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Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments


Dalhousie University's president has broken his silence on social media after four members of the institution's faculty filed formal complaints following the Faculty of Dentistry's misogynistic Facebook posts scandal.

The faculty members have made a formal complaint under the Halifax university's Code of Student Conduct. The professors are protesting the class of 2015 DDS Gentlemen's Club Facebook group, which posted misogynistic and degrading comments about women.

Anyone can make a complaint under the code whether they were the subject of sexual harassment or not.

Dalhousie president Richard Florizone returned to Twitter Monday for the first time since the story broke last week, and in a series of 11 posts apologized for his absence on social media. In his tweets, he said, "This complex issue is part of a wider societal discussion."

He went on to say, "We respect those seeking immediate action, but we are committed to ensuring a just process. There will be significant consequences."

He reiterated that expulsion of the men involved has not been ruled out.

Florizone also directed those with questions about restorative justice to submit their questions online.

Also, the university announced Monday that public dental clinics, scheduled to reopen Jan. 5, have been postponed until Jan. 12.

University expects to find 'systemic issues'

The university is also asking students "harmed" by misogynistic comments posted on the DDS Gentlemen's Club Facebook page to provide feedback.

Dalhousie University in Halifax has postponed some exams and launched an investigation into disturbing, sexually explicit Facebook posts attributed to male students in the faculty of dentistry. (CBC)

​It says it expects to find "systemic issues."

CBC News has obtained the questionnaire sent to the students on Friday evening. It's part of the restorative justice process.

In the questionnaire, the university asks:

How have you been impacted or harmed by the group? Please provide as many harms as you can identify, these may include harms to yourself or others around you.
Who do you feel needs to be involved in the process in the long term? This could be people like faculty, stakeholders, the student union, etc.?
Do you have a sense of the remedies needed for the harms you’ve expressed?

The deadline to submit the completed questionnaire to the university is Jan. 2.

In the letter, Dalhousie said it would be providing a "resource session" on Jan. 5 which will include information about how the restorative process works

"We anticipate that the process will be a long one, and one which would not require everyone to participate at every level," stated Melissa MacKay, student life manager for Dalhousie.

In the letter, MacKay recognized the impact of the comments on those in the dentistry class, and within the larger community.

"We expect to find that there are systemic issues which we will uncover throughout this process and are building a plan that provides the capacity for us to work through those issues involving other stakeholders as appropriate," she said.

"To clarify, we will not be asking harmed parties to be responsible for punishment, which would be unfair."

In the letter, MacKay said those impacted can choose a level of participation they are comfortable with.

Class of DDS 2015 Gentlemen

The dentistry faculty at Dalhousie came under fire after CBC News received screenshots of sexually explicit posts on the so-called Class of DDS 2015 Gentlemen Facebook page.

In one of the posts, male students in the group voted on which woman they'd like to have "hate sex" with and joked about using chloroform on women.

About 200 people marched across Dalhousie’s campus on Friday, many of whom called for the expulsion of the men involved in posting on the Facebook page.

Here we go again. Of course the mob on campus wants all of the male dentist students in the facebook group expelled.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Man this shit is everywhere these days and it doesn't surprise me that its spread to my home town of Halifax, arguably the best uni town in all of Canada, myself I'm an alumnus of Saint Mary's University (AKA SMU, AKA Robie Street High) which is the party school just down the street. DAL was always the school of nerds, hosers and wealthy Upper Canadians, the only reason I ever went down there was to buy a hot dog from the most infamous Haligonian, the DAWG FATHER!


Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

This doesn't surprise me. I said this in the Jian Gomeshi thread (disgraced CBC personality who hit women and is now fighting charges in court), the media is doing a full court press on the "problems" of rape and sexual assaults on Canadian campuses. Canadian newspapers have been doing "investigative" pieces over the last month on how survivors are silenced, the culture of rape, and have blamed the universities/colleges for their lack of a sound policy to help young women. Ontario is already coming up with a code which the colleges have to follow. We are about 5 years behind the US and I have no doubt that in a couple of years many provinces here are going to have their own versions of "Yes means Yes" laws in addition to kangaroo courts.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

There's always been quite a high amount of sexual assault cases in Halifax, compared to other Canadian cities for various reasons but most likely because its a major student city with a strong drinking culture.. I would say that people in the city are especially sensitive to sexual assaults after the widely publicized case of Rehtaeh Parsons, a Halifax girl who was gang banged at a party and later comitted suicide as a result of bullying, the story even made it to the Dr. Phil show.

