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New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Jacking off isn't good for you either, when I finally lost my virginity to LTR in my late 20s, I found out it was impossible to cum with sex. I had to beat off afterwards. It didn't help she was chubby though, still waiting to find out if I can bust in a young hot slim bitch.

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"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 12:10 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

It's perfectly understandable why so many guys are watching porn these days (as many great posts in this thread have mentioned). However, that doesn't mean it's a good thing at all.

Porn is completely unnatural and fucks up your brain. The male brain was not designed to see hundreds of nubile, attractive young women naked in the span of a few hours. It's complete sexual overload.

I look at porn the same way I do junk food and video games. They are all things that are very addictive and which hijack your brain's pleasure centers to trick you into consuming more and more. Porn provides the illusion of sexual success by flashing sexual images of nubile young women into your brain over and over. Video games are similarly dangerous, except that they hijack your brain's reward center for accomplishment of goals and mastery of skills. In both cases, however, you are simply sitting alone staring at a screen.

I know a lot of guys don't want to hear this, but it's the truth. Cut porn out of your life and you will be better for it.

"Porn is completely unnatural and fucks up your brain. The male brain was not designed to see hundreds of nubile, attractive young women naked in the span of a few hours. It's complete sexual overload."

I'll agree with you. But consider the following.

Men's brains were also not designed to see women's breasts thrust outward in our faces day in and day out. And yet no one complains about the invention of the bra. Why not?

We don't even stop to think how bras, more than anything, unnaturally sexualize women. But they do. So we're supposed to go about our lives with tits in our face pretending they're not there.

Men were also not designed to see women's legs and butts thrust into unnaturally sexual angles with high heels -- which are accentuated further with short mini-skirts.

All this stuff is designed to overload the male brain in person. I think it's way more powerful to have to see this stuff in real life, especially for men ages 15-30.

The female body in its natural, naked form isn't nearly as sexy as the way it's unnaturally set up to be by women and clothing designers. Then there's perfumes, long, lustrous hair, stockings, lipstick, garters -- all sorts of things the average woman wears that say "fuck me," but you're not allowed to acknowledge that, at least outside of the club scene (and sometimes not even there).

At least porn is honest in its overtly sexual depiction of women. And men go into it knowing the score.

In our real-life society, women dress like street hookers but insist men treat them like scholarly nuns in the Victorian Era. We either pretend those tits and legs aren't there, or we get fired from our jobs, suspended from school, shamed on the Internet, or put in jail.

I'd say dealing with a world like this overloads the mail brain more than porn. You can always shut off the porn.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-17-2014 03:58 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

It makes sense that porn makes marriage unappealing for men. But what makes porn appealing for men is modern women.

And there ya have it.. [Image: potd.gif]

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

I don't buy the no fap policy or anti-porn b.s.

It's about balance, get the real ass-o-plenty, watch some porn, every now n then go on a slut bender banging as many chicks as you can in one month, and every once in a while go on a porn bender.

Like Morgan Freeman says in the Bucket List: "Never waste an erection." To just stopping fapping even when there's no bitch in your life, and letting it "build up," is some shit I don't buy. I think as you age that turns your sex drive the fuck off. It's important to exercise it like anything else.

If exercising my cock to porn is bad because my wife, or would-be wife is too lazy, has shitty Westernized attitude and look, or can't compare to the hot yoga pants wearing sluts in public.. well then like we're redefining rape et. al.. It's time to redefine marriage once and for all.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 11:11 AM)Ingocnito Wrote:  

It's about balance, get the real ass-o-plenty, watch some porn, every now n then go on a slut bender banging as many chicks as you can in one month, and every once in a while go on a porn bender.

Like Morgan Freeman says in the Bucket List: "Never waste an erection." To just stopping fapping even when there's no bitch in your life, and letting it "build up," is some shit I don't buy. I think as you age that turns your sex drive the fuck off. It's important to exercise it like anything else.

