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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hi I'm from England, living near to Nottingham. Only have 2 notches but I'm glad to have taken the red pill at 19 and I'm excited for my future as a result

Official introduction thread

Im 18 years old, living in US, going to community college.

Im 5’7, half black half filipino, style wise i'm a 7/10, skin tone peanut butter.

Resources: No car(working towards it), Sick internship job, aight passive income, free community college, living with my mom.

Alright now that is out the way let's get down to skill. I know some of you are very good at game some of you nada, some of you married and thinking wtf is this kid on about. My game level is past beginner

I'm in a LTR with a chica whose marriage material. I don't take shit from women unless its my mom, grandma, aunties or sister. My LTR game is 8/10 i can improve and I 99% of the time pass shit tests.

My notch count is 3. My ltr, a threesome and a side chick

My social life is currently non existent. No i'm not mr, loner boy who has/had no friends. I've got some good homies, we’re just not on the same page. So I dropped most of them, some ill hit up for pot smoking and video games however i'm not really about that anymore.

Ive cold approached about 10 girls in the past year. I still have approach anxiety however it usually depends on the situation. Most go pleasantly and I either get their number, say goodbye or get rejected. One good thing about not having a car is that I take the bus on the way home and to school. I run into chicas in the same place in life as me.

Lukewarm approaches is where i shine. Class, work, social circle, bus from school.

I started college a year and a half early and took a break for the past few quarters. This fall all the kids my age are getting into college and i'm a bit hyped. I knew a lot of chicas and had a lot of friends in HS many are going to my CC.

My current game plan is to stack dough for travels(i'm going to the phills with family in winter). If I get the chance to be away from overbearing aunties i'll be gaming. Get a car, launch a business(yes I have one in mind and am working on it currently). Build up my side project, manage my ltr through college, get my associates, learn spanish. By the end I should be setup for location independence.

During my interview I spotted some cute interns. During lunch if I spot one ill open. Otherwise i'm laying low for now and daygaming in the city centre.

I want to bang chicas, make dough, get my education and travel. The dream am i right?

Wish me luck.

Official introduction thread


I'm from Poland and I'm turning 21 this year and I have just recently realized how much I was wasting my life so far. I'm trying to change that by having more fun and relaxed attitude and to be more alpha as for past few years I was literally going more and more beta. I was reading a forum for a while, then made an account and finally today I decided to make a first post and join this community [Image: smile.gif]

Official introduction thread

Hi everybody I'm glad to be here and I am happy to be joining such a vibrant forum! Anyone working on day game ?

Official introduction thread


Good to finally be apart of this great community. Been following Roosh since 2013 when I was 19. With him as a role model, changed how I looked, acted, and saw the world. Went from a 20 yr old virgin to a young man whose confident about going for the lay. I look forward to meeting and exchanging ideas with great men.

Official introduction thread


I watched this forum for several months and got me account activated a couple days ago. I am in my early 20's.

Official introduction thread

Hey Team,

Just some simple stats, I'm early 30's, divorced but in a LTR, living in the southern USA. I have worked hard and am in a good place business wise, but the split up has been a nightmare. Definitely opened my eyes though, and gave me my two kids. I enjoy the forum because the different real world stories and opinions are 1000x better than anything on Yahoo news. I look forward to some interesting conversations

Official introduction thread

so idk how this works too well but I'll start off with some stuff about me. I'm 5'10 21 years old, half Chinese half Western European 7/10 on looks. Barely any gam. I haven't worked on game much only a trip to Spain before which went absolutely brutal game wise. I was thinking about Eastern Europe. Any countries you'd recommend for beginners like me? Oh and I speak light conversational Russian. (Do languages up your game?)

Official introduction thread

Hello, I am a long time lurker (for years) but only decided to make an account after frequently browsing the Politics & War section for Trump news. I'm aware I need 50 posts to participate there so might as well start now.

I'm in my 30's and ended up getting red-pilled by having a low SMV and realizing the crap society says regarding women, etc, never made any sense -- then doing research and learned about places like this forum.

Official introduction thread

COVFEFE! Welcome to the Forum. Great username: May you do it justice.

[Image: 815.jpg]

Official introduction thread

I broke the ice on another thread, so I may as well introduce myself now.

