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Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet
About Israel
Israel is a western country both culturally and politically. It is also very safe here. There are many reasons to not come to Israel, but if your reason is because you are afraid of terror attacks or something of that nature then that’s just ridiculous. I bring this up because I know how Israel is portrayed as a war zone in the media. Today that is simply not true.

The media in Israel is dominated by American movies, music, and TV shows. Because of this, Israelis will typically speak at least conversational English if not better, so gaming in English is generally not an issue, and is even a good screening technique. I know that if a girl refuses to talk to me in English, that she's not down. I usually don't need to switch to Hebrew.

Aside from that, outside of gaming women there’s lots to see and do here in terms of museums and historical sites if you are into that type of stuff. Between the busses, trains, and domestic flights to Eilat, the public transportation is great and it is easy to get around, although keep in mind that most (but not all) of it shuts down from Friday evening until Saturday evening.

Religion, Politics, and the Army
Even though Israel is home to the Jewish people, it is mostly a secular country. Most Jews here only keep major holidays out of tradition, if even that. Don’t expect that if and when you come here you will be overloaded with Jewish religion. You won’t. Most Israelis don’t even keep Shabbat, and as for the Jews who are ultra religious, they live in their own communities so you won’t see much of them, especially not in Tel Aviv.

As for politics, if you are interested in learning about that here there are many place to do that but I wouldn’t bring it up with the average Israeli unless they seem open to it. They will either start to give you a long winded opinion that will probably be more than you bargained for, or more likely won’t have much of an opinion at all. Even though this country is characterized in the media as home to a deep-seated ethnic conflict, the truth is that most Israelis are not really concerned with it and just want to live their lives. What I’ve just said is true for the Jewish population of Israel, but doesn’t necessarily apply to large Arab minority (about 20% of the population) which I can’t give an educated opinion about.

In regards to the army, all Israeli Jews as well as a few minority ethnicity groups are conscripted, men for three years and women for two years. You will see many soldiers around carrying various types of rifles and occasionally pistols. Don’t take this as a reason to be intimidated by Israelis. The western media, especially America, has a habit of making out soldiers in general to be highly trained killing machines not to be reckoned with. Israelis are normal people and not defined by their army service. Also, the majority of them did not serve in a combat unit since only about 15% of the army is combat anyway, but even for the ones that did, it doesn’t mean they are living incarnations of Rambo.

About Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv is Israel’s biggest metropolis but quite small by international standards with only about 400,000 people. The city is small enough that if you are up to it most places are within walking distance, although there are also plenty of busses and taxis. The city has a medium-sized mall called Dizengoff Center, many museums, lots of cafes, not to mention tons of bars and night life. Generally speaking, the farther north you go in to Tel Aviv, the more upper-class the city becomes. As you get to south Tel Aviv and the neighborhoods of Florentine and Neve Tzedek, the city is not quite as well kept and there is lots of trash on some streets as well as dilapidated buildings. This is more true in Florentine and less so in Neve Tzedek. The former I often describe as having more of a “personality” so to speak than central and north Tel Aviv. You’ll see lots of people and bars that aren’t in the Israeli mainstream. There’s also lots of African refugees/illegal immigrants, as well as Ethiopian neighborhoods (the Ethiopians are Israeli citizens).

The Tel Aviv municipality also includes the port of Jaffa, which is directly south of Tel Aviv proper and inhabited mainly by Arabs. There is a lot to see and do there, especially in an area called shuk ha-pishpushim. The culture here is different and worth experiencing in its own right.

Tel Aviv is pricey. I’ve been told it’s comparable western Europe, though I’ve never been. For cheap food you can get shwarma for about $10 and falafel for about $3-4 although keep in mind that these foods are not particularly healthy so you’ll need to spend more money on healthier food if you don’t want to gain weight. Hummus is also cheap but again not healthy to have more than once in awhile. Food will become significantly more expensive as you deviate outside of these cheap meals.

Alcohol Laws
The drinking age in Israel is eighteen. It used to be legal to drink in public and buy alcohol from kiosks at any hour of the day. A few years ago they instituted new laws. It is now illegal for any place of business that is not a bar/club/restaurant to sell alcohol after 11:00PM. This law is enforced and as such trying to find a kiosk or corner store that will be willing to sell you alcohol after 11 is quite difficult, so get your pregaming drinks before. As for bars/clubs, they have no curfew, so don’t worry about last call or anything of that sort. As for drinking in public, I do it all the time without any problems but if the police see you they may give you a fine so keep it to a minimum on busy streets.

