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Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Definitely WB. The right nose job could take her to a 7.5-8 range.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Interracial sex is in her future if I get to her, also the Stairmaster -WB,she is a definitely in need of penis from me. She also needs a nose job, a trainer(looks like she my have one, she seems to have lost weight- however he needs to introduce her to the Stairmaster), and a nutritionist.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

6 for sure- still WB - another niche notch aka politician bang.

She can work off the body fat, but not that face.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Her cheeks hang in front of her mouth. You don't see many people like that.

Figure skater Sonja Henie was famous for it:

[Image: norwegian-figure-skater-sonja-henie-picture-id3270781]

So was Bugs Bunny, and legend has it animator Chuck Jones modeled Bugs' mouth on Henie's.

[Image: Face-Image-Of-Bugs-Bunny.jpg]

So it creates a bit of an uncanny valley.

Just pretend you are banging a robot they didn't get quite right, or a male cartoon rabbit, and you'll be fine.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

She was elected to the House of Delegates again in 2016. She has also promoted concealed carry laws.

I like the Sonja Henie comparison.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (11-06-2014 06:45 AM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Her eyes, nose, and mouth look too squished into her face, or her face is too wide for her eyes/nose/mouth.
Kind of like what grown up Lena joel osmond has going on.
[Image: 154756700-e1382719211268.jpg]


Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (11-09-2014 12:04 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

It's not her gender or lineage I find suspicious but her age.

I thought you were going to say, "She's 20 years old, almost 21, so already getting long in the tooth.. need some fresher meat.."

Or maybe I'm just projecting my own thoughts.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-02-2017 08:37 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

This picture is from 2014 allegedly, but that doesn't line up with what we had back then.

I notice in every single one of these photos, she has reasonably long hair and is wearing a dress, so that's a plus. I hope she doesn't waste her fertility by focusing on her career past 25. She's a southern Baptist, though, which like most denominations is pretty cucked by this point. They're into the grrl power stuff just like the rest of mainstream society. It's sort of a competition; they have to show they're not backward, by embracing feminism just like everyone else.

A lot of church members grow up poor and then take it as a point of pride that they can send their girls to college (which of course logically leads to an expectation that they get a high-powered career, so that the education doesn't "go to waste"; to be a housewife at that point would be viewed as degrading).

I don't see any mention of a husband. Someone needs to slap a ring on this girl and impregnate her. I'm already married, though. Oh well; it's like Henry Makow wrote, sometimes you can only save one.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Here is the guy she can marry. It's Joshua Higginbotham. He was elected to the House of Delegates last year and is twelve days younger than she is.

Here is Saira's page. She has a nice photo there:

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

^^ I'm scared to even imagine the cheeks their progeny would have.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

[Image: blair_saira.jpg]

[Image: hh-animals-muskrat-5?$ProductPgLarge2$]

^There's a certain type of brown-eyed white girl who has "muskrat face..."

From childhood--even without much game--a decent-enough looking dude with blue eyes can have wonderful experiences with these woman... some of the best ever: banging thick white girl bodies, real old-country, mother-of-your-children types (until the culture gets them). Not all brown-eyed, white women have muskrat face, but all muskrat faces have brown eyes. Obviously, WB.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-03-2017 09:43 AM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

[Image: hh-animals-muskrat-5?$ProductPgLarge2$]

Muskrat Facts


For shelter, muskrats will either dig tunnels or construct lodges, depending on the immediate habitat. In areas with steep banks or dams, muskrats will dig tunnels that begin underwater and lead up above the water level, where the chamber can remain dry. In other areas without steep walls or dams, muskrats build dome-shaped lodges out of nearby vegetation and mud

Good homemaker.


Social Interaction: As monogamous breeders, muskrats live with their mates and their young. They are very territorial - especially during breeding season.

Loyal. Good mothers.


Most of the time muskrats mate underwater.

Legislator in the day, muskrat in the bedroom.


Muskrats play important roles in certain ecological systems, as their eating and denning habits create the ideal flat nesting areas for certain birds.

Community minded.

