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The TV Series Thread

The TV Series Thread

Not a ranking, just a list of what I've liked so far

- Breaking Bad.
- Game of Thrones
- Fargo
- The Walking Dead
- True Detective
- Better Call Saul
- Black Mirror
- Shameless
- The Night Of
- Vikings
- House of Cards
- Mr. Robot
- Black Sails
- Narcos
- Westworld
- Rome

The TV Series Thread

House of Cards is coming in 15 days. Ready to binge watching.

The TV Series Thread

E smile, you forgot Sopranos and the Wire. And I fell asleep watching Black Sails.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-16-2017 09:23 AM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

E smile, you forgot Sopranos and the Wire. And I fell asleep watching Black Sails.
I didn't watch the Sopranos and I've just started the Wire. But I forgot Oz [Image: thumb.gif]
Black Sails is indeed slow in first season but it gets better after that, it's not a hit though.

The TV Series Thread

I watched all of Black Sails and fell asleep. Only the black French girl kept me awake.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

The TV Series Thread

I think I'm going to start watching Billions. I hear the 2nd season is much better than the first. Black Sails is great except for the gay storyline.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

The TV Series Thread

New series "The Wizard of Lies" about Bernie Madoff set to air on May 20 on HBO.

Robert De Niro as Madoff and Michelle Pfeiffer as his wife.

[Image: oiddmp.jpg]


The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-16-2017 04:44 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

New series "The Wizard of Lies" about Bernie Madoff set to air on May 20 on HBO.

Robert De Niro as Madoff and Michelle Pfeiffer as his wife.

[Image: oiddmp.jpg]


My thoughts: Michelle Pfeiffer is an old lady now. Sad. But I'll watch.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

The TV Series Thread

Saw ep 3 of American Gods and third time is the charm because I'm off.
The constant and forced servings of unrealistic cgi gore, Muh diversity quotas and rather gratuitous sex (you even get a sex scene with noble oppressed gay Muslim and a djinn bear! ) makes one wonder if they hired deviant art teenagers to write the script.

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

The TV Series Thread

Too bad, as a concept of this show (book first) is interesting. Now I know I am not going to watch.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-17-2017 12:53 AM)El_Gostro Wrote:  

Saw ep 3 of American Gods and third time is the charm because I'm off.
The constant and forced servings of unrealistic cgi gore, Muh diversity quotas and rather gratuitous sex (you even get a sex scene with noble oppressed gay Muslim and a djinn bear! ) makes one wonder if they hired deviant art teenagers to write the script.

Wanted to talk about it but didn't find the courage... and couldn't articulate it clear enough.
Seem that after Mr Robot gay scene this promising serie got SJW pushing harder diversity standards down our throat...

[Image: giphy.gif]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

The TV Series Thread

I heard somewhere that there is a new Star Trek show coming out. Unfortunately I took the time to watch the trailer:

Star Trek Discovery - Discover how the menstrual cramps of a young black women sync up with the hot flashes of an old asian woman.

The end.

The TV Series Thread

Anyone been watching Genius: Albert Einstein?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

The TV Series Thread

The popular Netflix series THIRTEEN REASONS WHY, based on a dark young adult novel, takes place in a suburban high school. One of the main themes is slut shaming. Beta males, jocks, cheerleaders, the usual overrepresentation of racial minorities and gay characters.

There's a lot of SJW messaging here. Feelings are paramount. Three of the episodes come with trigger warnings. I'm halfway through the last episode, but I assume it will end on that note.

The TV Series Thread

spongebob squarepants... no joke that shit is wild now that I'm older and can understand the hidden jokes.

I should try watching it when tripping on something

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-25-2017 12:09 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

The popular Netflix series THIRTEEN REASONS WHY, based on a dark young adult novel, takes place in a suburban high school. One of the main themes is slut shaming. Beta males, jocks, cheerleaders, the usual overrepresentation of racial minorities and gay characters.

There's a lot of SJW messaging here. Feelings are paramount. Three of the episodes come with trigger warnings. I'm halfway through the last episode, but I assume it will end on that note.

