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Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:29 AM)Saladin Wrote:  

Good post. Educated Muslim immigrants who are high earners rarely cause trouble.

Not true, many if not most of homegrown terrorists in Europe have been educated.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

I haven't read the interview yet. But - red pill author - Michel Houellebecq has a new novel out in which he imagines what France will be like if Islam ever takes over the country.

His book was already a big talking point in France, and will only be more so in light of these attacks.

I think Michel has slipped in a clever piece of trolling in the title of his new novel.

The novel is called 'Submission' and it imagines what France would be like in the event of a takeover by Islam.

A lot of people will look at the title of the book and assume it is a provocative description of Islam, and the goals and beliefs that underpin the religion.

'Submission' is a very loaded word in the West, and hardly suggests a friendly and tolerant religion.

But here is the clever thing that will catch out those liberals who will see the title as unnecessarily inflammatory.

"Islam" literally means "Submission" in Arabic.

[Image: Problem-transportation_o_119834.jpg]

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:19 AM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

There's a lot of generalization in this thread. The problem in Europe isn't Islam; its radical and fundamentalist Islam.

Thing is while WE at RvF may know that, I'm am sure the people on the ground in Europe DON'T.

THAT'S the danger, We haven't advanced/matured far enough as a species to prevent another Cromwell or Robespierre from coming to power again.

Isaiah 4:1

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

People who have no concept of freedom of speech should not be living in a democracy

There is a serious war in our culture vs. freedom of speech and thought. And liberals are more than happy to fly the flag of censorship and opression.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Here's the thing these retards don't realize - they come to the West because they hate the 3rd world conditions of their native lands, and have basic human desires for economic opportunity, and have no idea what creates the economic opportunity/prosperity. They refuse to assimilate into Western society and accept certain personal freedoms and liberal democracy. They would like nothing more than to turn a western European country into a Muslim state...they still think southern Spain belongs to them. Here's the thing though - if they achieved their caliphate dream and kicked out or enslaved all the Christians, Atheists, and anyone who didn't drink their particular brand of sky wizard kool aid, they would rapidly find the conditions of the country deteriorate and become just as much a shithole as any other Muslim country. Islam has completely failed at integrating into the modern world.
I can't wait until we shift from a petroleum based economy and they go back to herding camels. As much as I sympathize with all the oil patch guys who would have to find a new line of work.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

First of all - what the fuck does that mean that I have to censor myself just as to not insult Muslims? The magazine actively made fun of both Jews as well as Muslims and called them the Untouchables:

[Image: Charlie_Hebdo_2012-09-19_n4057_Intouchables2.jpg]

They know exactly from the German Turkish immigrant test-run in the 1970s, that Muslims hardly integrate. The Turks there were not radical, but they still remained in the bottom rungs apart of the German society for decades after several generations. Heck - the Christian Africans integrated 100 times better all around Europe.

Islam does not need to be a State religion completely dominating everything, but currently it is. And that won't go away. Radicalization won't go away since it has been well fostered and even supported by elite circles ever since Kissenger and Brzezinski.

And don't mistake the real ruling bodies with the political figureheads - the true elite is well aware of the fact that further non-compatible immigration will result in more conflict:

So what will happen? I believe that the 3rd World War has already begun by 9-11. It is a non-conventional war between the Islamic world against - well against everyone else. What has been going on in the Islamic countries in Africa is not a coincidence - former NATO commander general Wesley Clark:

Since the Islamic countries will not submit to the planned global hegemony the plan seems to be their destruction - yes even Saudi Arabia will have to go sooner or later. I believe that the Islamic world will be utterly and completely wiped out in one way or another.

What will happen with the Muslims living in Europe? A total Orwellian surveillance state and Judge Dredd justice system will "adequately" address the issue. The remaining moderate and peaceful Muslims won't have a chance to effect real change.

I still remember the Muslim taxi-drivers celebrating as the news about 9-11 came out. I knew then that shit will be going down and they won't be celebrating in the end. Because effectively regardless of the "muscular, masculine, aggressive, growing" Muslim faith - they are utterly without any chance whatsoever against the the sheer financial & technological power of the Judeo-Christian-Asian-Atheist alliance. In the end I foresee a time where all Muslim countries are either completely destroyed or so much Westernized in culture that they are identical to the West - the same will be happening with the current Muslim citizens living in the West. So far countries have been overly tolerant and accomodating - they can equally be tyrannical. If you don't think that the government is able to control everyone you are wrong - mandatory implanted chips for everyone alone would solve that little problem, where you have to be under constant surveillance and need the chip to access everything. That chip by the way is not even SF - it could be done today, just the people won't accept that yet - but who knows - after 20 years of civil war most people might say - fuck it.

