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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea


Basically this thread comes down to this:

1. The people who haven't tried it, hate it, say it doesn't work and want to push their agenda on people that do.

2. The people that have tried it, like it, say it works from personal experience and believe in freedom of choice.

3. Some rational people (ie Roosh) don't smoke, but see how it can be beneficial in many situations, just like drinking.

Read into this however you like.

The choice is yours. (Which of course, I believe everyone should have the freedom to make for themselves).

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

+ [Image: OldMorris.CohibaBehike54.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

In spite of medical science's best efforts, death remains our nations number one killer.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking is a great way to pick up chicks - who smoke.

If the chick is a not a smoker...Well, smoking is also a way to set yourself from apart from everyone else. It's alot like tattoos, black leather jackets, and muscle cars. It lets people know that you might be a little dangerous, a little rebellious, different from the rest.

Girls like this. Especially, if you are handsome, clean, well dressed and funny.

Is it bad for you?

Probably. But, that is what makes it attractive -the danger element - You are letting the world know that you don't care about living to be 105, you want to party, have fun and enjoy life, even if it means risking your own life. You don't give a fuck!

This is a perfect example of the type of illogical, counter-intuitive thinking that girls often respond to. The average slut doesn't want some health food eating, vegetable chopping, water drinking, nice, smart, guy. They want a bad ass motherfucker!

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Giovonny I agree with everything you said. It may be good for game in certain situations but to somehow suggest it's good for your health, as some users have, is ridiculous. People need to be well informed because there's a lot of guys out there who will do anything (mostly the young uns) as long as it helps them open a convo with girls.

Do you need to smoke to pick up chicks? Absolutely not. Does it help? Perhaps in certain situations. Is it good for your health? F@@K NO

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:41 AM)46. Wrote:  

So let me get this straight; people are worried about G's ability to influence people to smoke because he writes vividly about smoking with women at the Hotel Om in Barca and on Diagonal and stuff. And this is coming from a forum with 5,000 dudes incessantly bragging and posting every manner of action that mocks, basically, every religious and moral value system ever created.

I know I'm new here, but is there some 2009 thread or something that explains the disconnect? Someone please tell me there is.

Yeah, I don't really get the cigarette hate either.

We have a forum that essentially "Rages Against The Machine" on every issue except this one?

We doubt the government on every single issue except this one?

We say not to accept what society tells you on every issue expect this one?

We say don't get brainwashed on every issue except this one?

Now we are taking health advice from these people:

[Image: unhealthy-U.S.-Surgeon-General-Dr.-Regin...00x200.jpg]

[Image: Colonel-Sanders-or-c.-everett-koop-surge...00x300.jpg]

[Image: Colonel-Sanders-or-Koop-300x299.jpg]

Personally, I go with Carlos Monzon.

Carlos Monzón: Chain Smoker, Boxing Champion, and International Playboy

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't think anyone is suggesting that smoking is good for you?

I know G has listed some great athletes who smoked and had success in sports despite smoking.

I always liked the story of the guy who threw a no hitter while high on acid..

And of course, football great Lawerence Taylor admits to being high on cocaine for alot of games...

I have some more advice for getting girls.

Drink alcohol and get them drunk too!

Is it bad for you?

I think so.

I am not suggesting that anyone start drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. Healthwise, they are probably bad for you if you use them in excess or for long periods of time!

IN FACT, I RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS STUFF! (as long as you still enjoy your life and have a healthy sex life)

Buuuut....If want to have some fun and bang some chicks, they can definitely help!

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 11:36 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


Basically this thread comes down to this:

1. The people who haven't tried it, hate it, say it doesn't work and want to push their agenda on people that do.

2. The people that have tried it, like it, say it works from personal experience and believe in freedom of choice.

3. Some rational people (ie Roosh) don't smoke, but see how it can be beneficial in many situations, just like drinking.

Read into this however you like.

The choice is yours. (Which of course, I believe everyone should have the freedom to make for themselves).

Again, I repeat my disclaimer that I mean no disrespect to you G, nor the other smokers on here. I plan to implement your strip game once I get down to the US and I will look into those suits once I get my cash up.

