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The TV Series Thread

The TV Series Thread

Did anyone watch "The Sinner"?

I this it was really good.

The TV Series Thread

Bolshevik Pedowood is so filled to the brim with the hubris of their farts that they honestly think that it's creators like Dan and Dave who made Game of Thrones into the success it was.

Nah - Martin was around in the beginning, but as soon as he left, then the Bolshevik Pedowoodians made up stupid shit for feminist and SJW causes - or for being the stupid cunts they are.

By the way - especially if you look at the career of DB Weiss, then you find out that his writing and directory credit is close to zero before getting a lead position at Game of Thrones.

It's an insult to film creators who write dozens of screenplays, produce countless excellent works. Meanwhile you have to be just Jewish, be a communist and know the right people and you are in. Their Star Wars movies can tank like a rock unless someone writes a genius screenplay for them. I would not trust those blokes with any major franchise.

Game of Thrones had a compelling story made up by a fantastic writer - them being able to butcher it and still come out on top speaks to the strength of the core story. Those crapheads would not be able to come up with anything of that caliber even if their lives depended on it.

The TV Series Thread

Well, I'm now up to date with 'The Vikings'.

Oh dear.

Earlier reviews were accurate. I've watched this from the start (first few seasons I enjoyed) so it's a shame to see it decline.

Ten episodes and nothing happened.

Floki was surplus. Don't think they know what to do with him now.

York: city of traps! How come Viking invaders who've never seen a city before knew the streets of York better than the inhabitants! And why did the Saxon armies fall for every stupid trick in the book when attacking.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers character was boring and unnecessary. At first I thought he would just pretend to be a religious nut just to bone chicks, but no, he really is as dull as he sounds. Should have been a baddie. I also can't make my mind up whether he's a terrible wooden actor, or with rhys meyers being permanently drunk, a brilliant one?

Beorn, Ivar and everyone else just pull angry faces and try to look hard all the time. Shame as Ivar had potential, they should have gone down the 'crippled military genius' route instead of giving him metal legs.

Didn't buy some of the decisions by certain characters. Brother suddenly turning against brother, lover against lover etc.

Not impressed, probably won't watch the next one. I much preferred the historical accuracy and educational aspects of the first couple of seasons, especially the Lindisfarne episodes (near where I live). It's the fucking History channel for fucks sake; if they aren't going to stick to timelines, then it might as well be A Game Of Thrones!

Also, there was only the briefest glimpse of a tit in the whole season. Poor all round.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (03-19-2017 10:00 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Halt and catch fire is good in season one, but 2 and 3 are non stop grrrrrrl power shit because the entire focus is lesbo girlboy Cameron's company as the storyline.

Just watched season 4, the grrrrrl power is even worse. This time they include the 14 year old girl of one of the main characters, plus they made her "gay" (hinted at strongly).

Just watch season 1 and be done with it, they turned up the drama so that there's not much tech in the show at all, which was the only reason I watched it. Not interested in seeing a bunch of super-cunts (Donna gets to be more of a bitch as the series progresses) fight with each other for an hour.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The TV Series Thread

Someone finally did a Red Letter Media style review of Lost. I really recommend it, it grows to be hours long, but its excellent and hilarious and a bit sad to think of the potential missed. So this video review is like closure.

Here's one of the longer parts, there are eight parts, the last is 3 hours long:

The series was hugely impactful for many people my age, during my teenage years, a Star Wars like phenomenon for the 00's.
I'm someone who thought the first 4 seasons were excellent, in fact the first two were so peerless, so captivating, that if it had continued at level, we would be talking about it at the level of the Wire, but that when finally decided to go time travel shenanigans in season 5, it broke the story and characters.

The excuse for the ending and season 5 and 6 is that "well the plot was iffy, but the characters were always brilllant from 2004-2010 and they did right by them, but in fact this is not the case".....they absolutely BUTCHERED the characters, and I couldn't help get that beneath the surface, that they were turning the characters into ciphers, there was no ombusdman/women in the series anymore. Like they weren't aware of just how crazy the events were.

