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NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

here's my 30 day nofap pro's and con's

1. Sex feels 100% better. I went 3 weeks without sex at all and finally had sex again a couple days ago. Everything about it felt amazing. Like playing your favorite video game over again for the first time.
2. The site of a girl naked is much better. This girl basically gave me a lapdance and it was almost too much to handle. I felt like a teenager again (pre porn teenager) It made the whole experience better
3. Gym time has improved by alot. I've noticed significant gains in everything BUT bench press.
4. I have a new respect and admiration for the female body. Small things give me hard ons. I feel like a raging bull. Its motivating and makes me want to go out and get girls instead of getting on a computer
5. You have an insane amount of focus when it comes to anything that MIGHT get you sex. I used this focus to work on my business

1. Sex felt too good. It was a struggle to last longer than 5 minutes WITH A CONDOM. Very enjoyable for me but not so much for her.
2. The frequent hard-ons are hard to hide.
3. Your standards drop significantly (atleast mines did)
4. Depression hits harder because you feel like masturbating will let out stress but i've learned it's best to use all of that as motivation (but be prepared for hard nights....literally)
5. Women are a bit tooooo seductive. You'll find yourself staring or being mesmerized by tiny things like a skirt that's just slightly too short or stop in your tracks to view a girl bending over.........basically you become a perv
6. You become VERY moody. I suggest working out to offset this

I supplemented my nofap streak with lecithin, zinc, and l-arginine. Also Im going to stop the mental masturbation that Instagram gives me. Yes, the girls are motivating but i've noticed that those women give me an unfair view of how women are supposed to look. I feel without instagram i'll be able to enjoy life even better

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I'm at about day 4. 90 days might be harder than I originally imagined.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Hey bros,

Has anyone followed some sort of "limited fap" regimen, e.g. once a week, to get the motivation boost without going crazy?

I've found myself pretty lackadaisical with pursuing women lately, but I don't want to go full nofap and end up wasting time chubby chasing. Looking for an in between solution that'll give me more energy in pursuing cute girls without giving me the urge to dumpster dive.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (07-23-2018 09:12 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Hey bros,

Has anyone followed some sort of "limited fap" regimen, e.g. once a week, to get the motivation boost without going crazy?

I've found myself pretty lackadaisical with pursuing women lately, but I don't want to go full nofap and end up wasting time chubby chasing. Looking for an in between solution that'll give me more energy in pursuing cute girls without giving me the urge to dumpster dive.

I found mixing meditation (as in visualization meditation) to work best. You visualize the life you want, the women you want and your brain kinda tells your body to work in a way that best achieves that.

Besides that, the main culprit of Nofap is the porn, as long as you DON'T use porn you should be ok.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Guys I need help asap, I am on day 49 and really want to make it to day 60 or even 90, this is the longest I have gone and I just edged to porn for one minute right now, what should I do to get those thoughts out of my head?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Cold very cold shower and push ups untill u literally can’t fap

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (07-25-2018 08:53 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

Cold very cold shower and push ups untill u literally can’t fap


Also, if you have a removable shower head, turn it to the highest pressure setting and spray cold water directly on your sphincter.

Not a joke.

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I broke my streak to porn. Back to day 1. Even though I feel bad about it I have to congratulate myself for going so long, I just have to keep going.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (07-26-2018 03:56 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

I broke my streak to porn. Back to day 1. Even though I feel bad about it I have to congratulate myself for going so long, I just have to keep going.

I've done nofap before, long before I really knew anything about self-improvement and such. I failed miserably after 2 weeks. But that feeling of failure, tremendous failure is what's motivating me now. I know relief will come, I know I'll get a huge spike, a huge boost, but after those 10 or so seconds, I feel nothing but regret and failure.

Stay positive BUT never forget that feeling. Next time you have the urge remember that feeling.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

So after my nearly 50 day streak I have been binging on porn. My addiction is back even though I have been hitting the gym and keeping busy. My eyes are more droopier and voice less stable again. I need to end this cycle and stop polluting my mind. I was feeling like the best and healthiest version of myself on nofap, I'm going to install porn blockers on all devices and let my friend set the password, apart from that what else can I do?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand day one.


NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (07-30-2018 04:27 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

apart from that what else can I do?

Nothing really but to endure. That is how these things work.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (07-30-2018 09:38 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Quote: (07-30-2018 04:27 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

apart from that what else can I do?

Nothing really but to endure. That is how these things work.

It's like quitting smoking. 50 days without a cigarette for the first attempt is a solid figure. It will become easier the next time. And the next one after. You are on the right track.

Also delete your Instagram & Tinder account. For Facebook install the Add-on FBPurity.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Almost two weeks in porn free. I feel a great deal of energy and focus today. I can say that my mental dialogue has changed drastically. As opposed to saying to myself "I will go 90 days with out porn", I am instead saying "I am not the type of guy that watches porn." This mental frame has worked for me in the past (I have not drink soda since I was in middle school). Identity changes are the ones that create lasting change. At least that's what I am learning. Best of luck to everyone here!

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Almost two weeks in porn free. I feel a great deal of energy and focus today. I can say that my mental dialogue has changed drastically. As opposed to saying to myself "I will go 90 days with out porn", I am instead saying "I am not the type of guy that watches porn." This mental frame has worked for me in the past (I have not drink soda since I was in middle school). Identity changes are the ones that create lasting change. At least that's what I am learning. Best of luck to everyone here! edit: not sure why it posted twice.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (08-02-2018 12:43 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

"I didn't know what love was. I didn't know if I could feel love... anymore."


Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (08-03-2018 02:14 PM)Tex Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2018 12:43 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

"I didn't know what love was. I didn't know if I could feel love... anymore."


Life-shattering drama aside, Randy Spears is one of the most amusing male porn stars of all time.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

I don;t manage to stop.
I am in the process of blocking from my computer the 4-5 websites i regularly consult . Has anyone undergone the same process?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Have you tried doing just NoPorn? Porn is almost always connected to fapping, but if you continue fapping, but don't use porn, there will be a disassociation inside the brain between those two. Over the time you will also stop fapping completely.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

24 Days. I think the next thing to tackle is my sugar addiction.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Quote: (08-08-2018 09:33 AM)sbideo Wrote:  

24 Days. I think the next thing to tackle is my sugar addiction.

That’s a tough one, way harder than no fap for me.

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

7+ weeks and still going strong!

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

Is deep depression a common withdrawl symptom?

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious

It might be, don't worry about it much.

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