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The TV Series Thread

The TV Series Thread

Should I waste my TV time on Iron Fist or Westworld? Any suggestions for new shows would be appreciated.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

The TV Series Thread

Westworld was really fun. I enjoyed it. Didn't break any new ground but really amazing production values. Very high budget and it showed, and also some good performances.

I didn't watch Iron Fist but viewers and critics seem to agree that it pretty much sucked.

My personal favorites in this era of "Peak TV" would be the following: Billions, The Night Of, the first seasons of True Detective, Fargo, and Wayward Pines (don't bother past the first with any of these) and also check out American Gods which just premiered this week.

The TV Series Thread

I started Better Call Saul after reading rave reviews; 5 episodes in and I'm kinda bored...

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-02-2017 02:38 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I started Better Call Saul after reading rave reviews; 5 episodes in and I'm kinda bored...

I know what you mean. Sadly the show builds up as it goes, season 1 is dull. Season 2 has more things going on, 3 is good so far.

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The TV Series Thread

The new archer hasn't been as good as the previous seasons I think.

Anyone watch Better Call Saul?

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-02-2017 01:46 PM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

Should I waste my TV time on Iron Fist or Westworld? Any suggestions for new shows would be appreciated.

Watched a few Iron Fist episodes with my buddy. Thought the whole idea behind the show was gay AF but that might be because I'm not too into fantasy

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-02-2017 01:46 PM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

Should I waste my TV time on Iron Fist or Westworld? Any suggestions for new shows would be appreciated.

Westworld is great. The Young Pope is pretty good.

"Boy ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it." -Senator Graham

The TV Series Thread

Rankings of current TV shows that I think are 10/10 that I'm trying to watch:

Bosch -The most underrated show of the last couple years. Currently on season 3. Makes me really miss CA, and makes me want to move back. Great cop show. And if you like The Wire, you get to see Marlo play the "Murder Police." Great actor and he's taking a page from the Bunk -always dressed to the 9's.

Silicon Valley -Politics aside, this show is hilarious.

Better Call Saul -To bring you back to the BrBa days. This season is my favorite so far.

The TV Series Thread

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm already up on Bosch and Better Call Saul. I'll check out Westworld and Billions.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

The TV Series Thread

Better Call Saul certainly has its hit and miss moments. Jimmy's (Saul) interactions with his brother are okay but I much prefer his solo storyline as he establishes himself in law. The romantic storyline with Kim is agonizing to the point that I want to fast forward through her scenes. And with a Vince Gilligan show, you really don't want to skip through but her story arc is just that terrible.

However, I find Mike's storyline enthralling. Perhaps I find it so engaging because it's often juxtaposed to Kim's tedium, but to see how he moved from a Philly cop to cartel cleaner intrigues me to the point where I actually think, "Ah nice, a Mike segment," when I see him on screen. I really enjoyed Saul in BB. His levity was needed when the series turn its dark turn, but I think Mike would have made for the better spinoff.

The TV Series Thread

I really like Bosch too. No ass kicking women so far, although his boss is a lesbian. The case isn't solved in one episode like most cop shows but over the entire season. His daughter is the actress that played Sophia, grambo's dead daughter from Walking Dead. She is going to be 6 feet tall if she keeps growing.

The TV Series Thread

Iron Fist on Netflix was actually really good, most of the poor reviews came from SJWs complaining about "muh cultural appropriation" (white guy who does Kung Fu). IMO, was better than Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, about as good as Daredevil

If you like comedy, and can put up with network sitcoms, Brooklyn 99, The Goldbergs, Speechless, and Bob's Burgers are great.
Now-cancelled but worth checking out: Eastbound and Down, Blue Mountain State, and The League.

Been watching some Britcoms lately, really enjoyed Black Books (about an Irish curmudgeon who owns a bookstore), The Inbetweeners (basically "British Pie" instead of "American Pie"), and Plebs (like The Inbetweeners, but about working-class lads in ancient Rome).

If you like historical stuff, Spartacus, Vikings, and Rome are good.

iZombie is a guilty pleasure.

Oh, and Fringe. Now cancelled, but great show about a mad scientist.

"Make a little music everyday 'til you die"

Voice teacher here. If you ever need help with singing, speech and diction, accent improvement/reduction, I'm your man.

