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NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

It's been two months since my 50 day streak, I still can't get past day 9 since then even though I know I can do it. It's not really an excuse but whenever I am in my home environment watching porn and fapping is associated with it in my brain, if I go elsewhere I am able to surpass it. The man I was during that streak and the man I am now are different and I don't wanna continue wasting my life on this BS. I'm literally going to get my friend to install porn blocks on my home PC (phone and laptop is blocked so I use PC) and pledge to give this up.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Day one for me again. Anyone that wants to chat or be accountable to each other lmk...

Like you said Mikestar fapping has been engrained for me when I'm home and once the idea is in my head I can't get it out of my head. I'm gonna try and replace it with every possible hobby and way to retrain the dopamine release. What are some apps or ways to prevent you from accessing it? For me I had blockers on my laptop at one point but I either had to leave it open to add new sites I found or lock myself out so I cant change settings then I can't add anything new.

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Wow, I literally made a post on here less than 24 hours ago that I would stop fapping.

I've already failed.

I used to fap several times a day, so I'm probably in a far worse boat than many other posters here. It seems as though the majority of people here did just 1x/day or even less than that.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

How do you stop porn on phone?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Use a free app called Qustodio - get your friend to set the password and voila

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

13 days without porn. Probably my longest streak ever.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (09-03-2018 02:18 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

Use a free app called Qustodio - get your friend to set the password and voila

I'll check it out.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (09-03-2018 11:54 AM)louiebeans Wrote:  

Day one for me again. Anyone that wants to chat or be accountable to each other lmk...

Like you said Mikestar fapping has been engrained for me when I'm home and once the idea is in my head I can't get it out of my head. I'm gonna try and replace it with every possible hobby and way to retrain the dopamine release. What are some apps or ways to prevent you from accessing it? For me I had blockers on my laptop at one point but I either had to leave it open to add new sites I found or lock myself out so I cant change settings then I can't add anything new.

Day one for me as well. I'll be accountable with you. Let's do it.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Failed, again. 2nd day in a row that I've failed. Time to finally do this. Day 1 starts tomorrow.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

On day 2 now.


NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

My girl sent me some nudes. And..... Back to day 1. At least it wasn't porn

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Man, this is harder then I thought [Image: punchballs.gif] I've been able to make it a few days at a time but I always end up relapsing. Ive trained myself to at least not go off porn and only nudes and am working on fully going cold turkey off of that stuff. When nutting I can definitely feel the detrimental effects of what it does to me. This shit really is an addiction. Like others users have posted above, if anyone wants to form an accountability system Im all for that. Post here or shoot a PM.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Currently on day 4.

Like you said AHZ, it really is an addiction. On day 1 all I could think about was jerking off when I had free time but now its getting better. I do feel more energy throughout the day also.

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I was listening to the Roosh Hour at 1:01:15 he said something that reminded me of this thread. I think his response to the question was pretty good.


NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I've failed multiple times in the same over the past day.

This is tough.

I am a disciplined guy, but this just passes over my head.

Day 1 starts tomorrow. Again.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

@Mayhem, we all look at scat porn once. LMAO

@Crash_Bandicoot, You got this man. Take it one day at a time, then after one week look back and relish in the fact you made it...

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Fuck. After nearly a year I've relapsed four times in the last two weeks. I need to get this shit under control. I don't know what the fucks come over me. Banged a Tinder skank too, felt bad.

Think I need to hit the gym more. My business is making me the most money it ever has, but other areas of my lfe are starting to fall apart.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

On the 16th the longest blowjob of my life yesterday night for a date for which I had to travel a good 20 miles, something I just wouldn't have had the drive (no pun intended) before.