You might have to wait till your thirties to be able to appreciate a muskrat, the musky Venus of the pond.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

It looks like Muskrat Love:

Muskrat, Muskrat, candle light
Doin' the town and doin' it right in the evenin'
It's pretty pleasin'
Muskrat Suzie, Muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug at a Muskrat Land
And they shimmy, Sam is so skinny
And they whirl and they twirl and they tango
Singin' and jinglin' a jangle
Float like the heavens above
Looks like Muskrat Love
Nibblin' on bacon
Chewin' on cheese
Sam says to Suzie
Honey, would you please be my Mrs
Suzie says, yes, with her kisses
Now, he's ticklin' her fancy
Rubbin' her toes
Muzzle to muzzle
Now anything goes as they wriggle
Sue starts to giggle
And they whirled and they twirled and they tango
Singin' and jinglin' a jangle
Floatin' like the heavens above
Looks like muskrat love

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Skip to 18 seconds.

I'd give her a 6

Face is a bit too chubby / weird proportions for my personal taste.

I'd rather have a bit more weight and a pretty face than an uglier face and a tighter body.

edit : WB

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Debeguiled may have pushed this one over the finishing line.

Is muskrat now an official RVF term?

Defined by a hot body offset by a chubby face, the combination of which lowers her SMV but makes her a more stable choice for an LTR or marriage.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-03-2017 07:29 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Debeguiled may have pushed this one over the finishing line.

Is muskrat now an official RVF term?

Defined by a hot body offset by a chubby face, the combination of which lowers her SMV but makes her a more stable choice for an LTR or marriage.

I hope not. Against my will I have been thinking about muskrats too much since this post. I think muskrats have done something to me.

That led to beavers, nutria, and capybaras, and now I am contemplating unholy fivesomes and wondering how to stop.

That was not a post, it was a cry or help, please stop enabling.

Of the four, I think nutrias would win in a death match. They are fierce.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Strong doggy-style candidate, but let's be honest. I routinely bang much worse.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-04-2017 01:16 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Strong doggy-style candidate, but let's be honest. I routinely bang much worse.

This girl is a Chinese 8 to suits after a few micro brews [Image: lol.gif]

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Solid 6. WB for sure. I bet she has real soft skin and is a great cuddler.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-03-2017 07:29 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Debeguiled may have pushed this one over the finishing line.

Is muskrat now an official RVF term?

Defined by a hot body offset by a chubby face, the combination of which lowers her SMV but makes her a more stable choice for an LTR or marriage.

IF muskrat makes it's way into the RVF lexicon... while I agree with the criteria LD Neubache posted above, I need to add one thing:

Brown eyes, or,at minimum (and this is iffy) hazel eyes are a requirement.

I will stand corrected if blue or green-eyed, animal-variety muskrats exist.*

*Signs point to "no" after a google image search.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

What if I wanted to give a capybara a massage. Just a massage. Just a capybara, not even a muskrat. That wouldn't be weird, right?

Full disclosure. I once saw a dead porcupine.

And, asking for a friend, if he wanted to change his forum handle to AquaticM@mm@lluvr you would know it was *ironic* right?

Would you say a beaver is just a *thick* muskrat?

(Please do not like or respond to this post. I am hanging on by a thread here. I can't even go down to the river and take a walk to clear my head. Who knows what come hither brown/hazel eyes I might encounter.)

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

This whole time I've been saving up to run Zebra game when I should really buy a capybara and pocket the extra cash.

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-04-2017 03:26 PM)tarquin Wrote:  

This whole time I've been saving up to run Zebra game when I should really buy a capybara and pocket the extra cash.

Probably a good shout if you're looking for a wing that has caveman game.

[Image: giphy.gif]

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Could you imagine hitchhiking with a capybara? No female could resist you.

[Image: web1_star-capybara_042015db_009_3.jpg]

[Image: enhanced-buzz-5093-1393441832-9.jpg]

[Image: 2B9545F600000578-3207310-image-a-77_1440274237681.jpg]

Maybe not. Unless he's just resting.

[Image: c3d7c84dcf02b06f4fd58d21d0385944.jpg]

Probably just resting. I get the feeling they are pretty chill:

[Image: capybaras-enjoy-the-hot-springs-1024x576.jpg]

[Image: 185670_598016370214050_421392877_n.jpg?w=470&h=313]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hot Conservative 18 yr old Elected to West Virginia Legislature

Quote: (05-02-2017 10:40 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Interracial sex is in her future if I get to her, also the Stairmaster -WB,she is a definitely in need of penis from me.

Careful nobody finds out. Could anger the base and do a number on her career.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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