I've totally run into this problem. I never had an addiction, but stopped looking at that stuff when I read of the negative effects. That was almost two years ago. Now I have very little libido most of the time even though I'm lifting heavy 3x per week. Need to find a slut, obviously. I do think the body shuts down somehow if it doesn't sense available females around.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

I don't watch porn much, maybe once a week. I don't have a strong opinion on porn either way, but if Internet porn somehow vanished from existence, I'd rather go caveman style and draw porn stick figures on a rock for fapping, than marry the average modern Western woman at their current marrying age (early 30). At least my stick figures will be slim and have long hair...

I know some serious fap monkeys (they can't even shut up about it at social gatherings, even pull out videos on their phones to "show" us) and they're all married. Figure that one out, German researchers!

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 12:14 AM)kosko Wrote:  

That weak, lazy, and foggy feeling after a fap binge... I am convinced that is how the powers at be want men to be like 24/7. Useless and to low energy to function. Just enough energy to put in a days work but no motivation for much else.

This is an interesting sentiment that several posters have mentioned and that I tend to agree with, that is, The Porn Conspiracy.

The question is though, who are really "the powers that be"? What powerful people have actually sat down and decided to give porn a free pass?

Obviously something is fishy, because we are constantly bombarded with all this garbage about misogyny but porn according to their definition is the most blatant form of misogyny. The vast majority is completely degrading to women. So the fact that mainstream SJWs give it a pass and many men report it making them feel lazy, means it is most definitely something to avoid.

But still, who specifically really wants American men on porn? Or is it so pervasive that even our leaders are using it?

My hypothesy is that it is not necessarily a strategy of the oligarchs to keep a lid on the proletariat, instead what if the Chinese were secretly supporting the industry? Could there be a better way to mollify a rivals fighting age population and stifle their desire to innovate?

Probably more likely that porn use is just so pervasive that no one gives a fuck but still makes me wonder.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

You guys make some good points about the upsurge of porn and decline of American women but then it got me thinking.

What's Japan's excuse?

They have some of the most feminine women on the planet yet porn is more sophisticated and ubiquitous there than even here.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 06:49 PM)the high Wrote:  

You guys make some good points about the upsurge of porn and decline of American women but then it got me thinking.

What's Japan's excuse?

They have some of the most feminine women on the planet yet porn is more sophisticated and ubiquitous there than even here.

They have actually some strong cultural and mental settings that keep women feminine and submissive.

And porn fucks up male libido. Also they have long history with porn there.

Plus Japan's men are more affected by porn & feminism than their women. They really did a number there brainwashing one of the most masculine cultures on earth into herbivore metrosexuals. Though of course there are plenty of strong J-men left.

Besides - we all know that the argument of porn being the main marriage destroyer is just bullshit.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

The sexual revolution of the 1960s created not communism but capitalism in the sexual market, the unattractive underclass is exiled while the privileged initiates are drained by corruption, sloth, and excess. A liberal market has winners and losers, and the same applies to relationships in a society that does not enforce monogamy which effectively destroys the traditional family unit. Pareto's principle can be applied to the sexual market, 20% of men bang 80% of women while the remaining 80% of men turns to masturbation and porn. Some will bang models everyday, some will bang a fattie once a year, some will never bang at all.

Some of you here seem convinced that SJW and feminists are the enemy. They're only peons of liberalism. As liberalism in its most decadent and degenerate form seeks to destroy traditional culture and values, western society will become a juxtaposition of solitude and love a juxtaposition of mastubation and one night stands.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Dalrock mentioned the study recently and had a good take on it:


Yet at the same time we also have periodic bursts of fear that all is not well coming from both liberals and conservatives. The recent Washington Examiner piece Shock study: Marriage rate declines with porn use, threatening economy, society is an excellent example of this. 45 years of policies designed to eject fathers from the home? Boring. But pornography is a problem both conservatives and feminists can get behind! Weak men are screwing feminism up! Pornography must be dealt with because fathers matter:

“stable marriages create substantial welfare improvements for society, especially to the degree that marital stability produces high-quality children.”

