. Some things are not pre-planned like murder. That is based on free will.

So, for me, I'm trying to judge less and be more loving to people. I think for most of us the feeling of helping someone just naturally feels great. That is our true selves shining through. I've dedicated some time to reading books on getting over the ego issue. I used to think the ego was a good thing but realized it leads us down a false path. We can't get rid of our ego's but we do have power over what thoughts take root and what thoughts we just allow to pass through.

I've become more and more happier since I started following this path. I don't fear death, I don't fear about what I may have missed... I just accept that I am following a plan and have faith that it will lead me to being better. We are all going to the same afterlife. We are all here for the same purpose even if we are taking different paths to get there.

Would love to hear this story if you are comfortable sharing it.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 11:50 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Would love to hear this story if you are comfortable sharing it.

The story that made me believe in life after death?

I don't mind sharing. At that time I was living overseas for a couple of years. I would try and talk to my family once every one to two weeks just to make sure everyone was fine and to let them know I haven't been abducted.

One night I had this intense dream.

I remember this "dream" was about a family member who I was very close to. It is still hard to describe. I guess the best way to describe it would be a visitation. There wasn't anything happening, within the dream, besides this person coming to me. I don't recall any surroundings. I just remember it was this person and a intense feeling. I couldn't even say if there was anything said. I just knew this person had died.

So I woke up in tears at that point. The girl I was with asked me what was wrong and I said so and so died.

Now, I haven't heard from my family in a couple of weeks. So later that day I called them and sure enough this person had died. It was sudden and there was no health issues that were brought up in prior discussions.

Sometime last year I came across this video describing what happened to me. Apparently it is not uncommon for people who had just died to visit loved ones that they weren't able to say goodbye too. When I saw this it blew my mind.


The God pill

Observing a few patterns over the years, the nurtured proliferation of Christians and Satanists leaves me ill at ease. There is almost always a malignancy behind these deliberate dichotomies. Whatever it is, given the similarities to previous artifices, it is more than fair to say that it does not issue from God.

The God pill

I've occasionally, very rarely, had very vivid dreams of dead family members visit me. I also wake up in tears. I am lucid in the dream while it happens.

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 05:42 PM)DeadlyReed Wrote:  

Observing a few patterns over the years, the nurtured proliferation of Christians and Satanists leaves me ill at ease. There is almost always a malignancy behind these deliberate dichotomies. Whatever it is, given the similarities to previous artifices, it is more than fair to say that it does not issue from God.

As an aside from your comment.
It did seem odd to me for a while that atheism would be promoted so much in modern media; in a context where a very sinister force hides in the shadows to subvert humanity.

Biblical prophecy details the rise of the Anti-christ. Rather difficult to persuade a literal agnostic &/or atheist population of your 'special powers' when everyone is a secular in thought.
A return to more religious thinking across the board is required for said rise of the Anti-christ.

Suppose we may see that play out when the U.N. actively starts promoting it's unified / one world religion.

The God pill

Isn't the anti-christ supposed to be a great secular ruler, who unites all the people of the world? It would seem more likely to be someone who eventually becomes "president of earth" or something.

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 06:28 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Isn't the anti-christ supposed to be a great secular ruler, who unites all the people of the world? It would seem more likely to be someone who eventually becomes "president of earth" or something.

Any performance of fake miracles to dazzle the world & any required worship of the sinister schmuck would be of a more religious sentiment though.

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 06:55 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Any performance of fake miracles to dazzle the world

Such as balancing a government budget? Considering the current state of affairs, that would be a true miracle.

The God pill

I also had a lucid dream of a dead family member visiting me. Thing is, I didn't actually know at the time they'd passed.

The dream took place precisely where I was sleeping and the relative appeared in his prime of some 25-30 years ago as I barely remembered him (his illness had wracked his form for well over a decade).

The spirit told me not to worry about him and that he was okay. That's all really. There was the sense of mutual gratitude for all the good times we'd shared and then I actually woke up, or returned to normal consciousness in any case because I simply found myself in exactly the same sitting position in my bed as I'd been in my dream.

About an hour later the phone rang and it was my mum. She was surprised when I asked if L had passed because that was what she'd called to tell me.

I suppose devout atheists would tell me it was all a subconscious manifestation that happened to occur with lottery-level timing and in the end neither of us can prove the other wrong but I'd rather trust my lying eyes than their cold heart.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 04:15 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2019 11:50 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Would love to hear this story if you are comfortable sharing it.

The story that made me believe in life after death?

Thanks for sharing this story @worldwidetraveler

So many of these things are real, but our culture wants to dismiss them, or only gives them 5 seconds of thought. A small similar anectdote from my family is that my mother woke up quite suddenly in the middle of the night, the same night my grandmother passed.

I also found the video very fascinating, the scientist comes across as a very authentic guy. So many small anectdotes that he aggregates to give us a picture of the things that happen. In the end he begins to discuss how it important for us to understand the dying process, and to respect death , this hit home for me. He mentions that a key part of dying well is being able to leave earthly attachments, including our bodies, wives, money, and often guilty consciences. He mentions that the Dali Lama agrees with this and mentions that the less attention we pay to death, the more greedy and worldly the society.

