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Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Just noticed this online today thought I would post this.

Even though Craigslist was always a dump to find women.

Looks like the online dating world just got regulated.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Damn. CL was a goldmine at times, and the source of many an adventure. Any idea where people will gravitate to?

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-23-2018 04:08 AM)nmmoooreland20 Wrote:  

Damn. CL was a goldmine at times, and the source of many an adventure. Any idea where people will gravitate to?

No Idea, however this means that any site that solicits or engages in sexual trafficking will consider shutting down.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Damn this sucks. The only online avenue I pulled more chicks off of CL is tinder. The fed gets more powerful everyday.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-23-2018 06:56 PM)peterfoo22 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2018 04:08 AM)nmmoooreland20 Wrote:  

Damn. CL was a goldmine at times, and the source of many an adventure. Any idea where people will gravitate to?

No Idea, however this means that any site that solicits or engages in sexual trafficking will consider shutting down.

Or personal ads apparently. This is a big over reach by the Feds IMO.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

The tits and ass will move elsewhere, lads.

In the meantime be thankful that cucks like the asshole who founded CL just got a punch in the face. That guy probably enabled more child sex trafficking than he'll ever admit to - good riddance.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-24-2018 06:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

They should definitely all be banned, because there are whores on every app.

We'll see who really has game when the tide recedes.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

That law is some bullshit, any platform can be abused-Holding the host liable for what the users do is a bad precedent.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

It looks like Reddit is getting rid of subreddits that have to do with hookers and sugar daddies.

You can be sure that Seeking Arrangement management is in discussions with their lawyers right now. The fact that they have not also gone dark may mean only the most overt promoters of prostitution are affected, whereas something at least more subtle like SA may not be at risk. But watch this space.

It is difficult to have sympathy with so many of the online lords who gleefully cheered the removal of "nazi" sites which one day were found to have mysteriously violated the terms of service and found themselves de-platformed.

What might not be obvious is the titans of Hollywood - like Disney are the ones behind this move. From the EFF article:


The not-so-secret goal of SESTA and FOSTA is made even more clear in a letter from Oracle. “Any start-up has access to low cost and virtually unlimited computing power and to advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and filtering software,” wrote Oracle Senior VP Kenneth Glueck. In his view, Internet companies shouldn’t “blindly run platforms with no control of the content.”

That comment helps explain why we’re seeing support for FOSTA and SESTA from odd corners of the economy: some companies will prosper if online speech is subject to tight control. An Internet that’s policed by “copyright bots” is what major film studios and record have advocated for more than a decade now. Algorithms and artificial intelligence have made major advances in recent years, and some content companies have used those advances as part of a push for mandatory, proactive filters. That’s what they mean by phrases like “notice-and-stay-down,” and that’s what messages like the Oracle letter are really all about.

It's not at all about fighting prostitution, it's about policing content so Big Hollywood makes more money.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Damn, where am I going to find chicks to play out my weird fetishes now.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-25-2018 09:33 AM)SlickyBoy Wrote:  

It looks like Reddit is getting rid of subreddits that have to do with hookers and sugar daddies.

You can be sure that Seeking Arrangement management is in discussions with their lawyers right now. The fact that they have not also gone dark may mean only the most overt promoters of prostitution are affected, whereas something at least more subtle like SA may not be at risk. But watch this space.

It is difficult to have sympathy with so many of the online lords who gleefully cheered the removal of "nazi" sites which one day were found to have mysteriously violated the terms of service and found themselves de-platformed.

What might not be obvious is the titans of Hollywood - like Disney are the ones behind this move. From the EFF article:


The not-so-secret goal of SESTA and FOSTA is made even more clear in a letter from Oracle. “Any start-up has access to low cost and virtually unlimited computing power and to advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and filtering software,” wrote Oracle Senior VP Kenneth Glueck. In his view, Internet companies shouldn’t “blindly run platforms with no control of the content.”

That comment helps explain why we’re seeing support for FOSTA and SESTA from odd corners of the economy: some companies will prosper if online speech is subject to tight control. An Internet that’s policed by “copyright bots” is what major film studios and record have advocated for more than a decade now. Algorithms and artificial intelligence have made major advances in recent years, and some content companies have used those advances as part of a push for mandatory, proactive filters. That’s what they mean by phrases like “notice-and-stay-down,” and that’s what messages like the Oracle letter are really all about.