I watched all 13 episodes, and I planned on doing a write up for the forum about just how awful this show is. This was one of the most ridiculous shows I've ever watched. For those who are curious, this show pushes the loony left's idea of rape culture...BIG TIME.

Here's a quick (spoiler) summary of this show: Hannah Baker killed herself, but she didn't leave it at that. No, she had to transcend death by attention-whoring from the grave by making 13 tapes that essentially tell 12 different people why they're, at the very least, partially responsible for her suicide. Then we have Clay, Hannah's beta orbiter in life, and her white knight in death, who is all fucked up following Hannah's death, even though she barely paid him any mind while she was alive. The only time she did was after she'd tried to fuck...errr, I mean date, because Hannah was a sweet, innocent girl...every popular guy in the school. He goes around on Hannah's post-death crusade by making everyone around him feel like shit, vandalizing personal property because someone did some really petty, innocuous shit (more on that below), and just being a really weird mother fucker in general. That's the quick summary.

Here's the longer review:

Clay comes home one day to find a box of 13 cassette tapes addressed to him. He finds his dad's old boombox, presses play, and hear's Hannah's voice, which is shocking, because Hannah is dead. She slit her wrists a few weeks prior. She explains that the tapes will outline all the reasons/events that lead her to taking her own life. Predictably, most of the reasons are petty, and she has, at most, 3 legit complaints (which all happen in the most unrealistic ways possible). He ends up breaking the boombox and stealing a Walkman (seriously, this group of high school kids is so cool and retro that they have Walkmans and cassette tapes lying around) from his faggot friend Tony. Tony is from the wrong side of the tracks, he works on cars, and beats the shit out of dudes who fuck with his sister--you know, all masculine things--but Tony's a straight up queen. This show picks and chooses when it wants to buck stereotypes when it comes to fags, but when it comes to rapists, well we all know it's the rich Brock Turner type, right? (Read on)

Tape #1 is addressed to a jock named Justin, who hangs out with a bunch of rich suburban kids even though he lives in the ghetto with a crackhead mother (much of this story isn't grounded in reality). Hannah meets him at a party--a party where she places Clay firmly in the friend zone--and is immediately into him. He has tats, he looks dangerous (to her, at least), he's a jock, and he's handsome. She went on a date with him to a local park, at night, and when she came down the slide, he snapped an upskirt photo showing her panties. In the show, all she did was kiss him, but he spread a rumor that they either fucked or she gave him a BJ. If this were reality, we all know he fucked her senseless on that slide.

Tape #2 is addressed to Jessica, who's not even close to being the hottest girl on the show, but is somehow the hot girl in the school and the head cheerleader. Jessica was Hannah's buddy along with this guy named Alex, who looks super queer, but is straight as an arrow.

[Image: alex-13-reasons-why.jpg]

Jessica and Alex started dating behind Hannah's back (Believe me, it surprised me just as much as it surprised Hannah). And then they broke up and Jessica blamed Hannah because Hannah gained a reputation as a slut after Justin snapped that pantie photo. She also quit hanging out with Hannah while with Alex, so yeah, that's pretty much it. Hannah gave this girl a guilt trip about not hanging out anymore.

Tape #3 addressed the gay guy pictured above, who's not gay in the show because that'd be too stereotypical. People passed around a list rating girls based on certain qualities (eerily familiar to that Harvard scandal). Alex wrote down that Hannah had the best ass, and that earned him a post-mortem-feel-guilty-for-making-me-kill-myself-tape. That was it. Because he objectified her, which lead to other guys checking out her ass (one guy grabbing it), he shared some of the blame for her death. Alex takes it the hardest of anyone, and winds up attempting suicide twice.

Oh, and all the while Clay is going crazy wondering why he got a tape, but he's listening to the fucking things as slowly as humanly possible. Hannah's parents are suing the school for being somehow responsible for their daughter's death, even though they knew nothing of any bullying and didn't know any of her friends/classmates. But dammit, someone has to be responsible! They couldn't possibly be suing because their business is failing, could they? Nah.....

And all of the jocks are stalking and intimidating Clay in hopes that he won't spill the secrets that are on those tapes (to protect their rapist friend...more on that to come), instead of just ganging up, kicking his ass, and destroying the tapes themselves. I mean, shit, it's not like she downloaded the audio files to the cloud or something. She made physical tapes that wouldn't be very difficult to destroy. But I digress...