Israel is International
This city and country in general is very international. The Israelis themselves are very diverse. There’s Ashkenazi Jews, meaning European. These European Jews could be anything from Russian to French to Polish to Belorussian, and everything in between. There’s also “mizrachi” Jews meaning eastern. This includes Jews from North Africa and the greater Middle East, whether it’s Morocco, Yemen, Iran or Iraq, and much more. There’s also a big Ethiopian Jewish community.

Everything I’ve mentioned until now is only the Israeli Jews. There’s also a huge immigrant/expatriate community, which has Jews from pretty much anywhere whether it’s Europe, North America, South America, or South Africa. As such, the diversity of women here is staggering, but what you’ll generally notice is a lack of blondes. Israeli guys normally go crazy over blondes to the confusion of immigrants, and the immigrants usually go crazy over the darker-skinned Israeli chicks to the confusion of Israelis.

Dress Code
There’s a lot of discussion on the forum about rocking custom suits, so know that Israel is a very informal country. I’ve pretty much never seen anyone wear a suit in bars or clubs, including the high-end ones. Even at weddings, if you are a guest and not part of the ceremony it’s acceptable to come in a nice pair of jeans, or khakis if you want to really stand out. As such, I’ve never pursued getting suits for going out and don’t think that you need to either to be successful in Israel.

How Israeli Women View Americans/Foreigners
Israeli women often assume that American men will just want to use them for sex, so keep this in mind and make sure you present yourself in the right way. There is some merit to them having this stereotype since there are so many loud, stupid, obnoxious Americans running around making a muck of things and generally being retarded. I just went to an international party and was shocked by the amount of Americans I saw get so drunk that they were puking and/or passing out on the ground in front of everyone. Paramedics were called in. This image of the dumb drunk American is what you will be at odds with when you talk to Israeli women, so don’t act in a way that will make it easier for Israeli women to label you this way.

There are certainly some Israeli women who will think it’s cool that you are American (or whatever nationality you are), but many also won’t care at all. I remember Roosh asked in another datasheet thread about Israel if he thinks it would be a good idea to play up his Iranian heritage to seem “bad.” My opinion is no. I have no such heritage so don’t have experience with this, but my guess is that it’d be seen as either neutral or as something negative. So to be clear, if you are a foreigner it will occasionally be regarded as something intriguing but more often than not it won’t matter either way. If you have heritage from a country that is hostile to Israel, and you’re not Jewish, it will likely be regarded as either neutral or negative.

Here’s an important note: If you are reading this because you are coming to Israel on some organized trip for tourists, then I’d play this down if not outright lie about it. Generally, the longer program you are on (some are up to a year like shnat shirut) then the less you have to play it down, unless your time is coming to an end. Especially if you are on Birthright, for example, which is a two-week trip, then I’d avoid bringing this up. You will be immediately categorized as a dumb tourist looking for sex.

Bottom Line About Israeli Women
There are many gorgeous Israeli women from a wide range of ethnicities. That being said, they are not as open sexually as American women are. And the ones who are are generally older i.e. at least twenty-five. Younger Israeli girls are generally seeking to lock down a boyfriend, or not seeking anything at all. Like American women, they love attention and are often passionately engaged by their smartphones for large portions of the night. There are many reasons for their prude behavior, the main one being that this is such a small country with a heavy importance placed on family.

There’s always a feeling that there’s only one or two degrees of separation between you and any stranger you see on the street. This plays on the universal female fear of being perceived as a slut. Generally, what happens is that Israeli women are prude until about the age of 25. By that age they’ve seen a few of their friends get married and they realize that they aren’t getting any younger. They then give themselves permission to have some fun, but still it won’t be on the level of college-aged American sluts.

Also, rejections here are brutal. I read Roosh’s thread about him being back in DC, and it’s similar. I posted a reply of my own. Basically, be prepared for getting blown out a lot, girls laughing at you, or being told straight up to get lost. You have to have a thick skin and minimal approach anxiety in order to rack up a high amount of approaches here until you find girls who are feeling your game.

