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The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Guys seriously this isn't a hard thing to do.

Especially the fact that he was writing an article about it.

If your job was to transform your body and write an article about body transformation and that was your main objective for 3 months don't you think you could do that too? Unless you're a useless, lazy piece of shit then maybe not but any man with any type of dedication and will power to better himself and his body can do this.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-21-2015 06:23 PM)Benoit Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2015 05:43 PM)civpro Wrote:  

Looks like the author had a little chemical help

No. If you can't get that lean over a 3 month period you're either seriously fat or not even trying.

In just 12 weeks he goes from a skinny-fat marshmallow to ending up with bigger delts, lats that seemingly weren't there before, developed abs & serratus, all while getting shredded and losing upwards of 8% bodyfat, trying a dubious 'Warrior Workout' program as part of a 'journalistic investigation' into a juice-soaked bodybuilding culture for... a style magazine. HMMM... MAKES YOU THINK.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

If be curious to know the stats on his weight loss.

I sometimes wonder if I made a mistake doing
Starting Strength when I did, and I should have cut down much more than I did prior to that bulk. Sure, I put on a lot of size, but it's slow going getting rid of the fat. If I lose 1 lb. per week I'm happy.

I've come across that author's blog before. Basically, he's pointing out what we all know, how the gay influence has gone 100% mainstream with regard to the images we now see of men's physiques. Not that it matters if it was originally a "gay thing", since women are creatures of the herd and they'll just want what they are culturally programmed to want.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

All I'm thinking is "Fuck off with these made up words of yours".

Spornosexual? Get the fuck out of here.


The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-21-2015 09:42 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I see a lot of shorter guys going for this look; which I think is a mistake. Yeah, they look good in naked photos without anything to scale against but it makes them look absolutely tiny in a real life, physical space taken up sense.

The same is truer to a lesser extent with taller guys too.

A couple of such short lads were in the gym this morning; I honestly felt I could have broken them in half they looked so scrawny.

Maybe it's a generational thing (possibly inspired by social media where abs photos are the must have) like the author says; at 33 I prefer get out of my way sheer size.

Yeah, size wins out in my experience as well (although you will definitely get diminishing returns past 200 or so at average height).

Women's attitudes towards male physiques is a perfect example of, "Watch what they do, not what they say." Women (and a depressing amount of borderline-fag men) like to obsess over the "Brad Pitt in Fight Club look". The reality that never gets called out is that this look is iconic not because it's great, but because it was Brad Fucking Pitt. The same build looks completely unremarkable on your average dude, especially when you're wearing clothes, and not standing shirtless covered in sweat and blood, looking like a badass.

In street clothes, the Fight Club look is basically indistinguishable from "average guy who does not lift" look. In contrast, guys with thicker builds appear more powerful, fit and imposing all the time, whether clothed or naked. In my opinion, this trend of trying to become as lean as possible is frankly evidence of the increasing feminization and homosexualization of young men. Instead of an entire generation of guys trying to look like Arnold, we've got an entire generation of guys trying to look like gay porno twinks.

My advice: lift heavy and carry around as much mass as you can while keeping your body fat reasonably low (not obsessively low like these fags).

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-21-2015 08:08 PM)civpro Wrote:  

In just 12 weeks he goes from a skinny-fat marshmallow to ending up with bigger delts, lats that seemingly weren't there before, developed abs & serratus, all while getting shredded and losing upwards of 8% bodyfat, trying a dubious 'Warrior Workout' program as part of a 'journalistic investigation' into a juice-soaked bodybuilding culture for... a style magazine. HMMM... MAKES YOU THINK.

Go back and look at the comparison picture I posted earlier.

In his before picture he's slumped down and to the side, his arms are close to his body. In the after picture he's stood up straight, flexing, arms wide and lats flared. Muscles don't magically disappear just because they're covered by a layer of fat.

If he was taking steroids he should demand a refund, because he could have got identical results without them. Anyone can get lean without losing too much muscle with a solid exercise and nutrition plan.

