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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I talk to people all day long here who's first language is Greek so I understand what he's saying it doesn't sound right all the time but I get it.

Also the culture is different there pussywise. A Greek kid learns 1000 different variations of how sex goes down by the time they're 10.

Kamaki= Dude who targets/fucks tourist chicks. Does English have one work that means anything like that? In Greek they have one word that means a dude who seduces his sons bride before the wedding. etc etc. The culture is pussy driven. There's one word for a girl who plays her pussy like a banjo in Greek. Malakismeni. Hard to translate.


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Actually kamaki is the fishing lure.We use this expression for picking up women.Also the guy who picks up.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 03:03 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Actually kamaki is the fishing lure.We use this expression for picking up women. topic=description&II=1175&UID=b9603c3a3054accab1e
I know.

How about a Greek… Kamaki? Yes! You are beautiful! I love you!
Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Culture

I read this morning this very informative (for foreigners ) story by John Hadoulis, AFP-staff. Hadoulis features the documentary “Colossi of Love“ (Colossi =plural of Colossus), a documentary about the dying class of Greek lovers “harpooning” foreign female tourists. Famous in the 70s and 80s the Greek “kamaki” (Greek for harpoon) would operate on islands with mass tourism like Rhodos or Crete ( even in main Syntagma Square in Athens downtown, as far as I can recall). Kamakis( Greek: kamakia) were legendary and a real class of its own: Greek males, 20 to 35/40 years old. They were short in height but effective in appearence. A golden chain would shimmer on the hairy breast, the shirt was some 15 cm open. Tight trousers would promote an eager, I-promise-you-everything manhood. Most of them would speak poor English but that was enough to woo a female from Scandinavia, Germany or Britain. It was enough to whisper in the ear of a female and promise unforgettable Greek nights

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 01:47 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Maybe it is because of my English but you seem to have misinterpreted much of what I wrote.The difference in quality of posts is due to becoming tired when I become tired I do not control the gramar so good.

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.That is why they have more sensitivity and their body makes them more flexible during sex.It does not have to do with the random observation that taller girls are more prone to anal than shorter girls.

I also wrote that if you get into a Kiev club with women you are likely to spend over 200 euro if you stay there all night.I did not talk about dinner but about club expenses and everyone who has been there will agree with me.

I did not write that slavic girls are dumb just that conversation with them is simple due to the fact that most of them speak elementary English and most of us speak basic conversational Russian so you cannot really tell sth really complicated it is due to language restrains.However simple lines still work(often due to mutual misinterpretation the girl supposes that you say another thing than you actually say and you suppose she is different than she actually is judgeing by what she says in the simple mode).

I do not want to reveal myself by posting photos of myself because all these can have repercursions.As you say one may get lawsuits.

About the places I pick up the girls yes I pick up them both in resorts and in travels.One does not exclude the others.I cannot pick them up in resorts during winter because resorts are empty.I do not get in July August to pick up them in their home countries because by then they are in resorts.The one does not exclude the other.

One girl every three days is not a big deal at all.If you spend 1000-1500 euro per travel for one week to bang 2 girls it is not a high success rate.High success is to bang one or two girls every single day.

I have already analyzed expenses needed in Kiev and in other cities.If you do not spend you have to stay with one girl at her house one week and this means you will see no other girls.

I do not understand this hatred when I give detailed information and very focused I mean who has written this stuff before.You will see that many will use my quotes and observations as theirs.They will be the same who now condemn me.It happens all the time.

I think the only country in the world where you can pull a different non pro girl every 2 days is the Phillipines. At least that is what I´m averaging and what most posters in this forum have verified is possible. In Brazil it was 2 a week. So more power to you Kamaki, if you are pulling those kind of numbers in E Europe. You should write a short book, because when i travel to E. Europe, in the fall, im expecting my bang numbers to go down. Hope Im wrong, but most forum members in E. Europe, except maybe debauchery, arent pulling at your rate.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Greek you really spend 200 Euros for a night of dancing and dinner?
You've got expensive tastes...why would you spend this much?

In Ukraine 50 Euros should cover a night's costs..and thats a relatively expensive night out

What are you buying? Gold covered caviar?

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Well, in my opinion Greek kamaki still hasn't answered much of the questions i asked. I'm not gonna back track all his posts simply because thats not worth my time. I know what i read. He answered nothing. Not even his line of work or age. still waiting for the pictures too.