The problem is fathers don’t matter enough to challenge our new family structure. We can see this same pattern in quotes from Glenn Stanton in The Atlantic’s Sperm Donor, Life Partner (H/T pavetack). Stanton argues tepidly that fathers matter, but then casts around when trying to explain why marriage is essential but divorce is not that big a deal:

It’s true that sometimes people marry and have children with the best intentions and then split up, but they raise their children “doing the best they can in spite of the curveball life has thrown them,” he said. “The idea of putting yourself intentionally in that situation is a whole other matter.”

Porn is about as guilty for destroying marriage rates as female porn like FIFTY SHADES OF GREY is responsible for it. But of course female porn does not matter.

And No-Fault-Divorce, recommended decade-long Carousel-Riding & Alpha fucking, being fat, bossy, empowered & deluded - all of this does not matter - but porn does.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Porn is free for a reason.

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New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

I'm glad it's agreed that correlation is not causation on this issue. At last I finally understand it's not the juicy cheeseburger on TV that makes me interested in not wanting to eat mac and cheese for the third time this week.

The male hamster in this thread is bionic.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 12:14 AM)kosko Wrote:  

That weak, lazy, and foggy feeling after a fap binge... I am convinced that is how the powers at be want men to be like 24/7. Useless and to low energy to function. Just enough energy to put in a days work but no motivation for much else.

You forgot the self loathing after closing 10 tabs. I can't say I don't succumb to porn more than I'd like, but I am very much aware of the difference between busting a nut to porn and cumming in real pussy. The latter leaves me energized, with a clear, focused and relaxed mind, minor worries and neurosises eliminated, ready to work and conquer. The first leaves me tired, feeling weak from falling prey to an easy release.

One of the first things I noticed on my travels, years ago, is how countries with little acceptance of porn have a lot more sex than places with porn. It's also interesting how countries with high porn use also have restrictive prostitution laws and reverse. Why does a country like Thailand ban porn, but have a rub and tug on every corner?

There is no difference between prostitution and porn, yet the powers that be are perfectly fine with porn and want to ban prostitution. Why is that? Perhaps because if you give the beta and omega masses a taste of the forbidden fruit, then they'll want for more in life. I'm not advocating prostitution, but jacking off to porn is honestly more pathetic.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Porn is fine by me. Some of you guys wanna do 100 approaches a week and that's cool. I admire the work you put in. But then there's the guy that would rather sit home, bust a nut, and wipe off his chest. Is it really so bad? And fuck marriage. I hope porn continues to destroy marriage just like file sharing fucked up the recording industry. [Image: lol.gif]

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

I haven't watched porn in 13 months now. I can tell you that it's worked a whole lot of wonders for me. By watching porn you're basically training your brain to be satisfied with pixels on a screen, and as other posters have mentioned here, the dopamine rush that you constantly get saps your ambition and your drive.

You look at girls very differently when you get off porn and you have a much stronger desire to approach.

As for fapping, just limit it to once a week at best, but limiting it too much might hurt you. Like Incognito said, it's all about balance.

I don't think watching an hour of porn a week will impact one too negatively, so I'm not totally anti-porn and people should have freedom to watch it but getting rid of it can really help your inner game.

As for the hypothesis I pretty much see it the other way around. Men are retreating into porn because there's nothing to be gained by marriage and most just don't want to put in the work to learn and practice game. And when for the average guy out there the women he'd encounter are totally unsuitable even for dating, I can see why he'd make that decision. It's not a decision I agree with but given the reward structures I can see why people would make it.

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New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

The feminists are going to make a big move against porn -- both real and virtual porn, once that really gets going -- within the next 10 years. Mark my word; it's coming.