Things to know:
-The beach here is great and well kept, although on Saturdays it gets quite crowded. There are many bars and restaurants on the beach, and they are all pricey. It’s technically illegal to drink on the beach but people do it all the time.

-Age here is a big deal. If you are not at LEAST twenty-five, I’d hold off on coming here to game women because you will immediately be shot down just on this alone. You can stick to gaming younger Israelis, but they are generally prude attention whores, and so retarded that having a conversation with them is like pulling your own teeth out. Another reason to wait until you’re at least twenty-five is that many bars/clubs will not let you in unless you are this age, especially in central and north Tel Aviv, even though the legal drinking age is eighteen. They won’t care that you are a tourist. They will check your foreign ID and not let you in. You can try to politely plead your case and work a little charm. The odds of this working depends on several things such as how crowded the place is, how big your group is, how close you are to the accepted age, etc. Some places even have twenty-seven as minimum age for entrance, or higher. This city is generally speaking older and doesn’t have people under twenty-five who live here.

-Smoking in Israel is forbidden indoors, but many bars will let you do it anyway. However, don’t try to get away with it in a place that doesn’t allow it because you will be kicked out. Make sure you see other people smoking and if there aren't, ask before you light up.

-This is not a one night stand city. I have never met anyone who pulls one night stands consistently here. Date until you die, or seek out the non-Israeli internationals who are living here, because your chances with them will be much better, although I’ve found that the culture tames the sexual appetite of tourists as well. It must be something in the air.

-Night life here is intense. It’s not crazy like Bangkok or the Greek Isles, but there’s plenty of parties that go through the whole night on the weekend. I’ve read people saying how there’s tons of parties here in Tel Aviv seven days a week, but honestly I’ve found weekdays to be weak. On Sunday (the first day of the week) there’s pretty much nothing going on, except one place called Dizzy-Frish which I discuss below. On Wednesday things slightly pick up. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (although Saturday a bit less) are the party nights around here, especially in the summer.

-Lots of places offer drink bracelets where you can buy a bracelet and get unlimited drinks. The more expensive the bracelet, the more expensive alcohol you can drink. However, in my experience places that have bracelets tend to not be so good because they are conducive to a sit-down atmosphere where women are having private conversations and not being social.

There are few different areas of night life in Tel Aviv, so I will divide my list up by the areas. A quick Google search should bring up the exact address of each place listed. I will note recommended places with an * so that you don't have to read everything if you don't want to.

Area: Allenby St.
My friends and I jokingly refer to this place as “sleazy Allenby” since that’s basically what you have to do when you go go here: be a complete sleaze. Age limits are usually lax here so there’s lots of young girls, but young Israeli girls are like gremlins that have been fed after midnight; completely destructive evil little shits that I have not one iota of patience for. They are attention seeking, iPhone wielding, self-validating cunts. Your mileage may vary, and there are of course exceptions, but I usually don’t find it worth it to wade through all the bullshit until I find a girl that doesn’t make me want to take a vow of celibacy and become a monk. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. There’s also lots of tourists that roll through here depending on the season.

This place is filled with Israeli losers who never get laid. It also has horrible ratios. The music sucks. I walked in there once with a friend when it was completely empty except two girls sitting at the bar. We starting chatting them up, and the bartender immediately asked what we’re drinking and we answered that we’d think about it. He said maybe we should buy the two girls drinks, to which we said maybe they should buy us drinks. He then told us to buy a drink or get out. We left. When it gets crowded it’s fucking awful. Avoid at all costs.

This place has tons of young Israelis, some of them underage so be careful. The atmosphere here is grimy and unwelcoming, and the music will make your ears bleed. They usually have deals on drinks/chasers. I have had some success here and when barhopping, so I'll recommend it, but with the caveat that this place has a terrible reputation, and with good reason. I haven't been in a long time and am not losing sleep over it.

This place in my experience has a plethora of women with bad attitudes.

The Deli
This place is near the Carmel Market. It has a deli in case you are hungry, and in the back it has a bar and a small dance floor. This is a place is small and intimate with a mild underground vibe although I wouldn’t call the place underground. I haven’t been here much but plan on going back.

Drink Point
There are “Drink Points” located all over the city. No one says you can’t run game here, but the business model of them is a place for people to get drunk for cheap before they move on to another bar, so people don’t stay long. You can get Thailand style buckets here and good deals on shots.

