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Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-18-2013 01:46 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Not to say that people are welcoming everywhere, but Black Americans need to get on the plane with their luggage, but leave the racial baggage at home.

People are curious about you because for them you are exotic. They want to touch your hair, your skin, and the women assume you're suave with tight mouthpieces and magic sticks. Moreover, you are not like the disenfranchised Blacks in their countries -- if they have them. You are the most educated and richest Black people on the planet. You fought for what was rightfully yours. Meanwhile, other people hop on boats and planes as soon as they can to get away from their oppression, instead of fighting it. Civil Rights changed the whole world. Without that, people like myself would not even have the opportunity to come to the U.S.

The level of racism you experience in a country where your voting rights have to be extended every 25 years by Congress, will pale in comparison to anything you could possibly experience in Latin America -- just don't live up the stereotypes that your society has created and diffused all over the whole world via movies and hip-hop.

Just so you know, the national hero of Argentina is a Black man named Antonio Ruiz. That man and many other Blacks like him helped fight for their country's independence from Spain. In Buenos Aires, there is a statue erected in his honor.

One of the main reasons there are no longer at lot of Black Argentines is because of manumission. They made Blacks fight in their wars for their freedom, unfortunately very few actually survived to experience it.

The reason you hear about Argentina being so tough for gaming is because there's no white boy worship down there. If you really want to know what a lot of those girls like, come to Miami and go to a Dominican club like Tipico, and on some nights you'll find more Argentinas in there than you will Dominicanas.

Holy fucking shit. This post just changed my perspective on a lot of shit. Thank you sir.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

I'm starting to think that there might be a cultural gap from many people here when gaming argentinians.
I don't have enough experience nor data to assemble anything remotely sound but maybe it has something to do with approaching them the way you'd handle women in northern countries?

I'm not sure if I posted it before, but status is extremely important in every ibero-american country and Argentina -though a peculiar variant- is no exception.
I'd say the level of sluttiness of the females as I grew up was on par if not greater than a lot of the stuff I hear or read about the USA, and in my early tweens cuckoldry was no great mystery or specially strange outrage to most of us - as long as it was discreet.
Also as Mekorig has posted before, Argentina has a very strong home grown gaming culture so it could take some more subtleness to impress the birds

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quoting Jariel: "the national hero of Argentina is a Black man named Antonio Ruiz."?

Antonio Ruiz? National hero of Argentina? Are you joking?... If you're looking for national heroes in Argentina, try Peron (husband and wife), el 10 de la gente Maradona, the proser José de San Martin, Belgrano, or (racialist) Sarmiento, Mitre or even Liniers... (And Falucho-Ruiz might have a statue in Buenos Aires -I wonder where?-, but there are anyway hundreds of statues of various people in the city...)

I mean, even the felonious commie thief Kristina did not put your Antonio Ruiz on a banknote, and she was looking very hard for options (different than White men), for her fucking SJW banknotes. (At the end of the day, she found Evita and a murdering, coward indio from the Malvinas)

Argentina's main hero, San Martin:

[Image: gr3_b.jpg]

and (great friend of Europe and Boston, by the way), Sarmiento:
[Image: 220px-Ignacio_Baz_-_Domingo_F._Sarmiento...roject.jpg]

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, thye remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixmed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african inmigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-02-2017 11:47 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, they remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african immigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

Those African migrants come from a well-known, thieving and infamous, tribe of Senegal; and they sell illegal products on the streets of most Western and even Asian capitals... they fear close to nothing, even fighting with their bare hands and feet, the police forces of their host countries. For example, I remember a video of these African migrants throwing punches at Argentinian policemen, during a police operation (intended to clear the walkways of illegal sellers) near Once...

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-02-2017 11:47 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, thye remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixmed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african inmigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

When I used to live there, the vast majority of the black population was from the Dominican Republic and Brazil. I don't remember seeing one African and there were a few African American exchange students, but not many. Bear in mind, that that was many years ago. Also, that guy is not a national hero. Where is there a street in the entire Capital Federal named for that guy? I don't remember seeing one and never heard of one. We all know about Avenida Eva Peron. I went to school there.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:23 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 11:47 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, thye remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixmed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african inmigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

When I used to live there, the vast majority of the black population was from the Dominican Republic and Brazil. I don't remember seeing one African and there were a few African American exchange students, but not many. Bear in mind, that that was many years ago. Also, that guy is not a national hero. Where is there a street in the entire Capital Federal named for that guy? I don't remember seeing one and never heard of one. We all know about Avenida Eva Peron. I went to school there.