Most of us on here are young to middle aged, it is important to understand these things, not just for ourselves but that we can help our parents and relatives through the process.

My experience is that it is important to pray at the bedside of those you love. This might not be something that we are all used to doing, myself I can say that I carried some apprehension or introversion about this, perhaps because it had been so many years since I had actually prayed publically or with someone. From personal experience, It offers a great deal of solace to people, and to the person saying the prayer.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The God pill

I’ve been on it. Been back to being a practicing Catholic for 10 years.

The God pill

Quote: (05-02-2019 12:52 AM)NoMoreTO Wrote:  

So many of these things are real, but our culture wants to dismiss them, or only gives them 5 seconds of thought. A small similar anectdote from my family is that my mother woke up quite suddenly in the middle of the night, the same night my grandmother passed.

It seems to be a much more common phenomenon than most realize. I suspect we just don't talk about it because we fear others will think we are crazy. Or we just don't want to deal with people trivializing what happened by trying to come up with a why like Leonard pointed out in his post.

Just from me posting we have NomadBrah, Leonard and your mom having similar experiences.

I don't mind if anyone believes or not. I hope they find their truth and it gives them comfort. I feel blessed in many ways to be able to not worry about death nor worry about my life here.


I also found the video very fascinating, the scientist comes across as a very authentic guy. So many small anectdotes that he aggregates to give us a picture of the things that happen. In the end he begins to discuss how it important for us to understand the dying process, and to respect death , this hit home for me. He mentions that a key part of dying well is being able to leave earthly attachments, including our bodies, wives, money, and often guilty consciences. He mentions that the Dali Lama agrees with this and mentions that the less attention we pay to death, the more greedy and worldly the society.

That was Peter Fenwick. I've watched a few of his videos and they were all good. First was a TedTalk. He is a neurophyicist and neurophysiologist . I hope we have more doctors open to these types of topics.

The experiences during death is based on our beliefs. People who believe in a particular religion may have an experience closer to what they believe. People in different parts of the world will experience something different. I found it all to be incredibly interesting.

But we are never alone when we die. Our loved ones come to us to help us transition back. I was lucky to be there for when my grandmother died. It wasn't a quick passing but lasted for maybe a week. Before that week began, she would sit there and just giggle like a little girl. I asked her what was so funny and she told me her brother was there making her laugh. I wrote it off as confusion. Now I think he was really there helping her with what will be her last week here.


My experience is that it is important to pray at the bedside of those you love. This might not be something that we are all used to doing, myself I can say that I carried some apprehension or introversion about this, perhaps because it had been so many years since I had actually prayed publically or with someone. From personal experience, It offers a great deal of solace to people, and to the person saying the prayer.

Your loved ones do hear you when you pray or simply talk to them. They may even try to send messages to you to let you know they're prefectly fine and happy. The messages would be something that would make you think of them. A song, a butterfly, rainbow... stuff like that. As for if we comprehend those messages or even really ready to accept them is another issue. It's hard for them to get through when we are in grief or dealing with negative emotions.

I just look at it as we are in school trying to learn. I still get sucked into the mundane day to days of being here. It's difficult to break away from what you have to do and remember what the ultimate goal is. Remembering helps me put things into perpective when the day to days become a little overwhelming.

That doesn't mean we still can't have fun. We are suppose to enjoy ourselves as well.

Also, one of the things that has helped me the most was understanding that we all come here imperfect. We are suppose to have issues or character flaws or whatever you want to call it. It doesn't define our true selves. In a way, we are playing a role here in order to grow.

Anyway, I understand many people have different beliefs and that is perfectly cool with me. I just highlighted some of the things I have come to believe and I hope others will find their truth. I don't care what you believe as long as it helps you to be happier and worry free.

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 06:28 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Isn't the anti-christ supposed to be a great secular ruler, who unites all the people of the world? It would seem more likely to be someone who eventually becomes "president of earth" or something.

Jordan Peterson?

The God pill

AB- your post resonated with me to a degree that I felt as though my skin was electric and my hair stood up.

During my teen years and younger college years as an atheist/agnostic - I would have laughed if you told me I would have a translated Syriac/Aramaic bible on my nightstand.

In 2012, on the brink of death during a botched medical procedure I saw my future life. My unknown future wife and children were in a home of mine I had never seen before. I remember a pool being in the backyard, the L shaped couch in the corner, the white dress shirt I was wearing, my 3 children - but what I remember most was the love I felt. I remember telling God that if he believes it's my time then he can take me but if I have a choice I want to stay because I believe it is not yet my time.

Following this my life fell apart completely - even in ways I had no control over. Things almost seeming unrelated to me were also going wrong and affecting my life. Looking back it was all a blessing. I was on the path for a life that I was not meant for.

During this time frame-

I had a major disc herniation that was making it so painful I could not walk. My spine and legs were on fire. I required lower back surgery.

My neck and upper brachial plexus area had multiple injuries and stiffened up to the point that my collarbone shifted causing a whole host of neck issues. Caused a lot of issues with head and chest "zaps."

My nervous system went insane and although I've learned to control it a bit it was nearly unbearable at that point.

