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General Stalin's Progress Thread

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 1 day 6

Touch n go bench press - 3 x 9 x 195

Incline DB press - 3 x 10 x 70 >ss> DB row - 3 x 10 x 80

Lat pulldown - 3 x 10 x 150 >ss> Tricep press down w rope - 3 x 10 x 80 >ss> bicep cable curl - 3 x 10 x 60

Weight: 215.5#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 1 day 7 - Simple Deadlift program W2

Deadlift - 5 x 3 x 315

Good morning - 3 x 8 x 135

T-bar row - 3 x 12 x 105 >ss> Ab roller - 3 x 12

Weight: 215#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Took the weekend off for some travel. Back at it again yesterday with some squats. Still been cutting my caloric intake so energy has been lower but not too bad. Short workout last night.

Week 2 Day 1

Squat - 5 x 6 x 255

Leg press - 3 x 8 x 400 >ss> Leg Curl - 3 x 10 x 80

Weight 215.5#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

How long does you workout take to finish?

General Stalin's Progress Thread

A full workout generally takes around 1-2 hours. This includes 5-10 minutes of stretching/warming up, and I generally take 2-5 minutes inbetween heavy working sets on compound lifts. I'm usually in the gym for at least 2 hours though, as this also includes changing in and our of gym clothes, logging workout into journal, shooting the shit with gym bros, etc.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 2 day 2

Pause bench press - 4 x 5 x 215

Incline bench press - 4 x 8 x 155 >ss> Bent over BB row - 4 x 8 x 155

EZ-bar seated tricep extension - 4 x 8 x 68 >ss> incine DB curl - 4 x 10 x 20

Lat pulldown - 3 x 10 x 150 >ss> Cable x-over - 3 x 10 x 50

Long workout tonight to make up for yesterday's short one. Feeling pumped up.

Weight: 215.2#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Killer deadlift session tonight. Weight felt a little heavier than I'd like but I'm chalkiing that up to me eating a bit less lately as I've been cutting back my caloric intake. It's certainly been having an effect on my energy levels in the gym.

Week 2 Day 3 - simple deadlift program W3

Deadlift - 5 x 1 x 345

Reverse hyper - 3 x 12 x 90 >ss> Weighted decline crunches - 3 x 12 x 35

Rack pull above the knee - 4 x 4 x 405 w/ belt

Good morning - 3 x 8 x 135

Weight 215.5#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Awesome press workout yesterday, bit my weight loss is stagnating. Need to actually formulate a legitimate diet plan I think now. Also first time legitimately working out overhead barbell press in a long time and feel like I've lost some strength there even though my bench is stronger now than ever. I guess if you don't use it you lose it with OHP.

Week 2 day 4

Close grip bench - 4 x 8 x 195

OHP - 2 x 6 x 115
2 x 4 x 135

Bent over BB row - 2 x 8 x 155
2 x 6 x 175

DB floor press - 3 x 8 x 80 >ss> DB row - 3 x 10 x 80

DB preacher curl - 3 x 10 x 25 >ss> Side lateral raise - 3 x 8 x 25

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Should have worked out yesterday by the day got away from me so I fit in a real quick squat workout today during lunch break at work as I'm going to be busy all night tonight. Took a video of one of my sets and my depth is garbage, barely parallel. Feeling a little zapped today but I also went for the max reps of the workout so I'm gonna say it evens out.

Squat - 4 x 5 x 295 w/ belt

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 2 Day 6

Touch n Go Bench Press - 4 x 7 x 210

Incline Bench Press - 1 x 8 x 155
1 x 6 x 175
1 x 4 x 185

Bent over BB Row - 1 x 8 x 155
1 x 6 x 175
1 x 6 x 185

Lat pulldown - 3 x 10 x 150 >ss> Concentration curl - 3 x 11 x 20

Weight 213#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Workout from 2 days ago: week 2 Day 7 - Simple Deadlift program W4

Deadlift - 5 x 5 x 315

Rack pull above the knee - 4 x 6 x 405 w/ belt

Leg press - 3 x 8 x 450 >ss> Weighted back raises - 3 x 12 x 55 >ss> Weighted decline crunches - 3 x 12 x 35.

Went on a mountain hike yesterday and helping some people move today. Resting tomorrow then back in the gym Monday.

Weight 212.2#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

How tall are you and what is your estimated BF?

General Stalin's Progress Thread

About 6'1" and if I had to guess BF I'd say like 18% maybe give or take. I'm not good at guessing that shit. I don't really have a gut or any bulging body fat but I also don't have visible abs, vascularity, or super defined muscles.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had an exhausting weekend. Hiked up and down a mountain all day Saturday which my body is not used to, then moved my parents out of their old place and into their new place all day Saturday, then went to a late night concert after. Then Sunday I worked in the morning and went to another concert. Honestly should have had a full rest day today but I couldn't see not going to the gym considering the last time I worked out was Thursday.

So I did a short bare minimum squat workout and it was pretty tiring. I was very low energy.

Week 3 Day 1

Squat - 5 x 4 x 285 w/ belt

Weight 212#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

I see that you are a fan of unconventional lifts such as rack pulls. Do they have carryover in strength to deadlift and squat?