Tape #4 is quite possibly the funniest of them all. It's addressed to this weird kid who goes around the school snapping pictures for the yearbook, but he's really bad about respecting personal space. He didn't stop there. He sat outside Hannah's home snapping photos of her through her bedroom window. Even when she knew that someone was stalking her and heard the snap of the camera, she never thought to, you know, draw the blinds or close the curtains. She just left her window wide the fuck open. But I'm victim-blaming here. Her little Asian girlfriend with two gay fathers came over to try and catch the perp, but the two of them got drunk instead. Then the Asian girl (I think it's Courtney) made a move on Hannah and kissed her. The stalker kid snapped a photo, which caused more rumors about Hannah to circulate. But Courtney was distraught because she didn't want her gay fathers to know she was gay because that'd shame her family. It's all weird and really dumb.

Tape #5 is addressed to Courtney, who ends up spreading some sort of rumor about Hannah, further harming her already shitty reputation. Clay listens to the tape and forces Courtney to ride with him to Hannah's grave site to make her feel like shit.

Tape #6 is for Marcus, a smooth, suave, popular guy who seems to have game, but then makes a cringe-worthy move that results in him getting a tape. The guy is cool, is friendly with everyone, asks Hannah on a date, then shows up an hour late with his entire crew so they could sit at another table and watch. Then he sits next to Hannah and tries to finger-bang her, but she pushes him away. He makes a comment about how he thought she was easy, then bounces. For a guy who'd been smooth up to that point, this scene made zero sense, and was absolutely forced to push the rape culture narrative.

Tape #7 is for Zach, the white knight who witnessed Marcus acting like a dick. This tape may be the most enlightening to female nature out of all of them (but of course the show doesn't want you to focus on that). Zach is popular and a jock, but he's a sensitive, caring soul who Hannah secretly abhors because he's a giant pussy. He tries to ask her out using a really terrible line, and Hannah not only shoots him down, but embarrasses him in front of the entire school.

Earlier in the episode, Hannah talked about how lonely she felt. She and Zach shared a communications class where people could leave each other anonymous notes. Those meant a lot to Hannah because she had no friends. The only notes she got secretly came from Clay, who left stupid little drawings of bunny rabbits for her with captions telling her how awesome she was. In an act of revenge, Zach starts stealing these notes out of Hannah's mailbox. She writes him a letter begging him to stop, and he ignores her. It's all insanely petty and ridiculous that this guy got a tape for something so retarded, but he did. Clay then keys Zach's Audi in defense of his former crush who'd relegated him to the Friend Zone.

Tape #8 is for some ultra stereotypical gay guy they shoved into the show because the gays didn't have enough screen time. He publishes her poem under an anonymous name and she flips out. If you're like me, you're not seeing anything that would necessarily push a person to kill themselves, right? I mean, we're 8 tapes in, and so far she's dealt with stupid high school drama.

Tape #9 is for Justin again, because Justin is Cuck Deluxe. He doesn't just let guys bang his girl while he watches--no, he lets them rape her as he stands guard. By this point Justin and Jessica are dating. Hannah winds up in a closet at some party and witnesses Bryce, Mr. Brock Turner incarnate (rich white athlete), rape Jessica while she's passed out. All the while, Justin stands outside the bedroom, knowing that his girlfriend is being plowed by his buddy while she's passed out drunk. Hannah just sits in the closet and watches instead of jumping out and yelling at the guy to leave. It's a really fucked up, but ultimately completely ludicrous and unrealistic scene in a show aiming for gritty, raw realism.

Then we come to find out that Hannah and Clay made out at this party, but she ends up going ballistic on him because she started remembering all the rapey things other guys did to her (Bryce grabbed her ass at one point, Marcus tried to finger-bang her, etc). So that's why he's all broken up about her: she gave him a serious case of blue balls.

Tape #10 is for the cute cheerleader Sheri, who's into Clay for some reason. He and Sheri make out, he's about to get some sweet chocolate pie, and then he starts thinking about his dead crush Hannah. Clay isn't at her tape yet, and she spills the news that she is on the tapes. He then goes crazy on her and kicks her out.