(story starts at 30:30 mark)


Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

This is really 1 step away from someone being kicked out of college for being an RVF member.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

As a Dalhousie student (yes, I'm pulling the SJW and verifying my credentials) I've heard enough about this.

The president of Dalhousie offered a restorative justice solution. This was upon recommendation by the girls who were targeted by the FB group. They obviously are willing to forgive as long as the students take the restorative justice seriously. Of course, the feminists get their panties in a twist and create a hashtag called #dalhousiehateswomen.

The students under fire are idiots. Not for having masculine tendencies, but for displaying them on a FB group that could be easily found. One white knight is invited and the whole group gets ousted.

I've been home for the break and it blows my mind how much attention this is getting outside of Nova Scotia, as well as all of the things these schools get in shit for. The chloroform joke, which I've heard Jimmy Carr as well as countless other people make, is being twisted into a something far worse.

I don't mind the restorative justice punishment. Like I said, the students were dumb and it'll hopefully resolve things. But that's not enough to satisfy some. They want a head on a stick.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Quote: (12-23-2014 12:28 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Man this shit is everywhere these days and it doesn't surprise me that its spread to my home town of Halifax, arguably the best uni town in all of Canada, myself I'm an alumnus of Saint Mary's University (AKA SMU, AKA Robie Street High) which is the party school just down the street. DAL was always the school of nerds, hosers and wealthy Upper Canadians, the only reason I ever went down there was to buy a hot dog from the most infamous Haligonian, the DAWG FATHER!

First guy I met on campus, absolute beauty.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Quote: (12-23-2014 03:35 AM)younggun Wrote:  

As a Dalhousie student (yes, I'm pulling the SJW and verifying my credentials) I've heard enough about this.

The president of Dalhousie offered a restorative justice solution. This was upon recommendation by the girls who were targeted by the FB group. They obviously are willing to forgive as long as the students take the restorative justice seriously. Of course, the feminists get their panties in a twist and create a hashtag called #dalhousiehateswomen.

The students under fire are idiots. Not for having masculine tendencies, but for displaying them on a FB group that could be easily found. One white knight is invited and the whole group gets ousted.

I've been home for the break and it blows my mind how much attention this is getting outside of Nova Scotia, as well as all of the things these schools get in shit for. The chloroform joke, which I've heard Jimmy Carr as well as countless other people make, is being twisted into a something far worse.

I don't mind the restorative justice punishment. Like I said, the students were dumb and it'll hopefully resolve things. But that's not enough to satisfy some. They want a head on a stick.

Normally this type of thing would result in the idiot guy or guys apologizing to the girl in public or in private. Plus some disciplinary action like probation but nothing extreme as expulsion.

Unfortunately Canada is no longer safe from the feminist horde.
Though Canada is more conservative with changing laws than the Americans...The Canadian government wasn't super eager to go into Iraq with everybody else.
Our gun laws are a bit more sensible than then Americans as well.

Hopefully by the time it gets it's foot hold here the rest of the world will be laughing at feminism.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments


"This complex issue is part of a wider societal discussion."

If I was führer, anybody who used this phrase would be summarily executed.

Quote: (02-26-2015 01:57 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  
They were given immense wealth, great authority, and strong clans at their backs.


Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Quote: (12-23-2014 03:06 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

This is really 1 step away from someone being kicked out of college for being an RVF member.

I go one step further: This is really 1 step away from someone being kicked out of college for being a male.

[Image: 57408928.jpg]

Deus vult!

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

When I see "systemic issue" my social justice intersectional feminism critical race nonsense alarm goes off

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

I was just in the US for 10 days and actually heard about this down there. Just got back to Halifax for the break. I'm just amazed at people attacking others on news sites "oh so you're using the 'boys will be boys' argument to excuse this?"

The internet has created a brave new world where for the less careful or intelligent, has made a record of everything you think.

"Thought crime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you."

I'm almost amazed if women really think that within 2 seconds of a guy seeing them, the guy hasn't evaluated here as a potential mate, and thought about what it would be like to bang her.

And Scotian, even though we're the 'fancy upper Canadian nerds' lets not forget that St Mary's had their own little SJW fueled scandal last year:

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Another case study that white knighting doesn't pay:


Dalhousie student who was part of controversial online group suspended over just one Facebook like: lawyer

[Image: millet-lawyers.jpg?w=620]


HALIFAX — A dentistry student who was part of a Facebook page that contained sexually violent content about female classmates was suspended largely because he clicked the “Like” button on one suggestive photograph, his lawyers said Wednesday.