The first season has characters speaking to each other as if they were actual human beings, not talking past each other and its only jarring when you watch clips of season 1 and realise how good the writing and atmosphere was, how real and often likeable ALL the characters felt. How iconic they were.

I believe the writers of the first season said "We were absolutely sure we were going to be cancelled after 14 episodes or so, so we we'll make sure the best damn 14 or so episodes and write them like our lives depended on it"......and it shows.

The people who defend the show as flawless to the end are the epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect and I say that as someone who remembers it fondly and vividly, using nostalgic music themes and spirituality isn't enough. Empty symbolis, that people will derive as deep.

The show should have remained as a Jurrassic Park styled horror/adventure/drama/conspiracy series in retrospect. I still think its one of the best looking series ever made on a huge budget, not done with Game of Thrones like CGI,but all on real locations. The worse thing is in 2007, they had knew had 3 more seasons for certain to end the series and limped it with new age spirituality

He eviscerates the showrunners for the internal inconsistency of the series.


The TV Series Thread

Watching Young Sheldon and Big Bang theory. That guy Chuck Lorre is talented.

Don't debate me.

The TV Series Thread

Ballers has jumped the shark. Decided to include politics in this latest season

The TV Series Thread

I've been catching up on the recent season of "Bojack Horseman" and they made fun of the "male feminist" bit in one episode and I just watched one where Bojack gives a eulogy for his narcissistic mother.

The TV Series Thread

I recently watched all 5 seasons of Ray Donovan. It was ok. Last season was kind of weak IMO, but these shows can only throw so many twists at you before you have enough.

Every show has that point where I'm just like....fuck off. I'm done.

Last season of Homeland for example. Clearly they were expecting Hillary to win, so there is some unintended comedy. Plus they more or less bash the shit out of Alex Jones at the same time.

Season 2 of Ozark was boring as fuck. Literally nothing happens.

Was watching Blacklist to kill time, and I am a bit of a James Spader fan. I made it to season 5 but it has got so bad I can't finish it. I mean it was never a really good series, but if you have time to kill, like a 15 hour flight...there are worse things to do with your time.

I was current on Better Call Saul until I left the Philippines. Everywhere else is still on season 2. That's a series that I'm not sure why I watch, and really not sure how they stretched it out to 4+ seasons already.

I get that it's a prequel to Breaking Bad, but it is pretty fucking dull and moves excruciatingly slow.

The TV Series Thread

Better Call Saul can be amazing and catatonic within a few minutes, all depending on who's on screen. Saul by himself is pretty good, especially when he's flexing his legal muscle. I hated his scenes with the brother and Kim. I find Mike's and Nacho's scenes exceptionally fresh, creative, tense, and well-acted. A show detailing Mike descent into the SW US criminal underworld would have been better than Saul's transition.

And Kim Wexler may be the most annoying, sanctimonious, magnanimous (in the eyes of reviews) cunt to ever grace the silver screen. I never fast forward through scenes of episodes that I had not yet seen, but there are times when I just jump ahead ten minutes because I can't stomach anymore tedious discussions about a new fucking branch opening. And there is nothing I'm missing with the plot. She's feminist filler. And like feminists and feminism, completely hollow, pointless, and adds nothing of value to an interesting world.

The TV Series Thread

I have watched a couple of recent shows, "Left Behind," and "Maniac," and found them both to be essentially shaggy dog stories.


In its original sense, a shaggy dog story or yarn is an extremely long-winded anecdote characterized by extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents and terminated by an anticlimax or a pointless punchline.

Both can be evocative, and you start off giving them the benefit of the doubt, thinking there is an intelligent idea holding them together, so you hold off judgement, and try to figure them out as you go.

Soon though, the endless tangents and unrelated elements start to pile up, and you lose faith in the writers, and think that they don't really have a coherent end in mind, and are just tossing compelling set pieces and emotionally charged diversions at you to keep your attention.

At least Westworld made a kind of sense, however byzantine.