@Chore monger
Please bust out a datasheet how to pull a new girl in the phils every two days and i'm especially curious about the two girls a week in Brazil. Many guys on this forum have difficulties getting laid in Brazil including myself. waiting for your datasheet.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 09:32 PM)Spartan Wrote:  

Greek you really spend 200 Euros for a night of dancing and dinner?
You've got expensive tastes...why would you spend this much?

In Ukraine 50 Euros should cover a night's costs..and thats a relatively expensive night out

What are you buying? Gold covered caviar?

I have to repeat again.I do not spend 200 euro on dinner.I have spent sometimes 200 euro in club(only in club) when I go there with more than one girls so I have to pay for their entrance fee as well and then inside the club they start drinking cocktails or shots.(entrance fee is 30 euro for men,10 euro for women,shots cost about 5 euro each,drinks cost about 10 euro each).Anyway it is possible I am scammed sometimes but if you are in drunk state after so many shots etc how is it possible to calculate exactly if the bartender pulled some rip off on you?

If you go with two girls for dinner in good restaurants and they get drinks there as well(they usually get champagne and they prefer sushi restaurants,I do not know why girls like sushi probably because of diet) you will pay about 60-70 euro.In a cafe with two girls who order cocktails both(sometimes they may order two cocktalis each) you will pay about 25 euro.Prices are exactly the half in province(big cities in province not small cities which are very cheap) for the same things.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Well, in my opinion Greek kamaki still hasn't answered much of the questions i asked. I'm not gonna back track all his posts simply because thats not worth my time. I know what i read. He answered nothing. Not even his line of work or age. still waiting for the pictures too.

@Chore monger
Please bust out a datasheet how to pull a new girl in the phils every two days and i'm especially curious about the two girls a week in Brazil. Many guys on this forum have difficulties getting laid in Brazil including myself. waiting for your datasheet.

Opposite to that I answered to everything you asked except personal data.I told you that writing these things can have repercussions.For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

Look at my answer.I answered about routines,inner game,conversational topics and explained to you why you misinterpreted my posts.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:48 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Well, in my opinion Greek kamaki still hasn't answered much of the questions i asked. I'm not gonna back track all his posts simply because thats not worth my time. I know what i read. He answered nothing. Not even his line of work or age. still waiting for the pictures too.

@Chore monger
Please bust out a datasheet how to pull a new girl in the phils every two days and i'm especially curious about the two girls a week in Brazil. Many guys on this forum have difficulties getting laid in Brazil including myself. waiting for your datasheet.

Opposite to that I answered to everything you asked except personal data.I told you that writing these things can have repercussions.For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

Look at my answer.I answered about routines,inner game,conversational topics and explained to you why you misinterpreted my posts.

You call that a datasheet ? you are too scared to even say your age. And where are those pictures you promised ? I'm not the only one who think you're bullshitting all the time. In time others will find out too. I have better things to do so i'm gonna leave this discussion.

You just made a fool of yourself again by saying this :
For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

Yes, that's because all governments in the world are checking all forums to see if the can find someone who might spread std's. I rest my case !!

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

It is the official excuse they use.They even tried to trap rooshv with this to point him as a person whose visa has expired and spreads STDs.You know how many malakes are on this planet?

You are getting upset because the others get laid while you are broke.Anyway what I write is true even on detail(because I pay attention on details).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I personally prefer Ukrainian girls (east-side, Russian) over Polish in terms of appearance. All things considered, the girls are hotter here. They are also easier (for me).

Polish girls are a little bit friendlier and Poland is more comfortable to live in.

Quote: (02-28-2012 05:02 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

You just made a fool of yourself again by saying this :
For example one might denied visa for ''spreading STDs.''

BTW -- My coworker in India needed to get an HIV test in order to get his work visa (he was Russian). As an American I did not need this test. I guess the Indian government assumes Russians coming to India are prostitutes.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Well, in my opinion Greek kamaki still hasn't answered much of the questions i asked. I'm not gonna back track all his posts simply because thats not worth my time. I know what i read. He answered nothing. Not even his line of work or age. still waiting for the pictures too.

@Chore monger
Please bust out a datasheet how to pull a new girl in the phils every two days and i'm especially curious about the two girls a week in Brazil. Many guys on this forum have difficulties getting laid in Brazil including myself. waiting for your datasheet.

