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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Just got flaked on by a Peruvian 20 yo Tinder chick. As I was about to confirm, five minutes before heading out, she sends me "hey I have some problems and can't go out. Can we go out tomorrow or friday night?". "Maybe we can do friday", I responded. I'll obviously flake back. Already got a 31 yo MILF lined up for tonight instead. [Image: banana.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Set a date, time.
I had a feeling she would flake so I stayed put.
I knew I was staying put but wanted to check her temperature.
Me: I'm heading out. See you at 7.
Her: Hey sweetie - just wanted to flag that I'm heading to an auto mechanic because my engine check light just came on and it's blinking non stop.

I didn't bother responding.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Well at least she tried to reschedule with you pipercub which is pretty rare with these bitches nowadays. Play along and ask her to make it worth your time or something. If she is really sorry she will come thru. If not then at least you avoided a tine wasting hoe.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-01-2016 09:24 PM)toejam Wrote:  

Set a date, time.
I had a feeling she would flake so I stayed put.
I knew I was staying put but wanted to check her temperature.
Me: I'm heading out. See you at 7.
Her: Hey sweetie - just wanted to flag that I'm heading to an auto mechanic because my engine check light just came on and it's blinking non stop.

I didn't bother responding.

So let me get this right. That bitch bullshit flakes on you saying her check engine light all of a sudden came ok blinking and that she is going to the mechanic at 7pm at night. Damn it's 49° out here in LA but damn these bitches are just plain cold.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

one girl flaked on Monday, saying her mother had cancer and she wanted to stay with her family.

One day after: adds new pics on her AUM profile, and srops responding to SMS though she was very talkative the two days before.

Eat shit, girl. Had 2 dates planned for Thursday, flaked on the less interesting one and went out with the other. No makeout but a definite day 2 incoming and a good vibe between us.

There is no flaking, only a lack of options.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Had a date tonight that I wasn't 100% committed on, but I would have mustered the motivation if she was into it. Deep down, though, I didn't want to go so I sent out a feeler text to gage.

me: worked late looking more like 830
her: no response

*delete number*

Off the hook.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Had this 21 y/o punk girl scheduled for today morning. We had already met twice in the course of 10 days for crazy sex.

Yesterday I called her at noon to confirm I would pick her up at hers. I went to bed early. Today, I wake up around 6 and turn on my phone's data. A message from her sent last night arrives through WhatsApp: "Whatever you hear or read first, it is urgent that you call me, urgent for us to call me".

I call her and directly to voicemail (I know she has shitty reception in her area). Call her 40 minutes later, voicemail. Another 30 minutes, it goes through but she doesn't pick it up. Maybe she is taking a shower. Call later, same thing she wouldn't pick it up (the thought of she deepthroating me starts to vanish).

(Yeah, kill me) I called a couple times again and voicemail again.

Oh well, she wasn't that hot anyway. Now radio silence until I return from my trip.


The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-06-2016 11:15 AM)topdog Wrote:  

Had this 21 y/o punk girl scheduled for today morning. We had already met twice in the course of 10 days for crazy sex.

Yesterday I called her at noon to confirm I would pick her up at hers. I went to bed early. Today, I wake up around 6 and turn on my phone's data. A message from her sent last night arrives through WhatsApp: "Whatever you hear or read first, it is urgent that you call me, urgent for us to call me".

I call her and directly to voicemail (I know she has shitty reception in her area). Call her 40 minutes later, voicemail. Another 30 minutes, it goes through but she doesn't pick it up. Maybe she is taking a shower. Call later, same thing she wouldn't pick it up (the thought of she deepthroating me starts to vanish).

(Yeah, kill me) I called a couple times again and voicemail again.

Oh well, she wasn't that hot anyway. Now radio silence until I return from my trip.


Where the fuck is your abundance mentality man. U actually called her like a little bitch. She caught you in her thirst trap/web of games. Notice how you called her over and over again as if you had nothing better to do that day then worry about her. Girls love playing dramatic games like this to see how far you will bend over backwards for them.

One call back to her and leaving a voicemail would have been enough.Then she would call you back when time permits. But you kept calling and calling.
She probably screenshotting and showing her friends how desperate you are by calling her so many times. I've met plenty of fucked up bitches who do this and it's like a game between them and their friends while they ignore you and have you wondering what the fuck is going on. Don't fall for that trap anymore.

Honestly all you really should have done was text her saying "What's Up".
That shows you are cool and calm before she tries to dump her dramatic bullshit on you.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

^^^^ truth here.

