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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Now when I think about that rooshv always chooses carefully the location according to logistics.So this cannot be an apartment in Lvov because it should be outside the centre of Lvov which is full of old buildiengs and Baroque architecture.I lived in an apartment with such a view in Lvov in girlfriend's house(communist block of flats everyhere they look the same) but it was far outside the centre.

Also Nigerian students are mostly residing in Kharkov which is industrial city completely rebuilt to communist mode after WW2.So my guess is this is an apartment close to the centre of Kharkov.I cannot believe rooshv reached the source.He must have very good information(also Poznan was hit on spot I do not know who revealed him that)

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

G spot on man. LOL
Neil, it depends on the mindset when it comes to taking girls to nice and expensive restaurants for dates. Every guy is different but as far as I'm concerned, I love eating great food in nice places so whether a girl is coming with me or not, I'm going regardless. However, when I see or meet a sexy and or interesting girl, I let her know that I'm going to such and such place and that she can come to entertain me. Not the other way around where I have to entertain her. It's in the mindset amigo.

Quote: (03-01-2012 12:31 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (02-29-2012 03:19 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Its not the money spending i WAS pissed about, i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents and taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

Man, this forum is rough.

Taking a girl to eat is beta now?

So now playing the "female role" and having a girl pay for you is more Alpha?

I am so confused.

Was this Beta?™

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 12:28 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I simply dare to write what the others do not.

You still didn't say it clear whether you pay for sex or not. No, there is nothing wrong with paying for sex, but I assume you understand that the stats in this case are pretty much meaningless as your options are only limited by your potency and wallet.

Another thing where I'm getting lost is that you're banging the top 10% Ukrainian girls, but you seem to meet most/all of them on Internet.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 01:47 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.

Please don't ever say that crap anywhere [Image: smile.gif] This just sounds ridiculous to anyone who got high school education.

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:48 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

Never heard of that. A handful of countries require the HIV test for visa, but that's it.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 09:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I think the only country in the world where you can pull a different non pro girl every 2 days is the Phillipines.

I can confirm that. Well, in SE Asia the difference between a pro and non-pro is very blurred anyway. Having money still is important there, even with non-pros.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 12:23 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 01:47 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.

Please don't ever say that crap anywhere [Image: smile.gif] This just sounds ridiculous to anyone who got high school education.

That was good for a laugh. No offense Kamaki [Image: tongue.gif]

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 12:16 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 12:28 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I simply dare to write what the others do not.

You still didn't say it clear whether you pay for sex or not. No, there is nothing wrong with paying for sex, but I assume you understand that the stats in this case are pretty much meaningless as your options are only limited by your potency and wallet.

Another thing where I'm getting lost is that you're banging the top 10% Ukrainian girls, but you seem to meet most/all of them on Internet.

I do not meet most of them in the internet.As I wrote after 2-3 days one loses interest in internet there since the quality of girls strolling outside is much higher.Internet is a safety net to have guaranteed prearranged sure bangs in case everything else goes wrong and for variation.

The situation is not simple,linear,one way road.It is more zig zag.,you do all of them internet girls,street girls,club girls,girls,splattered whatever it does not matter.There are no rules there in girls behavior.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 08:10 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  


I think the only country in the world where you can pull a different non pro girl every 2 days is the Phillipines. At least that is what I´m averaging and what most posters in this forum have verified is possible. In Brazil it was 2 a week. So more power to you Kamaki, if you are pulling those kind of numbers in E Europe. You should write a short book, because when i travel to E. Europe, in the fall, im expecting my bang numbers to go down. Hope Im wrong, but most forum members in E. Europe, except maybe debauchery, arent pulling at your rate.

You forget that Deb Auchery in all probability has Serbian looks and slavic women dig Serbian looks.I cannot be compared with Deb Auchery in this regard.I suppose he does not even need any particular kind of game or any spending of much cash.

My success on the other hand is based on speed.When I pick up I am insanely fast and most other guys cannot reach this level.When I am usually with wings they tell me they lose me they cannot coordinate to such a speed.(in one case I even ran to catch a Czech girl sitting on bench just some seconds before she moved up and in 30 minutes I was kissing her my wings had lost me after run and called me to tell me they were having lunch).So what happens to me does not happen to the average traveller.I am sure however that there are travellers who do better especially if they spend more.

