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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

An Anxious Nation Awaits

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two genders
two terms

The NFL is dying

I miss hits like that video.

My allegiance would be bought and paid for if they brought back kickoffs, removed all defenseless player crap (defend yourself if you take the field), removed basically every roughing the passer interpretation change since 2005, cut the ads to a point where the game only takes 1.5-2 hours and removed the illegal contact on DBs.

Basically all the most notable changes the NFL has made in the Goodell fail era.

The NFL is dying

Looks like "Papa John" is out of of Papa John's Pizza. The media story is that he blamed the poor NFL ratings and national anthem protests as cause for poor sales.

The NFL is dying

Took himself out the paint eh?

He'll be alright.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-23-2017 12:23 AM)OneManWolfPack Wrote:  

Looks like "Papa John" is out of of Papa John's Pizza. The media story is that he blamed the poor NFL ratings and national anthem protests as cause for poor sales.

Poor Papa John. He made such quality cardboard.

The NFL is dying

Baltimore Ravens President Begs Fans To Return


Dear Ravens Supporter,

I am writing to thank you for your continued support of the Baltimore Ravens. You are an important part of who we are and what we have become.

Created over 22 seasons, our bonds with you are strong and deep. Our Ravens family is built on memories of great games, plays and people. That foundation includes you and Ravens players named Jonathan, Ray, Ed, Sizzle, Joe, Todd, Bart, Goose, Mac, Edwin and many others. Our cement is a pair of Super Bowls, the “Mile High Miracle,” the single-season best defense ever, and playoff wins in New England, Oakland and Pittsburgh, as well as memorable regular season victories at M&T Bank Stadium over Jacksonville, the Steelers and Seattle and the snow game against Minnesota.

All along, our organization and our players have volunteered to make our community better. That work continues almost daily and, certainly, weekly. We are especially proud of our current players’ commitment to make Baltimore a better place to live and work.

We are once again in a serious battle to make the playoffs. If we achieve that goal, it will be the seventh time in the last 10 years. But we know it has been an unusual season. A glut of injuries, especially on offense, had us struggling early to find both consistency and our identity.

We had the poor showing in London, complicated by the kneeling of a dozen players during the National Anthem. That became an emotional and divisive issue. We know that hurt some of you. Others saw it differently and welcomed the dialogue that followed. Others bluntly told us to keep statements and protests out of the game. There are some of you who have stayed away from our games.

We have had significant numbers of no-shows in the past when our play on the field has not met the high standard we and you have set for the Ravens. But this year has been different. The numbers are higher, and it is noticeable. There are a number of reasons for the no-shows, but surely the one-time protest in London has been a factor.

We have responded to your concerns about the protest by re-doubling the efforts of both the organization and our players to make the Baltimore area a better community. We have also reached out to a number of you who wrote or called about the protest. I personally made a number of phone calls and met with some of you. Some of my Ravens colleagues have also made a number of calls. While we have not been able to reach all of you, we have learned a lot from these interactions.

We want the Ravens to continue to be a strong, unifying force and source of pride in our community. When the Ravens win, we can bring families and the community together. We’ve done that before, and we can do it again. In light of recent events, we are also reminded that winning alone is not always enough to make the Ravens the unifying force we want to be.

We don’t take your support for granted, and we know that we must continue to earn your respect and investment in us. We are committed to putting the best possible team on the field and providing an outstanding gameday experience for you. That commitment requires us to continue to make significant investments in our facilities. This summer we will finish our $45 million renovation and expansion of our Under Armour Performance Center in Owings Mills. By the beginning of the 2019 season, we will complete our ongoing $120 million renovation of M&T Bank Stadium. (By the way, our first set of escalators to the upper bowl will be completed in 2018.)

We hope you and your loved ones are having a wonderful holiday season. Let’s add to the celebration with a Ravens run to the postseason. Thank you for reading this.


Dick Cass

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-20-2017 08:39 AM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

I miss hits like that video.

My allegiance would be bought and paid for if they brought back kickoffs, removed all defenseless player crap (defend yourself if you take the field), removed basically every roughing the passer interpretation change since 2005, cut the ads to a point where the game only takes 1.5-2 hours and removed the illegal contact on DBs.

Basically all the most notable changes the NFL has made in the Goodell fail era.

A lot of that can also be blamed on/attributed to fantasy football.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-23-2017 01:56 PM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Baltimore Ravens President Begs Fans To Return

So the guy who, according to Ray Lewis, was about to sign Colin Kaepernick to a deal at the beginning of the year wants his fans to return. This should go well.


