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NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

This game is disrespectful to Nazis!

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

The Jews have a clear advantage don't they? Even though the Nazis have britzkreig and Auschwitz, the Jews could get very creative with how they use Anne Frank, so the Nazis could never deal the final blow, kind of like how WWII played out in real life.

Edit: Shit, I just realised that this sounds like I wish the Nazis did deal the final blow. I don't.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-10-2016 08:21 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2016 06:33 PM)Delta Wrote:  

“I think an incident like this underscores and highlights a number of different issues," Cohen said. "One, the trivialization of Nazis, Hitler and anti-semitism by teenagers. I think it underscores the critical need for Holocaust education.”

Critical need??

The Holocaust is covered ad nauseum in American high schools and universities.

Yeah, no shit.

Hollywood has probably killed more Nazis than WWII.

It's been a nonstop barrage of "you're either with us or you're Hitler" rhetoric. It's been hashed and rehashed so many times, there's even a law named after bringing up WWII (and Hitler) in an internet argument.

I'm so fucking sick of hearing the "so-and-so is literally Hitler" accusation. Why not spice it up a little bit? Why not use Genghis Khan, Hirohito, Mussolini, Sultan Abdulhamit, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, Theodoric the Goth, Charles Martel, or any of the other historical figures you'd never know of because you were born after their time and you had to get that information from books, your grandparents, or the mass media?

It won't be long until no one alive was involved in WWII (or even remembers it as an event). Will the Hitler polemic go away then or will we get more care trolls pretending to have experienced the events through osmosis? How much time has to pass until people can shut up about the Holocaust? It seems like people already quit giving a shit about 9/11 and it's only been 15 years since that happened.

Given the amount of Somalis in my neighborhood, the media brainwashing has done a great job in getting people to compartmentalize 9/11 in such a way that they don't associate the attacks with Islam, yet everything nationalistic is considered "bad" and "the Nazis totally did that you're not a Nazi are you?". Against immigration? Get the fuck out of here you Nazi.

Laughably, every statistic I see about "deaths due to terrorist attacks" always start after 9/11 and do not include it, probably because the added death toll of 3,000 might raise your blood pressure a bit.

Were Americans trolling during WWII about racism and owning slaves? The same amount of time has passed between the Civil War, WWII, and today.

[Image: smiley_beat_dead_horse2.gif]

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-10-2016 07:37 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

"Alcoholocaust" is hilarious.

Indeed it is. Highly recommended.

Alright, slightly off-topic there, but I'd also like to mention that Jim Jefferies made some stellar appearances on O&A, too. Funny as fuck.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

This is hilarious. It's nice to see there are still kids who have a sense of humor and don't give a fuck about being offensive to the professional victim brigade. The most telling part is that there were Jewish kids playing this and she, a non jew, is the one to get offended on their behalf. Good on these kids and I hope the whole school ostracized this cunt.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

There is a broader cultural issue that plays a big part here. A tone is set. My perspective is a very local one. We have a child at the school. These parties are sadly routine and constant. There is a group of parents who actively support underage drinking and promote it vocally. They are 'enlightened'. The school principal is well aware, the Police Department is well aware, but they look the other way because its a rich,'elite' town and they are afraid to rock the boat. Asleep at the switch. The problem is that we know that many of these kids then drive home (hold your comments - no designated driver sometimes) and put others at risk. This is a school administration that will try and run out the clock on this until the noise dies down - unless pressure is put on them to address the culture that has been created and reinforced.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

They really should charge them with underage drinking just to hammer it home that YOU DON'T FUCKING TAKE PICTURES OF ILLEGAL THINGS THAT YOU'RE DOING AND POST THEM ON THE FUCKING INTERNET YOU FUCKING MORONS!

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Illegal? edit: Oh, right, the drinking.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-10-2016 08:21 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2016 06:33 PM)Delta Wrote:  

“I think an incident like this underscores and highlights a number of different issues," Cohen said. "One, the trivialization of Nazis, Hitler and anti-semitism by teenagers. I think it underscores the critical need for Holocaust education.”

Critical need??

The Holocaust is covered ad nauseum in American high schools and universities.