The reason for this is very simple. I will permit myself to quote in full a post I wrote in a different context some time ago:

Quote: (03-09-2014 01:14 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

The most revealing moment in the skit is when the white beta sheepishly confesses that the Latin female is "out of his league" before slinking off for good tail between his legs.

This in a nutshell is the whole purpose of contemporary feminism. It is an enforcement mechanism to ensure that no beta male ever, under any circumstances, scores above what women consider his pay grade.

Hence their peculiar hatred for yellow fever, sex tourism of any kind, "age-inappropriate relationships", whoring, and PUAs. The main thing is to ensure that by no device, whether it's wealth, travel, or trickery, should a beta male ever be able to escape his fate as a lifelong provider slave for a strictly age appropriate hag (who is always free to feel bored with him and use his money to fuck badboys on the side).

The edict does not extend to alphas and naturals -- indeed, after the beta is duly and cruelly banished without even token sympathy, the whales gleefully contemplate getting a "big muscular guy" for the now enlightened ethnic female who had committed the sin of giving unwarranted access to the geeky "MRA" beta.

Add porn to the forbidden list. Beta males must be denied any and all sexual recourse. It is not enough that they are permanently banished from the feast; it is not enough that they may not collect any crumbs from the table; they must not even be allowed to see the King and Queen glut themselves. They must get nothing; nothing at all. Only a landwhale to hold and to cherish, if she so consents.

Think of how evil it is -- the determination to deny beta males (alphas and naturals are always exempted) even the visual outlet that pornography provides. This is not merely twisting the knife; it is twisting it and loving the twist. And it is exactly what feminists want to do, and would do instantly if they could have their way.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-20-2014 02:28 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

The feminists are going to make a big move against porn -- both real and virtual porn, once that really gets going -- within the next 10 years. Mark my word; it's coming.

That would make sense if feminists were in fact calling the shots, but they are just Evil Santa's little helpers - servants to be discarded as soon as they have stopped being useful.

I personally think that porn will become more extreme in the future.


Anyone seen the re released version of THX-1138?

There is one disturbing erotic scene in THX-1138 where Robert Duvall starts watching a futuristic 3D porno. A cylinder like machine clamps around his member and starts masturbating him. Here's a photo below:

[Image: xgd3qv.jpg]

[Image: 2hr1zlt.jpg]

[Image: MIS_13.6a1.jpg]

I think that a mixture between orgy porgies and enforced promiscuity of the Brave New World and some THX 1138 high-level porn-bot would be the most desired sexual lifestyle for the servant classes. They have been protesting against porn for decades and it has only increased.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (03-09-2014 01:14 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Add porn to the forbidden list. Beta males must be denied any and all sexual recourse. It is not enough that they are permanently banished from the feast; it is not enough that they may not collect any crumbs from the table; they must not even be allowed to see the King and Queen glut themselves. They must get nothing; nothing at all. Only a landwhale to hold and to cherish, if she so consents.

Think of how evil it is -- the determination to deny beta males (alphas and naturals are always exempted) even the visual outlet that pornography provides. This is not merely twisting the knife; it is twisting it and loving the twist. And it is exactly what feminists want to do, and would do instantly if they could have their way.

I disagree. Feminists may attempt to alter the direction of porn to take some of the pleasure out of it for betas, ie strictly BBW and cougar porn, but if they are the ones conducting this train, and I don't think they are, banning porn would be counterproductive.

How many men married to land whales are porn-free? I'm speculating but I imagine the number is low. Porn stabilizes marriages involving low-SMV women.

It would be very diabolical of them to ban porn for betas but it would lead to an unstable situation. Betas were satisfied in the old social pact, and are satiated with the new replacement of porn, but take away that and there will be a backlash. They are not completely without agency and I doubt the people bankrolling feminists would risk their movement on a ban out of pure spite.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Femensits are truly big and supporting of porn. Where are the rally cries to aid the women in that industry? They champion anything a woman does that promtes degeneracy. Porn and sex workers are femenist comrades.