We had the poor showing in London, complicated by the kneeling of a dozen players during the National Anthem. That became an emotional and divisive issue. We know that hurt some of you. Others saw it differently and welcomed the dialogue that followed. Others bluntly told us to keep statements and protests out of the game. There are some of you who have stayed away from our games.

We have responded to your concerns about the protest by re-doubling the efforts of both the organization and our players to make the Baltimore area a better community.

So people are pissed about the protests and your response is to double down on the community organizing crap? What does this moron think those groups do? They exist solely to perpetuate the types of protests that his primary customers hate. And his solution is to give them more support.

The NFL is a business, it's time the owners tell these players to knock it off or they're fired. It's like they're so afraid of their employees that they're willing to alienate their customers.

The NFL is dying

I'm glad the NFL has chosen economic suicide by going all in SJW/BLM bullshit. I thought surely that good business sense would kick in and they would stop alienating their fan base, I guess I was wrong. The NFL now simply exists as a leftist signalling organization.

It is a good thing though as football has been a rather large impediment to normal Americans waking up to the bullshit going on around them as they were entirely too distracted by the NFL and fantasy football.

The NFL is dying

Indiana Bill Would Force NFL's Colts To Repay Angry Fans Offended By Anthem Protests


The political kneeling protest by NFL players has now reached the blowback phase. Angry football fans across the United States are demanding that NFL teams refund their tickets based on the player acts they deem offensive during the National Anthem. It’s a vicious trend coupled with a rating collapse that’s creating a toxic feedback loop for the NFL.

And now, the latest escalation comes from an Indiana lawmaker, who intends to file legislation that would require Indianapolis Colts to refund fans at home games if players kneel during the National Anthem.

Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, who is spearheading the movement said his bill would allow fans at home games who feel disrespected by kneeling to ask for a refund in the first quarter.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” Smith said. “Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”

The IndyStar, a local newspaper, reached out to a Colts representative, who failed to comment on the proposal.

Earlier in the Colt’s season, Smith had a bad experience of his own, which spurred him to develop the refund bill.

Earlier this month, a season-ticket holder of the New Orleans Saints sued the organization demanding his money be returned, because players disrespected the National Anthem during the 2017 season’s home games.

The trend is clear, the blowback phase is evident, and the American people have had enough! Across the land, angry NFL fans have put aside their team’s rivalry and have banded together as one to demand change. The concept in focus here is that the will of the American people, if unified can demand sweeping changes in the NFL and even Government.

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 08:26 AM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Indiana Bill Would Force NFL's Colts To Repay Angry Fans Offended By Anthem Protests


The political kneeling protest by NFL players has now reached the blowback phase. Angry football fans across the United States are demanding that NFL teams refund their tickets based on the player acts they deem offensive during the National Anthem. It’s a vicious trend coupled with a rating collapse that’s creating a toxic feedback loop for the NFL.

And now, the latest escalation comes from an Indiana lawmaker, who intends to file legislation that would require Indianapolis Colts to refund fans at home games if players kneel during the National Anthem.

Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, who is spearheading the movement said his bill would allow fans at home games who feel disrespected by kneeling to ask for a refund in the first quarter.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” Smith said. “Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”

The IndyStar, a local newspaper, reached out to a Colts representative, who failed to comment on the proposal.

Earlier in the Colt’s season, Smith had a bad experience of his own, which spurred him to develop the refund bill.

Earlier this month, a season-ticket holder of the New Orleans Saints sued the organization demanding his money be returned, because players disrespected the National Anthem during the 2017 season’s home games.

The trend is clear, the blowback phase is evident, and the American people have had enough! Across the land, angry NFL fans have put aside their team’s rivalry and have banded together as one to demand change. The concept in focus here is that the will of the American people, if unified can demand sweeping changes in the NFL and even Government.

This sounds like a great example of government overreach.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 10:57 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 08:26 AM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Indiana Bill Would Force NFL's Colts To Repay Angry Fans Offended By Anthem Protests


The political kneeling protest by NFL players has now reached the blowback phase. Angry football fans across the United States are demanding that NFL teams refund their tickets based on the player acts they deem offensive during the National Anthem. It’s a vicious trend coupled with a rating collapse that’s creating a toxic feedback loop for the NFL.

And now, the latest escalation comes from an Indiana lawmaker, who intends to file legislation that would require Indianapolis Colts to refund fans at home games if players kneel during the National Anthem.

Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, who is spearheading the movement said his bill would allow fans at home games who feel disrespected by kneeling to ask for a refund in the first quarter.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” Smith said. “Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”

The IndyStar, a local newspaper, reached out to a Colts representative, who failed to comment on the proposal.

Earlier in the Colt’s season, Smith had a bad experience of his own, which spurred him to develop the refund bill.

Earlier this month, a season-ticket holder of the New Orleans Saints sued the organization demanding his money be returned, because players disrespected the National Anthem during the 2017 season’s home games.

The trend is clear, the blowback phase is evident, and the American people have had enough! Across the land, angry NFL fans have put aside their team’s rivalry and have banded together as one to demand change. The concept in focus here is that the will of the American people, if unified can demand sweeping changes in the NFL and even Government.

This sounds like a great example of government overreach.

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 11:08 AM)zigZag Wrote:  

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!
That is how the game is played. While the right has been navel gazing and tilting at windmills, afraid to exercise any real governmental power the left has been consolidating power in damn near every cultural and political institution we have. When the right gets power they get queasy and die on the hill of "muh principles." When the left gets power, by however slim a margin, they wield a mighty hammer and seek to impose their agenda.

We're in the midst of a cultural war, and have been for about 7 decades now, only one side (the left) has been aware of that fact the whole time and the right is now finally starting to wake up to that fact. I hope that bill does go through, it is about time we start hitting back at leftist bullshit. The left wants to make our very existence illegal and the right is concerned about "government overreach."

The battle being fought is a real flesh and blood battle fought in the real world, not a battle of abstractions and principles.

[Image: x9cD0ksawRjih-IE7ZBC4GzWh7ULLVL3P7HFDriM...eb6ce31bc3]
"Libertarians and Paleoconservatives Concerned About Government Overreach" 2017, colorized.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 12:00 PM)Raylan Givens Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 11:08 AM)zigZag Wrote:  

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!
That is how the game is played. While the right has been navel gazing and tilting at windmills, afraid to exercise any real governmental power the left has been consolidating power in damn near every cultural and political institution we have. When the right gets power they get queasy and die on the hill of "muh principles." When the left gets power, by however slim a margin, they wield a mighty hammer and seek to impose their agenda.

We're in the midst of a cultural war, and have been for about 7 decades now, only one side (the left) has been aware of that fact the whole time and the right is now finally starting to wake up to that fact. I hope that bill does go through, it is about time we start hitting back at leftist bullshit. The left wants to make our very existence illegal and the right is concerned about "government overreach."

The battle being fought is a real flesh and blood battle fought in the real world, not a battle of abstractions and principles.

[Image: x9cD0ksawRjih-IE7ZBC4GzWh7ULLVL3P7HFDriM...eb6ce31bc3]
"Libertarians and Paleoconservatives Concerned About Government Overreach" 2017, colorized.

What exactly is your point? The right got power and did NOTHING it has nothing to do with a culture war. The republicans are simply to corrupt to do anything except pass tax cuts. Hence why they voted to repeal obamacare when obama was president and they haven't actually repealed it now that they have control of all of congress. The principles of the right are SUPPPOSED to be low taxes, limited government and personal freedoms/responsiblity. What you've described basically makes you a leftist. Your views are the same views of the lift it's just you have different areas of peoples lives where you want the government to rule. It's still the same as the SJW authoritarian left. If the right were actually carrying out things based on principle we wouldnt be here.

How exactly does the left want to make your existence illegal? That's a huge stress and since you posted a picture of a white kid surrounded by lots of black kids i'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're one of those muh white genocide types. So let me ask you. How many white kids have you fathered?

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:01 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

What you've described basically makes you a leftist.

Technically makes him an authoritative right winger, not a leftist.

Political 4 quadrants and all.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:12 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:01 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

What you've described basically makes you a leftist.

Technically makes him an authoritative right winger, not a leftist.

Political 4 quadrants and all.

It's all the same to me nowadays. Both sides are filled with whiney do nothing big government authoritarians. I'd actually be worried but thankfully money talks and corporations are the ones who have the money to buy government officials.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:16 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:12 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:01 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

What you've described basically makes you a leftist.

Technically makes him an authoritative right winger, not a leftist.

Political 4 quadrants and all.

It's all the same to me nowadays. Both sides are filled with whiney do nothing big government authoritarians. I'd actually be worried but thankfully money talks and corporations are the ones who have the money to buy government officials.

It's not at all and the failed distinction will bite you in the rear.