To the point where you risk being denied tenure for acknowledging that most Germans were not crazed anti-Semites. And forget about acknowledging some positives that were brought to Germany under the Nazi leadership. Hell, crediting the Autobahn to the Nazis is damn near career suicide.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-10-2016 07:53 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

That Ponder chick sounds like a bitch. I wonder what she looks like.

Better have some eye bleach ready:

[Image: img_1464.png?w=768]

[Image: img_2164.jpg?w=2383&h=2317]

[Image: img_3286.jpg?w=520&h=519]

[Image: img_3487-1.jpg?w=768]

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-11-2016 01:34 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

This is hilarious. It's nice to see there are still kids who have a sense of humor and don't give a fuck about being offensive to the professional victim brigade. The most telling part is that there were Jewish kids playing this and she, a non jew, is the one to get offended on their behalf. Good on these kids and I hope the whole school ostracized this cunt.

Yep. How ironic that in combating what she perceives as anti-Semitism, this girl is tangibly fucking up the lives of Jewish individuals.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Quote: (04-11-2016 06:47 AM)Hannibal Wrote:  

Yeah, no shit.

Hollywood has probably killed more Nazis than WWII.

It's been a nonstop barrage of "you're either with us or you're Hitler" rhetoric. It's been hashed and rehashed so many times, there's even a law named after bringing up WWII (and Hitler) in an internet argument.

I'm so fucking sick of hearing the "so-and-so is literally Hitler" accusation. Why not spice it up a little bit? Why not use Genghis Khan, Hirohito, Mussolini, Sultan Abdulhamit, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, Theodoric the Goth, Charles Martel, or any of the other historical figures you'd never know of because you were born after their time and you had to get that information from books, your grandparents, or the mass media?

It won't be long until no one alive was involved in WWII (or even remembers it as an event). Will the Hitler polemic go away then or will we get more care trolls pretending to have experienced the events through osmosis? How much time has to pass until people can shut up about the Holocaust? It seems like people already quit giving a shit about 9/11 and it's only been 15 years since that happened.

The irretrievable fact is, to the American psyche, the Nazis and everything they stand for the personification of evil, the synonym of everything that is bad and immoral and ugly in this world. They embody the holy trinity of SJW causes: Racism, sexism, homophobia. That attitude is held far more religiously, ironically, than in the European lands that Nazi Germany actually affected; I would wager that a hullabaloo of this sort would not exist were a group of students in the Netherlands — a country that did come under German occupation — were seen to be playing this game. Much of the ire towards the Nazis in the rest of the English speaking world came as a result of US pop culture — much of our animosity was against Japan; to this day, many Australian POWs who did time in Asia will not buy a single Japanese product. To say nothing of Asia itself, where Japan killed more Chinese than Hitler killed Jews.

I can't really explain such strong feeling towards Nazism, which aren't logical — Germany didn't launch a single offensive operation against the American mainland, in fact both countries only went to war pretty late in the game, in 1941. I mean Japan did attack US soil, and committed far more atrocities against US POWs. But the Nazis still take first place.

But the fact is that despite the comparative body count that Genghis Khan or Attila boasted, their atrocities are far, far too lost in the midst of time to rate an iota of controversy in our feelings. And Stalin, Pol Pot? No-one can explain why the towering evils of Communism have just faded from our care.
Indeed, Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto and The Motorcycle Diaries are on the must-read list of students as a trendy badge of honour. Che Guevara may have been every bit a murderer as Heinrich Himmler was, yet the former's face proudly adorns the T-shirts of young progressives throughout the West — I will applaud your bravery if you survive walking through a college campus with a T-shirt bearing the image of the latter.

More to the point, the swastika, a symbol of luck and protection, has been irretrievably rendered taboo by That Most Evil Organisation. Despite in use not just in WW1 by the Allies:
[Image: sen1564h.jpg]
But as the totem of my grandparents' religion for thousands of years:
[Image: 6c11d2f859c50b49dca8524fe1615fe0.jpg]

There's nothing that can be done to dislodge the repute of that ambassador of the extreme Right.

Live with it.

NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Literally like anudda shoah!

Gevalt, gevalt! SHUT IT DOWN.


NJ teens in hot water for Holocaust themed beer pong

Who didn't get invited to beer pong night?

"The woman most eager to jump out of her petticoat to assert her rights is the first to jump back into it when threatened with a switching for misusing them,"
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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