For me, tv has become the kind of rabbit hole that the internet is, where some idea piques your interest, so you do some searches for it, read with interest, but never really resolve what you were looking for, but you don't notice, because by then, something else has captured your attention.

Not a satisfying experience.

Last tv series I liked was the Exorcist, which was a continuation of the film, because at least there, one of the most interesting facets of the movie, the way the devil knew intimate facts about people and used it against them, was expanded on in the series.

Also, you got the feeling that the creators had done some research on the theology of Exorcisms and the devil, and they kept within the bounds, for the most part, of possibility. They didn't for example, come up to a plot dead end, only to solve it by pulling bits and pieces of other movies to get back drama and energy.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The TV Series Thread

Latest season of Always Sunny has been so on point, loving the strong anti-feminist stance they've taken which is great.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (10-09-2018 03:51 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Latest season of Always Sunny has been so on point, loving the strong anti-feminist stance they've taken which is great.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the best sitcom out there with partly super-hilarious content.

While certainly some of the actors are liberal, they depict the characters as super-shitlords. But since they are likeable, then it does not work as propaganda - it's actually funny entertainment and has very little PC stuck in - mostly making even fun of current-day PC talk.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=3661002]

They also started to use the term Soboy Beta Cuck on men who are well - soy.

"Is there a man here? I am horny." says the waitress.
"Only a Soyboy Beta Cuck"
"I hate those."

Most shows would get canceled and the woke crew fired for putting content like this in. Highly underrated.

The Dennis System of seduction is fantastic - for any psychopath out there:

[Image: latest?cb=20100221235118]

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (10-09-2018 03:51 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

Latest season of Always Sunny has been so on point, loving the strong anti-feminist stance they've taken which is great.

I loathe most comedies. I literally find one a decade that is truly worth watching. Do you know how many people have recommended "Big Bang Theory" to me? I could not even make it halfway through the first season. Watching a bunch of beta chumps makes me want to hurl. Always Sunny is the best comedy of the past decade. The Wade Boggs episode was truly sublime. LMAO.


The TV Series Thread

Tail, I'm in the same boat. Except people keep recommending The Office for me to watch. I tried one episode and had to reach for the vomit bucket. This is humor? It felt so forced and unnatural. Sarcasm gone berserk. I agree about Big Bang as well, totally unwatchable.

The TV Series Thread

Was it the UK original, or the US version of the office?

I haven't seen the the US version, but some people have said it translated well, but as usual, wasn't up to the standard of the original.

The TV Series Thread

US version. I haven't watched the UK one but I imagine it's a bit more tolerable.

The TV Series Thread

Latest episode of Always Sunny actually went to another level, I don't know how they can make an entire episode about a toilet and somehow make it so poignant in its social commentary while being genuinely hilarious but they did it!

Think it's become my favourite show on TV this season the way they've genuinely gone political without cucking.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (10-08-2018 03:56 PM)SeaFM Wrote:  

I recently watched all 5 seasons of Ray Donovan. It was ok. Last season was kind of weak IMO, but these shows can only throw so many twists at you before you have enough.

Hope the sixth season will be the last, this won't be interesting advitam eternam

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

The TV Series Thread

Couldnt watch an hour of Ray Donovan. What I will do is rewatch the first 3 seasons of Vikings again. Its easy to forget how good it was initially.

Don't debate me.

The TV Series Thread

I kind of skipped to the end of this thread so I don't know if anyone else has mentioned Patriot. I don't think there will be a second season because I guess it didn't turn out to be very popular, but I loved it. The main guy is a talented spy but in his heart and soul he's a folk singer. It's not for everyone I guess.

The TV Series Thread


"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The TV Series Thread

Holy shit! Is season 2 any good? Did you watch/like season 1?

The TV Series Thread

I haven't seen it at all, I was just curious what it was and googled it.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The TV Series Thread

I'll be interested to see if others here like it. One of my best friends only watched the first episode and couldn't get in to it. Another friend liked it as much as I did. It's pretty unique.

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