I probably have to move to Paris for a while and it pains me to see scenes like in Mogadishu there, but I am not overly concerned - going with an Uzi on dates won't be necessary anytime soon.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 10:05 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

I've obviously warned about attacks like this in the past. I take no pleasure in being proven correct, but perhaps now those who thought I was being alarmist, racist etc... will be more willing to listen to what I'm saying.

The key message is this: Islam is completely incompatible with Western civilization. You have to choose between them. Do you like your freedom of speech? Your liberal traditions? The separation of church and state? Tolerance of opposing viewpoints? That's good if you do. But Islam stands for none of these things. Islam is not simply a religion, it is an entire form of society that encompasses religious, cultural and political traditions entirely alien to the Western man.

The reality is that attacks like this are going to continue over the next few years in Europe, fueling an increasingly radicalized and popular right wing reactionary movement. Within a few years these movements will have the popular support to take over most European governments. The only question is whether or not the existing liberal power structure in Europe will go quietly in elections, or if they will use illegal means to squash right wing parties and attempt to hold onto power. If the latter happens, there will be civil war in Europe, as right-wing reactionary movements will wage guerrilla campaigns against both their leftist governments and all immigrant populations.

It seems to me that Americans have fantasy's about europe becoming muslim and an uprising to kill/drive out muslims.

In my opinion the biggest threat to European society is the amount of American ideas that are coming here: Gay rights, fat acceptance, junk food culture, divorce, suing culture, feminism etc...

It's kind of ironic that you believe this is a clash of cultures, because the Muslims who cause all the trouble (wahhabi) are the ones the USA has supported for the longest time and allowed to spread their dangerous form of Islam.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

oil is now 50 bucks a barrel. if the trend continue hoperfully those islamic terrorists will lose their blackmail potential in a near future

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:19 AM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

There's a lot of generalization in this thread. The problem in Europe isn't Islam; its radical and fundamentalist Islam.

Nonsense. Radical Islam attracts fanatics from all sorts of backgrounds, not just the "poor and downtrodden" Muslims as many would have you believe. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the #2 guy in Al Qaeda, comes from a family of doctors and scholars for chrissakes. The 9/11 hijackers were educated, as well.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 09:37 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (01-07-2015 08:02 AM)Brotein Wrote:  

I train with some Muslim guys and one thing that is very clear is that you should not make fun of Islam or their culture or they will lose their shit. They are all tough as hell (chechens).

This is a clash of cultures: millenial liberal westerners poking the most aggressive high T men on the face of the planet. Attack their religion or culture and you can expect a fight on your hands.

I am an atheist and a tough dude, but I step around this topic when talking to them.

Yeah sure, these guys are real billy badasses up until the point a more well equipped, civilized, and organized people gets tired of their bullshit and runs them into a shallow grave.

An example is how Russia pounded the ass of the Chechen capital Grozny into dust until all that's left is child soldiers, prostitutes, and a few independent cells running around taking hostages and strapping bombs to their chests.

Or how about Xinjiang province? Xinjiang has loads of overly aggressive and even allegedly outside equipped men just like this but China does not put up with their shit. When they act up killing Han Chinese the media will cover the "massacre" and plaster it all over the place to mobilize majority opinion against the terrorists. Then the PRC secret squad will be rounded up to kick down doors and parade off the insurgents (and their families) to be beaten with broken truncheon handles and then they get to carry a little wooden sign before being shot in the head. It works. You get a few rounds of terror here and there but it keeps things from blowing up it full fledged insurgencies.

Or the historical example. Various islamic caliphates mouthed off to the Mongol force when diplomacy was offered. Guess what happened to those caliphates.

And how did the Chechen war work out for Russia? It was a failure, in the end Russia co-opted a Chechen to autonomously rule that land. Essentially the Russians surrendered.

And lets not forget how much the US struggled in Iraq and Afghanistan. They had to pay off their opponents to stop killing them.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:49 AM)Brotein Wrote:  

[quote='scorpion' pid='924838' dateline='1420643117']
I've obviously warned about attacks like this in the past. I take no pleasure in being proven correct, but perhaps now those who thought I was being alarmist, racist etc... will be more willing to listen to what I'm saying.