With these countries what happened is that it was relatively cheap in the past to travel ad get girls there.So we who did this got experience very cheaply.Now to reach the same amount of experience you have to pay muc more.So I really do not think Ukraine would be worth the effort for anyone visiting after 2007 for first time if the economic crisis did not happen in 2008.This crisis set Ukraine back to the levels of 2005 so it is still a

I don't have the "bulging biceps" of the Serbs you talk of yet, but then again the only bulge Ukrainian men have is their fat gut so it's ok [Image: smile.gif]

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 03:13 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 12:16 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 12:28 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I simply dare to write what the others do not.

You still didn't say it clear whether you pay for sex or not. No, there is nothing wrong with paying for sex, but I assume you understand that the stats in this case are pretty much meaningless as your options are only limited by your potency and wallet.

Another thing where I'm getting lost is that you're banging the top 10% Ukrainian girls, but you seem to meet most/all of them on Internet.

I do not meet most of them in the internet.As I wrote after 2-3 days one loses interest in internet there since the quality of girls strolling outside is much higher.Internet is a safety net to have guaranteed prearranged sure bangs in case everything else goes wrong and for variation.

The situation is not simple,linear,one way road.It is more zig zag.,you do all of them internet girls,street girls,club girls,girls,splattered whatever it does not matter.There are no rules there in girls behavior.

[Image: lol.gif]

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 12:29 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 09:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I think the only country in the world where you can pull a different non pro girl every 2 days is the Phillipines.

I can confirm that. Well, in SE Asia the difference between a pro and non-pro is very blurred anyway. Having money still is important there, even with non-pros.

Yes oldnemesis, agree with you on how blurrerd the difference is in SE Asia. That is why I would stick to 2nd tier cities in SE Asia, where there are relatively few pros or semi pros and just buying a girl a hot dog and being a foreigner is enough to display high value. In Manila, I could probably bang a different girl every night, but some would be semi pros. Here in Davao, Im happier banging a different girl once every 2 nights knowing she is relatively fresh and inexperienced.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Please don't ever say that crap anywhere [Image: smile.gif] This just sounds ridiculous to anyone who got high school education.

Only sounds ridiculous to those without a sense of humour

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 08:20 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Please don't ever say that crap anywhere [Image: smile.gif] This just sounds ridiculous to anyone who got high school education.

Only sounds ridiculous to those without a sense of humour

It wasn't a joke.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 07:20 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

I personally prefer Ukrainian girls (east-side, Russian) over Polish in terms of appearance. All things considered, the girls are hotter here. They are also easier (for me).

Polish girls are a little bit friendlier and Poland is more comfortable to live in.

Quote: (02-28-2012 05:02 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

You just made a fool of yourself again by saying this :
For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

BTW -- My coworker in India needed to get an HIV test in order to get his work visa (he was Russian). As an American I did not need this test. I guess the Indian government assumes Russians coming to India are prostitutes.

Actually a lot of countries require it for the Long term Visa.
And as for India - it's the other way round too. Indian government is not the only one which is skeptical.
If you're Indian and heading off to any country in Europe/US/Australia/FSU for more than a 3 months, you're required to have an HIV test.
In fact, it's a bit of surprise why you didn't have such test.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

@Greek Kamaki:

Read your posts and I'd like to be very straightforward - what you say may be close to the reality - I even agree with most of the part and appreciate it, but the way you give stats is plain wishful thinking.

For instance, you talk about differences between Ukrainian/Polish girls in terms of physical structure (bigger breasts, slim etc) and then move on to other aspects.
But 80% vs 30% anal???
[Image: huh.gif]
Come on!
That is a straight up factual error there.
Either -
You banged 5 Polish girls at max and 3 Ukrainian girls - out of whom 4 and 1 respectively took it in the bum. And then you give out the percentage.
Yeah, and unlike Neil comments, I'd say ... that may be the reality. And yes taking out percentage like that is no wrong.

But dude, a bigger sample leads on to better review.
I won't approach 2 Indian girls and bang 1, and will call out on the forum how 50% Indian girls are ready to spread their legs!

Then you bust out some aspects on why you are not busting out DS - because you want to give a shock, waiting for a while to churn out THE facts of gaming in that region. But it's no help.

Quote: (02-27-2012 01:47 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.
Quote:Old nemesis Wrote:

Please don't ever say that crap anywhere [Image: smile.gif] This just sounds ridiculous to anyone who got high school education.

I rather not even comment on that! [Image: lol.gif]

Just got to ask you to bust out HOW you get bangs so easily in Ukraine? How do you find so many English speaking girls DTF within minutes of meeting you, and girls just awaiting for a guy like you on the internet to meet up and bang?