Would recommend you all the Habit Bull app..It's nothing great, just a streak marking habit app but its other features like deep quotes from other successful nofappers just keeps you motivated.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (05-14-2012 05:49 PM)bodmon Wrote:  

i held out for five days but then i was like ah fuck it and globbed all over

5-6 days or a week seems to be optimal for me. Enough to stay motivated to do 100 approaches but anything more will cause unbearable pain.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Currently on day no 8. This challenge is completely worth it. My libido is starting to go up. I'm staying strong.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (05-18-2012 09:30 AM)Moma Wrote:  

This is a good idea, guys. From my queries in the other thread, it appears that some of you lot wank even though you have regular girls, which makes me think it's a habit and not a necessity.

Definitely try abstaining. Maybe, you can keep some really nasty p0rn about so that if you have to do it, this p0rn turns you off. Nasty p0rn featuring really obese or unattractive lizards, very hairy lizards, very old lizards etc.

The thing is, if you still wank veraciously to old fat reptiles, you are in paradise..because according to research, these are the easiest women to attain in North America (or any country in the world).

Anyone else here begin to miss porn when in relationships?

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I'm on day 7.

Got laid on day 5. I was peeking for 30 minutes or so a day on day 3 and day 4 so I purposefully had sex on day 5.

I think 4 to 5 days without orgasm is when its so bloody easy to relapse.

I'm feeling really good about myself right now - when i'm clean from porn and masturbating I feel just that extra twenty percent better and I don't understand why.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Last time I masturbated was over 3 months ago. The urge to masturbate is very limited. However, I never went more than 2 weeks without having sex in this interval (usually every 2-3 days). It is insanely difficult to go over 3-4 weeks without masturbation if you don't have sex - your brain cannot focus on work, you become irrational.

For me it was not difficult to go 3+ months nofap, purely because I was having sex regularly. If not I don't think I could do it (or want to do it for that matter).

Have no doubt porn/masturbation is an addiction, probably the hardest addiction to break out of currently known to mankind.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Back in High School, I started doing NoFap, with relative success. I'd continuously make it to 7-15 days and increasingly get sex from it. I continued this into college (community) and eventually completely replacing masturbation with sex/sexual activity. After college, and a break up with a girlfriend of two years, I traveled to South East Asia and had more sex than I thought was humanly possible.

Upon returning home, I assumed I could continue this trend. Long story short, I didn't. It totally dried up, and I resorted back to masturbating, and eventually pornography.

I 'blame' a few things for this:
  1. Near zero face-to-face interaction with women
    • After returning from abroad, I have decided to go all-in and build an online income. This venture, in combination of no college/high school/workplace/social-circle interactions, has resulted in having no 'prospects', making PMO (often from online interactions), the only release.
  2. Inflated standards of femininity after SEA
    • Anyone who has dated outside of the West understands this one. Western women often look as or more attractive than foreign women, but their toxic, sterile personalities can make them go from a 7 to a 3 FAST, that is for men who have experienced women from more fertile lands.
  3. Rapidly decreasing availability of women
    • This really doesn't need much explaining. Think obesity #metoo, feminism, male thirst, dating apps, Instagram etc.
I get crazy angry and depressed when going even for 4 days. At day 7, I question my very existence. Fapping doesn't cure these, but it puts them on the backburner. The main difference I see when I look at my previous success is I'd think "save it for ______ this weekend" whereas now, there is no name I can insert there. NoFap for men who have no prospects for women is choosing to go monk-mode and attempt to live a life devoid of pleasure.

I think NoFap is a great thing, and I credit much of my sexual success to it, but I believe the key to its success is having the opportunity to shift from your own hand to a woman's body.

Anyways, I wish y'all luck

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Back to day one [Image: punchballs.gif] Ive noticed if I become extremely angered or stressed out in the initial days after fapping Im almost guaranteed to relapse. Either try to avoid any stress during the first few days or get away immediately from the source of your sudden stress (if possible) and use that anger for energy to occupy you with something productive such as working out or towards a project or something else you're working on but do not let yourself turn to porn.

Here's some links for reading on the subject. I'm not sure if they've already been posted but I'll post them anyway.

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