High intensity workouts based around the big lifts:

Throughout my first session with Walker — a punishing, non-stop bombardment of squats, chin-ups, dead lifts, press-ups, shoulder presses and rows — I spend the hour attempting not to throw up. After our second — a leg-obliterating succession of squats, lunges and dead lifts — I take 20 minutes to walk to a destination Google Maps tells me is approximately 500m from the gym.

Three months of a brutally restrictive diet:

Walker tells me I “no longer eat breakfast. From now on, think of it as ‘Meal One’.” On some days, my ‘Meal One’ consists of chicken and spinach. Alcohol is verboten in this new world, as are carbohydrates. As is sugar. As is fruit. I am restricted to one coffee per day.

There's a quote about steroids right there in the article, unlike 'traditional' bodybuilding, the culture he's reporting on is not one that makes heavy use of steroids:

Something that strikes me about the process is that no-one in the gym — not Walker, nor any of the other trainers — has made any passing reference to steroid usage. Not in passing, not as a joke, not at all. I ask Walker about them. “Steroids get used more by people who’re looking to get massive,” he says. “There just aren’t as many of them about at the moment. But what the young lads, the 19, 20, 25-year-olds, are jumping on at the moment are the aggressive fat strippers. Things like ephedrine, clenbuterol, ECA.”

There is nothing to think about. The featured transformation is 100% achievable without chemical assistance.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

You can believe what you want but I stand by what I said. Without drugs you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time in appreciable amounts on any timeline, much less 12 weeks, which is what happened here. And in 12 weeks you cannot go from the worst starting point possible - untrained skinny fat with shit hormonal profile at 18-22% bf - to fucking shredded at 8-10% bodyfat. Sorry, just doesn't happen. And fuckin LOL, who cares what THEY said about steroid use? You realize that bodybuilding is a sham industry built on a mountain of lies? Last night I went out and pulled 3 supermodels back to my place and had a foursome. You believe me, because I said it, right?

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Something tells me that your ideal bf% will also depend on the climate and geography.

Things are going to be totally different in LA versus rainy England.

It makes more sense to be ripped in hot countries like Brazil, where you might be walking around topless every day and hanging out at the beach.

Do Russian blokes care about getting lean? I doubt it. In a cold place, general imposing size is going to get you more attention.

It's a tricky one.

I personally feel more powerful when I'm bigger, but that anabolic feeling you get when you're ripped (with some muscle!) is a great one to experience.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-22-2015 10:45 AM)civpro Wrote:  

You can believe what you want but I stand by what I said. Without drugs you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time in appreciable amounts on any timeline, much less 12 weeks, which is what happened here. And in 12 weeks you cannot go from the worst starting point possible - untrained skinny fat with shit hormonal profile at 18-22% bf - to fucking shredded at 8-10% bodyfat. Sorry, just doesn't happen. And fuckin LOL, who cares what THEY said about steroid use? You realize that bodybuilding is a sham industry built on a mountain of lies? Last night I went out and pulled 3 supermodels back to my place and had a foursome. You believe me, because I said it, right?

You are still operating from the mistaken belief that he built a lot of new muscle. Even with all the photoshopping, the pictures are evidence that he got smaller but more defined.

I will repeat that if he needed steroids to achieve those limited results then something went wrong.

If you can't read between the lines of that quote, which is essentially a list of exactly which drugs you should take to achieve the same results in a shorter time by 'cheating' then I don't know what else to say.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-22-2015 10:45 AM)civpro Wrote:  

You can believe what you want but I stand by what I said. Without drugs you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time in appreciable amounts on any timeline, much less 12 weeks, which is what happened here. And in 12 weeks you cannot go from the worst starting point possible - untrained skinny fat with shit hormonal profile at 18-22% bf - to fucking shredded at 8-10% bodyfat. Sorry, just doesn't happen. And fuckin LOL, who cares what THEY said about steroid use? You realize that bodybuilding is a sham industry built on a mountain of lies? Last night I went out and pulled 3 supermodels back to my place and had a foursome. You believe me, because I said it, right?

