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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread


Breaking news! Newt Gingrich plagiarized the Pledge of Allegiance at the RNC!

Also MacArthur: "There is no substitute for victory."

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: Cn2oi81WgAAOh0v.jpg:small]

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:32 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:24 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:06 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Chuck Johnson got video of Michelle Field's fiance pushing him [Image: lol.gif]

This (((Jamie Weinstein))) faggot has such a punchable face too. He claims to be some type of comedian as well as a political pundit. [Image: tard.gif] Bet he pretends to be Jon Stewart on a daily basis.

Wait, I'm confused. The faggy guy whining that "we got it on camera" is the bad guy, right?

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Like everyone forgot that the Republican establishment fucking HATED Ted Cruz and only lukewarmly supported him since it was him vs. Trump at the end.

Trump doesn't win the presidency, you think they're all going to become Cruz missiles next time? fuck you.

Trump wins the presidency, you think the establishment is going to risk losing the White House by allowing a primary challenge? fuck you.

His senate term ends in 2018, here's hoping a champion arises to fuck his shit up in the primary.

I can't even enjoy this Mike Pence speech, I'm still really bothered they even allowed him to speak.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:32 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:24 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 05:06 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Chuck Johnson got video of Michelle Field's fiance pushing him [Image: lol.gif]

This (((Jamie Weinstein))) faggot has such a punchable face too. He claims to be some type of comedian as well as a political pundit. [Image: tard.gif] Bet he pretends to be Jon Stewart on a daily basis.

Wait, I'm confused. The faggy guy whining that "we got it on camera" is the bad guy, right?

No the red haired guy is the good guy, you cannot fault him for his whining, he had been the victim of " Battery" only seconds before. He hadn't been that upset since the day his father died!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The media is working overtime to paint Alinsky as nothing but a author writer and community organizer.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Wait, I'm confused. The faggy guy whining that "we got it on camera" is the bad guy, right?

Haha no, that's Chuck Johnson alt right internet troll extraordinaire. He baited him on purpose.

The guy who pushed him is Michelle Field's fiance Jamie Weinstein. Fields is the one who hoaxed that whole "assault by Trump campaign staffer" thing that was in the news.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I like the Pence pick more every time I see him.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Mike Pence is delivering a spectacular speech which is removing the stain of Cruz's excess of ambition -- literally removing it in real time.

You can't fake good kids -- as good a line as one can write and delivered with deadly perfection.

Trump picked a winner.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Using my megaphone, I helped a brave man today in a gays-for-Trump march:


Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:55 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Wait, I'm confused. The faggy guy whining that "we got it on camera" is the bad guy, right?

Haha no, that's Chuck Johnson alt right internet troll extraordinaire. He baited him on purpose.

The guy who pushed him is Michelle Field's fiance Jamie Weinstein. Fields is the one who hoaxed that whole "assault by Trump campaign staffer" thing that was in the news.

Remember that Chuck never wanted to be part of the story. As the video suggests, he almost fell to the ground, but he was able to maintain his balance. This was backed up by Ben Terris of the Washington Post.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:58 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Mike Pence is delivering a spectacular speech which is removing the stain of Cruz's excess of ambition -- literally removing it in real time.

You can't fake good kids -- as good a line as one can write and delivered with deadly perfection.

Trump picked a winner.

I don't know, "Secretary of the Status Quo" was pretty awesome!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:55 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Wait, I'm confused. The faggy guy whining that "we got it on camera" is the bad guy, right?

Haha no, that's Chuck Johnson alt right internet troll extraordinaire. He baited him on purpose.

The guy who pushed him is Michelle Field's fiance Jamie Weinstein. Fields is the one who hoaxed that whole "assault by Trump campaign staffer" thing that was in the news.

Actually, I knew this. My post was tongue in cheek. I wasn't familiar with Chuck before, but I know the whole Michelle Field saga. I just think that having a chubby omega like Chuck provoke a fiance to defend his woman is nothing to brag about.

I get the irony, but it's lame in principle, and worse on video.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Pence's speech was masterful!

Quote: (07-20-2016 09:08 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Eric Trump looks like a new Aryan Fuhrer. Slick blonde hair yelling into the mic. Better speaker than the Donald(s).

Not really. I think Don Jr. was better. I give Don Jr.'s speech 9.5/10, and Eric 8/10.