The English Pub
Located near the beach, this place sucks. The owner, Scott, is the biggest loser in Tel Aviv, possibly Israel. Rumor has it that he can’t return to England because he’s in a bunch of debt. He gets drunk every night, and I once saw him lose his temper on some girl there and throw his glass at her, which shattered against the wall behind her. His exact words were something like, “Well alright ya little fucking cunt then get the fuck out of my bar,” as he threw the glass at her. She threatened to call the cops to which he responded, “Go ahead, call them right fucking now!” Then he kicked everyone out of the bar. If you’re hopping around on Allenby check it out I guess, but don’t get your hopes up.

Joey’s Bar
This place is like the butt of a bad joke. The female employees are hopelessly busted and have hit the wall hard. They have beer pong here if you’re itching to do that, but you will never find quality pussy unless some tourists happen to walk in, but they almost certainly won’t stay due to the overload of suckage at this bar. It’s usually empty anyway.

Little Prague
You’ll find here a good selection of beers. It’s a sit down place, so I don’t recommend coming here to run game. It’s a good venue for a date, however, because of the novelty of the wide selection of beers, including cherry beers which girls seem to like, and lots of 1-on-1 tables.

*The Pasáž (The Passage)*
This place is Allenby’s saving grace and not a total sleaze fest filled with a bunch of arsim (guidos) or underage girls. The ages of women here are more reflective of the rest of Tel Aviv, so don’t come here on the hunt for young twat. The venue is downstairs and has a chill atmosphere, often with a local band playing early on in the night. There are three bars inside and a decent sized dance floor. I come here often and always have a good time. The women are pretty receptive to game as well.

This bar is host to the rejects of society. I’ve pretty much never seen it crowded before. There is a large square bar in the middle which I’ve always found is the best physical layout of a bar for approaching girls, since you can be constantly locking eye contact and getting signals from women sitting across from you. In spite of that I’ve never gotten anything but bad attitudes from trashy bitches who remind me of a non-Hollywood version of Marla Singer from Fight Club.

This place is pretty much exactly like Chaser, and it’s right across the street. Despite it being the same, I find that there’s a lot less approachable sets here.

Area: Dizengoff/Ben Yehuda
Dizengoff and Ben Yehuda are two streets in central Tel Aviv that are close by and run parallel. There are a few clubs but mainly bars. The bars here are considered the high-end of Tel Aviv, although like all of Israel they are still pretty informal but more classy than say south Tel Aviv. The farther north you go on Dizengoff, the closer you go to the Port and the fancier the bars becomes. I tend to avoid the places on northern Dizengoff because they are usually sit-down “sorry but we’re trying to have a conversation” type places.

Ben Yehuda 140
This is a small bar that’s not so great for picking up, but its small intimate vibe is great for dates. They have 1 + 1 on drinks every day until 10:30 (as of this writing).

This is located on Bogarshov off of Ben Yehuda. It has lots of sit down which makes it terrible for running game. You’ll get the “sorry, we’re in the middle of conversation” rejection a lot here. You can get a drink bracelet and drink for free as long as you want, giving it some pregame potential, but don’t come here to hit on women. In fact, just do yourself a favor and don’t come here.

Campus Bar
This place is on Ben Yehuda and usually has a younger crowd meaning 18-22. Last time I was at this place I was in awe at the number of fatties there. Regardless of the fatties, I generally can’t stand Israelis this young, boys and girls alike, so I don’t usually come here. However, if you’re after some young pussy this is a good place to come to.

Cerveza is good for dates since it has good classic rock music and tables where you can sit one-on-one inside and have a good conversation, but be careful because on weeknights it will be tough to get a seat. On weekdays you should be fine.

*Dizzy-Frish, or simply “Dizzy”*
This has been a go to place of mine for months now. It is great for Sunday nights because it has Wine Night. You buy a bracelet for about 60 shekels and get all-you-can-drink wine. It gets more packed here than most places do on Thursday or Friday, including this place itself. It’s literally shoulder to shoulder, so try to get there are early (10:00, if not then 10:30 at the latest), so as not be stuck waiting outside. It is a good pick up environment since many seats are against the wall facing outwards with no table. Unfortunately, the word has gotten out that this is a pick up bar so women generally have their bitch shields out in full force here, however there are usually tons of sets to open and no matter how bitchy the women get here I always find myself coming back. Be careful, on Sunday night it gets crowded like a weekend night but dies down rather quick. Usually by 1am it’s starting to empty out significantly, so get your work in quickly.