In my opinion the biggest threat to European society is the amount of American ideas that are coming here: Gay rights, fat acceptance, junk food culture, divorce, suing culture, feminism etc...

But European countries had gay rights ( same sex marriage) and feminism (voting rights for women) many years before America

"Go be fat on someone else's time."

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Still waiting for those "moderate" muslims to make massive gatherings against the extremist...

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

I think it is rational for Muslims to feel more loyalty to their religion than to their country.

Where you are born is down to luck.

And where you move to is down to where you can best improve your standard of living.

But what you believe is even more important that life and death.

It is circle that cannot be squared.

In the West - we are taught to direct our loyalty to our country.

And in the East - they are taught to direct their loyalty to their religion.

And - as an atheist - I can see that this makes more sense. Since one is largely a meaningless accident. And the other is the very foundation of your own moral code.

It is a culture clash that will never go away.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:51 AM)catoblepa Wrote:  

oil is now 50 bucks a barrel. if the trend continue hoperfully those islamic terrorists will lose their blackmail potential in a near future

Wrong, Suadia Arabia is fuelling the cut in oil prices in order to control the oil market. SA is also the biggest sponsor of Wahhabi Islam and thus terrorist offences/IS.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:49 AM)Brotein Wrote:  

In my opinion the biggest threat to European society is the amount of American ideas that are coming here: Gay rights, fat acceptance, junk food culture, divorce, suing culture, feminism etc...

You think gay rights and feminism are American ideas imported to Europe? Check out EU's constitution (Article 21 and 23). Check out how it's applied in EU's treaties and regulations. You will find out that feminism (not American feminism) and gay rights were born/created in Europe

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Europe doesn't need violent right wing movements like Golden Dawn in Greece or Jobbik in Hungary or things similar to Breivik in Norway to solve immigration problems.
The mainstream far right parties who are non-violent, critical of the leftish elite and are well patriotic can handle these problems legally and very well.
Take Geert Wilders in The Netherlands, Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria, the Danish Peopls's Party, The Sweden Democrats, the French Front National and Nigel Farage in Britain as examples.
These parties among other similar European ones have always advocated the identity, culture and traditions of Europe and have never declared racist rants or such.
They daily criticise the leftish, multicultural, centre-right elite who only cause failure after failure, whether economic, social or immigration topics, they always point rightfully to the problem and have a no-bullshit no-PC attitude.
The real problem is how PC, guilt-ridden and self-hating the media in Europe has become, accusing anyone of 'racism', 'hatred' and 'Fascism' just for criticising the primitive multicultural policies the leftist elites make, or for being critical of their appalling heavy tax laws, or for calling for more police check ups of suspicious foreigners and so on.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 09:38 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I don't think it would take much persuasion to get the British underclass off fighting a war again, were it ever needed.

lol you think these people would make good soldiers? most of them smoke weed all day.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:55 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Still waiting for those "moderate" muslims to make massive gatherings against the extremist...

In my city here in America the local Muslim community always does publicly condemn these kinds of attacks and says they are against Islam.

They just never get media coverage, because it doesn't get views or clicks or whatever.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:56 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:49 AM)Brotein Wrote:  

In my opinion the biggest threat to European society is the amount of American ideas that are coming here: Gay rights, fat acceptance, junk food culture, divorce, suing culture, feminism etc...

You think gay rights and feminism are American ideas imported to Europe? Check out EU's constitution (Article 21 and 23). Check out how it's applied in EU's treaties and regulations. You will find out that feminism (not American feminism) and gay rights were born/created in Europe

Yes, it came through the TV. The Europeans are just softer than the US and allowed it to happen quicker.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Brotein I can predict your time here will be short. If you're going to make such strong and condemning assertions, especially about British fighting capability (even Little Dark would struggle fighting them), back it up with argument like everyone else does. This isn't the comments section on CNN.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:54 AM)Brotein Wrote:  

And how did the Chechen war work out for Russia? It was a failure, in the end Russia co-opted a Chechen to autonomously rule that land. Essentially the Russians surrendered.

And lets not forget how much the US struggled in Iraq and Afghanistan. They had to pay off their opponents to stop killing them.

Read up on what a Russian puppet regime is.

