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Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Hi everybody!

For the next academic year I want to study abroad,in Europe.

I want to use the following period to study what I always wanted and also use it as my golder era with girls.

If someone wants to know what golder era means,read this article:

I want to be in a city that is specially good for men,like in this article is defined:

The discussion about that article was finished around two years ago,I think is time to keep the debate again

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

I think you should do your own research and make your own choice about where to go.

All information needed is already available here on this forum and if not you could just google it.

If you do this you can't go wrong.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

You need to make a shortlist of cities in which you can study whatever it is that you want to study. Once you have a shortlist of cities, use the search function to find information about them.
No need to create any more "what's the best city for x?" threads - it's all right here on the forum already.

About the 'golden era' that you're hoping for - it's more dependent on yourself and your confidence than it is on the city in which you're living.

If you just want to bang a lot of girls, you could try visiting the Philippines. Most of the feedback indicates that it's a very easy place for any guy to get laid.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Quote: (01-21-2015 03:30 PM)Satoshi Wrote:  

I think you should do your own research and make your own choice about where to go.

All information needed is already available here on this forum and if not you could just google it.

If you do this you can't go wrong.

Quote: (01-21-2015 04:04 PM)DaveR Wrote:  

You need to make a shortlist of cities in which you can study whatever it is that you want to study. Once you have a shortlist of cities, use the search function to find information about them.
No need to create any more "what's the best city for x?" threads - it's all right here on the forum already.

About the 'golden era' that you're hoping for - it's more dependent on yourself and your confidence than it is on the city in which you're living.

If you just want to bang a lot of girls, you could try visiting the Philippines. Most of the feedback indicates that it's a very easy place for any guy to get laid.

thank u guys

I understant that but there's always useful to hear other's people opinion who have been there.

I discard Western Europe,so I will decide between Spain or Eastern Europe.

Spain would be the last option because I want to get out of my confort zone as much as I can.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

See where the Spanish people are going. Do not go there.
See where the Spanish people are not going. Go there.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

^^ This.

I would say Barcelona is one of the best cities in Europe to study abroad, but since you are already from Spain, I highly do not recommend it.

Pick a place where you will be exotic looking and different. (i.e. I studied in Spain, blonde hair/blue eye American. Did pretty well. Somewhat different looking.)

Maybe London, Paris, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Budapest or possibly some cities further in Eastern Europe if that's an option. Somewhere in Scandinavia is also an option: Stockholm, Sweden, etc. Or a smaller city in one of these countries as these bigger cities have great international presence making one less exotic.

Only problem with you going to a place where you do not look like the locals will be that most of these places will be very cold in the winter (assuming that's when you would be studying). I'm also assuming you appear Spanish, or else you can disregard some of what I have said.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

If I were you, I'd consider Poland highly. Possibly Czech Republic.

I'm of course making stereotypical assumptions about a Spaniard. And I very much agree with Wreckingball's standards.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

There's so many threads like this one lately...

I'd first put the emphasis on how good the course and uni actually is, over the girls, partying etc. If you are going to get some higher education, make sure it's from a good school where you will likely land a high paying job in your field of study when you're finished. Poland has some decent masters in many fields, they're cheap and they're taught in English. Germany might be your best bet if you're doing something in STEM. At the end of the day, the best courses are probably in WE, get your degree/masters or whatever and then cash in and later focus on girls. If you're a 6ft 7 handsome guy like you wrote in your posts before, you should have no problems pulling anywhere.

EDIT: If money is not a problem, I'd recommend the UK, they have top universities and most masters are only a year long instead of 2 like in Spain and most of Europe.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Focus on your studies and networking.

It may sound lame, but please trust me. The value you put into yourself while young will grow exponentially and in ten years you will be happy, rich, and still fucking 22 year-olds.

Or you could one of those guys married to a sow in middle America always remembering that semester abroad.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Quote: (01-22-2015 05:03 PM)AldoKelevra Wrote:  

^^ This.

I would say Barcelona is one of the best cities in Europe to study abroad, but since you are already from Spain, I highly do not recommend it.

Pick a place where you will be exotic looking and different. (i.e. I studied in Spain, blonde hair/blue eye American. Did pretty well. Somewhat different looking.)

Maybe London, Paris, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Budapest or possibly some cities further in Eastern Europe if that's an option. Somewhere in Scandinavia is also an option: Stockholm, Sweden, etc. Or a smaller city in one of these countries as these bigger cities have great international presence making one less exotic.

Only problem with you going to a place where you do not look like the locals will be that most of these places will be very cold in the winter (assuming that's when you would be studying). I'm also assuming you appear Spanish, or else you can disregard some of what I have said.
thanks! I think Barcelona would be a good place but since I'm spanish,wouldn't be so challenging for me.