Now..smoking can be beneficial in some situations, not many. To say many is to insinuate that most situations, smoking can be beneficial to picking up a lizard.
When you say beneficial, you seem to insinuate that if you and someone who has all things in place, game, custom suit, no texting etc..and the person doesn't have a cigarette, you will come out on top due to your cigarette leverage.

If I was forced to smoke, I'd rather burn herb instead of cigarette. That has much higher value than cigarettes.

As Giovonny says, cigs game is primarily good for picking up lizards who smoke - yes.

Most of the people I meet who smoke are ashamed of the habit because it controls them and they do not have the willpower/discipline to quit. They are controlled by a substance which if they cannot get access to, leaves them wretched, itchy and wracked with anxiety.

G, you have heard numerous accounts of members on here who said they felt like shyt when they smoked CIGARETTES and feel better once they stopped and yet you pretend you haven't read what they have posted. They report suffering from bronchitis, asthma, poor athletic performance but you keep on yapping about government plots and women living over 100. There is even research that cigarettes affect sexual performance - erectile dysfunction. If you go to a private homeopathy clinic and report anything of that nature, they will ask if you smoke. They don't give a fcuk about govnt backing - they get paid directly with your cash.

So yea, guys, keep smoking to capture your lizards but make sure you got a Ciallis tab tucked into that pocket square too as the ciggies WILL BE affecting your penis.

I had a friend who had been smoking since 16 or so and when he stopped (I was the final motivator for him - I did not request him to do so but he just knew I didn't and finally kicked).
He has always repeated on how he differently he felt physically from smoking as opposed to not smoking. He also didn't like the psychological dependence on these drugs.

However, G, your logic is the norm of smokers. I know many guys AND lizards who smoke and they all bluster and pretend there is nothing wrong with the habit.
Yet they constantly catch colds and couldn't walk up a decent hill to save their grace.

But I see what you are saying though. Cigarettes generate that 'rebel' look for those who look too clean cut and nerdy.

For me, I don't have that problem of trying to look cool.[Image: wink.gif]

Again, I come at you like this cos I know you got an iron chin. You won't start whining like some.

Again, I have much respect.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:29 PM)Moma Wrote:  

If I was forced to smoke, I'd rather burn herb instead of cigarette. That has much higher value than cigarettes.

So you are picking and choosing and pushing your agenda on others.

That's cool.

Someone should start a thread on why weed smoking is bad that has never tried it and thinks no one should ever try it.

Or maybe someone should start a thread who hates drinking, has never tried it and thinks everyone else should never try it.

Or maybe someone should start a thread who hates Suits, never tried it and thinks everyone else should never try it.

(Actually, there a have been a bunch of the third one on here a few years ago).

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:29 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Yet they constantly catch colds and couldn't walk up a decent hill to save their grace.

There are lots of people who can't walk up a hill and they don't smoke.

Hell, I would rather someone smoke instead of eating themselves to death and getting diabetes.

You got guys like G who box, run, skip rope and smoke. Hell, the guy probably smokes while doing all that stuff.

I really wonder if those people who have a hard time walking up hills just don't exercise and blame smokes for it.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:36 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


If I was forced to smoke, I'd rather burn herb instead of cigarette. That has much higher value than cigarettes.

So you are picking and choosing and pushing your agenda on others.

That's cool.

Someone should start a thread on why weed smoking is bad that has never tried it and thinks no one should ever try it.

Or maybe someone should start a thread who hates drinking, has never tried it and thinks everyone else should never try it.

I am not pushing my agenda onto others. I never said smoking anything was cool. Your whole concept of using cigarettes is to push forward the bad boy vibe.

Herb will push forward a greater bad boy vibe and it is more beneficial than cigarettes..if one insists on using the smoke route of impressing the lizards.

You have no idea of what I have used in the past. You assume. Is it not safe for me to assume that growing up around smokers and not seeing any particular benefit to getting more punni as opposed to not is incorrect?

Or do I have to smoke for myself before I can speak with authority on the uselessness of the act?