I still deal with all these things but a lot more gracefully. It has truly humbled me in ways I cannot even begin to describe.

The God pill

I too, believe Jezus is the Son of God.

I pray to him that he may guide me

The God pill

I just posted an in-depth review of "Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose" on my website, and I think it will be of interest to those here. The whole thing clocks in at 7000 words, so pour yourself a cup of coffee.



This will not be a typical book review. Were it a normal review, I’d tell you what the book was about, I’d select a few quotations from it, and then recommend that you purchase it for yourself. This will be far more extensive than that; in fact, what you’re about to read are my edited notes on the work. Were I to write this way about a self-help book, I could justly be accused of plagiarism – of giving away all their core ideas. But in the case of Fr. Seraphim I found a kindred soul who had seen the same things I have come to see in the world, thirty years prior to me, and working off of different sources. Much of what follows are words I’ve already spoken, but set to a different tempo.

This is a long essay, but shorter than the book. It follows the structure and focuses on the data points that Fr. Seraphim noted – but it is liberally sprinkled with my own observations, as well as updated examples from the past fifteen years – examples which affirm his predictions. It is a blending of both, and I hope you will attribute any wisdom you find to Fr. Seraphim, and any foolishness to me.

I heartily recommend the book, which was gifted to me by a friend who knew that I would find a kindred spirit within it. But ideas are more important than people, and I’m certain that the late Fr. Seraphim would rather your read this truncated riff off of his ideas, than read nothing at all.


This book is about the dominant religion of our world: nihilism. It is about the fall of man away from God, first to the worship of ideals – and then machines – and then himself – and finally nothingness. It is about the inevitable consequences of abandoning God – the physical, the moral, the political, and the spiritual consequences – as well as an explanation of why these occur.

The nihilistic plan for this earth has been in official operation since the French Revolution (though its roots are more ancient than that – some of the roots are eternal), and it’s important to remember that all of us have been raised in a society in full grip of nihilism. We’ve been inoculated against God, and the emptiness of our times feels normal. It’s important, therefore, to reach out in as many ways possible, to rekindle that spark which God put inside of us. I am of an intellectual bent; so was Fr. Seraphim. So this call to your heart is through your mind. It explores the ontological, theological, political factors that have led to the current state of affairs.

The book is broken down into five chapters. The first is an ontological discussion of what truth is, and what nihilism is. The second describes the stages of nihilistic dialectic, how it progresses in the human spirit, and in society. The third describes the theological beliefs which arise from nihilism. The fourth explains the program which is being executed. And the final chapter discusses the ultimate teleology of nihilism.

You can read the rest here.

The God pill

Quote: (05-02-2019 09:29 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I just posted an in-depth review of "Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose" on my website, and I think it will be of interest to those here. The whole thing clocks in at 7000 words, so pour yourself a cup of coffee

Will do

The God pill

Interesting that I just ran into this piece:


There is indeed something nineteenth-century about such rhetoric. Rather than echoing that age’s Protestant fundamentalism, though, it recalls the then-popular Catholic slogan that “error has no rights.” It might therefore be tempting to dismiss such sentiment, like the implied anti-Catholic sentiment that prompted Rees-Mogg’s own remarks, as an unfortunate—though fortunately rare—anomaly in the contemporary public square. But both, in fact, are becoming increasingly common.

However regrettable this state of affairs might be, its continuation and intensification was entirely foreseeable. As in the nineteenth century, liberal anti-Catholicism and Catholic anti-liberalism are mutually exacerbating. But if the former typically remains, for the time being, in the realm of implication and insinuation, the latter is becoming much more explicit. Though by no means a majority opinion among contemporary Catholics, the conviction that liberalism has failed is emboldening an increasingly vocal minority to argue that it deserves to fail because it has been, from its very origins, incompatible with the Catholic faith.

It discusses the issues that have existed since the 19th Century between Americanism and Catholicism. How in the pre-Vatican II world, Catholicism was fundamentally opposed to democracy, leading to 'Anti-Catholic Bigotry' (is it bigotry to notice what somebody believes?) in the United States.

Contrast from a quote from my above article:


While a Christian worldview leads to a hierarchical monarchy, this Liberal worldview leads to the ‘people’ being sovereign, so that power rises up from below. The one is an inversion of the other; one is focused upon the next world, striving upwards – the other is focussed entirely upon this world, reaching down for validation. Republics and constitutional monarchies are attempts to bridge these irreconcilable ideas, balancing authority and revolution.

Is God a constitutional monarch, who rules absolutely thanks to the will of the people? The demons might wish it so.

I think I (through Fr. Seraphim) present a strong argument that democracy and God are incompatible. Democracy attains its power from the lower; how can you take a stand against tranny kids if that's the case? Humbling oneself to a Christian Monarch may be uncomfortable, but I believe it's necessary for just government.

Of course, this doesn't imply that heavy-handed government is good - one doesn't need to go around beating everyone who fails to uphold Christian Virtue - but the author of the piece seems to be looking for a way to have his cake and eat it too. These hypocritical alliances have all failed, and the present state of affairs is their natural fruit.

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