Definitely wouldn't have called and just said "what up" and left it at that.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

"Whatever you hear or read first, it is urgent that you call me"

Urgent is what TopDawg responded to. She made it sound like an emergency or something serious. Still I would have called once and left a voicemail. Who knows what happened but her? Maybe we'll find out soon.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

I feel the flake tingles brewing. Girl asked if I was free tonight on Thursday. I told her yes, meet me at xxx, wear yyy. She asked a follow up question, I answered and then she never responded. Probably pushed a little to hard and spooked her. The spot is a place I have on lock so I'm gonna swing by tonight anyway and see but my hopes are not high.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Didn't read all the posts but all the flakes seems to be Bisounours level [Image: tongue.gif].
My flakes from Porto Alegre :

'Sorry when I got off the bus yesterday I tore my ankle I can't see you for a week' 3rd time flake.

A girl that I had been texting for 2 weeks. We live at 30 min apart.
Her: I'm in your area for a football match with my parents visiting. Let's meet after.
Me: Ok
4 hours later
Her: The match was great blablablablabla.
Me: Let me guess, you just went back home.
Her: Yes, why ?
Me: Date after the match, remember ?
Her: Blablablabla, parents, blablabla

The Oscar to.
Her: I was at my friends' 4 years old brother funeral.
Me: no problem. blabla (I had the feeling that it was fake)
Her: Let's meet next Monday.
Me : Cool.

Her: I arrived late sorry cannot come out (2nd time flake)
Me: No problem.

2 days after.
Me: I'm free this thursday, let's meet up.

Ghosted. We lived 2 min apart.

I have a 2 words relationship with a girl with whom nothing happened when I was in brazil (she was only bored and curious):

Her: Hello
Me: Hello

3 weeks later
Her: How are you?
Me: Good.

3 weeks later
Her: Still in brasil?
Me: Yes, let's meet up. (I was not)
Her: No, I can't travel.
(we lived 30 min apart)

Are all the gauchas shitty girls? When I arrived in Brazil, I had heard about the reputation but didn't care ... I should have.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

God these flakes are annoying. It's hard not letting it get to you as it seems every girl has the potential to flake out of your life at any moment. You just can't replace them as fast as they can move on [Image: dodgy.gif]

Had a date set up today with a 19 y/o latina engineering major from tinder. She was super responsive the entire week. She helped carry the conversation and was asking more questions than me, which was refreshing. I tried experimenting with more random comfort building by sending a lot of funny pics (the funny pics and video thread is a goldmine) and she was loving it. When I seeded the date, she said "I'm looking forward to it" with a bunch of smily faces. Lo' and behold 2 hours before our mini golf date she texts saying...

HB Latina: "Sorry to cancel last minute but can we reschedule? I've been sick this weekend and still don't feel well"
Balkan: "that's fine. hope you feel better. I'm free this wed and thur night, do either of those work?"

^I consider that a sincere flake but irregardless she didn't respond. In retrospect, I should've picked up the phone and called right then or left out the "I'm free this wed and thur night, do either of those work" bit as it comes of needy trying to instantly reschedule. Any advice welcome

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

I would have called her and said eat a cough drop and get your little funky ass over here fuck mini golf we can watch a movie. If she refuses go ghost.

When convincing or arguing I've learned to stay away from texting it's way too easy for both parties to read something into the interaction or to exaggerate miniature squabbles into something finite.

Rescheduling in that first reply was kind of lame also as you noted.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-07-2016 11:21 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

HB Latina: "Sorry to cancel last minute but can we reschedule? I've been sick this weekend and still don't feel well"
Balkan: "that's fine. hope you feel better. I'm free this wed and thur night, do either of those work?"

In my experience the best way to respond to these texts is to demote the girl from potential date to hang out buddy. If a girl flakes (i.e. cancels with no immediate reschedule proposal) then I'm not going to set aside anymore time from my schedule for her. But she's welcome to come along with me to do something I was already going to do.

Here's what my response would be:
"k- i've got a booked couple of weeks but let me know if you've got a free night and I'll see if I can bring you along"

You did all the heavy lifting by setting up the first date - you don't even know this girl, why would you spend any more energy planning or rearranging your schedule? Being willing to do so communicates low value.

If she does reach out to you then just bring her along on some errands or take her to see a band you'd want to go see any way, or whatever.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-07-2016 11:37 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2016 11:21 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

HB Latina: "Sorry to cancel last minute but can we reschedule? I've been sick this weekend and still don't feel well"
Balkan: "that's fine. hope you feel better. I'm free this wed and thur night, do either of those work?"

In my experience the best way to respond to these texts is to demote the girl from potential date to hang out buddy. If a girl flakes (i.e. cancels with no immediate reschedule proposal) then I'm not going to set aside anymore time from my schedule for her. But she's welcome to come along with me to do something I was already going to do.