I have seen them too, it seems to be a relatively new phenomenon, you just need to walk on the principal avenues on the center to see lots of them selling counterfeit glasses, to be honest I never saw them causing too much trouble besides their shady business, seeing lots of them on the street just made me think about how lax are the Argentinean immigration policies, really almost anybody can go there and get a residency permit.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:37 PM)Bycicleguy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:23 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 11:47 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, thye remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixmed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african inmigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

When I used to live there, the vast majority of the black population was from the Dominican Republic and Brazil. I don't remember seeing one African and there were a few African American exchange students, but not many. Bear in mind, that that was many years ago. Also, that guy is not a national hero. Where is there a street in the entire Capital Federal named for that guy? I don't remember seeing one and never heard of one. We all know about Avenida Eva Peron. I went to school there.

I have seen them too, it seems to be a relatively new phenomenon, you just need to walk on the principal avenues on the center to see lots of them selling counterfeit glasses, to be honest I never saw them causing too much trouble besides their shady business, seeing lots of them on the street just made me think about how lax are the Argentinean immigration policies, really almost anybody can go there and get a residency permit.

Actually, those African migrants you now see (illegally) selling stuff (glasses?? don't be naive, they sell marijuana) in Buenos Aires, have usually entered through Brazil... Brazil has direct air-links to Africa, and sadly, let many poor, unskilled Africans easily enter the American continent. [Image: dodgy.gif]

After that, you find these Africans emigrating, legally or usually not, throughout the continent, some even trying to make it to the US border. Mexico actually gives them transit-visas, in order for them not to remain in Mexico (clear racialized thinking from Mexico here, "let's get rid of Africans")

"many of the unvetted migrants are from the terror hotbed of Somalia. Rather than having to hide along the way, the African migrants have been getting a special permit from Mexico that gives them a free pass to the U.S. border.

The influx of asylum seekers from African countries who entered Mexico illegally has been building for several weeks as hundreds of individuals continue to arrive primarily to Mexicali to cross into Calexico, California, in order to seek asylum. Mexican immigration authorities have been spotted ferrying the asylum seekers from shelters and plazas to international bridges with the U.S

Worth its own thread:
"Mexico gives African migrants 20-day pass to get to U.S. border"

You also have Haitian mafias organizing illegal migrations to South American countries, like... Chile. Chile now has a burgeoning Haitian problem!

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

I was going to say that I remember hearing about argentinian immigration filters on africans being turned to eleven for some reason since early days.
So these people coming through Brazil would make sense. I've never known of Argentina deporting people however...

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-03-2017 02:11 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:37 PM)Bycicleguy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:23 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2017 11:47 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Talking about necrothreading...

@Jariel: Agree with Going Strong. El Negro Falucho is, at best, a mention in the country´s history, if the legend is true (some historians challenge his existance)

As for racism against black guys, as most of them are from the USA or Brazil, and you dont see too much of them, thye remain a curiosity, and you will not get any bad wive against you. You can hear a "negro de mierda" (dammed nigger) from time to time, but it is against the abo-mixmed population, not against actual black people.

That said, this is sloooowly changing thanks to the african inmigration we are getting in the last years, as most of them resort to sell baubles and fake bijoutery in the street, and they can be quite rude. I am meeting more people that curse those africans more and more.

When I used to live there, the vast majority of the black population was from the Dominican Republic and Brazil. I don't remember seeing one African and there were a few African American exchange students, but not many. Bear in mind, that that was many years ago. Also, that guy is not a national hero. Where is there a street in the entire Capital Federal named for that guy? I don't remember seeing one and never heard of one. We all know about Avenida Eva Peron. I went to school there.

I have seen them too, it seems to be a relatively new phenomenon, you just need to walk on the principal avenues on the center to see lots of them selling counterfeit glasses, to be honest I never saw them causing too much trouble besides their shady business, seeing lots of them on the street just made me think about how lax are the Argentinean immigration policies, really almost anybody can go there and get a residency permit.