If hes of a fairly average build, lets say 5ft 10 and 170lbs, its quite reasonable to assume he could lose 15lbs of fat over a 12 week training period, given he was in such bad shame to begin with. That accounts for by far the biggest change in his appearance.

Even with ideal lighting, and a better pose, he doesn't look any bigger in the 'after' photo. That means hes probably noticeably smaller than he was before, in real life in a tshirt.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-22-2015 11:08 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2015 10:45 AM)civpro Wrote:  

You can believe what you want but I stand by what I said. Without drugs you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time in appreciable amounts on any timeline, much less 12 weeks, which is what happened here. And in 12 weeks you cannot go from the worst starting point possible - untrained skinny fat with shit hormonal profile at 18-22% bf - to fucking shredded at 8-10% bodyfat. Sorry, just doesn't happen. And fuckin LOL, who cares what THEY said about steroid use? You realize that bodybuilding is a sham industry built on a mountain of lies? Last night I went out and pulled 3 supermodels back to my place and had a foursome. You believe me, because I said it, right?

You are still operating from the mistaken belief that he built a lot of new muscle. Even with all the photoshopping, the pictures are evidence that he got smaller but more defined.

I will repeat that if he needed steroids to achieve those limited results then something went wrong.

If you can't read between the lines of that quote, which is essentially a list of exactly which drugs you should take to achieve the same results in a shorter time by 'cheating' then I don't know what else to say.

Agree with Benoit here, the author cut his fat but gained very little muscle (newbie gains) the rest are lighting and photoshop. used to have a 12 week transformation contest and you'll see far more impressive submissions from amateurs out there.

Watch this 4 minute video for before/after photos from a 5-hour "transformation":


The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Maybe, I am a "Spornosexual" ?

I really want to look good. I really want to have a nice body. I am obsessed with my abs. I really want to be attractive to young women.

Maybe, this is because I am insecure?

I spend a lot of time working on these things. I buy healthy, fresh food. I spend time cooking and preparing this food. I workout almost everyday. I recently bought a whole new wardrobe.

I try to stay well groomed with my hair, skin, teeth, etc.

I just bought a few pairs of stylish winter boots.

Guys on this forum have helped me to find clothes that fit properly and colors schemes that work for me.

To be honest, it has been a lot of fun learning how to make myself more attractive to young women.

As a 39 year old man who primarily dates 18-24yo girls, I need an edge, I need something that makes me stand out from the crowd. I need major swag. I need to "pop"!

My body often gives me that edge which allows me to date women half my age.

Quote: (01-20-2015 11:30 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I'm impressed how the author got into that kind of shape in only 12 weeks. I must be doing something wrong...

You are probably not eating as well as he did.

He only had 4 "cheat meals" in 3 months.


That is not easy!

-- Keep in mind that this guy probably dieted specifically for this photo-shoot. He likely did not eat any carbs at all for a few days before this photo shoot and possible worked out before the photo shoot, on an empty stomach. These are some of the tricks that allow people to look good in their "after" photos.

Quote: (01-21-2015 12:00 AM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Either I'm doing something wrong, or something's wrong with me or both?

Again, the difference is likely a very, very strict diet.

Quote: (01-21-2015 08:20 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I put on a lot of size, but it's slow going getting rid of the fat.

"Bulking and cutting" is only one strategy for getting a better physique.

Most guys don't have to dietary, nutritional, and exercise expertise to properly "bulk and cut".

"Bulking and cutting" is an advanced bodybuilding strategy that requires specific knowledge and expertise.

And, its often not very healthy. The huge swings in weight put unnecessary stress on the body, stretch out the skin, create belly fat, stress the internal organs, puts pressure on our back and knees, etc.

Guys who are not trying to be bodybuilders might try other strategies.

Quote: (01-22-2015 10:45 AM)civpro Wrote:  

Without drugs you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

I must respectfully disagree.