I discard countries of western Europe,since the cost of tuition goes from 10.000 pounds per year in the uk,and the cost of living is much higuer than in Spain.

Quote: (01-23-2015 05:15 AM)Orson Wrote:  

If I were you, I'd consider Poland highly. Possibly Czech Republic.

I'm of course making stereotypical assumptions about a Spaniard. And I very much agree with Wreckingball's standards.
tell me more,why Poland and Czech Republic ?
Quote: (01-23-2015 08:50 AM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

There's so many threads like this one lately...

I'd first put the emphasis on how good the course and uni actually is, over the girls, partying etc. If you are going to get some higher education, make sure it's from a good school where you will likely land a high paying job in your field of study when you're finished. Poland has some decent masters in many fields, they're cheap and they're taught in English. Germany might be your best bet if you're doing something in STEM. At the end of the day, the best courses are probably in WE, get your degree/masters or whatever and then cash in and later focus on girls. If you're a 6ft 7 handsome guy like you wrote in your posts before, you should have no problems pulling anywhere.

EDIT: If money is not a problem, I'd recommend the UK, they have top universities and most masters are only a year long instead of 2 like in Spain and most of Europe.
my field will be about health and wellbeing(physio)

Speaking about a top university to get a high paying job at the end,I think that there's no middle in between,either you go to a good university or you just go to a random one to study what you like.

To get a good job is much based on contacts than in the university itself,but to be honest what my concept of good university is,is that they have more based on practical education(they're not theorical as in most),and you get access to good practices after.

As I said I discard high tuition cost and high cost of living,so I think EE would be a good option

Quote: (01-23-2015 09:28 PM)C2W Wrote:  

Focus on your studies and networking.

It may sound lame, but please trust me. The value you put into yourself while young will grow exponentially and in ten years you will be happy, rich, and still fucking 22 year-olds.

Or you could one of those guys married to a sow in middle America always remembering that semester abroad.

Im in Europe xD,and I don't believe in marriage anymore so that probabiliy reduces to 0 haha

As I mentioned above,my field is not something like economics,financing banking or STEM,so I'm not so sure that going to a top university in western will pay off,knowing that at the end what you get is what you've been working for.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Tuition is free in many Western European countries and as a citizen of an EU member state you can work without any restrictions.

For example:

Scotland is also free but missing on the above list.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

more counseil about it? [Image: smile.gif]

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Turku or Oulu, Finland if you can take the cold. 90% of employers only know Finland due to its education system, so they think you went there and got a high class education rather than partying your ass off like many other ERASMUS kids do.

Except you did party your ass off. And fucked 15 different European girls. All under the guise of a good education.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Quote: (02-16-2015 08:19 PM)Aer Wrote:  

Turku or Oulu, Finland if you can take the cold. 90% of employers only know Finland due to its education system, so they think you went there and got a high class education rather than partying your ass off like many other ERASMUS kids do.

Except you did party your ass off. And fucked 15 different European girls. All under the guise of a good education.

thanks! do you have refferences about the baltic countries?(their studies reputation)

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Quote: (02-17-2015 05:02 AM)aguirre Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2015 08:19 PM)Aer Wrote:  

Turku or Oulu, Finland if you can take the cold. 90% of employers only know Finland due to its education system, so they think you went there and got a high class education rather than partying your ass off like many other ERASMUS kids do.

Except you did party your ass off. And fucked 15 different European girls. All under the guise of a good education.

thanks! do you have refferences about the baltic countries?(their studies reputation)

Not as good. I assume you're worried about the price... Finland's education is completely free, but living there is relatively expensive. If you're lucky you're able to get subsidized housing from the government for 250euro a month though (super cheap).

However University of Tartu in Estonia is pretty good, but that's the only one I can really think of that is relatively prestigious.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

And Stockholm School of Economics in Riga?
Sounds like Scandinavian quality in baltic affordability.

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Charles University is the oldest in Central Europe. It is large and is located in central Prague. It also ranks in the top 300 in the world - significantly better, depending on the field of study.

A full list of Central of Eastern universities rankings, found here

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

As you see from my last link, the BEST rated universities in Central Europe are in Prague, Brno, Ljubijana (Slovenia).
The University of Warsaw maybe ranks well, along with Budapest (closer to 500). Beautiful Wroclaw ranks lower.

This ought to focus your city selection. And thus, narrow down your choices.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Help me to choose a city to study in Europe

Copenhagen has a pretty good university and free from what I've seen, lot of international students and the Danish girls are tinder works pretty well there.

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