Millet’s legal team, including Bruce MacIntosh, also took issue with the disciplinary process the university began after the Facebook page came to light in December and stunned the public with its content.

Bruce MacIntosh alleged that the university hasn’t shared information about the case against Millet, has held closed-door sessions to decide his fate and didn’t allow Tuesday’s in-camera hearing to be recorded. They say they asked for an adjournment after the committee rejected their request that Millet’s suspension be lifted and that his record expunged.


“The process is irretrievably broken,” Bruce MacIntosh said, adding that they have advised Millet to participate in the disciplinary hearing only if the school’s senate appoints a new arbitrator.

“If it doesn’t, there’s a Supreme Court of Nova Scotia down the lane that I think would be very interested in looking at the way this has unfolded.”

The lawyers contend Millet was part of the group but helped expose it by revealing it to one of the women featured in a sexist post.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

There's that "discussion" word again. Kicking kids out of school is not a discussion, it's telling them to shut the fuck up.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Count your lucky stars that we here in the US have the First Amendment.

SJW's already do everything in their power to destroy anyone who offends their sensibilities; can you imagine if they had the power to pass laws against "offensive" speech and throw people in jail for it? Hundreds of years from now there would be creepy dystopian novels about our society.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Like always, I'll try to identify the real problem. This is not a first amendment issue, since there is no government or criminal charges involved. This is not a due process issue, since universities don't need due process to expel you.

The problem is that, all it takes for you to be expelled is for you to look at a student in a microaggressive way and then some despicable PC board has the power to expel you. Is that the fault of the justice department, lawmakers, the said female student or yours for paying for college? No. The fault lies within the sovereignty of universities. They are considered a juridical person that is responsible to no one, that answers to no one, that is liable for nothing other than lawsuits.

In Turkey, we have an entity over all universities (public and private), a supreme educational agency. This institution was brought by the military junta in 1980's coup. Its job is to inspect and regulate all universities in Turkey. If such expelling happened in Turkey, you would simply appeal to this institution and the decision could be reversed.

My point is, universities hold too big of a responsibility for young people's lives to be left without inspection and intervention. The government is personally responsible to make sure that universities are not abusing their power and destroying students' lives like this. You need to have a supreme agency to appeal to for all disciplinary actions of the universities. Because lawsuits aren't gonna cut it. A lawsuit can not give you your life back. Courts can not protect you from the kangaroo courts of the universities. You stop Duke and another university with its kangaroo court will step in and ruin 10 more students' lives. Unless you address the real issue here, which is the unchecked power of universities, lives will be ruined and things will just keep getting worse.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Perfect. He tries to be the white knight and it completely backfires.

And now, he's the only one of those 13 students who is identified to the media. The feminists are still gonna hate him because misogyny, and the red pillers know that he is a humongous pussy.

Just look at him, you can almost smell the beta stench.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

I would have loved to heard what was going on inside his head when he decided to let the fox into the henhouse and the outcome he saw playing out. I can't really picture any scenarios in which anyone is better off. What he's done is put a scarlet letter on the entire class of Dalhousie Dentistry '15. You have men that aren't smart enough to not commit this sort of stuff to the internet, and women who might make a federal case out of everything and may as well be a ticking sexual harassment suit timebomb. Sure not everyone is guilty, but most people can't be bothered with details beyond "Dal Dentistry '15 = bad" so they'll take the far easier position of not dealing with the lot.

And now, the further evidence that he still doesn't get it, is that he decided to go public saying "I'm one of the good ones!", upset that his "official record" wasn't expunged of this, meanwhile seemingly oblivious to the fact that now he is the only one publicly ousted (by himself no less) and that he's already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. People will simultaneously applaud his actions, while still not be willing to take their kids to see him. If I were anyone else there, I would take a year off, transfer to another school, do anything to distance myself from Dal Dentistry '15. But now he can't even do that. His name is forever out there tied to this. I can't help but laugh a little, because there is a real chance if the others aren't named, that he will be the one to suffer the greatest from this. On the other hand, the amount of real damage he's inflicted on people who run the gamut from 'completely innocent' to 'harmless but foolish loudmouth' is immeasurable.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Yeah as soon as I saw the headline about him, I was thinking "guaranteed this guy is gonna look like a complete tool" and of course his clothing confirms it.

And to think that's probably his "dressed up" outfit for appearing with his lawyers, even worse.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

He deserves it. May this permanently damage your life's prospects. May you never escape from what you did.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Reason number 48 to not have facebook.

Dalhousie University threatens to expel students over misogynistic comments

Reminds of of a line by Rage Against The Machine
"What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!"

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