Is your cigarette advice applicable on a global scale or is it particular to the part of California that you live in? Or for a particular type of lizard?
I always consider myself a logical guy and nearly all your shyt makes sense except the smokes.

It only has an advantageous edge for swooping lizards that smoke.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

To offer another perspective, here is my "healthy" approach to Gaming..

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:45 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I am not pushing my agenda onto others.

Yes you did. And you are.


Herb will push forward a greater bad boy vibe and it is more beneficial than cigarettes.

Here you are pushing your agenda.

I have actually tried both. Have you?

Both work well. Smokes are better in my educated opinion.


You have no idea of what I have used in the past.

Then tell me. Break it down.

How many nights have you gone out with cigarettes to make an education decision? 100? 500? 1000?


Is your cigarette advice applicable on a global scale or is it particular to the part of California that you live in?

Every country I have been to. Which happens to be more countries than you have been to.


It only has an advantageous edge for swooping lizards that smoke.

False statement.

You are this type of person on this thread:

1. The people who haven't tried it, hate it, say it doesn't work and want to push their agenda on people that do.

Again, if you don't want smoke, don't.

If you are frail and can't handle drinking and smoking, don't.

There is plenty of room at the bottom.

Trust me, I won't be twisting your arm.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

On another board there was a guy whose mantra was smoking and sunbathing, he really didn't believe sunbathing was bad for you and loved nothing more than to lay out in the baking hot sun all day long whilst puffing on some cancer sticks. He had a pic on the site and he was more permatanned than George Hamilton, perhaps this was G before he went undercover.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:45 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Herb will push forward a greater bad boy vibe and it is more beneficial than cigarettes..if one insists on using the smoke route of impressing the lizards.

So you're going to blaze up some reefer at the local saloon or smoking deck at the club while hitting up some broads?

I'll stick to cigs.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

This is my first post because I felt I had to respond to this topic that is at the top of my irritation list, especially being a resident of Los Angeles. I agree with G on this wholeheartedly. I am in my late 20's and have smoked consistently the past 2 years. Nothing beats being suited up at the Grand Havana Room in Beverly Hills talking to a fly chick and offering her a light. If you don't like smoking then don't, but for God's sake don't step on my toes about it. The entire Anti-Smoking Campaign that the US is shoving down people's throats is nothing short of communistic policy. My fellow residents of LA know what I'm talking about.

Btw I'll be adding some data sheets for Los Angeles here in the next couple of weeks. I've been out here everywhere from Hollywood to Beverly Hills to Venice and in between and used to own my own afterhours club so I know from whence I speak. Love the forum and hopefully I can add some useful info as I've gained a lot from 'lurking' thus far.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I might be pushing the buck with this claim, but here goes, I'll let you all dissect it.

I dont think tobacco is addictive.

Now yes, are cigarettes addictive? Oh yeah, no doubt. But is tobacco? I dont know.

I started smoking a few months ago, as I said earlier. The only thing I've ever smoked EVER, are American Spirits. AS cigs claim to faim is that they're 100% tobacco, no chemicals, no filler, just something that grows in the ground.

I've gone through a pack in a week before, and then gone almost 2 weeks without a single smoke and no craving, urge, or any other addicted feelings what so ever.

Now I bring this up because as a kid when we were being inundated with "smoking is bad for you" campaigns, one of the big sticking points was always all this "other shit" thats in the major brands. Rat poison, tar, ect. All these chemical additives that were put in that killed you quicker.

I always remember asking, if that stuff is so bad, and clearly so easily pointed out as a reason NOT to buy the product, why do they put it in there?

My question is, what if all that "extra shit" is in there to get you jonesing?

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I smoked cigars with enough nicotine to put guys on their asses.

I could "take it or leave it." I.e., no addiction.

You are right that tobacco by itself isn't the problem.

It's the POISONS added to it.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

More science.


Nicotine is the major neuroactive compound of tobacco, which has, by itself, weak reinforcing properties.
In other words, nicotine by itself is non-addictive.

I chew nicotine gum all of the time.