I'm 34 y/o, traveled quite a bit, worked jobs from barista to home renovation, retail store clerk and even glass artist; I almost turned professional in bowling but couldn't scrape together the funds (it's an expensive profession). I dropped out of grad school to attend Marine Corps OCS but didn't make it. I now have a career in the equipment leasing and finance industry.

My main interests are bodybuilding, grip training and investing. Secondary interests are style, horology, bushcraft and self-defense.

In the past I've been a devotee of Greek Classics, classical music, economics, movies, religious studies, and most things related to China (even wrote my damn thesis on the Chinese economy many years ago). I still have a light interest in politics and culture.

Ever since I've gotten into bodybuilding, I've come close to going full-retard and I've become something of a dumb-dumb with little to say about anything (it's been a four year process). Oddly, this has benefited me in unexpected ways (intuition, humility, sociability, lack of pretension).

I've written a few articles for ROK over three years and been lurking here for about two years now. I'm not sure how much I can contribute given that I think this forum has the highest quality members and moderators out there, but I'll try to drop a data sheet on gripsport since it's a niche subculture in the fitness community that doesn't seem to get much play, yet I know there are members here interested in it and others who might be intrigued.

Official introduction thread

Jeeves: Welcome to the Forum!

By all means, throw up a datasheet on grip training & gripsport in the Fitness section.

Be well,

Official introduction thread

Hello, i have been reading the forum the last couple of months and i want to participate.

I'm 30 years old and i decided to learn game since my knowledge about girls and game are almost zero. I have serious problems with that aspect of my life and i want to improve.

My two biggest interests are strength training and traveling. I have been training nonstop the last 9 years. In 2016 i traveled during 8 months around South America and Asia. If anyone needs some tips about how to stay fit and strong while traveling long term just ask, i will share my knowledge.

I really want to learn from you guys, you seem a really nice community.

Official introduction thread

Quote: (06-17-2017 01:11 PM)Stig Wrote:  

Hello, i have been reading the forum the last couple of months and i want to participate.

I'm 30 years old and i decided to learn game since my knowledge about girls and game are almost zero. I have serious problems with that aspect of my life and i want to improve.

My two biggest interests are strength training and traveling. I have been training nonstop the last 9 years. In 2016 i traveled during 8 months around South America and Asia. If anyone needs some tips about how to stay fit and strong while traveling long term just ask, i will share my knowledge.

I really want to learn from you guys, you seem a really nice community.

That is a threadworthy topic.

Official introduction thread

I sort of introduced myself in the Philippines travel thread but felt I should introduce myself properly here as I am still a newb.
I am a Korean guy in my early 30's who grew up mostly outside of Korea but now living in Seoul, Korea.
I speak Korean and English, but consider English as my 1st language.
I was the typical nice guy growing up, who has been friendzoned more than I'd like to remember.

I first came across game when I was in college in America back in the 2000's (Neal Strauss' The Game). I read the book and other online stuff I could find and attempted some of the techniques, failed miserably with women in bars/clubs, and thought it was all horseshit. I didn't realize that I was just blaming my own shortcomings on the "horseshit theories" when instead I should have been blaming my own weak (read: nonexistent) game.
Then around my junior year of college, Mystery's VH1 show The Pickup Artist started airing, which renewed my interest in game. I again started reading a lot (I remember reading David Deangelo's "cocky and funny" technique) but still wasn't able to truly get over my approach anxiety.
I did however start to see some results this time around. But too often I found myself congratulating myself on the small victories instead of staying focused and attempting to escalate and going for the higher close.
In a nutshell, I still lacked confidence and was happy with the scraps I was getting in my college years.

After returning to Korea as an adult, I finally had the logistics that I felt were a weak part of my game.
I finally had my own place that wasn't a dorm and had a decent job. These two factors boosted my confidence.
I started going out to the bars and clubs to game with friends.
In the beginning, Korea was so much easier than America, especially in the Itaewon area.
Even with my weak game, I could still manage a new girl every 1-2 months just by talking to girls in clubs and bars in English.
From 2011 to 2015, I felt things were relatively easy in Korea. This was when I was able to build sky-high confidence and good social standing in my social circles. I thought I had inner game down pat and had a stylish wardrobe and cool lifestyle to match. I had a few LTRs and almost got married once (long story, ask me over beers).