If I eat a lot of healthy food (lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, oatmeal, vegetables, fruit, etc)

and, at the same time...

I work out hard. (consistently increasing weight and volume)

I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-21-2015 08:58 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Yeah, size wins out in my experience as well (although you will definitely get diminishing returns past 200 or so at average height).

Women's attitudes towards male physiques is a perfect example of, "Watch what they do, not what they say." Women (and a depressing amount of borderline-fag men) like to obsess over the "Brad Pitt in Fight Club look". The reality that never gets called out is that this look is iconic not because it's great, but because it was Brad Fucking Pitt. The same build looks completely unremarkable on your average dude, especially when you're wearing clothes, and not standing shirtless covered in sweat and blood, looking like a badass.

In street clothes, the Fight Club look is basically indistinguishable from "average guy who does not lift" look. In contrast, guys with thicker builds appear more powerful, fit and imposing all the time, whether clothed or naked. In my opinion, this trend of trying to become as lean as possible is frankly evidence of the increasing feminization and homosexualization of young men. Instead of an entire generation of guys trying to look like Arnold, we've got an entire generation of guys trying to look like gay porno twinks.

My advice: lift heavy and carry around as much mass as you can while keeping your body fat reasonably low (not obsessively low like these fags).

The large exception is if you live a sunny warm climate with a large beach culture. Young hot chicks go for tans and definition (even to the point of frailty) over a bigger guy with a barely visible 4 pack has to be over 90% probably 95%+ of the time.

In SoCal I'd rather be extremely tan, lean, and much smaller, than much bigger, less defined and less tan.

Same with Florida, Rio, etc... I am assuming.

Talking about attracting young hot chicks 18-23yo.

Quote: (01-23-2015 03:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I really want to look good. I really want to have a nice body.

I really want to be attractive to young women.


As a 39 year old man who primarily dates 18-24yo girls, I need an edge, I need something that makes me stand out from the crowd. I need major swag. I need to "pop"!

My body often gives me that edge which allows me to date women half my age.

^^ Gio is nailing it. For young hot American girls having a six pack and a great tan especially if you are older, but really at any age is a BIG FUCKING DEAL to them.

When I get that lean I am going to invest in some professional taken surf photos, have many with me shirtless and put a few on my phone. If I am on a date with a young chick I will be sure to say hey check out these cool surf photos my friend took so they can see my lean body. I am not kidding, this will help you get laid.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Gonna call bullshit as well. It's been scientifically proven you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

I think this is a big problem with society nowadays. They're pushing a self image for dudes thats almost impossible without steroids. When I started lifting I expected to see results after 3 months. Nope. 7 years Later and I'm barely at my ideal weight and image to where I can say this is where I want to be. 7 years of training 6 days a weeks and eating clean 70% of the time.

Anyway besides that I do see more fit guys around. I think it's a good thing even though it's more competition. Kind of a bummer sometimes when you see really fit good looking dudes with average or plain Jane women. See a lot of Australian dudes this way.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-24-2015 06:11 AM)xxMarco Wrote:  

Gonna call bullshit as well. It's been scientifically proven you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Do you have a source for that?

I've only been lifting for two months but my arms appear bigger and my lovehandles/belly have shrunk. You can definitely lose weight while gaining muscle.

What's your diet like?

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

It is most definitely possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

I think people get this misconception from bodybuilders and their followers; sure it may not be possible when carrying huge amounts of muscle and already low body fat but for 99% of people it is doable.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques

Quote: (01-24-2015 06:11 AM)xxMarco Wrote:  

Gonna call bullshit as well. It's been scientifically proven you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

What research has proven this?

I have a few DEXA scans of myself (plus actual increase in strength lifts) that show otherwise.

Obviously while cutting, you won't gain a huge amount of muscles, and vice versa, but it is entirely possible for both to happen at the same time.

The Spornosexual - A New Standard in Men's Physiques


The comments are pretty funny

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