I haven't had any in a weak. No big deal.



Our findings indicated that more than 100 of 599 documented cigarette additives have pharmacological actions that camouflage the odor of environmental tobacco smoke emitted from cigarettes, enhance or maintain nicotine delivery, could increase the addictiveness of cigarettes, and mask symptoms and illnesses associated with smoking behaviors.

I could drop bombs like this all day.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

This thread is going around in circles and too many guys are being illogical. FYI, I can count on one hand the number of times I've smoked a cigarette so I can't comment. Weed is the shiz though, especially on the younger girls. The only girls who ever turn it down are either ugly, uber frigid or hate your guts.

To everybody hating on cigarettes whose never or rarely ever tried them:
Go buy a packet of herbal cigarettes, they have the same effect on your health as regular cigarettes do except they're not addictive (which is why they use them in movies and TV shows) because they don't have nicotine, so after this little experiment you can quit no harm no foul.

Now go buy a carton of regular smokes and stick the herbals inside so nobody realizes they're herbals when you whip them out. Then try "smoking game" G style at a high end spot that I'm not legally allowed enter, with a sweet lighter and tell us what your experiences are after one month. I'm legit curious to know.

Seriously, whose up for the challenge? It's time to put this issue to bed.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

All the studies that purport to show that smoking knocks off XX years of your life are based on correlational, not causal data:

If anybody tries to take me down a notch for smoking cigars and the occasional cigarette, I would just ask them some questions:

- Do you ever drink soda or fruit juice?
- Do you ever eat bread?
- Do you ever eat fast food?
- Do you ever eat non-organic meat?
- Do you ever drink alcohol?
- Do you ever go a week without doing heavy resistance training?
- Do you sit at a desk for more than an hour per day?
- Do you have more than 10% body fat?
- Do you get enough sun?
- Do you supplement with whey protein, fish oil, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin D, coconut oil, almond oil, and apple cider vinegar?
- Do you take a carefully planned out cocktail of anti-aging, life extension drugs every day?
- Do you get a physical and full dental cleaning/checkup every six months?

If someone answers yes to all these questions, then they have a leg to stand on, but less than 1% of Americans are healthy enough to criticize someone else for smoking with a straight face.

That said, some people do get seriously addicted. My Dad used to be a non-stop chain smoker, and the addiction was so bad, he couldn't go to movie theaters or sit through a dinner at a restaurant. So, is that from chemical additives in popular cigarettes? A biological susceptibility to nicotine dependence? I don't know. But it's a real risk, worth thinking about.

Hard to be an international playboy when you can't make it through a five-hour flight because you need a smoke.

Blog: Thumotic
Red Pill links: The Red Pill Review
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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Hating on people because they smoke is idiotic. Everyone is free to make their own choices.

I am all for non smoking though. I'll rather pass on a few swoops than smell like an ashtray all day long. But each to his own.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Nobody is hating on people who smoke, feel free to make your own choices. I have a problem with someone in the non-medical field just pretty much denying that smoking has real risk factors to one's health. I mean for many people lighting up that first cig is a lifetime commitment so you better know the facts (not anecdotes) before making that decision.

G has solid game advice and there is no denying that but try to get your health advice elsewhere. I mean it would be just as irresponsible to get game advice from a doctor.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Yams my thoughts exactly. InvisiblE +1

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I smoke. Many girls smoke.
I'm not seriously addicted. I can make do on one or two cigarettes a day. Just feel really weird, is all. Usually smoke five to ten cigarettes because of my schedule and inclination. I know it's bad for me but since I exercise regularly I don't notice any detractors a hell of a lot.

Smoking is usually a handicap to game nowadays since you can't light up indoors. That being said, I have seen great pickups done in outdoor smoking lounges.

However, if you're running social circle sort of game in a private residence, and the girl has an incomplete opinion of you, sometimes their eyes just light up when you fire up a cigarette (or cigar). Foreign girls especially love this (since the whole hate-smoking bullshit never caught on hugely in continental Europe). G.B. is the exception to the rule, where only chavs smoke.

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