This place is not great for picking up, but the quiet outdoor seating plus good happy hour is good for dates. If you get there before 9:30 any day of the week, with every beer you order you get another beer plus a shot for free.

Patio is located on Hayarkon street. There’s an outdoor patio area as the name suggests (it gets covered during the colder months), and an indoor area with loud music and a cramped danced floor. The music gets so loud that it’s tough to have conversations with people, and the dance floor is so small that when crowded people usually give up on dancing. Overall, it’s worth checking out but it’s not one my top spots.

Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks is up north on Dizengoff. It’s a sit down place and a complete write-off as far as gaming goes, but it is a solid venue for a date because of its quiet atmosphere.

I'm tempted to give this place a recommendation, but I've only been once. That being said, I had a great time. It was a weeknight and some decent talent rolled through. There's a square bar in the middle with tables and chairs around it. As the place got crowded there were lots of people standing up in a small space, great for starting conversations. On the other hand, I don't know of any other good bars in this area so for me personally if I decide I want to leave there I have to hop in a cab to somewhere else

Sex Boutique
Despite its provocative name, this place has usually been a bust for me. It’s located right across the street from Dizzy and good luck getting in if you are not 25. It’s dimly lit with one small bar that runs on the right side, with room to walk on the left side. That’s about it. Because of the lack of approachable sets and small amount of people who can fit inside, I’ve never had much success here.

Area: Florentine / Neve Tzedek
Florentine is in south Tel Aviv and has a unique personality to it. It’s hard to describe it as anything other than simply not mainstream, whatever that means. There’s lots of unique bars down here and minimal clubs. There’s also lots of street parties here, especially on Purim.

None of the places I list here are in Neve Tzedek since I’ve hit up the night life there, mainly because it doesn’t really exist, at least not for trying to pick up broads. However, this area is home to many classy restaurants, cafes, and low-key bars, making it have an endless amount of options for dates.

Baby Dolls
If you’re in the mood for strip club, this is the place to go. The women are smoking hot, generally of Eastern European descent. Entrance is 100 shekels which includes one free drink. Dances are 20 shekels.

This is right next to the Warehouse and a lot easier to find. It’s comprised of two indoor areas in a narrow alley right across the street from each other. There’s usually lots of people standing up and conversing on weekend nights, but for whatever reason I usually find that this place is a bust and not worth staying in. The atmosphere is cool though.

Vital St.
This is a small road with about a dozen bars one after the other, and some decent food/late night munchies as well (Meat Nights is a must, but be prepared for a long, long wait when it's busy). Despite the ease of barhopping that this provides I’ve generally found these bars to be bad for pick up.

This is on Abarbanel St, not far from Vital, and is an unofficial underground venue. It is not open regularly, only when people rent it out. I say it’s unofficial because it’s off the books. It’s technically someone’s apartment but the entire downstairs area is laid out exactly like a pub, with a bar and a stage. When they have parties, there’s up to a few hundred people throughout the night, and cheap drinks. If you meet an international who is living in Israel, they might know of something there, although not everyone has heard of the place. It’s tough to find so if you’re having trouble look for Hudna which is next door.

Area: Ibn Gvirol St.
This is a street not far from Dizengoff/Ben Yehuda but far enough away to merit its own list, even though the atmosphere of it is generally the same.

Drink Point
There are “Drink Points” located all over the city. No one says you can’t run game here, but the business model of them is a place for people to get drunk for cheap before they move on to another bar, so no one stays here long. You can get Thailand style buckets here and good deals on shots. The one on Ibn Gvirol is not far from the London Mini Store.

This is the hottest club in Tel Aviv right now by most people’s accounts and is pretty good IF you like clubs. It’s located in the London Mini-Store which is on Ibn Gvirol. I've recommended this place even though I don't like clubs since people who do like clubs will probably have a good time.

Friend’s Underground
It’s in the London Mini-Store in the parking garage. I’ve only been there once on a weeknight when it was empty, but it seemed to have good potential for pickup on a weeknight when it’s busy. I’ve also heard as much.