But starting around 2015, Itaewon started becoming really trendy with Koreans.
It was around this time that Itaewon started becoming a mainstream nightlife area. Prior to this, most the Korean girls who were partying there were girls who had spent lots of time abroad (like me), Korean-Americans, or girls who enjoyed speaking English and were a lot cooler and receptive to my English game. Things got really hard, and Korean girls would often reject me in the rudest manner for speaking English to them. My theory is that the bitchy girls who partied in Hongdae and Gangnam were now coming to Itaewon in droves since it was the new "hot spot." They would tell me to fucking speak Korean or tell me to stop showing off my English ability.
Going through dry spells as a guy who used to get free drinks from girls and guys pre-2015 really wrecked my confidence.

But I wasn't about to just throw in the towel. I forced myself to change my routines and adapt to the changing landscape. I used to be very horrible at using Korean to game girls. The process of using a less comfortable language to game girls was like doing the first few hundred approaches in English. I felt nervous, awkward, and just unconfident. But I kept at it, and I now think I am starting to get close to the confidence levels I had when I was using English.

The thing is, I started traveling frequently in 2016 and I also started letting myself go.
Traveling in SEA as a Korean was like Itaewon pre-2015, but even easier, even though I am currently overweight and outta shape. I think I resorted to traveling in SEA to boost my confidence levels but now I'm wondering if I'm just using it as a crutch.

My plan this year is to get back into shape and sharpen my skills further and to truly abolish any leftover AA.
I also wish to meet some of the more experienced members here who can pinpoint my current flaws and help me improve my game to the next level. Honestly, I still think of myself as below average in terms of game.

Official introduction thread

Hi Everyone,

I've been a lurker here since the beginning of the year. This forum has been refreshing in helping me get back into the dating scene again earlier this year after being out of it for over 15 years.

I'm 45yo and still married believe it or not with three kids and living at home. My wife is letting me relive my 20's again as part of my mid-life crisis. You can tell our situation is not very typical at all and I thank my wife for understanding and tolerating what I'm going through. The more I read things here, the more fortunate I am to have her but this is something I need to do for myself and figure out where to go from here in life.

I plan on creating another post specifically on my situation.

Official introduction thread

More Analysing than introducing myself , Everything about me here.
Face: Varies from 3-6/10
Front : the best part of my face is the front part for hiding the negative aspects that i have , Nothing special tho black eyes , nose appearing small(Despite me having A huge nose ) but it doesnt appear unless from side view, eyebrows not very well shaped but still okay , hair looks great.
Lets talk about the negative aspects, Huge nose , Chubby face (From side view) one side i will give myself 6/10 nose looks smaller the other side inwill give it a 1/3 to 10 sometimes I cringe when i look at it. (sides are not similar to each other) and i have no idea why.. but then, goes the Head , Big head from Back view so thats a negative aspect aswell , overall 3-6 looking face with a 1/4 chance to see me in an okayy look and that is the front , the rest of the sides Are not Handsome looking some are normal and some are bad .
Height: 6'0
Weight:79 kgs
Body: Not the great looking body with huge muscles , But well built .
Posture: Could maintain a great posture if im not tired , with the 'well builty body', but when im tired its a mess.
Experience in gaming: Low experience,Beta.
Dancing: Pretty good dancer , I will go with the music flow really strong, Pretty Much the thing im good at
Mindset: Poor mindset in dealing with woman, cause of low experiences in life in general.
Goal:Having a well built mindset, Having Standards , being able to presist/lie being able to look at my goal and pass al the shit tests and get the lay, and that is the main goal.
Thats pretty much all about me here
Looking for help in general to achieve my goal ,
Any advice is apperciated.

Official introduction thread

Hi! New here and already contributed a datasheet. Am a 27 year old white American...have lived all over the country but also in Australia and Europe, so pretty much been all over. See ya around.

Official introduction thread

It's great to be onboard in the forum. I used the knowledge here as a reference a few years back when moving down to Mexico from the States. As a result, life has been fairly easy being a Military Veteran down in LATAM, but I'm always looking for self- improvement.

Take Care

Official introduction thread

Hi guys,

I know my name doesnt sound really German (that guy just comes to my mind everytime i think about gaming). But I'm a guy in my mid 20s from Munich (home of beer). Just ran trough this site and seemed quite attracted to the spirit here.