Perhaps it'd be good for all of us to catch some further insights from you.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I see there are serious misenterpretations again for what I wrote.So I will repeat:

1.I do not search for English speaking girls because I speak Russian,Czech and polish.So I can hit a range of girls which are inaccessible for other foreigners.

2.I do not pick up girls in the internet but also in street and clubs.In fact street and clubs are my main venues if I stay there longer than two days.
I am Balkan Greek so very close to these girls culture.(religion,lifestyle everything).So I understand exactly how they operate.(they do the same things as people here pretension,excess etc).Russian and Serbian girls have told me repeatedly that Greek culture is similar to Russian and Serbian and that we have the same mentality.So for me picking up Russian girls comes very naturally which is not the case for polish girls with which we have severe cultural differences and I need to adapt.

3.I am very fast.I can date 4-5 girls from internet in a row even wait for one and pick up another.When I get to clubs I hit on every good looking girl in 1 hour maximum.The same on the street I open dozens of girls per day.Most guys cannot keep up with this speed.

4.I have great experience from over a decade of picking up slavic girls so I am completely aware of the differences between them and the differences time brought to them.

5.I have white appearance and Balkan dominant style which helps a lot in these cases.I modify my style with polish girls to more human one keeping the inner game intact.

To put it differently everytime I am in a club with slavic girls no matter who else happens to be there I know I can do damage when I move.So all the restrictions come mostly from guys trying to stop me not grom girls so much.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I got your point well, Greek kamaki.
In fact I well agree with one thing at least. Or ok, maybe two.
Firstly, speaking Russian is fucking important! It's like flood gates... err, pussy gates opened for you all over FSU! I can see ultra-poor, arrogant, African immigrants who came to Ukraine doing the shittiest jobs... with no looks and certainly no class... talking and flirting openly with some Ukrainian hotties just because they speak Russian and getting bangs... that it just makes a twitch in my belly!

Oh I got to speak Russian somehow super quick! Instant motivation!

Second, to an extent, I agree. Your culture is relatively similar, plus being white and so on, so it mustn't be problem for you.
Although guys from other countries who speak Russian too have a good time here.

Maybe you got to bust out some info for sure man. Shed some lights on game, behavior and other aspects in FSU (Ukraine etc) and how it differs from American end. Would be good insight for us.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

For example here in Balkans we have one basic principle.Either you fuck them or you get fucked by them.It is the same with Russian women.You have to choose position.There is no middle ground.

There is also no mutual foreagreed set of obligations of each part which is the case with Czech women with who you strike a deal and as long you keep your part they keep theirs.Russians feel free to claim as much as they want they are unlimited.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

And I had warned that girls in eastern Ukraine speak English only in 10% while in Kiev the portion is more close to 40% and in western Ukraine to 30-40%.Rooshv probably did not take my advice and moved to eastern Ukraine while western Ukraine is more like soft Poland(you bang the girls you dream of in Poland).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Who drinks more?
Polish girls, western Ukrainian girls or eastern Ukrainian girls?

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 02:57 PM)BalkanCynic Wrote:  

Who drinks more?
Polish girls, western Ukrainian girls or eastern Ukrainian girls?

The hell with who drinks more....tell us who fucks more!


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 02:57 PM)BalkanCynic Wrote:  

Who drinks more?
Polish girls, western Ukrainian girls or eastern Ukrainian girls?

Ukrainian more than polish.Eastern Ukrainian more than western although some western Ukrainian women can be heavy drinkers.The drinks also differ.Ukrainian women drink vodka and many strong cocktails while polish women drink mainly beer or wine and some drink vodka.Beer is considered to be a banal men's drink in Ukraine almost no girl there will order beer in the club,restaurant or cafe it is considered low class.However polish and Czech women much more can be quite strong beer lovers(generally polish do not have a problem with cheap drinks,cheap food etc and beer is one of the cheapest drinks.I never saw a Russian woman drinking beer on date.)

Another nice habit of people in Ukraine is that they move around with drinks in their hands and drink from time to time.Also many girls get to benches and drink together laugh etc have fun.There quite a few guys try to pick them up.It is considered normal in Ukraine.In Poland men who drink do not carry their beers walking.They stand in front of churches or other community buildings and drink together looking at the hot women passing by.Or they sit down in big tables and drink together outside.I saw quite a few drunks in Poland in Ukraine not many they do not have so much the open table culture they prefer to drink at home in pubs or outside in benches and walking.When they get drunk it is usually at home and sometimes in clubs.