Sheri knocked over a stop sign while driving Hannah home from the party where Bryce raped Jessica. Hannah was drunk as shit by that point, but then somehow had the wherewithal to be a responsible adult and call 911 (she's a perfect angel). Sheri, being underage and tipsy, said fuck that and bounced. Maybe two minutes later (hardly enough time for someone to come out and fix the stop sign), Clay's friend gets killed in a car accident at that intersection.

At some point Hannah chops off half her hair because she's all depressed. She goes from being attractive to looking like one of those mushroom heads from Super Mario Bros.

[Image: 3f586668-243b-406d-99dc-5593f2fb618a]

To This:

[Image: 13-Reasons-Why-Netflix-series-Hannah-bak...915523.jpg]

Hannah chose to torture Clay for 10 tapes before giving him #11, only to tell him he didn't deserve a tape, and that she always liked him--like a fucking knife in the heart. Hannah proves what a cold-blooded bitch she truly was, and continues to be from the grave: "I friend-zoned you in life, gave you a pity make out session, but I always wanted to be with you. But, hey, sucks for you, 'cause I'm dead now, sucka!" She also confirms female double-speak by telling him she really wanted him to stay when she snapped on him at the party. He ends up fantasizing over what may have happened had he comforted her instead of leaving her (nothing good, bro), and stands at the edge of a cliff before being talked down by gay Tony. By my count, Hannah has driven two people to nearly kill themselves. She's doing the world a lot of good.

Tape #12 is for Bryce, who didn't satiate his carnal rage when he raped Jessica. Hannah wandered around all alone one night, only to wind up in Bryce's neighborhood. There was a party at his place and Hannah walked in. Everyone was having a good time drinking and dancing. Hannah got into a hot tub with a bunch of people, and then Bryce got in. Then the entire party cleared out, leaving the two of them all alone. It went from an active party to a ghost town in about two seconds flat just so they could set up a plausible scenario for Bryce to rape Hannah, which is what he does, even though the guy gets laid with rape-free sex with no problem, but hey, rape culture, right? This is what ultimately breaks her soul and causes her to kill herself. Instead of leading with this tape, she instead finds a bunch of petty reasons (other than witnessing her friend get raped) to make people feel like shit after she slit her wrists.

Tape #13 is for the worst school counselor in history. In no short terms, Hannah essentially tells him she was raped and is considering killing herself. The dude is a mandatory reporter. They always report the dumbest shit to cover their asses. Instead, he tells her to get over it (kind of like how the MSM reports other school officials handle these situations). It's a total stereotype based on a lie, because no one with a job and reputation to lose would listen to what she said and just tell her to get over it, especially when he's a mandatory reporter.

After she talks to him, she decides once and for all to end it. She goes home, gets in the bathtub, and slits her wrists using razor blades she stole from her dad's store. It's a really graphic scene meant to drive home just how serious the consequences of rape culture and bullying can be. Her parents find her, but it's too late. The selfish bitch didn't even leave a note for mom and dad, instead leaving them to investigate what lead her down that path while suing the school and mourning their daughter's death by acting like total retards throughout the entire show.

By the end, there's an investigation, Clay's mom is on the legal team defending the school against the parents, then it comes out that Hannah made 13 tapes. Then Clay goes on to ask out the gross tatted girl who works at the coffee shop because he's done with the cute cheerleader, and he can only date girls who are as fucked up as he is.

The entire show is predicated on the idea that practically everyone other than Hannah was responsible for her death. It praises lawsuit culture while demonizing normal, everyday bullshit. And, quite frankly, Hannah treated multiple people far worse than they treated her. She deserved a few tapes of her own. By season's end, Alex (blondie pictured above) is being rushed to the hospital after shooting himself in the face. Clay nearly killed himself. Jessica is a wreck because now she knows she got raped while Cuck Deluxe stood guard. The whole show is a giant blame game where the plausible reasons that would lead a person to kill themselves (getting forcibly raped) are presented in an implausible fashion.

The TV Series Thread

That is some scary shit. Nothing like telling a bunch of young viewers that high school drama justifies killing yourself. And that leaving a "scathing message" from beyond the grave will make things right.

