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Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:53 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:03 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago. Just because you don't want war doesn't mean that you are not in it. You're in the fight whether you like it or not buddy. You can either passively submit to your destruction or you can fight.

I'm not attending any of these rallies as I don't live in the US at the moment but I can tell you I would be there if I was.

At some point your job, your money, your "reputation", what other people think of you, your family, your relationships are absolutely worthless in comparison to speaking truth and living a free man as God intended you to be. Yes I said God.

My ancestors that fought in the American Revolution probably had the same thoughts as you have. "Why get shot?" "What's so bad about the King?" It actually tore many families apart. I have family that lives in Canada because they split from my family that stayed and fought the English. Good for my Canuck Kin, but I can see that my ancestors that stayed and fought for their independence created the greatest civilization on the face of the Earth.

You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Odd. I thought war involved playing with guns a bit more than this. That shit I see happening over in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria must be something else. Not a march permit or witty placard to be seen over there. Those idiots are doing it all wrong.

I respect your point. However, let me address:


You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.

I cannot possibly hold a snot-rag to my ancestors for what they did. I live very comfortably and have been lucky enough to not have to have gone through what they went through. I admit that I sometimes lay awake at night and wonder if am really doing them respect by not getting much more involved in this marxist cultural revolution.

Yes my ancestors were killers and did it proudly and without remorse. However, we are not yet at a point where that is necessary and if it did get to the point of full on combat then I may very be in a position where I am reenacting and follow in their footsteps.

"Milling" as you put it, around a common area holding a sign is almost certain to cause a fight and some serious injuries, hand to hand combat. This isn't the 16-1700's where we just have one flank on the side of a battlefield and the other and whichever kills the most wins. This is new generation warfare. It is something that can be done to show them that you are not afraid and will stand up. If I were to walk around with a MAGA hat in say, Seattle, I can almost gurantee some sort of altercation which could very well escalate because I don't hesitate to through punches.

My point is is that we are not yet in a situation that calls for full on urban style warfare. Nowhere in my post did I mention that I adhere to non-violence principals or "muh optics". I am by no means a pacifist and I actually do believe that war does solve things. Doesn't mean I prefer it or prefer to resolve issues affecting me and mine.

If anything I'm the type that hopes some ANTIFA twat throws a punch because I've got a serious left hook. They got guns, great for them. I'm from AZ and know how to shoot so that's a non-issue.

Sure I could just stay out of the country and just wait till it blew over but my honor and respect for my ancestors would never allow me to do this. I know my history. My grandmother has done extensive history of our entire family all the way back to 1200s England. She has names, which wars they fought in, what they did, when they died, how they died, where they are buried. They started in Maine and moved all they way to settle what is now parts of Orange County and Long Beach in CA. I'm saying this because I could not live with myself if I was just again, "milling around" about "muh rights" and "dems are real racists" shit and can't we all just get along.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Again, we are in a new generation of warfare. Just because you don't see stacks of bodies and bullets flying doesn't mean that the seeds of an eventual hot war haven't been planted. You cannot possibly tell me as a white male that you are not on deck for either exile, persecution, or having your God given rights taken away for some sort of inherent original sin of being a "fucking white man." I'm not playing victim here but you'd be insane or blind if you don't see that all non-straight non-white males, or a good part of the population is being marshaled to do the bidding of the elites that see white males as a threat to their plans.

You could define this as a cold war. Do an experiment, walk around Baltimore or East LA with a MAGA hat and see if you come out unscathed. Chances are you won't. You might not have guys in camo shooting AK-47s at you but you are going to probably end up running for your life or fighting 60 cholos that would love nothing more than to stab your ass.

The tactics of this war are different but the goal is the same. Disempower, demoralize, and if necessary liquidate.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 01:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:53 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Odd. I thought war involved playing with guns a bit more than this. That shit I see happening over in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria must be something else. Not a march permit or witty placard to be seen over there. Those idiots are doing it all wrong.

Back a few months ago when the Alt-Right seemingly won in Berkeley it appeared as if a tide was shifting.

But truth of the matter is that it never was. There was no tide shifting, just a tricky situation that went more favorably towards the anti-cultural marxist side. Even Berkely could have gone really bad if some Alt-Right guy punched one of their radical women, she fell and died on the spot (can happen in any fight and happens more frequently with more fragile women).

Antifa and the cultural marxists have the full backing from the globalists (for now) - they teach anti-White, anti-Western, anti-USA rhetoric every time they open their shit-crusted mouths in college, they teach that crap via subversion and a thousand cuts in media and of course fake-news.

Now they are revoking any rights of demonstrations and are willing to let even the weak protests take damage - they won't protect you from the Leftie-fascists, but they will arrest you if you defend yourself.