This bar is located in Rabin Sq. where the former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in 1995. It has low-volume music, a low-key atmosphere, and usually a few approachable sets. It’s good for some warm-up approaches on Saturday night, but sticking it out here generally is less preferable than hopping to another bar. The approaches that I’ve done here have generally gone well. The low music allows for easy conversation.

Sylvia Bumper
I’ve only been here a few times but it seems to have good potential for pick-up. I was also impressed by the music; I’m a sucker for classic rock which they had a lot of when I was there. I know that on Sunday nights they have 1 + 1 all night, making this and Dizzy-Frish potentials for Sunday night, even though I’ve never been here on Sunday so I can’t say for sure. It’s relative isolation makes it not so great to go to.

Area: The Nemal (Port)
This place sucks and should be avoided at all costs. Most of the places here are clubs. They’re filled with the worst kind of young Israelis i.e. arsim, which is the Hebrew word for guidos. The women are the female version of this called frehot. There’s also lots of dumb American tourists who are thrilled to be able to drink legally for the first time in their lives (I may or may not have been guilty of this myself many years ago). I don’t know where to recommend here since every time I’ve been there I’ve wanted to kill myself, but if you must the most popular club there is called Galina. As far as I know it’s only open in the summer.

Area: Rothschild St.
Rothschild has lots of bars in close proximity, more so than Dizengoff, making it easy to jump from place to place. There’s lots of quality pubs around here, as well as a few clubs. Ages range from all over but are generally older except for a few select places.

Billy Jean
This place has a younger crowd and last time I was there it got so packed and loud that I couldn’t enjoy myself or make meaningful approaches. As such, I haven’t made it a priority to go back. If you get there early before it’s that crowded it could have some potential. It’s on the corner of Rothschild and Herzl.

This bar is new as of this writing and located near the intersection of Allenby and Rothschild. I’ve only been there a couple times but it seems to have good potential.

Breakfast Club
A club that typically has strict age limits, and those limits are usually set high at about twenty-seven or above. I’ve never been but I’ve heard good things.

*Jimmy Whos?*
This medium sized bar is great for hitting on girls and a great spot to spend the night before you roll over to Penguin, due to their close proximity. You can spend hours gaming here, especially on a Thursday or Friday. Saturday night is hip-hop night, and probably their best night. People under twenty-five beware of strict age enforcement during peak hours. To beat this show up early i.e. before 22:30.

It’s a Georgian themed place located off of Rothschild. It has a pub with loud music on one side and a restaurant on the other. I’ve heard rumors of people pulling cougars from there but never confirmed any of this or done it myself. That being said, there are definitely some older women there. The environment is not good for running game because the presence of a restaurant mellows people out and the bar area is too small. There is something to be said for its unique atmosphere, but I’ve never had much success here.

OCD is located a little off of Rothschild near Penguin and Jimmy Who on Lillenblum St. It has a decent size dance floor with loud music and an outdoor area with separate music. There’s usually lots of prospects for running game on and it’s recommended if you are in the area. It’s also located across the street from Wolf Nights which is a great burger place that’s open until late on the weekends.

This is an Irish themed bar that supposedly has good food. It has lots of people sitting down and every time that I’ve walked by I didn’t feel compelled to go in.

This is an after hours place and should not be the first place you go to in the night. Parties generally go late her. The music of choice is deep-bass trance. It’s tough but possible to have a conversation. Girls are down more so than Israeli girls elsewhere so I definitely recommend this as your go-to after hours places so wait until at least 1AM or so. It’s not actually located on Rothschild St, but a short walk away on Yehuda ha-Levi, across the street from Solo. The entrance is small so be on the lookout for it, if you can find Solo which is much bigger than you know you’re at the right place.

This is located off of Rothschild and a pretty popular spot. I haven’t been many times despite its popularity but I’ve heard good things and believe that it’s good for running game based on the few times that I’ve been there, although the music was annoyingly loud.

It’s located on the corner of Allenby and Rothschild. It has lots of sit down and is generally not good for picking up. You can get drink bracelets here where you pay a flat fee and drink as much as you want

This is one of the few clubs in Israel that I can consistently enjoy. There’s generally a pretty young international crowd, without the retardedness factor found on Allenby. Don’t come here if you’re set on only meeting an Israeli chick. It might happen, but the large volume of internationals will hurt your options. Seek out the “Red Room” in the back for a place that’s a little quieter than the rest of the club so you can hear and be heard when running game. It’s located near Rothschild on Yehuda ha-Levi across from Penguin, you can’t miss it.