Actually, those African migrants you now see (illegally) selling stuff (glasses?? don't be naive, they sell marijuana) in Buenos Aires, have usually entered through Brazil... Brazil has direct air-links to Africa, and sadly, let many poor, unskilled Africans easily enter the American continent. [Image: dodgy.gif]

After that, you find these Africans emigrating, legally or usually not, throughout the continent, some even trying to make it to the US border. Mexico actually gives them transit-visas, in order for them not to remain in Mexico (clear racialized thinking from Mexico here, "let's get rid of Africans")

"many of the unvetted migrants are from the terror hotbed of Somalia. Rather than having to hide along the way, the African migrants have been getting a special permit from Mexico that gives them a free pass to the U.S. border.

The influx of asylum seekers from African countries who entered Mexico illegally has been building for several weeks as hundreds of individuals continue to arrive primarily to Mexicali to cross into Calexico, California, in order to seek asylum. Mexican immigration authorities have been spotted ferrying the asylum seekers from shelters and plazas to international bridges with the U.S

Worth its own thread:
"Mexico gives African migrants 20-day pass to get to U.S. border"

You also have Haitian mafias organizing illegal migrations to South American countries, like... Chile. Chile now has a burgeoning Haitian problem!

Look I appreciate Argentina for a lot of things. You can get as mad as you want and put blame on whatever country you want but the fact is that is hard to find a more friendly country to immigration in the region than Argentina. They have laws to encourage immigration (granted those laws where thought for European immigration, but they are used as an excuse for lawyers today to help any kind of immigration) Just look at the statistics and compare Argentina with countries of similar GDP like Chile or Mexico.

In Brazil getting a visa for non-Mercosur citizens is so hard that when the country was on the boom a couple of years ago it wasn't difficult to find forums of foreign people discussing getting married to be able to be able to stay (though I think there were some visas for very qualified people too but the country is very protectionist, Haitians and Cubans were an exception). in Argentina, you just need to get a job contract (any kind of job as long as it is with a contract) or enroll in a school program (which is not difficult considering that free university is open and without many filters, I think people from non-Spanish speaking countries can just take Spanish courses). Yes, I have read the news about Africans getting to Brazil to cross to the U.S. But seriously, it is Brazil's fault if neither Peru, Guatemala, Mexico or whatever country doesn't stop them on their way? how is our fault that the U.S or Argentina let them in through their borders and then allow them to stay and work without permits selling crap on public streets instead of deporting them?

In Argentina, you have "villas" full of Bolivian, Paraguayan and Peruvian people occupying land and the government doesn't deport them unless they committed a crime, in fact, the recent Macri's law to accelerate deportations was because deportations were taking years even for convicted criminals.

Until very recent years it was perfectly ok to live for years as a tourist, I met a couple of people who stayed for years without being residents, in expat forums you can find information about that, they were called Perma tourists, in fact really, take a look at those forums, you can find information about the kind of stuff some people manage to pull with a good lawyer.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-04-2017 08:19 AM)Bycicleguy Wrote:  

In Argentina, you have "villas" full of Bolivian, Paraguayan and Peruvian people occupying land and the government doesn't deport them unless they committed a crime, in fact, the recent Macri's law to accelerate deportations was because deportations were taking years even for convicted criminals.

What? Argentina has started deporting villeros?? Praise the Lord!

[Image: miracle-healing-1.jpg]

Somehow though, I fear those dudes won't go away that easy...
[Image: 1157379459fb7e4c8ev8.jpg]

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

I was just there this past two weeks. I didn't experience any thing negative. Ill drop a report soon.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (10-01-2017 10:04 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

I was just there this past two weeks. I didn't experience any thing negative. Ill drop a report soon.

Looking forward to it.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

How would a college aged black guy do in argentina? Is there a worship of "black culture" by younger girls in Argentina like there is in other countries? How receptive would college girls in argentina be?