Eric's speech was very good, but not as extraordinary as Don Jr's. Don Jr. was more personable, humanized, relatable, relaxed, and at the same time, more powerful, more Trumpian. Eric I think was a bit too stiff, too tense, and too... neat. Don Jr. has more stutter, but that's precisely his appeal. Also, Eric's volume is a bit too high and too monotonous, not enough variation. It was high and solemn all the time without the soft intervals. While there were definitely good highlights, it almost feels like he was reading straight through, instead of talking, like Don Jr. While Eric was more technical, appearing more professional, in fact Don Jr.'s style requires more presence of mind, more comfort in front of a crowd.

But even if you measure him by Hilter's standard, he's not nearly there yet. Love or hate Hitler, he was one of the most powerful speakers ever. Evil or not, there was in Hitler's speeches steel and thunder, felt conviction and indignation, a demonic energy and magical touch that is simply absent in virtually every contemporary speaker. But that is not the kind of speaking style we need in this convention. We don't need a Blitzkrieg Fuhrer who breathes fire and storm. We need someone to humanize Trump and make him less scary, like Don Jr.

Eric is still a sharp and terrific guy. No arguing that.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Pence is a great running mate.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Agreed - not a knock against Eric, but I noticed right away in (and before) the primary season when Don Jr. spoke at rallies or gave interviews - he's much smoother and more comfortable in that setting. Is definitely a future politician if he wants to be.

Also, feel way better after that Pence speech, wow. Great guy. The stain and shame of El Rato is starting to fade though I'm sure that'll be ALL OVER THE FUCKING NEWS THE NEXT 24 HOURS GOD DAMMIT

I'm afraid of being underwhelmed tomorrow night, you've had some great oratory the past few days but we're getting Teleprompter Trump... it's just not the same. Still anticipating what he says, for sure (would love if he took the high road, didn't mention Hillary once by name and just talked all this good optimistic shit since it's been all doom-and-gloom, Democrat-and-Hillary attacks the first 3 days.... nah, he needs to mention Crooked Hillary)

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 10:00 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Using my megaphone, I helped a brave man today in a gays-for-Trump march

Holy shit bro, that was hilarious. I liked the grin at the end; the result of knowing that you did a good job!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I'm just catching up....

I can't believe they let that faggot Cruz speak.

You know he was a snake Mr. Trump, you read that poem enough.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Trump camp during the Cruz speech at the end:

[Image: Cn20eT8UEAAhydp.jpg:small]

He done fucked up

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I just watched the last 2 minutes of the Cruz speech. He is a rat. You can see it on his face. He is a child and a sore loser. He looks like a kid who got bullied then was put in a position with the upper hand and wants revenge.

Ted Cruz ate that moment up but anybody who can read a vibe knows he gave off the vibe of a rat. It was that obvious.

People will remember what he did tonight. He could have simply refused to speak but he went lower than ever before.

Trump was pissed, and possibly embarrassed. Did you guys see how red his face was?

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Ted Cruz...I mean, HRC tweeted this:

Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
Vote your conscience.
8:26 PM - 20 Jul 2016

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Trump does not reward disloyalty. Goodbye any chance Cruz had of being on the Supreme Court. What a rat.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-20-2016 10:54 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Trump camp during the Cruz speech at the end:

[Image: Cn20eT8UEAAhydp.jpg:small]

He done fucked up

[Image: attachment.jpg32708]   

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I watched the Mike Pence speech with a US Senate Staffer who revealed just how much of a Treasonous dishonorable Cuck Cruz is. My friend received a text from associates on the Convention floor and revealed that Cruz prepared remarks were 9+ minutes - he was given and scheduled for 10 minutes and TOOK 23 minutes screwing up the timing for Eric, Newt and Mike Pence and sabotaged all of their speeches, timing and cadence on National TV.

This El Rato piece of Cruz needs to be defeated in his home state and relegated to a backwater Judgeship on the border judging Mexican Narco-Terrorists drugs gang members who hate pompous Cuban Canadians looking over his shoulder for his personal safety the rest of his life. The closest he should ever be allowed to get to his dream of a Supreme Court appointment is an appointment with a DC tour bus where he can wave to the DC landmarks while driving by the Supreme Court wondering what was the single most telling moment in his life that he committed career suicide. Roger Stone said he would not have let fat Dracula on the stage - at least fat Dracula Cruz drove a stake through his own selfish cucking heart.

At least Trump now knows who his loyal allies and biggest enemies are - Cruz is now a bigger enemy than Hillary Rotten Crooked Clinton.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread


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