And Leonard is correct - demonstrations of such sort don't achieve jack shit. In Spain massive anti-austerity demonstrations happened some 2 years ago (in some areas 10% of the entire population demonstrated!!!!). In Greece a huge part of the population demonstrated against austerity measures - many even rioted.

What did it all amount to? Glad you ask = JACK SHIT. They got austerity. In Greece they even elected a politician who promised change, but got Goldman Sachs policies nonetheless.

In this environment and this point in time - standing around with a sign while risking job, life and eyesight for life is simply not worth the risk. And even if you do your rally - you go home, and the globalists don't give a shit.

I can see your point in the futility of these lame tactics of holding signs and how they don't do shit. I showed some videos of riots in the US to my girl and she said that those were like a day at Disneyland compared to the riots in her country.

Her point being, that hundreds of thousands of protesters burn cities to the ground and yet there they are. Day after day in the same shithole that will always be a shithole whether they are rioting or not.

However, I think that the reaction that the globalists are having to such demonstrations means that it may be having an affect on them. If the media outlets are burning cash and spending millions of man hours constantly trying to build the case to the masses that white men are the real problem it means that you are a threat to them. Just looking in the mirror you might say "how the hell could I be a threat?" But they know what millions of "you" could end up doing to them. Taking their power.

I see confrontation and revolution can happen in stages. Some people are just "fuck it" let's just start a full on war and whoever wins wins. I'm more of the belief that maybe that can be avoided by yes, doing some protesting, getting people on our side, working to get people elected that are pro-Trump. Getting the wall built, halting immigration indefinitely, enacting pro-American worker policies CAN be done without bloodshed on mass scale based on what I know now.

Like I said in a previous post, I am by no means a pacifist and believe barbaric violence is necessary as a last resort because then it's just about survival of you and creating a better life for your posterity.

There are other avenues for change at this moment until we finally see that these changes were never ever possible to begin with and that it's been 100% rigged. Then all bets are off.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

^I respect what you're saying but sadly I don't think we can continue this discussion into it's full implications on a public forum.

What I'm saying is that if your public rallies don't achieve meaningful change then they're simply going to compromise your ability to do the other stuff down the line.

We've reached a point where it's apparent that the powers that be are baiting activists on both sides to compromise their positions and thus be destroyed. It wont matter whether you're on the left or the right. The corporate juggernaut of the American oligarchy is now poising itself to wipe out anyone that demonstrates the willingness to put their ass on the line for what they believe.

I strongly suggest that anyone thinking about protesting in any form thinks again. Save yourself for meaningful action at a later date.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 03:27 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

^I respect what you're saying but sadly I don't think we can continue this discussion into it's full implications on a public forum.

What I'm saying is that if your public rallies don't achieve meaningful change then they're simply going to compromise your ability to do the other stuff down the line.

We've reached a point where it's apparent that the powers that be are baiting activists on both sides to compromise their positions and thus be destroyed. It wont matter whether you're on the left or the right. The corporate juggernaut of the American oligarchy is now poising itself to wipe out anyone that demonstrates the willingness to put their ass on the line for what they believe.

I strongly suggest that anyone thinking about protesting in any form thinks again. Save yourself for meaningful action at a later date.

Not sure it gets much more accurate than this.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 03:27 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

^I respect what you're saying but sadly I don't think we can continue this discussion into it's full implications on a public forum.

What I'm saying is that if your public rallies don't achieve meaningful change then they're simply going to compromise your ability to do the other stuff down the line.

We've reached a point where it's apparent that the powers that be are baiting activists on both sides to compromise their positions and thus be destroyed. It wont matter whether you're on the left or the right. The corporate juggernaut of the American oligarchy is now poising itself to wipe out anyone that demonstrates the willingness to put their ass on the line for what they believe.

I strongly suggest that anyone thinking about protesting in any form thinks again. Save yourself for meaningful action at a later date.

Yeah - I can guarantee that if it gets bad, I will not be afraid of constant physical confrontation or death. However, this in-between stuff going on right now that doesn't mean much seems to be a pretty stupid thing to sacrifice your income or reputation over.

I am really spoiling for a fight. There isn't any way to sugarcoat that. However, I will sit quietly for now and better my position, as I have neither the money nor the media platform to do much of note.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston


So most of the rally is in the above tweet, and I must say things are deteriorating at a pace that is beyond what I was expecting. The actual "free speech" people in the middle were regular Trump supporters, libertarians, greens, and potheads, but since the media said it was a Nazi rally, everyone believed it was a Nazi rally. Zero critical thinking involved. Blue states are states where people believe whatever the TV says. It's totally primed for a Cultural Revolution.

If you go to 22:50 I walk beside a masked man in a black hoody and facemask, and I ask out loud, "I wonder how these guys are getting out alive?" and the antifa responds on queue, "They're not." Extremely chilling.