It's not at all about fighting prostitution, it's about policing content so Big Hollywood makes more money.

SA hasn't gone dark because that's their only business. For everyone else, way too dangerous. Even SA management is probably just looking for layers to insulate itself.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Reading those CL ads was an endless source of amusement. It never ceased to amaze me that people would place the most disgusting pictures of themselves online for the world to see. All because they had a slight possibility of having sex. I'm old enough to remember "swinger" magazines. A friend once compared the pictures in those to a study of shaved whales.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Sucks. There was some great intel in those ads.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-25-2018 09:33 AM)SlickyBoy Wrote:  

It looks like Reddit is getting rid of subreddits that have to do with hookers and sugar daddies.

You can be sure that Seeking Arrangement management is in discussions with their lawyers right now. The fact that they have not also gone dark may mean only the most overt promoters of prostitution are affected, whereas something at least more subtle like SA may not be at risk. But watch this space.

It is difficult to have sympathy with so many of the online lords who gleefully cheered the removal of "nazi" sites which one day were found to have mysteriously violated the terms of service and found themselves de-platformed.

What might not be obvious is the titans of Hollywood - like Disney are the ones behind this move. From the EFF article:


The not-so-secret goal of SESTA and FOSTA is made even more clear in a letter from Oracle. “Any start-up has access to low cost and virtually unlimited computing power and to advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and filtering software,” wrote Oracle Senior VP Kenneth Glueck. In his view, Internet companies shouldn’t “blindly run platforms with no control of the content.”

That comment helps explain why we’re seeing support for FOSTA and SESTA from odd corners of the economy: some companies will prosper if online speech is subject to tight control. An Internet that’s policed by “copyright bots” is what major film studios and record have advocated for more than a decade now. Algorithms and artificial intelligence have made major advances in recent years, and some content companies have used those advances as part of a push for mandatory, proactive filters. That’s what they mean by phrases like “notice-and-stay-down,” and that’s what messages like the Oracle letter are really all about.

It's not at all about fighting prostitution, it's about policing content so Big Hollywood makes more money.

That article by Reason Magazine is a great find. This goes way beyond Craigslist and I think this discussion should be moved to the "Everything Else" section.

This is Big Government at its most horrific.

What they've done is taken a word, "trafficking," that can be used to amplify any sex-related crime into a major one. They've also gotten major amounts of grant money to publicize ridiculous claims, like saying thousands of women are "trafficked" for the Superbowl.

Luckily, there are reporters and bloggers out there who have been picking this apart for years. These actually include people associated with the left, such as the Electronics Frontier Foundation, The Village Voice, and several prominent sex workers who have blogs.

I'll post some links later on in this thread, which might even need to be renamed in order to focus on FOSTA and SESTA, which could in some ways possibly even affect this forum (see the above Reason article about online speech control).

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Trafficking, Rape, Grooming, Privilege, Supremacy, Spectrum, Hate Speech, Sexual Harassment, Consent, Cat Calling, Harm, Actual Harm, Bias, Implicit bias, Actual Violence.

It is funny how so many words can be expanded hysterically to include almost any behavior, male behavior that is.

It is funny too how Jordan Peterson was labelled hysteric when he said that the law in Canada not only making it illegal to call a man in a dress 'he,' but making your employer liable for your 'misgendering' whether they knew about it or not and whether you did it intentionally or not, was setting a dangerous precedent.

The common thread here is a move away from the 'reasonable person' standard to the 'most upset person' standard.

Or we could say, a move away from the spirit of the law to the letter of the law.

And who loves the letter of the law better than petty tyrants, who get to act out all their power fantasies under the guise of fake altruism?

Don't know about you, but sometimes I am hyper vigilant about what I say, and nervous as a cat.

Who in the world would want half of the population constantly second guessing themselves?

Coincidentally, the half of the population who are really good at getting things done when they put their minds to it?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

This should be very simple to copycat in a new hosting location. I give it 4 weeks before there's a new main alternative.

Either that or it will simply die to Tinder, etc. Was this any popular? In Europe, Craigslist is basically dead.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

You now need game to get laid? How awful!

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-24-2018 10:02 PM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2018 06:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

They should definitely all be banned, because there are whores on every app.

We'll see who really has game when the tide recedes.