Girls in clubs seldom get drunk because drinks are very expensive.They get drunk however if a man pays for their drinks.When they get drunk everything is possible you will get experiences that will blow your mind.However Ukrainian omen can be extremely horny and outgoing even without drink I have never understood how they manage to get this preorgasmic expression in clubs discos or walk it is simply unbelievable.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-02-2012 02:57 PM)BalkanCynic Wrote:  

Who drinks more?
Polish girls, western Ukrainian girls or eastern Ukrainian girls?

In my expirence with dating East Ukraine girls I can certainly say that these girls love to drink, and they strart to drink at a young age, if you're not use to drinking vodka, I seriously recommend to not go shot for shot with these girls, as for me, well I'm just not a vodka drinker, I grew up drinking beer, but at times I do indulge drinking vodka with these girls, and I most certainly try to maintain, and pace myself, I am 182 cm, and 104 kgs, and girls half my size have nearly put me under the table when drinking vodka, as said previously, it's been my expirence that many of these girls dont drink beer, the only time I ve drank beer with these girls is when we are playing pool together or bowling,

Here's a hint when it comes to drinking, with these girls it's all about high value, you want the girl to think she's with an important guy, when at a nice restruant with a date, order cognac, recommed a good brand of cognac to the girl and ask her to share like 250 grames with you, cognac shows a much higher class than vodka and most certainly beer, this is something very simple to do, and in the girls eyes, she'll see a guy who has some class, this is esp true with the girls who live in the smaller cities.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

One of my pick up lines in Ukraine is ''lubis podarki?''(do you like presents).It almost always works.Girls answer:Ja oitsien lubliu podarki(I like presents very much).From there on development is in your hand.

You cannot use this line in Poland however.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-03-2012 06:21 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

One of my pick up lines in Ukraine is ''lubis podarki?''(do you like presents).It almost always works.Girls answer:Ja oitsien lubliu podarki(I like presents very much).From there on development is in your hand.

You cannot use this line in Poland however.

i'm itching to say something about this but i want to keep the peace on this forum, anyone ?

cough P4P ! cough !

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-03-2012 05:02 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2012 06:21 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

One of my pick up lines in Ukraine is ''lubis podarki?''(do you like presents).It almost always works.Girls answer:Ja oitsien lubliu podarki(I like presents very much).From there on development is in your hand.

You cannot use this line in Poland however.

i'm itching to say something about this but i want to keep the peace on this forum, anyone ?

cough P4P ! cough !

In Ukraine, apparently that works and I appreciate the excellent cultural tip and translation from kamaki. That's real data. Agree or disagree, if it works, it works. Use it or not, if it's not your style of game, but I bet that opener hooks like mad.

I used to think in a more black and white manner before reading Roosh, Roissy, G, Danger and Play, and books like The Game, Bang, Mode One, etc. You pay for things = paying for sex. I just can't say I see that as anywhere near remotely true anymore. There is no black and white - just one big spectrum of grey.

In the west, particularly the anglo countries (U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand) feminism has perverted women's feminine nature 180 degrees. Women have been de-feminized, even if they remain anatomically attractive, and culturally programmed to believe they are equal to or superior to men. It is possible to game them without paying, but you generally get a masculine natured female. Is that alpha? Who wants that?

What is the feminist slogan; equality and empowerment for women. Why? Because women lack power in the world. It is their nature to submit to a dominant man - just consider the act of sex itself. They do also need provision and protection, especially while pregnant or raising children.

In other parts of the world, un-perversed by western feminism, the man is expected to provide. I view this not only as natural evolution, but natural game as well. To do it though, you have to be a man. If you lack a bankroll, build it. It's more about inner game as a man. Like G says "the world is your oyster." If you look at the higher level players on this forum, most apply this philosophy in the west as well. If you ask a girl out, pay for the meal. Why, if that's not necessary? It's because you choose being a man, over just a PUA. Is that beta?

Take a look at Kamaki's line "do you like presents?" The equivalent line to a man would be something like "do you like warm pussy?" That line would stop me in my tracks. It's a little unsophisticated, but it cuts right to the chase. How do you make that a little more sophisticated? Let's see. Approach with swagger, custom suited down and ask "do you like sushi?" You have communicated the same thing as "do you like presents," just in a more sophisticated and rewarding way. Of course she is in shape, wearing a tight skirt, heels, make up, and is feminine. She is really saying "do you like warm pussy" it just goes unspoken. The latter interaction is much higher on the scale - although it's still the same scale.

As a general rule for pleasure, the more that goes unspoken, the more sophisticated and rewarding the game. In that context, what is PVP other than the bottom of the scale: unsophisticated and unrewarding.

**Slightly edited before I saw you quote me in the next post - sorry Neil **

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