When it makes financial sense for corporations to be authoritatively conservative, the money will flow in that direction. Trump's recent tax bill and corporations giving out bonuses and raises is a prime example of that.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:18 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:16 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:12 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2017 12:01 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

What you've described basically makes you a leftist.

Technically makes him an authoritative right winger, not a leftist.

Political 4 quadrants and all.

It's all the same to me nowadays. Both sides are filled with whiney do nothing big government authoritarians. I'd actually be worried but thankfully money talks and corporations are the ones who have the money to buy government officials.

It's not at all and the failed distinction will bite you in the rear.

When it makes financial sense for corporations to be authoritatively conservative, the money will flow in that direction. Trump's recent tax bill and corporations giving out bonuses and raises is a prime example of that.

How is this tax bill an example of authoritarianism? There is no proof other than a couple stories of corporations giving out raises and bonuses cause of the tax bill. 21% Corporate tax rate is actually still middle of the road to high. What companies will do is buy back stocks and give out executive bonuses. The benefit for the tax bill is new corporations will have it easier.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 12:00 PM)Raylan Givens Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 11:08 AM)zigZag Wrote:  

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!
That is how the game is played. While the right has been navel gazing and tilting at windmills, afraid to exercise any real governmental power the left has been consolidating power in damn near every cultural and political institution we have. When the right gets power they get queasy and die on the hill of "muh principles." When the left gets power, by however slim a margin, they wield a mighty hammer and seek to impose their agenda.

We're in the midst of a cultural war, and have been for about 7 decades now, only one side (the left) has been aware of that fact the whole time and the right is now finally starting to wake up to that fact. I hope that bill does go through, it is about time we start hitting back at leftist bullshit. The left wants to make our very existence illegal and the right is concerned about "government overreach."

The battle being fought is a real flesh and blood battle fought in the real world, not a battle of abstractions and principles.

[Image: x9cD0ksawRjih-IE7ZBC4GzWh7ULLVL3P7HFDriM...eb6ce31bc3]
"Libertarians and Paleoconservatives Concerned About Government Overreach" 2017, colorized.
When you realize that the left and right are not really fighting and both sides have the same donors and core intrests you become a Jedi. Also, where is that picture with the white kid from originally?

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

The NFL is dying

And there it is! Perfect season for the Browns.

Started rooting for them around week 12, wasn't sure they were going to make it. But in the end, they found a way.

Can't imagine how much it sucks to go winless.

The NFL is dying

^Being a Steelers fan, we better kick some ass in the playoffs.

We almost lost today, to the fucking Browns. We did play a few back ups, but God damn, Juju is a fucking champ.

We have so many offensive weapons that it's sick.

Really wish Ryan Shazier was still in the game. So happy he is recovering though.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-31-2017 03:11 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 12:00 PM)Raylan Givens Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 11:08 AM)zigZag Wrote:  

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!
That is how the game is played. While the right has been navel gazing and tilting at windmills, afraid to exercise any real governmental power the left has been consolidating power in damn near every cultural and political institution we have. When the right gets power they get queasy and die on the hill of "muh principles." When the left gets power, by however slim a margin, they wield a mighty hammer and seek to impose their agenda.

We're in the midst of a cultural war, and have been for about 7 decades now, only one side (the left) has been aware of that fact the whole time and the right is now finally starting to wake up to that fact. I hope that bill does go through, it is about time we start hitting back at leftist bullshit. The left wants to make our very existence illegal and the right is concerned about "government overreach."

The battle being fought is a real flesh and blood battle fought in the real world, not a battle of abstractions and principles.

[Image: x9cD0ksawRjih-IE7ZBC4GzWh7ULLVL3P7HFDriM...eb6ce31bc3]
"Libertarians and Paleoconservatives Concerned About Government Overreach" 2017, colorized.
When you realize that the left and right are not really fighting and both sides have the same donors and core intrests you become a Jedi. Also, where is that picture with the white kid from originally?
When I say "right" I mean what people perceive to be the "right." In actuality I consider the GOPe to be on the left. Along with the libertarians.

I believe that picture is from South Africa originally.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (01-01-2018 02:49 AM)Remington Wrote:  

^Being a Steelers fan, we better kick some ass in the playoffs.

We almost lost today, to the fucking Browns. We did play a few back ups, but God damn, Juju is a fucking champ.

We have so many offensive weapons that it's sick.


The NFL is dying

It always bugs me too when football fans refer to their team as we or us. You're not out in the field getting tackled.

The NFL is dying

^That and seeing grown men wearing another man's jersey.

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