If you think running the separatist Chechen forces into a minefield (wiping them out) and systematically purging the leftovers and playing puppeteer with the population isn't a success I don't know what is.

The U.S. is getting dicked around in the middle east because:
A) It shouldn't be there to begin with.
B) War policy formulated by greedy neocons.
B) It didn't go in with a cohesive or realistic end goal.
C) Nation building and policing is not for the military to handle.

The U.S. isn't losing because Iraq and Afghanistan is full of badasses. It's losing because of idiots who entered for stupid reasons and ran the war with stupid policies.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Who is funding the terrorist groups that encourage or support these lone wolfs doing these sorts of attacks?

I'm willing to bet either Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.

I would also like to address the poster who blamed free speech for this attack. France does not have American-style free speech. There are limits. But killing nonviolent people for their opinions, no matter how offensive they are, is never right.

There is a real danger of a radical shift rightward across Europe if their governments continue to ignore this problem. Leftist agitation is fostering resentment and hatred among the peoples of many Western nations, including America.

They bring these foreigners in to boost their ranks by buying their votes and using their cultural differences against the majority to divide and conquer. The more the majority see their bold transparent tactics, the more they begin to despise them.

They are the enemy. They're the ones who want to use them to destroy the existing social order because they're too goddamn cowardly to pick up a gun and die for their glorious revolution themselves. In the end they could very well end up getting a bunch of innocent people killed in terrorist attacks, civil wars, etc. but that's never stopped or bothered them before.

Muslims are simply their pawns in Europe.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 10:14 AM)mikado Wrote:  

You just cannot send them all to a country where they might even be rejected and killed, for coming from the West.

Yes you can. Canada does (or used to do that couple years ago) that on much smaller offenses than killing.

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:02 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

1. Campaign for the formation of a military order equally fanatical as ISIS (a modern form of the Knights Templar, Hospitaller, etc.)
2. Do everything possible to invigorate the Church and its doctrines by appealing to a new generation in relevant ways.
3. Initiate a massive campaign to educate the young on Christian religious traditions and history, including the mandatory institution of the Latin language.
I understand where do you want to get with points 1 and 2, but not on number 3.
Why Latin? What it has to do with that? Do you mean to institute a real common language for Europe?

Quote: (01-07-2015 11:19 AM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

Europe needs to reevaluate its unskilled immigration policy. My suggestion is to stop importing unskilled immigrants from the Middle East. They have shown a propensity for violence and an unwillingness to adjust. Look towards China, SEA and Latin America instead.
I completely agree with you and today I already got shit for saying that. However, skillful people don't want to have the necessary amount of kids that Europe craves.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Quote: (01-07-2015 12:09 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

Brotein I can predict your time here will be short. If you're going to make such strong and condemning assertions, especially about British fighting capability (even Little Dark would struggle fighting them), back it up with argument like everyone else does. This isn't the comments section on CNN.

I didn't make any comments about British soldiers? I said the British underclass would not make good soldiers, which is a pretty fair comment (I am speaking from experience since I grew up in an area with a very high number of these people). They're aggressive but they're not physically fit or disciplined.

Everything I have said has been factually correct.

If the mods think I am overstepping the mark, then fair enough. I will bow out of this discussion.

Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11

Election time in the U.K is coming up soon. Reckon UKIP will see a surge in popularity.

Samuel P Huntington was a brilliant theorist, he went into detail how the new conflicts of the Post Cold War world, will be between civilisations. He even went as far to predict the magnitude of the current Eastern Ukrainian conflict, his prophecy was pretty much spot on.

I know in the U.K, the only real force against the new right, is people's desire for comfort and the status quo and the SJW types who consist of students and immature intellectuals. Firstly the comfort and status quo is being shaken by the looks of things. Secondly the SJW types, who belong in the media class don't really have much fuel to pedal their ideas anymore. We no longer live in the 1980s for that matter. Mayfair and the most exclusive addressees in London are being purchased whole sale by Rich arabs, in five years time it will be Brazilians and Indians; 15 years time it will be Nigerians.

Why I referred to Samuel P Huntington at the beginning is because it is becoming increasingly obvious that the dichotomy presented to us regarding issues such as multiculturalism and immigration are really way off the track of reality. Practically the notion that this one group is oppressed by the other, thus their violence is justified; which you used to see a lot of left wing commentators allude to in the 00s, just doesn't stand anymore.

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