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New Coinbase/GDAX coins

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

GDAX is supposed to add new coins in 2018, which will then be followed by Coinbase.

This will be HUGE for those coins. The question is, which ones?

I understand that Bitcoin Cash is a shoe-in, and a good chance for some ERC20 coins as per this source.

My feeling is that the people in charge of Coinbase believe the most promising future of blockchain is the ETH ecosystem and we might see that played out in new ERC20 tokens being offered on GDAX.


New Coinbase/GDAX coins

although not an erc20 token, i think XMR/Monero has potential to be put on one of the exchanges.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

I would love to see Monero on there, but most people online think that it won't be because Coinbase is trying to be friendly with the government and Monero is too private and the next currency of the darkweb.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

It's almost a guarantee that whatever coin is added will see a short term spike. Coinbase, for better or worse, drives the market. I do think they will add BCH, from what I read.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

BCH is planned for sure, but I think Coinbase should focus on their support and scaling issues first since Crypto is getting more into mainstream and their app is in the top 10 if not first most downloaded in the app store. Their Reddit is flooded by negativeness.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Ruling out XMR they will probably list other top coins, possibly IOTA, Cripple and maybe Dash.

BCH is likely coming around january, thats when they said they would release their BCH holdings (they owe me one whole BCH).

There was a source code leak awhile back that mentioned GNT although it doesnt really fit the framework they released last month for what they would consider listing.

Request is backed by Ycombinator, who also backed Coinbase, so if an ERC-20 token would get listed it wouldn't be too far off to think Request with it's testnet release within the next week+half and the Q1 main-net would get the listing.

Other than that I would read the frame work they released and see if any coins you are in fit the bill, then pray to the God's.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

GDAX recently released a digital asset framework listing the factors they'll use to evaluate which tokens get added to the platform.

I've been meaning to cross-reference this framework with the top ~100 cryptos (especially the ERC-20 tokens, given Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong's affinity for Ethereum). I'll post that here as well when I get around to it.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Quote: (12-11-2017 10:43 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  

GDAX recently released a digital asset framework listing the factors they'll use to evaluate which tokens get added to the platform.

I've been meaning to cross-reference this framework with the top ~100 cryptos (especially the ERC-20 tokens, given Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong's affinity for Ethereum). I'll post that here as well when I get around to it.

That would be a really amazing post. Can’t wait.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

There's a thread in the REQ Reddit sub where someone wants to make a petition to have Coinbase add them next year.

I think it's premature until they have a working product, however what's the criteria for getting coins listed on different exchanges? Would petitions actually work?

Obviously I and others have a vested interest, but if there's something I can do to support the project and get them listed I'd push for it.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

"Many" more coins to be offered on GDAX in 2018 according to Coinbase CEO. It's looking to me like 2018 will be a big year for alts.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Quote: (12-13-2017 07:05 PM)Neo Wrote:  

There's a thread in the REQ Reddit sub where someone wants to make a petition to have Coinbase add them next year.

I think it's premature until they have a working product, however what's the criteria for getting coins listed on different exchanges? Would petitions actually work?

Obviously I and others have a vested interest, but if there's something I can do to support the project and get them listed I'd push for it.

As much as I'd like REQ to be listed on Coinbase, a petition wont do it. REQ is already on Binance which is basically the best exchange your coin can probably get listed on (even if volume is better on Bittrex and Finex) other than Coinbase.

I wouldn't worry too much about doing petitions for REQ on Coinbase, you should read the framework for listing coins on Coinbase that I.J posted above. If you are familiar with the REQ whitepaper you will probably notice that it meets almost all the criteria with a couple of exceptions, and in fact makes highlights of a lot of those fields either in the whitepaper or in their blog posts.

This is no coincidence as REQ is backed by Y-combinator, who also back Coinbase, it is very likely the REQ team got access to this framework a long time ago and has had time to prepare material around their criteria. The only thing REALLY holding them back from the listing is the test-net/main-net requirement, but their test-net is released this month and the main-net is released Q1 2018. After that happens it basically meets the whole criteria listing in that framework.

The timings also seem to come oddly close together, with Coinbase saying they aimed for Q4 2017 / Q1 2018 (unlikely now they will list this month due to all the extra work load they have and how close we are to the end of year) for the addition of new coins.

Personally I think it's a very likely addition, they are in the top 100, they have the connections, they meet the framework requirements and their test and main net releases seem to have similar timing to when coinbase said they would try to list new coins.

Just my 2 cents.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Transfered money 3 days ago to coinbase, still not in my account. Thats their technology ???

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Took me 11 hours to see my btc transfer to bitfinex.
Isn't it btc tech?

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

It takes 5 business days to transfer to Coinbase. They give you a date when you transfer it.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Quote: (12-13-2017 08:53 PM)Sebastian Wrote:  

Transfered money 3 days ago to coinbase, still not in my account. Thats their technology ???

It sucks that they're "the best". Waiting 5 days to use money that they probably get instantly or the next day sucks.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Added BCH and it's way up.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

This is absolutely nuts. Thank god I avoided that HUGE spike and now I reinvested when it was back down to 3000.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

GDAX goin ape shit

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Quote: (12-19-2017 08:10 PM)Tactician Wrote:  

Added BCH and it's way up.

Can't even buy on Coinbase and the site keeps crashing

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

Happy with this ETH pullback.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

BCH has already doubled in the last 24 hours. Whichever coin is next will have the same effect.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

combined with Roger ver dumping btc

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

So whatever coin Coinbase adds will automatically quadruple. It would be very nice to have advance notice of what gets added.

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

I would put money on Ripple being added next. It was recently added to Blooomberg terminals with Litecoin.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

New Coinbase/GDAX coins

It looks like coinbase shut down the Exchange for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) about 40 mins ago. Price is locked at $8,499.03 but I receive an error message when I try to buy: "Bitcoin Cash Purchases are temporarily disabled."

Anyone have any thoughts on purchasing BCH through an alternative exchange?

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