Neil, Im waiting till the end of my Davao stay(2 months total) before i bust out the data sheet. First with the Phils, in general, set up 3 dates every day through internet and day game. Then, pick the hottest girl and the most open to suggestions (a girl who drinks in the phils is always good to go), and invite her to your place that day or after the 2nd date. As a foreigner, you will not have a problem setting up multiple dates daily, though youll have to weed out the conservative religious ones, the chubbies or the ones who are too young or close minded. Just been to Torres twice but night game here doesnt seem that fruitful. I have a suite in an area close to all the major malls (gaisano, nccc and abreeza) and downtown, so it helps in terms of logistics. You were living far in the outside part of Davao, so that might have hindered your opportunities.
As far as Brazil goes, portuguese or even spanish language skills are the key. If I only knew english, 2 or 3 girls a month would be all i could get. So Brazil, just like Colombia is not a place I would recommend to get laid regularly, unless you are fluent in the local language. That is why the moment I step on Ukraine and Russia soil again, my Latino American ass is going to have to have some russian language skills.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Yes I agree with Neil. Kamaki doesnt know how to answer questions directly. It could be a greek thing or he has so many women, that he has forgotten how to deal with men who like straight answers.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls


I think the only country in the world where you can pull a different non pro girl every 2 days is the Phillipines. At least that is what I´m averaging and what most posters in this forum have verified is possible. In Brazil it was 2 a week. So more power to you Kamaki, if you are pulling those kind of numbers in E Europe. You should write a short book, because when i travel to E. Europe, in the fall, im expecting my bang numbers to go down. Hope Im wrong, but most forum members in E. Europe, except maybe debauchery, arent pulling at your rate.

You forget that Deb Auchery in all probability has Serbian looks and slavic women dig Serbian looks.I cannot be compared with Deb Auchery in this regard.I suppose he does not even need any particular kind of game or any spending of much cash.

My success on the other hand is based on speed.When I pick up I am insanely fast and most other guys cannot reach this level.When I am usually with wings they tell me they lose me they cannot coordinate to such a speed.(in one case I even ran to catch a Czech girl sitting on bench just some seconds before she moved up and in 30 minutes I was kissing her my wings had lost me after run and called me to tell me they were having lunch).So what happens to me does not happen to the average traveller.I am sure however that there are travellers who do better especially if they spend more.

With these countries what happened is that it was relatively cheap in the past to travel ad get girls there.So we who did this got experience very cheaply.Now to reach the same amount of experience you have to pay muc more.So I really do not think Ukraine would be worth the effort for anyone visiting after 2007 for first time if the economic crisis did not happen in 2008.This crisis set Ukraine back to the levels of 2005 so it is still a

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 07:46 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Well, in my opinion Greek kamaki still hasn't answered much of the questions i asked. I'm not gonna back track all his posts simply because thats not worth my time. I know what i read. He answered nothing. Not even his line of work or age. still waiting for the pictures too.

@Chore monger
Please bust out a datasheet how to pull a new girl in the phils every two days and i'm especially curious about the two girls a week in Brazil. Many guys on this forum have difficulties getting laid in Brazil including myself. waiting for your datasheet.

Neil, Im waiting till the end of my Davao stay(2 months total) before i bust out the data sheet. First with the Phils, in general, set up 3 dates every day through internet and day game. Then, pick the hottest girl and the most open to suggestions (a girl who drinks in the phils is always good to go), and invite her to your place that day or after the 2nd date. As a foreigner, you will not have a problem setting up multiple dates daily, though youll have to weed out the conservative religious ones, the chubbies or the ones who are too young or close minded. Just been to Torres twice but night game here doesnt seem that fruitful. I have a suite in an area close to all the major malls (gaisano, nccc and abreeza) and downtown, so it helps in terms of logistics. You were living far in the outside part of Davao, so that might have hindered your opportunities.
As far as Brazil goes, portuguese or even spanish language skills are the key. If I only knew english, 2 or 3 girls a month would be all i could get. So Brazil, just like Colombia is not a place I would recommend to get laid regularly, unless you are fluent in the local language. That is why the moment I step on Ukraine and Russia soil again, my Latino American ass is going to have to have some russian language skills.