The TV Series Thread

Just started Saul, great show so far, my favorite parts are when he runs these little mini-scams at the beginning of episodes. The fake-rolex-watch-fake-drunk-rich-fat-guy scam was hilarious.

Plus I love their music choices, I'd never heard this Bobby Bare song before but it's a great classic, #15 Country record in 1968 recorded with a British group the Hillsiders:

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The TV Series Thread

I liked Better Call Saul for the first two seasons but I've found season three dull as dishwater. The scenes just drag on and on. I know they're trying to be artsy but it's just boring.

The TV Series Thread

I've noticed in Designated Survivor that the whole show is based on framing the Alt Right as a bunch of white right wing domestic terrorist. Pure propaganda in play. Overall I do enjoy the show leaving that aspect out of it.

The TV Series Thread

I've been watching Brockmire and think it's pretty funny. My favorite line is when the black kid that helps out in the booth gets mad that Brockmire assumed he was gay. So Brockmire says, "Everyone from your generation seems gay to me."

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-04-2017 02:30 AM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

I've noticed in Designated Survivor that the whole show is based on framing the Alt Right as a bunch of white right wing domestic terrorist. Pure propaganda in play. Overall I do enjoy the show leaving that aspect out of it.

The neo-nazi white supremacist is Hollywood's favorite supervillain, with the "Russian mafia" being a close second.

I lived in Brighton Beach, NY for over ten years and you would think I'd have seen a few of these hardened gangsters. The worst I saw was Russian Jews running credit card and medical insurance scams [Image: lol.gif]

The TV Series Thread

Hot Girls Wanted: Turned on is a Netflix exclusive documentary series that's hit or miss, and probably should be considered a series of mini documentaries.

Episode one Holly Randall and Erica lust are female friendly 'high end' pornographers. Randall is a detail oriented Obsessive, Erica Lust is a sex positive SJW who thinks she is achieving social justice with porn. Both are getting making less money because people don't pay for porn, but Erica Lust has more success getting funding for her movies.

Episode two James Rhine throws pool parties and is a 1% king of Tinder in Las Vegas. He's a good looking dude and a minor celebrity, having been on two seasons of USA big brother. His game is tight but with not without mistakes and he pulls 2-3 new chicks a week. The episode also follows two of his bangs, a 7/10 and a 6/10 who both get dumped when they start shit testing after the lay. This episode was really great and could merit a thread on this forum.

Episode three Baily Raine is a cam whore who also recruits girls into porn. She claims to be a sisterhood feminist to the girls. Most of the girls are jaded workaholics. One of the girls she recruits, Bonnie Kinz/Kylie Page is a 8/10 18 year old mega slut whose life is spiraling out of control and has no business being in porn. (Turns out there's a difference between a slut and a whore) Bonnie Kinz starts overdosing on drugs and washes out of porn as Bailey Raine watches and does nothing to stop it.

Episode four interracial porn stars talk about their lucrative niche and about the long term effects of doing lots and lots of viagra and Cialis. One of the dudes recommended eating watermelon for good looking sperm. The talent agent for these stars keeps rights to the scenes and plans to one day launch his own website.

Episode Five Alice, a 4/10 married camwhore in LA (who could be a 7 or 8 if she worked out and got rid of her gunt) has one regular customer who's been paying for her for over 4 years. He's a 30 years old comic nerd virgin night manager who lives in Australia. He pays for her to visit him. Most of the episode is building towards the visit, but once it happens he quickly gets friend zoned. This episode is hard to watch, spending so much time with an omega male is hard to do.

Episode six. An 8/10 Russian 18 year old awaits trial for rape in Ohio because she livestreamed a rape on Periscope. Her defense lawyer says that it's unfair that she should be charged with rape because of technology and laws should be changed. He uses the example of teenage naked selfies being technically distributing child porn. When the rapist takes a deal for 9 years in prison, she loses her chance to plea bargain with testimony against the rapist. When her own case comes up the next year she takes a deal for 8 months in jail and no sex offender registration. Pussy Pass? Might be. When she decided to livestream consensual sex, the girl said "no" when she figured out she was being filmed and the guy kept thrusting and she kept filming.

The TV Series Thread

I finally got caught up on Archer, missed two weeks because remembering a time slot to watch a TV show is something I almost never do anymore. Luckily they put it on-demand so I could catch up conveniently, how nice of them.