You can find a ton of femenist porn out there. And they are leading demand into hardcaore BDSM ferish oirn where women are tied up like hogs and forced orgasms with vibrstors and stuff. Of course these damaged women would love all that stuff. Go on to the skdte is so heavily orginized to keep strait dude porn catatagorized that some movies will have a prompt to warn viewers that a dick is coming onto the screen to be sucked.

"The art of blowjob" is another site run by a Montreal feminist where she makes glossy BJ videos all full of hamster for females. I can go on and on. Porn is 100% in support via femenists. It is one of the industries in which women take a sizable share of control and profits. I would make a wise guess to think that most female conapny owners are the many that run or co-run oorn production houses. The female femenist economy only psopers in swamp pits like porn and sex work. Never get it twisted that they want it gone. They want porn even more widespread if anything.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-20-2014 02:35 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

I think that a mixture between orgy porgies and enforced promiscuity of the Brave New World and some THX 1138 high-level porn-bot would be the most desired sexual lifestyle for the servant classes. They have been protesting against porn for decades and it has only increased.

This is still a LONG way off. Vice recently did a documentary where some of the new forms of virtual fucking were recently tested. All of them were pretty big failures. The closest you're getting in the near future is a video headset with a piece of rubber around your dick.


New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

Quote: (12-18-2014 10:51 AM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Jacking off isn't good for you either, when I finally lost my virginity to LTR in my late 20s, I found out it was impossible to cum with sex. I had to beat off afterwards. It didn't help she was chubby though, still waiting to find out if I can bust in a young hot slim bitch.

You can. Chubby chicks kill boners. Trust me, when you get behind your first hot sleek ass, your boner will be as stiff as adamantium and your little swimmers will be rushing to escape your balls. The chemistry we have with hot young things! It's nature's little trick to get us to perpetuate the species. But fatties? They're not desirable, so your reaction is PERFECTLY natural.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

There is split within feminists as to whether porn is empowering or degrading towards women.

Then people here are suggesting that porn is either a feminist conspiracy to weaken men, or alternatively that feminists want to take away our porn.

Which is it guys? My dick is getting confused...

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

From what I've seen, the feminists are tipped towards the "degrading towards women" position, with the so-called "sex positive" feminists that support the former position in the minority. If we look at some of the developments toward Sweden, the UK, and some of the talk by the first world harpies, they're leaning towards "taking away our porn."

The ironic thing is that I would say, and most here would agree with me that porn actually weakens men, not its absence.

As happens so many times with people in power, their own authoritarianism comes back to bite them in the ass. We're seeing it with GamerGate, the Rolling Stone story, and we would see it with this too. Take porn away from men, watch the sexually frustrated guys get really, really, really mad, and watch a not-too-indistinct minority coming to our community, because we are the only ones that offer the hope of future sexual satisfaction.

This force, stronger now in porn's absence, will rebound and hit back hard against the feminists.

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New Study: Porn Causing Marriage Rate Decline; Threatens Economy

I'd add that feminism is causing a huge decline in marriage.

When a philosophy teaches women that they are an 8 for showing up, a 9 if they have a job, and a 10 if they are outspoken, then you have a large number of women with an extremely false sense of their own sexual market value.

In my experience, the counter isn't true amongst men. Almost all of my guy friends have a girl here and there from time to time. Those that don't are either closeted gays or would take anything thrown at them. The two I can think of who would accept anything are somewhat anti-social, and a bit out of shape. Both are employed. Irony is that I know them through my synagogue, and I've suggested to a woman to set them up with some of the single women, the response is 'oh, they're not their type'. They don't see that the SMV of a 40 year old who looks like she's 50 or an overweight 34 year old isn't higher just because they have a job.

Of course no one should settle down with someone they don't like. Just don't blame men for determining what men like, especially as if women are altruistic when it comes to what they like. We accept women as they are. They seek to dictate what men should like. Hell no on that.

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