Spend some time abroad in china and different european countries. Looking forward to some nice exchange.


Official introduction thread

Probably should have looked around a teeny tiny bit more before posting onto that Travel thread but.. hey, I am making myself known one way or the other.

A little bit about me... Well. I'm from New England, as far the hell away from the WASP-y vibe you get in Greenwich and the Berkshires as possible. I grew up kind of isolated from people my own age so often gravitated towards those a couple years older. It isn't like I wanted to be a loner or someone without a lot of friends, but it just kind of happened.

Recently though in college I tried to make a concerted effort to be more active and go out and do more. I read Roosh's blog as well as Naughty Nomad and (although not really game specific) a Reddit group dedicated to seduction. I took all of it in as kind of general advice for self improvement rather than a total lifestyle change, but I realize some others might find benefit in game intermingling with their lifestyle.

After my first year in college... I realized either A) I'm in a terrible environment (DC Metro) B) I really need to work on my game, or C) Both. As a "white" guy (always thought of myself as Hungarian first, but moved down south so what am I gonna do?) I felt at a disadvantage socially when I found that the majority of other students on my floor were AA and snow bunnies are everywhere... but I'm taking things in stride.

My basic goal is to get back in shape (not abs but just fit) and improve my self confidence. Learn how to talk to women (which right now is just hit or miss) without obvious social cues being present, getting over my anxiety and fear from years of what I'd consider social isolation... Ya know, just normal self improvement goals.

Glad to be here.

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone.

if you could summarise me into 2 words its; yellow fever.

Genuinely love exploring new cultures and looking for some out of the ordinary information (google ain't a great service sometimes), but I'll get to that elsewhere.

I'm heavily into self improvement and starting to look at business side of things.

Have been dating my current girlfriend for over a year and not looking to change that any time soon.

Official introduction thread

Alright guys.
I'm here.

I'm 32 years old and have only had sex with prostitutes up to this point, and even those experiences weren't that great. I've always been crazy about women, since I was a kid. All the way through school, I've never had a girlfriend, even though I probably could have, as some girls were into me, but I was just way too scared and had low confidence. My confidence increased over the last 10-15 years, and I became a lot more sociable, but being between 130-150 kilos in the last couple of years, and not really understanding how to create sexual attraction, none of my efforts really paid out.

This kinda drove me to the MGTOW side of the manosphere. Thinking these people were able to make me see through the relationship dynamics between men and women, I started a downward spiral to a very dark and pessimistic place. I'd completely given up on women, only planning on going to see hookers, as I saw that as a more straight forward transaction. But over time I slowly realized that MGTOW philosophy in large parts seems as irrational as the kind of feminism, where women distrust men in general for a couple of bad experiences they made. I've seen the phrase "if you had a bowl of M&Ms and 10% of them were poisoned, would you grab some and eat them?" used by both MGTOWs and feminists, to explain why interaction with the opposite sex was just too dangerous. Laughable, really.

So I felt that MGTOW just made me incredibly misogynistic. And I hate to use that word, but I feel that's what happened. I started to really resent women for the fact that they wouldn't fuck me. And that's where PUA and game actually offer a solution. They've told me that it wasn't really women's fault they didn't find my sweaty, obese body sexy or my weird personality interesting or attractive. It was in my responsibility to work on myself.

About a year ago, there was a day where I just left the house and walked. Just walked into a direction I've never been to before. I just kept walking and walking to see what's there. To see what part of my city this street leads to. As someone who loves videogames and especially MMOs like WoW, a game I've played since 2008 and have invested about 700 DAYS of playtime into, I always loved exploration, at least in a virtual fantasy world. That day, when I started just walking around and exploring my town, it's like something was triggered inside of me. It was like a real sense of exploration awakening inside of me. I ended up walking for about 4 hours, passing shops I've never seen before and seeing people I've probably never seen before. Seeing women. That summer last year I did this a couple of times, and every time I did it, it felt really exciting, not knowing what I was walking towards. Not knowing what women I would come across.

I really enjoyed seeing women, especially in the summer. But all I did was look at them. I never felt like I had any chance to enter their lives. When I discovered daygame, it was like a revelation. I can do that? I can just walk up to them? Start a conversation and maybe even get her number? It felt like a natural extension of my passion for exploration.

