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The Donald Trump thread

The Donald Trump thread


"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Trump just hit 47%.


He keeps creeping upwards. I'm hoping for 50.1%. It would be symbolic

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Trump just hit 47%.


You rang ?

[Image: NO3xhrQ.gif]

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:23 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

I'm surprised the superficial media hasn't picked up on this, but the fact is, Trump simply looks more presidential than his rivals.

I wasn't a huge Romney fan, but lets face it, he LOOKED Presidential. He could win an acting role for President.

Trump LOOKS like an American President.

That helps.

Cruz looks like he's going to try and pull one over you. I'm not saying looks are everything, but in an election, it changes a few percentage points, let's be honest.

Nothing wrong with saying that. Look at every presidential election since 1960; I'd argue each person who went on to become president exuded more power and/or charisma than his competition.

Jimmy Carter won because well, Gerald Ford was Gerald Ford; Bush Sr. crushed the limp-wristed Dukakis but was then bested by smooth-talking Slick Willy; and yeah, you can argue correctly that Ford lost due to the Nixon years & Bush was irreparably damaged by the Ross Perot 3rd party candidacy, or maybe this is a bit of a "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy on my part, but it seems to me there's a strong correlation between candidate strength & victory in a presidential election.

I'd argue Romney was the closest but the Obama charisma train was still running at full steam, bit of an incumbent's advantage there.

The Donald Trump thread

You know what this calls for??!

[Image: 7102_ivanka081506_03.jpg]

[Image: ivanka_trump_photo_19.jpg]

[Image: Ivanka-Trump-Hot-48.jpg]

[Image: 153107.jpg]

[Image: 153113.jpg]

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread

Live stream of Ted Cruz headquarters:

[Image: 1456295345441.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:23 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

I'm surprised the superficial media hasn't picked up on this, but the fact is, Trump simply looks more presidential than his rivals.

I wasn't a huge Romney fan, but lets face it, he LOOKED Presidential. He could win an acting role for President.

Trump LOOKS like an American President.

That helps.

Cruz looks like he's going to try and pull one over you. I'm not saying looks are everything, but in an election, it changes a few percentage points, let's be honest.

Just watched Rubio in some interview. Only seen him on stage before. Rubio is a short puffy face latino with a gay lisp, it is not easy to imagine him trying to act as the POTUS. It would almost be too obvious he was a stooge.

The Donald Trump thread

I propose a new holiday: "Shit on a Cruzbot's face day"

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

The Donald Trump thread

Here's a nice Melania:

[Image: 1456295289298.jpg]

Imagine how triggered SJWs will be when she's the first lady.

The Donald Trump thread

Apparently Huntsman was speaking very highly of Trump a few days ago. Endorsement pending?


Huntsman praised Trump’s “build here first” philosophy in terms of infrastructure, remarking that the U.S. should practice what it preaches abroad. He also embraced Trump’s rhetoric on campaign finance reform and the influence of money in politics, saying that the Manhattan real-estate mogul is “right about bringing aboard a new generation of the best and the brightest and wiping out the old Washington establishment and the old Washington culture.”

"He’s going to look at the barriers that stand in the way of actually getting it done, like the Electoral College system, like the difficulty in getting ballot access to all 50 states, which is an enormous hurdle for an independent to get over, and probably the exclusive nature of the presidential debates themselves, which pretty much cater to the duopoly, red and blue, Republican and Democrat,” Huntsman said. “That’s a real hurdle for independents if they’re left out of the presidential debates.”

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:34 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Just watched Rubio in some interview. Only seen him on stage before. Rubio is a short puffy face latino with a gay lisp, it is not easy to imagine him trying to act as the POTUS. It would almost be too obvious he was a stooge.

Where do you think he'd put his cigar. . . ?

The Donald Trump thread

Marco won.

Tump's victory is nothing but Zionist propaganda!

The Donald Trump thread

Twitter right now:

[Image: 7007c6a.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread

I love how Milo Yiannopoulos calls Trump "Daddy" lmao

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread

I saw a good point in the NYT's coverage of the caucus tonight.

A lot of other rich businessmen will be looking at Trump's campaign and saying to themselves "why can't I do that too?"

Expect a lot more maverick businessmen running for party nominations in the future?

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:37 AM)Prince of Persia Wrote:  

Apparently Huntsman was speaking very highly of Trump a few days ago. Endorsement pending?


Huntsman praised Trump’s “build here first” philosophy in terms of infrastructure, remarking that the U.S. should practice what it preaches abroad. He also embraced Trump’s rhetoric on campaign finance reform and the influence of money in politics, saying that the Manhattan real-estate mogul is “right about bringing aboard a new generation of the best and the brightest and wiping out the old Washington establishment and the old Washington culture.”

"He’s going to look at the barriers that stand in the way of actually getting it done, like the Electoral College system, like the difficulty in getting ballot access to all 50 states, which is an enormous hurdle for an independent to get over, and probably the exclusive nature of the presidential debates themselves, which pretty much cater to the duopoly, red and blue, Republican and Democrat,” Huntsman said. “That’s a real hurdle for independents if they’re left out of the presidential debates.”

If Hunstman endorses Trump it will be yuge help in Utah, the only state where Marcosoft RubioBot leads in the polls

I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump use Huntsman when dealing with Chyenuh

Also of note, im willing to bet like Hollywood there's a huge chunk of silent Trump businessmen supporters, Phil Ruffin and Steve Wynn was at his winning speech tonight and Wynn has been giving Trump campaign advice

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:34 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:23 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

I'm surprised the superficial media hasn't picked up on this, but the fact is, Trump simply looks more presidential than his rivals.

I wasn't a huge Romney fan, but lets face it, he LOOKED Presidential. He could win an acting role for President.

Trump LOOKS like an American President.

That helps.

Cruz looks like he's going to try and pull one over you. I'm not saying looks are everything, but in an election, it changes a few percentage points, let's be honest.

Just watched Rubio in some interview. Only seen him on stage before. Rubio is a short puffy face latino with a gay lisp, it is not easy to imagine him trying to act as the POTUS. It would almost be too obvious he was a stooge.

Agreed, theres no one left on either side that comes off as presidential, besides Trump. Cruz comes off as a used car salesman, Marcosoft comes off as an office worker who spends his off hours roaming truck stops looking to give out blowjobs.

The Donald Trump thread

The rat has fallen below 20%.

Rodents everywhere on suicide watch.

The Donald Trump thread

Trump will make America great again just by getting elected:

[Image: 11gsrv6.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread

Huff Po has Trump crawling up to 46.9% wiht only 19% of precincts reporting

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread


Trudeau won't be letting any of these Americans in, too busy with the Syrian refugees.

Fuck, America gets Canada's ambitious and brightest talents and in return Canada always gets these hippies and leftist losers. No thanks send them to Mexico

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:52 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  


Trudeau won't be letting any of these Americans in, too busy with the Syrian refugees.

Fuck, America gets Canada's ambitious and brightest talents and in return Canada always gets these hippies and leftist losers. No thanks send them to Mexico

Send 'em to North Korea, where they can live out their days in their joyous and equitable socialist wonderland once and for all!

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

The Donald Trump thread

[Image: 1456296503692.png]
[Image: 1456296509702.png]

The Donald Trump thread

Post all the twitter rage you can find.

It gives the Donald more energy.

The Donald Trump thread

Trump back down to 46% and Cruz back up to 20%.

Get it together, Nevada.

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