I'm honestly pretty bored. I love the aesthetics but the humor and jokes are just weak or not there. I'm so fucking bored of the plot, Cheryl being fake kidnapped has run it's course and I don't want the rest of the season to be about it. I hate that 5 episodes in it still feels like we're setting up the season that will be over by episode 8. Come on Reed, what were you thinking doing these tiny seasons. It feels like nothing is getting done per episode, like it's 1 long episode broken up into a season. Thank fuck Barry and other Barry is back, him, Cheryl, and Krieger are the most funny this season. Malory is so disappointing for the hilarious gem she usually is. Archer is a huge disappointment for the character that used to be so alpha and funny. So far he's been cucked by some random musical group, Pam, Lana, his Mother, some random goon, etc. All in his own coma dream, like...what? Shouldn't he be more successful and alpha for such a decorated war vet battling PTSD?

I'm just so bored of this slow moving plot that isn't particularly interesting to begin with. Why is Archer so caught up in this fake Cheryl kidnapping? He's supposed to be looking for Woodhouse's killer. The whole "1940's racism" and "evil nazis get brutally slaughtered" isn't doing much for me either. I'm not of the mainstream liberal mindset of being obsessed with racism and nazis and I don't need to see simpering white guys or fictional nazis being slaughtered to feel better. At least Lana has had nearly no role in most episodes, she's becoming an annoying unfunny bitch. Oh, and where the fuck is Ray??? Dude had like a handful of lines in one episode; one of the most funny characters and he's just...not there.

The TV Series Thread

Couldn't agree more, in my opinion Archer lost his charm when he stopped being member of ISIS (not that one haha). Damn, I even named my RVF profile after him.

The TV Series Thread

Watched American gods

I'm beggining to develop a growing distaste for Neil Gaiman ,but even more so for modern adaptations of works.
His constant shilling for the underdoggish, bullied odd people out reeks of feelgood crap for social failures (geeks) as well as always vilifying traditional heroic figures. It was funny, new and cute the first time. Now it's frankly fatigating ,to the point that his work reads like a better written Shrek script.

As for the series itself, seems they tripled down on the HBO model of sex and gore, havent read the book so I can t compare but I have my doubts...

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-02-2017 07:32 PM)Monty_Brogan Wrote:  

Rankings of current TV shows that I think are 10/10 that I'm trying to watch:

Bosch -The most underrated show of the last couple years. Currently on season 3. Makes me really miss CA, and makes me want to move back. Great cop show. And if you like The Wire, you get to see Marlo play the "Murder Police." Great actor and he's taking a page from the Bunk -always dressed to the 9's.

Silicon Valley -Politics aside, this show is hilarious.

Better Call Saul -To bring you back to the BrBa days. This season is my favorite so far.


Michael Connelly is my favourite writer, and Bosch is my favourite character that he writes.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-06-2017 04:21 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Couldn't agree more, in my opinion Archer lost his charm when he stopped being member of ISIS (not that one haha). Damn, I even named my RVF profile after him.

I agree that newer seasons don't match the earlier ones, but still an excellent show--especially in comparison to other TV offerings.

The TV Series Thread

Quote: (05-02-2017 10:34 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Better Call Saul certainly has its hit and miss moments. Jimmy's (Saul) interactions with his brother are okay but I much prefer his solo storyline as he establishes himself in law. The romantic storyline with Kim is agonizing to the point that I want to fast forward through her scenes. And with a Vince Gilligan show, you really don't want to skip through but her story arc is just that terrible.

However, I find Mike's storyline enthralling. Perhaps I find it so engaging because it's often juxtaposed to Kim's tedium, but to see how he moved from a Philly cop to cartel cleaner intrigues me to the point where I actually think, "Ah nice, a Mike segment," when I see him on screen. I really enjoyed Saul in BB. His levity was needed when the series turn its dark turn, but I think Mike would have made for the better spinoff.

Mike (Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad) is one of my favorite characters from any recent shows. In a lot of situations, you could do a lot worse than to stop and think "what would Mike do?" No bluster, all competence.

I enjoyed Breaking Bad and the first couple of seasons of Saul, but I haven't started watching the most recent season. Bob Odenkirk is in my penalty box due to spouting off during the election season. I can't continue to support people who actively try to destroy my country. It's a shame because Odenkirk has long been a favorite.

The TV Series Thread

I would have watched a spin off about Jesse Pinkman.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

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