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

While it is touchy subject i think it should be discussed as it is a travel forum and there is racism everywhere in the world for ALL races, it only depends where in the world you are. Europe alone has several different white ethnies that may dislike each other, the same happens in Africa among black people. Short answer Argentina or Brazil is largely racist towards blacks but it is different of North American racism. A black man will be welcomed and well treated anywhere, there is no hate or "blacks can't enter here" but it won't be easy to get into white social circles and in the case of Brazil the police(including black policemen) see black people as suspects so if you are in Brazil don't dress like rapper. I see Black Americans in Brazil all dressed like a rapper or basket ball player, it makes you look like a suspect for both police and random people. Dress with normal clothing and you won't stand out in a bad way to anyone.

@pargan It will be easier if you are into white pop culture, most Argentinians like Electronic, Rock and Metal music. Buy a Megadeth t-shirt, memorize song names and you will make a lot more friends. However everyone is into American movies, politics and other American stuff, being American makes you interesting no mater the race.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-06-2018 09:20 PM)hipster Wrote:  

A black man will be welcomed and well treated anywhere, there is no hate or "blacks can't enter here"

I've witnessed many times in Brasil black people being denied entry in a club (bouncers being themselves persons of color) obviously just because of their skin color.

Racism in Brasil wears a friendly face, but is very present in daily life. I would even say that racism is more prevalent in Brasil than in West Europe. Just have a watch at brasilian fashion magazines. Beauty is white-skinned, blue or green-eyed. European. Caucasian (with from time to time, a mulata - or even a black, for political correctness). And it's not just that. Appearance and essence are intertwined, and black people are not only less "beautiful", but also second-class citizens. In upscale neighborhoods, the only black persons you bump into are waiters, security guards, bouncers, ect -and same if you go in a high-end resort in Trancoso, Angra, ect, clientele is 100% white and staff at 90% "coloured". The saddest part (or funniest) is that brasilians like to describe themselves as a "racial democracy", but it couldn't be further from the truth.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-07-2018 03:25 AM)Count Pierre Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2018 09:20 PM)hipster Wrote:  

A black man will be welcomed and well treated anywhere, there is no hate or "blacks can't enter here"

I've witnessed many times in Brasil black people being denied entry in a club (bouncers being themselves persons of color) obviously just because of their skin color.

Where you saw that, can you give the name of the club or city(ies)? I am very surprised 'cause i never saw it and also never heard of in the case of clubs. Have heard about in other kind of places but it is a rare occurrence, fact in Brazil is that a black individual should dress the best he can(do not confuse with wearing expensive brands logos) to avoid issues and that does not apply to whites that can dress in any way with no issues.

I could totally imagine that happening in clubs the case of the person that is seen even more like a suspect due to his gangstah style, but i never saw anyway.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Racism against blacks in Argentina is mostly confined to football. Go to a football match in Argentina with black players on the field and it’s not uncommon to hear taunts of “macaco”, “mono” or “negro de mierda”. There isn’t structural racism like there is in Brazil, Colombia or Peru, simply because there aren’t enough blacks in the society. They are viewed as exotic. That doesn’t mean they will crush it with the ladies there. Argentinian women have a fame for being very difficult and no amount of melanine in your skin will counter that.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

Quote: (05-07-2018 05:33 AM)hipster Wrote:  

I am very surprised 'cause i never saw it and also never heard of in the case of clubs.

The darker a person is in Brasil, the more racism he (or she) is going to suffer. It's a well-known fact (that many white brasilians refuse to admit) - and this valid also for high-end clubs.

I've witnessed that, and several times, in posh clubs in Sampa, BH, ect, you name it. And oddly enough, even in cities -as Sao Luis- with a large african ethnic population. I've even witnessed that, and many times, in Sampa's most infamous late-night venue (rua Araujo, I guess you see what I mean - it was my headquarters in SP lol, been there dozens and dozens of times). Once, in Goiania (ok, it is the "brasilian Texas", but still), I've even seen a black gringo, dressed properly, being discriminated by the bouncers (and no,, it wasn't at a sertaneja joint for rednecks), which is admittedly unusual, since gringos, whatever their skin color, are usually welcome everywhere if dressed accordingly.

Observation of American Blacks in Argentina

I hear social circle game in Argentina is #1 and it's harder to daygame/nightgame over there. Would this result in a negative or positive for black guys?

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