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First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Damnitt Rex.

This is crunch time. No more need for words. Stop her from only dick jacking, take action and fuck this girl! She wants it. You want it. JUST DO IT!

If you don't you may not get another opportunity for another 20 years. Fucking her may lead to 20 more sluts. So 20 years or 20 sluts. The choice is yours.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Quote: (11-15-2016 04:24 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


cumming as soon as she started stroking your dick

I've done that in the past when a girl grabbed it by surprise. Actually my concern this time was that I was not as hard as I would have liked.

Do you have performance anxiety?

If you're worried about not getting "hard enough", give her a challenge to get you hard.

If you're worried about cumming to soon, Cum then apologize for being so excited(to stroke her ego), then go for a second round. You should last longer the second go.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Quote: (11-15-2016 03:07 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


The "fuck ladder" is real!

[Image: lol.gif]

Obviously there is definitely some attraction, but I am also dealing with my own ego/pride cockblocking myself, and some fears, but I feel good about getting closer.

And the Seinfeld thing really was happening, too. That story was probably based on some real life experience.

Just get some professional help. The source of your fears must be really deep and can only come from a big traumatic event.
Stop bullshiting, your pride and ego are non-existent, you do not have sex for 20 years, there is nothing to be proud about.

I think you will not bang, prove me wrong, and I will be very happy, so do you.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


your pride and ego are non-existent...there is nothing to be proud about

It's possible you might not understand what I meant using those words, though I partly agree.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


Just get some professional help. The source of your fears must be really deep and can only come from a big traumatic event.

I don't think it matters. I've left the past behind.

It's more like some posters in this thread want to dredge it up out of curiosity.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Quote: (11-15-2016 06:08 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


Just get some professional help. The source of your fears must be really deep and can only come from a big traumatic event.

I don't think it matters. I've left the past behind.

It's more like some posters in this thread want to dredge it up out of curiosity.

Everyone needs to get off this pseudo-wannabe-deep-psychological trip already.

Rex, invite her over again and continue escalating. Don't indulge her hamster. Don't ask or explain anything about her willingness (or not) to fuck. Just escalate, if she balks, cool it off, then try again in a few minutes. Repeat till bang.

Report back

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Alright. She's coming over tonight (and I bought the rubbers).

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

My bet is on pg. 14 Rex dips the goldfish in the murky swamp.

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

JK, good luck.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

[Image: 2009-11-12_154001.jpg]

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Quote: (11-15-2016 07:12 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Alright. She's coming over tonight (and I bought the rubbers).

The entire forum membership right now be like:


First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Chicago won the World Series. Trump became President of the U.S. Now Rex is about to end a 20 year dry streak.

We live in beautiful times.

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Its 1am Eastern Standard Time.

This is like the election all over again!

We will find out tonight?

Should I go to bed?

I hope he is fucking her right now!

I'll wait up for another few hours..

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

What are the odds he's finishing on her face right now?

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

It didn't happen. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to update. Need some sleep.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

[Image: vh9isNb4S2Spa.gif]

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

It looks like this former fatty might be raping your time. She probably has body issues and won't get naked. If she won't fuck, maybe you can bounce your balls off her chin or just next her ass.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


If you don't you may not get another opportunity for another 20 years.

Abundance mentality.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Quote: (11-16-2016 08:16 AM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

It looks like this former fatty might be raping your time. She probably has body issues and won't get naked. If she won't fuck, maybe you can bounce your balls off her chin or just next her ass.

I don't know. I get a lot of girls who have nice bodies, but who for whatever reason are insecure about how they look naked. What happens is that when I ask them to take something off, they tell me to turn off the light and that takes care of it. I think I missed reading the part where Rex asked this girl to take something off.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


What happened last night!!!

We need an update!

Please provide as much detail as possible!!

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Waiting in anticipation for Rex's detailed logs is going to be the death of me - fantastic progress.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

[Image: swtn.gif]

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

Here's the summary of many hours:

More makeouts.

Grabbed her by the pussy and massaged it quite vigorously..she got wet and quite turned on, said I was "torturing her", but when I tried to unbutton her pants or reach up her shirt she kept saying no.

She wants an exclusive relationship first and "doesn't do what she did in her twenties." Has "her rules".

She called me "dominant". Liked the aggressive moves.

We talked about things. She's actually more of a traditionalist in some beliefs than I first thought. Made out a bit more.

After many attempts and denials I was tired out.

Plan to try again next week.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?

[Image: 3oz8xLlw6GHVfokaNW.gif]

What are you planning for the next date?

First date in 12 years tomorrow. What do I need to know?


Rex just messaged me..

He was rubbing on her pussy... She got wet.. But....

She wanted a relationship commitment before she would take her clothes off!

So, what is the next step???


Rex and I will talk on the phone tonight.

I will suggest:

- Reframing the "relationship" as "friends with benefits" / "activity partners" (with benefits)


Just flat out telling her that you aren't interested in a relationship and you just want to have fun! ("FUCK BUDDIES")


Of course, she just lost weight and she has probably not been in a relationship in a while and she is afraid that she is going to get taken advantage of and she is lonely and she wants a companion...

I don't recommended lying or being deceptively manipulative.

Playfully layout the terms for her..

Fuck her on YOUR terms.. Or, force her to re-think her "terms" (rules)

If that doesn't work! And, she won't agree to your terms..




Quote: (11-16-2016 03:20 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

She called me "dominant". Liked the aggressive moves.

said I was "torturing her"

She likes you and wants to fuck you but she doesn't want to get "pumped and dumped".

Reassure her that even though you are NOT interested in a "relationship", you do enjoy hanging out with her.

Clearly, you guys have pretty good chemistry and are somewhat like minded.

Quote: (11-16-2016 03:20 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Plan to try again next week.

Yes, keep going!

You have done well!

We will deal with the "last minute resistance" and concern over a relationship.

This is all normal stuff.

We'll talk tonight.

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