"Boy ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it." -Senator Graham

The TV Series Thread

Not sure if it's been mentioned, but I enjoyed the show Banshee. Fun storyline, lots of fights and titties.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-25-2017 06:40 PM)Serious Sam Wrote:  

The entire show is predicated on the idea that practically everyone other than Hannah was responsible for her death.

Exactly. The message is of THIRTEEN REASONS WHY is: nothing bad that happens to you is your fault and you have no responsibility to improve your situation. This is exactly what the target audience wants to hear.

Most of the 'traumatic' things she went through were not that big a deal. Even the rape was ambiguous. She didn't give 'affirmative consent' but she didn't exactly say no or struggle, either. Or report it. The so-called taped confession of Bryce was hardly damning.

Excellent write up, Serious Sam.

The TV Series Thread

I binged watched 13 Reasons Why in a weekend because I suppose the large amounts of Thai food eaten at that time lowered my testosterone via unusually high levels of soy to my diet.

I learned three things from that show:

1. No one cares if a nice, popular jock who goes out of his way to protect and build people up dies in a car crash.

2. The suicide of a girl who killed herself because she was voted "Best Butt" and chose to torture a poor, hopelessly in love beta is so tragic that it warrants lawsuits against every entity in which she was a part.

3. It's only not rape if you are given a notarized consent form prior, maintain a constant reaffirmation that "is this okay?" during, another notarized form the day after declaring that she has no immediate regrets, and lastly, another notarized form no earlier than one month after to allow sufficient time be given to consult with her girlies to confirm that the guy is not, in fact, a loser and therefore not a rapist.

Overall, 1/10. Could have received 3/10 if Clay wasn't the prettiest character (Hannah was pretty but others were almost distractingly ugly) and if the basketball star with the schollie didn't play like he was the MVP of the Special Olympics. That said, I watched it like an addiction and spent another afternoon reading about the show. I was part of the problem. To my slight shame.

On a more serious note, while the series attempts to shine a light on the unknown "hardships" that teen girls (and I'm genuinely not viewing this through a gender-based prism, the boys' issues -- drug dependency, poverty, parental neglect and abuse, their own suicidal thoughts -- are absolutely ignored) endure throughout their schooling in hopes of exposing teachers, admins, and parents to the ugly world of clandestine, subtle school-based bullying to prevent children from taking such drastic measures in the future, the exact opposite has happened. The National Association of School Psychologists issued nationwide guidelines and talking points to teachers for classroom discussion in order to PREVENT others from copying the actions portrayed in the series because many students have interepreted the events as a glorification of suicide.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-25-2017 09:20 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

the boys' issues -- drug dependency, poverty, parental neglect and abuse, their own suicidal thoughts -- are absolutely ignored

Good point. It turns out that teenage boys in the US commit suicide at 5 TIMES the rate of teenage girls. Source.

Worst of all is the THIRTEEN REASONS WHY: BEYOND THE REASONS 'extra' episode that plays after the series. It's a bunch of interviews with the creative team, actors and child psychologists who consulted on the show. They push the rape culture narrative hard. Boys are portrayed solely as perpetrators, guilty from birth. Glad to know we're brainwashing the next generation.

The TV Series Thread

Thirteen Reasons Why sounds like complete garbage.

Thanks for the warning, guys.

Two shows to check out if you haven't already:

The Americans

I'm the King of Beijing!

The TV Series Thread

I am watching The Americans. Currently its the 5th season and the 6th next year will be last one. At most times it has a slow pace but its an interesting portrayal of spies (American and Soviet) during the 80s. Bit untypical as there are almost no shooting, car chases and what not.
Try the first season and see if you like it, then decide.

P.S. There is no SJW stuff in it. Or if there is I must have missed them.

The TV Series Thread

So far, Fargo has proven to be the most impressive series in 2017. Authentic stuff.

Billions (season 2) was also very good. What a magnificent pissing contest!

Can't wait for House of Cards, season 5.

The TV Series Thread

Yes, Fargo has been phenomenal this season. As good, if not better that seasons 1 and 2.

Should not be missed.

I'm the King of Beijing!

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