There were hundreds of people with violent intentions in their heart at that rally, and if the cops did not keep the groups separated it would have been death for the people in the middle. The alt-left is dangerously brainwashed, I can't imagine why these guys are going full red army but the second Great Depression has created a large underclass with nothing else better to do than to agitate for violent revolution.

I'm not sure things can be turned around anymore. Trump is getting lame-ducked until at least 2018 due to Republicucks, and even if we win with enough to pass legislation the globalists will probably just crash the economy so Trump does not get reelected in 2020. The only way out this mess is if the economy recovers and all of these lost souls get jobs and families, but it must happen within the next 5 years at minimum. Otherwise within 10 years all of these blue cities will be hell on earth, a mixture of police state and total lawlessness. Whites hunted down constantly by brainwashed alt-left (who will claim they are Nazis), while police are trying to keep the peace by making sure everyone is as defenseless as possible.

By the time everyone is trying to make their exodus to the red states it will be too late, so it's better to make plans now if you haven't already.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 04:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I'm not sure things can be turned around anymore. Trump is getting lame-ducked until at least 2018 due to Republicucks, and even if we win with enough to pass legislation the globalists will probably just crash the economy so Trump does not get reelected in 2020.

(seemingly) Desperate times call for audacious, ambitious actions, though.

And President Trump is the chief of the US military - which voted for him 75%, by the way... So, if cornered...

A quick, victorious war in Venezuela - removing a commie, crazy assassin dictator, and bringing tons of oil to US (via Guyana, if needed) companies - might be such an audacious and efficient measure.

President Trump still has many powerful assets to rely on and play at the right moment. Declaring "Antifa" a seditious group, jailing its leaders en masse, is another example.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 04:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


So most of the rally is in the above tweet, and I must say things are deteriorating at a pace that is beyond what I was expecting. The actual "free speech" people in the middle were regular Trump supporters, libertarians, greens, and potheads, but since the media said it was a Nazi rally, everyone believed it was a Nazi rally. Zero critical thinking involved. Blue states are states where people believe whatever the TV says. It's totally primed for a Cultural Revolution.

If you go to 22:50 I walk beside a masked man in a black hoody and facemask, and I ask out loud, "I wonder how these guys are getting out alive?" and the antifa responds on queue, "They're not." Extremely chilling.

There were hundreds of people with violent intentions in their heart at that rally, and if the cops did not keep the groups separated it would have been death for the people in the middle. The alt-left is dangerously brainwashed, I can't imagine why these guys are going full red army but the second Great Depression has created a large underclass with nothing else better to do than to agitate for violent revolution.

I'm not sure things can be turned around anymore. Trump is getting lame-ducked until at least 2018 due to Republicucks, and even if we win with enough to pass legislation the globalists will probably just crash the economy so Trump does not get reelected in 2020. The only way out this mess is if the economy recovers and all of these lost souls get jobs and families, but it must happen within the next 5 years at minimum. Otherwise within 10 years all of these blue cities will be hell on earth, a mixture of police state and total lawlessness. Whites hunted down constantly by brainwashed alt-left (who will claim they are Nazis), while police are trying to keep the peace by making sure everyone is as defenseless as possible.

By the time everyone is trying to make their exodus to the red states it will be too late, so it's better to make plans now if you haven't already.

+1 for video

Honestly it looked like a lot of the crowd could have been Trump supporters that showed up thinking there was actually going to be Nazis there. A lot of older people and yuppies that looked like they were just hanging around in the park to see what was up. Very stereotypical white Boston crowd not one I would expect to be burning cop cars or assaulting trash cans.

Were you wearing a Bernie shirt or something?

"Boy ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it." -Senator Graham

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

The black pill awaits you, Samseau. [Image: smile.gif]

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 04:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


Chick yelling "free food and water" about 3 minutes in...

These fuckers really think there is such a thing as "free" food and water, don't they?!?!!!

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

I have noticed that all the "anti-protesters," all the hysteria (I use that word knowing its history) and all the calls to remove monuments are being lead almost exclusively by women?

Let's start calling the last two weeks for what it is -- a giant shit-test that our society is failing spectacularly.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-20-2017 05:46 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2017 04:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


Chick yelling "free food and water" about 3 minutes in...

These fuckers really think there is such a thing as "free" food and water, don't they?!?!!!

Even after you explain to them that the resources had to be taken from someone, and the takers had to be paid for the trouble, they get a very glassy look in their eyes, then mutter something to the effect of it's free for them (so that's all that matters) and probably those people need to be happy about ponying up their "fair share".

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:03 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

At some point your job, your money, your "reputation", what other people think of you, your family, your relationships are absolutely worthless in comparison to speaking truth and living a free man as God intended you to be. Yes I said God.

[Image: clap.gif]

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

I'm liking this Shiva Ayyadurai guy. Nationalist Indian Hindus are a bit group we can draw support from.

You don't get there till you get there

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