Here's what my response would be:
"k- i've got a booked couple of weeks but let me know if you've got a free night and I'll see if I can bring you along"

You did all the heavy lifting by setting up the first date - you don't even know this girl, why would you spend any more energy planning or rearranging your schedule? Being willing to do so communicates low value.

If she does reach out to you then just bring her along on some errands or take her to see a band you'd want to go see any way, or whatever.

maybe its me, can you rephrase? sounds like a good one some of us can use

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-06-2016 07:00 PM)atlantis974 Wrote:  

Didn't read all the posts but all the flakes seems to be Bisounours level [Image: tongue.gif].
My flakes from Porto Alegre :

'Sorry when I got off the bus yesterday I tore my ankle I can't see you for a week' 3rd time flake.

A girl that I had been texting for 2 weeks. We live at 30 min apart.
Her: I'm in your area for a football match with my parents visiting. Let's meet after.
Me: Ok
4 hours later
Her: The match was great blablablablabla.
Me: Let me guess, you just went back home.
Her: Yes, why ?
Me: Date after the match, remember ?
Her: Blablablabla, parents, blablabla

The Oscar to.
Her: I was at my friends' 4 years old brother funeral.
Me: no problem. blabla (I had the feeling that it was fake)
Her: Let's meet next Monday.
Me : Cool.

Her: I arrived late sorry cannot come out (2nd time flake)
Me: No problem.

2 days after.
Me: I'm free this thursday, let's meet up.

Ghosted. We lived 2 min apart.

I have a 2 words relationship with a girl with whom nothing happened when I was in brazil (she was only bored and curious):

Her: Hello
Me: Hello

3 weeks later
Her: How are you?
Me: Good.

3 weeks later
Her: Still in brasil?
Me: Yes, let's meet up. (I was not)
Her: No, I can't travel.
(we lived 30 min apart)

Are all the gauchas shitty girls? When I arrived in Brazil, I had heard about the reputation but didn't care ... I should have.
yeah sounds like some of my flakes

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-08-2016 04:31 PM)toejam Wrote:  

maybe its me, can you rephrase? sounds like a good one some of us can use

That's not the literal phrase I use - it's a little different with every girl depending on what our interaction was like up until that point. Try and rephrase it in your own words but keeping the general sentiment. You want it to be firm without coming off as hurt or bitter. It's the concept that matters, not the specific language.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Not sure if this counts as a flake.

Met a sexy Dominican with a huge ass and big tits. Flirt for awhile make a date Saturday. She text me early that day she doesn't feel well. I say "We'll meet up some other time, then." She says no I want to meet you. Well, few hours later she says her friend is coming along. I don't bother responding, and just make plans with my main. Writing was on the wall when she told me she was feeling sick. I don't show up. She text me the next day. I tell her that was bullshit I'm not meeting her out with her friend. She says "We had a great time, though." My last words were "I'm glad you two had a great time."

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Got flaked on tonight by a 42(!) year old MILF from online. She told me she liked to talk on the phone, so I spent about a half hour talking with her last week and set the date for tonight.

I sent her a text right before I left and told her I was going to be at the bar in about a half hour. She texts me back:

"Oh shit. Didn't you get my text this morning?"

(haha of course not because you never sent it)

"I was going to call you but I thought it was too early."

(wtf you had all day)

I text her back a little while after: "ok maybe another time"

Then she tries to call me. I reject her call and delete her number.

There's no way I'm going to listen to you yammer lies at me on the phone after you give me some bullshit. If you were 22 maybe I'd listen to what you had to say, but flaking a half hour before a date after I took the time to talk with you on the phone is unforgivable. You are way too old to be running flake game like you're a girl half your age.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

^^ that's a brilliant mindset.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (02-09-2016 11:34 PM)SydneyD Wrote:  

^^ that's a brilliant mindset.

Banging a 28 year old over the weekend makes the mindset a lot easier.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Indian girl tells me she has to go to lecture instead. bye bye now

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

My last flakes:

Sorry, I have to work late tonight (28 yo)
Sent me this 2 hours before the meeting

Sorry, I have to do something with my mom (20 yo)
Sent me this 1 hour before the meeting

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Got flaked on by some 8/10 chick from daygame who flaked back in December. Back then she said she had some "personal things she had to figure out first", which I assumed was a boyfriend she didn't tell me about.

Hits me up on valentines day with some random ping. I pick it up from there, ask her if she's still with her BF and setup a meeting for tonight.

I text her today

"we still on"

"oh I'm so sorry I forgot that I need to go to finland. Been soooooooo busy I forgot to tell you"

"busy? get yourself 3 assistants. One who does nothing, the other who does nothing, and the other who manages your time"

Heading to Russia next week. Should be interesting to see how much they flake VS. eastern Euro (but still in EU) girls

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