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Quote: (06-12-2018 01:16 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I see that you are a fan of unconventional lifts such as rack pulls. Do they have carryover in strength to deadlift and squat?

Absolutely. Rack pulls don't carry over a ton to squat but they help a lot building up the conventional deadlift. It's a way to overload and work on your lockout strength (hips and glutes). My sticking point used to be a few inches off the floor, but since doing a lot of heavy rackpulls I have never had a problem locking out a deadlift as long as I can break the floor with it.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Alpha Destiny lifts sick weight in those.


General Stalin's Progress Thread

^His exercise here is a little different. You can see he keeps his back angle pretty vertical making his quads do almost all the lifting, and he is pulling from pins set at like 12" above his knee so ROM is very small. As he states in the beginning of the video he does this mostly for trap development. The pull he is doing here isn't so much about actually pulling the weight up but more about hold the weight at the top.

The rack pulls I do are at the knee or just above the knee (about 2" from me knee cap) and I start the pull with my spine neutral but bent over at an angle just like if I were going to deadlift.

I still feel a lot of activation in my traps and upper back from this, but the glute and hamstring activation is mostly what I'm after.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 3 day 2

Pause Bench Press - 2 x 4 x 230
2 x 3 x 230
1 x 2 x 230

Incline bench press - 1 x 8 x 155
1 x 5 x 175
1 x 4 x 185

Bent over BB row - 3 x 8 x 155

Tricep/bicep cable gauntlet till failure

Was getting gassed with bench. I haven't been eating as much, but I was also really trying to focus on getting a good 1 second pause on each rep. The first 2 sets I didn't feel like I was pausing long enough so the next 3 sets I paused longer and it was much harder.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Squeezed in a short DL workout today before my flight. Weight felt light and went up easy. Good stuff.

Week 3 Day 3 - simple deadlift program W5

Deadlift - 5 x 3 x 340 w/ belt

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Worked out at a semi-famous gym in the Northeast today got in a great bench session.

Week 3 day 4

Close grip bench - 5 x 6 x 205

DB floor press - 3 x 8 x 80 >ss> DB row - 3 x 10 x 80

Lat pulldown - 3 x 10 x 150? >ss> DB preacher curl - 1 x 8 x 25, 2 x 8 x 20

The lat pulldown machine's plates were not labeled so I don't know how much they weighed, but I'd have to guess 15lbs. I only had 10 pinned but 100 is too light for me to get fatigued at only 10 reps.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Took an impromptu week off last week following my trip and got back at it this week. Squats felt a little week but bench feeling strong.

6/25/18 Week 3 Day 5

Squat - 5 x 3 x 300 w/ belt (depth was questionable on some of those reps)

Leg Press - 3 x 8 x 450 >ss> Leg Curl - 3 x 12 x 80

Reverse Hyper - 3 x 12 x 90 >ss> Weighted Decline Crunches - 3 x 12 x 35

6/26/18 Week 3 Day 6

Touch n Go Bench - 5 x 6 x 215

Incline Bench - 1 x 8 x 155
1 x 6 x 175
1 x 5 x 185 (last rep failure)

DB row - 3 x 10 x 80

Lat Pulldown - 3 x 12 x 150 >ss> Tricep pushdown w/ rope - 3 x 12 x 80

Incline DB curl - 3 x 12 x 20 >ss> Side lateral raise - 3 x 10 x 22.5

Tricep burnout w/ cable + grenade grip

Weight 213#

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had an extensive DL session a couple days ago. Did a lot of accessory work felt great.

Week 3 Day 7 - simple deadlift program W7

Deadlift - 5 x 1 x 365 w/ belt

2" deficit DL - 5 x 3 x 295

Rack pull above the knee - 3 x 8 x 405 w/ belt

Weight back raise - 3 x 8 x 85 >ss> Ab roller - 3 x 12 >ss> Seated row (wide grip) - 3 x 10 x 150

Weight 207.6#

Lost 14 lbs so far. Feeling great and looking a little leaner.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Short workout today I have plans after work and would not have time to get to the gym so I got in a quick squat session during lunch at work. If you can't find time, then make time.

Week 4 Day 1

Squat - 1 x 3 x 315 w/ belt
2 x 2 x 315 w/ belt

Workout called for 3 sets with 310 @ 2-4 reps. Instead of throwing a bunch of different plates on to make 310 I figured I'd make it an easy 3 plates and go for the lower-side of the reps. Sets 2 and 3 I focused more on getting deep which took considerable more energy. Reps were a little grindy which I sort of expected considering I'm down 14 lbs. from the last time I had this much weight on my back. Feeling great!

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 4 Day 2

Pause bench - 1 x 3 x 230
1 x 3 x 235
2 x 1 x 245

Incline DB press - 3 x 5 x 80 >ss> DB row - 3 x 6 x 100

Lat pulldown - 3 x 8 x 160 >ss> DB preacher curl - 3 x 8 x 25

Really focused on getting a solid pause each rep. Pissed I couldn't manage 2 pause reps with 245. I tried twice but the first rep was slow and grinding each time I knew I wasn't getting a second rep. It's okay the rep range calls for 1-3 so I did was was required.

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