Spoken like someone who hasn't gotten results from online dating platforms.
Either adapt or die. Saying these whore-filled apps should be banned is no different than a guy saying all these whore-filled bars and clubs should be shut down because he hasn't been getting laid from them.
I could see it now:
"we should shut down every bar and club in the country! That should teach these whores to only allow aggressive extroverted good-looking guys to bang them! Bring back the good old days where only *true* game was needed to bed a woman!"

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-30-2018 02:14 PM)The_e_man Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2018 10:02 PM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2018 06:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

They should definitely all be banned, because there are whores on every app.

We'll see who really has game when the tide recedes.

Spoken like someone who hasn't gotten results from online dating platforms.
Either adapt or die. Saying these whore-filled apps should be banned is no different than a guy saying all these whore-filled bars and clubs should be shut down because he hasn't been getting laid from them.
I could see it now:
"we should shut down every bar and club in the country! That should teach these whores to only allow aggressive extroverted good-looking guys to bang them! Bring back the good old days where only *true* game was needed to bed a woman!"

If you haven't found any literal whores on tinder, you clearly haven't seen very much of the world. Keep swiping those toronto sluts bro.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

This is actually a bummer - as a 40+ yr old married guy - CL was full of fake ads and flaky girls - but where else could I post what I was looking for (a slut, a recent college grad, a lunch time fuck...) WITHOUT a photo (key for us married guys) and every once in a while have some fun. I met several women per year there - may not seem like many to you younger guys but I don't have time for constant gaming, rarely go out to bars....

I've tried Tinder but have had zero luck. I think it is because I would log in, swipe away for 15-20 minutes, then hide my profile so that my photo wasn't "out there" in the world for people (ie friends of the wife) to see. So girls could never see me.
I assume if I had no face pics I'd still get zero responses....thoughts?

All that said I'm really trying to stop looking for pussy on the side - certainly significantly reduced - but life and needs get complicated....and sometimes, every once in a while - you just need some strange.

Curious where people who are looking for truly discreet nsa encounters will go.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

This whole story is really fascinating to me. Craigslist has always been a proponent of internet freedom so I'm surprised to see them lay down this easy.

Cook County Sherrif ie Chicago Tom Dart went after them years ago and made them take down the erotic services section. I'm surprised a "dating section" would come down as well. IF they are at jeapardy for running w4m or even platonic sections how is Tinder, OkCupid and every other dating site not at risk to get raked in by this law?

The only thing I can think of is the government already has it out for Craigslist so they would fuck with them. Also not sure how backpage can still stay up as there site is clearly much more so prostitution whether were talking massage or w4m.

I know we have a lot of people on this site into crypto. This is exactly what decentralization and crypto was intended for. With a company or an individual "behind" a company or backing a company there's a target to go after and they can also get teh hosting shut down.

With decentralization there's no central hosting point, there's no company, there's no known person to go after. If I was looking to get into the crypto space I'd start a Craigslist Casual Encounters 2.0 and charge a small fee for posting.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law


With decentralization there's no central hosting point, there's no company, there's no known person to go after. If I was looking to get into the crypto space I'd start a Craigslist Casual Encounters 2.0 and charge a small fee for posting.

Except that there is when it comes to internet businesses that want an easier time making money. Ask Roosh what happened when PayPal, Disqus and others turned against him for magically violating terms of service that didn't even clearly exist. Sure, you can go to the darkweb where Silk Road used to be, but good luck getting your site picked up in search engines or getting the word out beyond people who know how to find you. And forget about ad revenue or affiliates.

There was an earlier site in San Fran that got busted for actively facilitating P4P (to include membership fees), but mere discussion of the lifestyle wasn't per se targeted.

I can only assume that back then there had to be significant money changing hands to get FBI interest. Craigslist never had membership fees or revenue streams from participants surrounding their similar ads. That was before FOSTA/SESTA - now all bets are off.

When Silicon Valley got together against anybody producing legal content they just didn't like, the left thought de-platforming was a terrific approach. Now they have to eat it when Uncle Sam does the same thing against them, for illegal content. Hard to have sympathy for them now.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

Quote: (03-24-2018 06:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

....for men with game yes.
for most men. no.

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law

This is happening at the same time that soy is shutting down libidos.

Will be greeted with an open mouthed smile and a night time micro-dribble on the sheets.

Now where did I put my one speed bike?

And what were we talking about a minute ago?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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