I've been practicing game for almost 2 months now, and while I have only gotten 6 numbers, and none of them led to any intimacy so far, it has been a lot of fun and it changed my life. I've had a lot of nice conversations with really sweet girls. Even the rejections I faced were often pleasant conversations with girls giggling at my jokes and leaving the conversation with a positive vibe. It has made my life a lot more exciting, and has improved my life in a lot of areas. I've lost about 20 kilos in the last 4-5 months and I'm confident that over time, I will improve a lot more and in a couple of years, my game will be so tight that I'll finally have the sex life I always wanted. I've approached for about 3 weeks now every day, and I will keep pushing myself.

I started to log my approaches and I'm at 155 approaches now, although a lot of them were approaches that lasted only a couple of seconds, but especially recently, I've had a lot more success with prolonging the conversations and pushing for the close. Because it starts to become so much work to remember and log all of my approaches in a spreadsheet, and I'd like to get some feedback as well, I'll start my own logthread in the newbie forum later. I'll give a short summary of the last 2 months and then just log everything that is noteworthy every day in a diary kind of style.

Thanks for everything

Official introduction thread

Hey, I'll stick with my first initial "E" as a name for now. 41, based in Nassau County Long Island, NY. 5'10" 152ish and in the best shape of my life and getting better.

I've been in nothing but LTR, and have had a small window of being single now. Very passive, but I've been fortunate to look decent and just be decent that I've gotten girls/women of all ages the past six month's (not great success on online dating). I want to start to take the reigns, and be the one who chooses who I'm with. I'd like to approach on the street, or just be more socially open. For now, this is the place that I'll learn, and hope to contribute at some point down the road.

Have been reading through the forums the past month, really an eye opener. I know I have no game, and looking to change that. Fantastic resource, and hope to stick around.

Cheers to all.

- E

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, great to be here. Some details about me.


RVF Name: MysteryBlack
Age: Late 20’s
Country: Australia
City: A major one (Will post in the meet up)
Languages: English (Native), Mandarin Chinese (Basic)
Learning Languages: Korean (Very Basic)

Years in game: Since 2010 (7 Years), after reading The Game by Neil Strauss
Lays: 30-40
Current status: Single
Previous experience: SNLS, ONS, MLTRS, Monogamous relationships, Building Social Circles
Global experience: East Asia and USA
Ethnic Preference: North East Asians, Eastern Europeans, South Americans.
Game influences: I learnt and keep learning from a variety of different sources, there is no one game guru that helped the most. If anything, the best way to describe my game is a Bruce Lee be like water method. However, the bigger chunks of my game from public personas came from: RSD (Tyler, Julien, Tim, Luke), Mark Manson (Entropy at the time), Gunwitch Method, Mystery Method, The Game, David Deida, Sex God Method, 60 YRS Of Challenge and Rob Judge.
Sex location experience: Over half my first time lays have been in the back seat of a car or public place. Some have been in love hotels and their place.

Why are you here?

I want to stay sharp in the game. I also want to meet some like minded red pill thinking people to keep me at float. Assisting some young guns with great energy and also contributing value making the world a better place [Image: wink.gif].

How did you find the RVF?

I started travelling a lot more and noticed some really good data sheets that were on the forum. I checked them out via a google search for years but never registered as a member. I hope to add as much value as I can with some of my own knowledge. Shout out to Dream Medicine who brought me on the forum!

The journey so far since 2010
My ability to be sexual calibrated has increased dramatically.
Ability to be more assertive and take what I want in life.
Physical and mental health has skyrocketed.
I was unemployed when i started and now have a successful career with some investments in an online business and property.
Removed some old friends who were unhelpful to my growth and gained some friends for life.
Advanced female psychology.

I have experienced some great ups and great downs while treading down the beaten path. Is it worth it? Hell yeah!

Goals and the future

I’m still enjoying the thrill of banging new girls and the lessons to be brought out of it. I am however open to a monogamous long term relationship if the right woman arises as opposed to my early 20s which was non existent. I am hoping to really kill it over the next few years to get the opportunity to meet her.

Where to next?
I will be travelling East Asia in the coming months. I will be hoping to reach some local cool guys in the district.


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