All right, that's sounds ok to me.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Thank you Greek Kamaki for the insight on the Ukrainian and Polish girls, very much appreciated. It is clear through your posts that you know what you are talking about due to your extensive first hand experience. Please continue to post your experiences and insight about EE and don't mind the naysayers.

Neil, drop it man, why are you getting so pissed of that someone is having such a good time, is able to spend money, while you can't pay for a drink? Stop hating guys who can afford things, not everyone is as broke as you here. As has been mentioned before by G and other successful guys, when you reach a certain level of success financially and at a certain age, you value time more than money so this is what GK is doing, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing personal against you man, I enjoy reading your posts and your blog as they are insightful and entertaining but at times, your criticism of anyone able to spend money is annoying.

For Brasil, as CM mentioned, it's all about language skills and I'd add a 2nd crucial piece to cracking quality non pros there: having an established social circle. FYI, Brasil is a very status oriented society, specially the girls. If you don't speak the lingo and or do not have an established social circle, the good non pros won't give you the time of the day. However, speak the lingo to a fluent level and have local friends and watch a whole new world open up in front of you.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Greek Kamaki,

How are you determining that there are more virgins in Poland than the Ukraine? Based on your posts, I imagine you're not exactly someone who is likely to meet virgins to begin with.

Just curious. I've heard Ukrainian girls tend to be conservative sexually and it's surprising to see you mention that you won't find a Ukrainian virgin past the age of 19.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 09:21 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Thank you Greek Kamaki for the insight on the Ukrainian and Polish girls, very much appreciated. It is clear through your posts that you know what you are talking about due to your extensive first hand experience. Please continue to post your experiences and insight about EE and don't mind the naysayers.

Neil, drop it man, why are you getting so pissed of that someone is having such a good time, is able to spend money, while you can't pay for a drink? Stop hating guys who can afford things, not everyone is as broke as you here. As has been mentioned before by G and other successful guys, when you reach a certain level of success financially and at a certain age, you value time more than money so this is what GK is doing, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing personal against you man, I enjoy reading your posts and your blog as they are insightful and entertaining but at times, your criticism of anyone able to spend money is annoying.

For Brasil, as CM mentioned, it's all about language skills and I'd add a 2nd crucial piece to cracking quality non pros there: having an established social circle. FYI, Brasil is a very status oriented society, specially the girls. If you don't speak the lingo and or do not have an established social circle, the good non pros won't give you the time of the day. However, speak the lingo to a fluent level and have local friends and watch a whole new world open up in front of you.

Its not the money spending i WAS pissed about, i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents and taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

I was pissed because Kamaki writes a lot of bullshit in between otherwise good posts. he writes something good and something i agree with and the next post its trolling bullshit.

His extremely high numbers and ease of getting laid brings out the skepticism in me. I would understand more if i gave more details but he won't even tell his age, which must be in his 30's since he claims to visit EE since 1999.
He offers to post pictures but backs out of it the next moment.

I'm not the only one that thinks lowly of him, so i'm no worried. It might take a few hundred more posts but he will be outed.

Anyway, i'm taking a short break from the forum and focus more on working on my book and designing a new header for my site. I will mainly read the forum from now on and maybe give a few threads with tips and tricks

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls


Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 03:36 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

We have discussed the issue of sponsoring in another thread.As I have written before few girls in western Ukraine ask for money but it is almost granted that you give some kind of gift or small present in cities like Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk etc.Also in Kiev a good meal with clubbing in high end club drinks etc with girls can easily come up to 200 euro.

Anyway if you noticed I travelled there 15 times so I had prearranged contacts in many of these cases who had agreed to stay in apartment.For example now I have a bisexual couple waiting for me in Kiev.If I come there for a weekend they will spend one night in my apartment and the next day I will meet some internet contacts and go for clubbing.Even if internet contacts fail to put out in first date I still have the chance of one night stand in clubbing.(Where I approach in mass).

Even if that fails I still will have banged two girls in a two day period.So if I do this 15 times I get 30 girls in 30 days.So my number 25 girls in 60 days(maybe 70 now when I think about duration of travels) is not so high as it seems.In fact it is normal and it has come down by choice to not stay in Kiev for long to cut out expenses that is given the choice to bang two girls in Kiev in a weekend and spend the same which you would spend in province for one week also banging two girls sometimes I prefered the province to enjoy more time.

In any of these travels anything less than 1 girl/3 days is less than ideal.If you do not hit this target you have to change destination because there are better ones.If you get 1 girl every two days in one city and two girls every three days in another you may think about it.

1 girl every 7 days I can easily get on vaccations close here which will cost me 400 euro on the whole so why mind spending on travelling to Ukraine where you have to spend at least 1000 euro on the trip(to province) for one week if all you can bang is one girl per week?

Quality of girls I bang is in the high 10% of Ukrainian standards I have never reached top 5% or top 1% probably because of time limitation.I am sure if I stayed there for one month I would get some girls in the top 5%.If I stayed for one month I would bang about 10-15 girls(one per 3 days at least) and spend about 3500 euro.(1000 euro per week with the air tickets included).(dating expenses,apartments,hotel rooms to bang,some presents,tickets to other cities etc).

Please explain to everyone what you are doing so there won't be any confusion. You are banging what I call "bad girls" or “part-timers” or maybe even some prostitutes. How much do you spend on each girl for her "present" or "sponsorship"? I lived in the Ukraine for a year and was going there many times over a 4 year period. I am not naive.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-29-2012 03:19 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Its not the money spending i WAS pissed about, i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents and taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

Man, this forum is rough.

Taking a girl to eat is beta now?

So now playing the "female role" and having a girl pay for you is more Alpha?

I am so confused.

Was this Beta?™

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-01-2012 12:31 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (02-29-2012 03:19 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Its not the money spending i WAS pissed about, i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents and taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

Man, this forum is rough.

Taking a girl to eat is beta now?

So now playing the "female role" and having a girl pay for you is more Alpha?

I am so confused.

Was this Beta?™
I'm pissing now! How would this kind of date play out at the drive-thru?

Big Mac? What? Who said you could talk to the speaker? No! 99 cent Double for the lady please. I will take a bottled water...wait..Ice water.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

^^^ It's only beta if you don't take one of the patties off her dbl cheeseburger and make yours a triple. Make sure you get the one with the cheese stuck on it too.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I see that some of you are missing the point i was making here. This is what i said :

i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents AND taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

I tried to explain that in MY opinion it is not gaming to do beta stuff like buying a girl presents and taking them on expensive dinner dates BEFORE the bang and/or giving them presents afterwards. To me that sounds like providing or half-paying a prostitute or at least letting the girl know that some kind of gift can be expected for having sex.

Kinda similar to the discussion of poor South East Asian girls who go with an old guy at the end of the night just because they want to sleep in a air conditioned room and have a nice shower and breakfast in the morning instead of sleeping in the slum, washing herself with a bucket of water and eating plain rice and vegetables. Did the old guy have game ?

To me and that's my opinion taking a girl on a dinner date is something you do AFTER the bang when you want to hang out with her some more. Hell, i take girls out for dinner after i banged them but only because i'm hungry and want to eat too. Not to please the girl. I see taking an girl out to dinner as a present similar to bringing her a bouquet of roses.Something you do in a LTR. I find dinner dates impractical for picking up. You sit in front of each other with a table full of food in between so its hard to kino, you have to talk and eat at the same time. You have to "behave" in a restaurant so any wild movements or crazy stuff is out of the question because people will look at you and it will make the girl uncomfortable ( spin move in a fancy restaurant ?? )

I have nothing against a date of course, in fact its one of my strong points because its DHV time. An ideal date involves just drinks and or other activities. I will make a post about that soon. A bar can be just a "locked down" as a restaurant or any other place. I don't see the advantage of dinner dates. It has nothing to do with being cheap or hating on guy who make it work like G. It works perfectly for him so that fine with me, he might disapprove of the techniques i use, that's fine too.
Ofcourse big baller game and broke ass game will butt heads sometimes. I wouldn't be right if we agreed on everything. There's a good Dutch saying/verse for it but it doesn't translate well.

Hope this clears things up.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Another difference between polish and Ukrainian girls is that Ukrainian girls no matter how tall they are they wear heels.They can be 1.85 cm tall and still wear heels 10 cm.Everything is enhanced there.(I think rooshv has noticed this difference as well.By the photo he post I guess he is now in Lvov although this is hardly an industrial city.It is interesting that there is continuing construction in Ukraine although much construction stopped during the crisis of 2009 and you could see the buildings left semi finished).

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