Va’ad Bayit
A cool outdoors area and a two-story inside area with dance floors. It has mainstream music and lots of potential for approaching, but sometimes it’s a bust. That’s okay though, Rothschild allows for easy barhopping. Usually not too strict about ages, so it has a mix in that regard.

Area: The Tayelet (The Promenade)
This promenade that goes along Tel Aviv’s beach has a few night life option, but not too many. There’s more places than what I have listed, but not many and I haven’t checked them out.

It’s located on a part of the promenade near Jaffa called the Dolphinarium. It’s a mega-club that’s open only in the summer months. This place is swarming with hot pussy, but if you’re not up for making tons of approaches and dealing with rejection, you will have a tough time here. Getting in can also be difficult. It’s also teeming with tourists. I find that going into “machine gun mode” i.e. making an insane amount of approaches is necessary. There are opportunities everywhere. That being said, I usually don't have a good time when I come here. I've recommended it anyway since it's so popular.

Mike’s Place
This is an American themed bar with mostly American employees. Honestly, this place pulls off the American atmosphere really well, which is why I normally don’t go there. However, the food is good and sometimes there’s some approachable girls. It’s near Allenby St. Naturally, you’ll find lots of English speakers.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

This is a great data sheet. For daygame, are there any good streets or central squares with lots of foot traffic? Where young women would go shop, or catch public transportation?

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet


Basically, be prepared for getting blown out a lot, girls laughing at you, or being told straight up to get lost. You have to have a thick skin and minimal approach anxiety in order to rack up a high amount of approaches here until you find girls who are feeling your game.

This makes me think that the best places to game Israeli women are outside Israel, i.e. the hippie trail in India and SE Asia.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Quote: (11-27-2014 01:21 PM)jasond Wrote:  

This is a great data sheet. For daygame, are there any good streets or central squares with lots of foot traffic? Where young women would go shop, or catch public transportation?

I don't do day game, but if I did I'd walk down Dizengoff street, and maybe check out the mall there. Ben Yehuda street, Gan Meir, Park Hayarkon, and the Promenade are also good bets.

The Promenade
[Image: attachment.jpg23235]   

People on the promenade are less likely to be in a rush since it's just nice to walk there and look at the beach and the sea. It's always bustling with people during the day, especially when there's good weather.

Quote: (11-27-2014 01:52 PM)Carlos100 Wrote:  


Basically, be prepared for getting blown out a lot, girls laughing at you, or being told straight up to get lost. You have to have a thick skin and minimal approach anxiety in order to rack up a high amount of approaches here until you find girls who are feeling your game.

This makes me think that the best places to game Israeli women are outside Israel, i.e. the hippie trail in India and SE Asia.

These are definitely popular destinations for Israeli travelers.

I ran into some Israeli chicks while traveling in Thailand, but overall my experience interacting with them while abroad is limited. I tried to work both the Israeli angle and the American angle, because if I don't reveal that I live in Israel and speak Hebrew then I'm just another American as far as they know. I didn't notice anything different about them, although people on the forum have spoken to the contrary.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Nice data-sheet. Appreciate the work you put into it.

Will come in handy next time I'm in Israel. I will try Day Game more though - coffee instant dates might be relatively easy to pull off.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

I've always considered going to Tel Aviv. This data sheet is great information. The costly living there is what has deterred me from visiting.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Thanks for the positive feedback guys, much appreciated.

A few updates:
1) I went to Solo twice recently, and I have to withdraw my recommendation of this place as "one of the few clubs in Israel that I can consistently enjoy." I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that. Don't go. It sucks. When I was there the other night, as I was walking in I had one girl that I wasn't even looking at ask me if I could pay for entrance for her and her friends. I scrunched up my face in bemused disgust for about a second as I kept on my way.

Later, I was talking to a guy friend of mine and a girl came up to him and straight up asked, "Want to buy me a drink?"

If girls are behaving this way in a given venue, something is wrong with that venue.

On top of that, I had three or four approaches that went nowhere. The ones that weren't outright blowouts lasted for about a minute. I looked at the last girl who rejected me more closely after she exited the conversation, and realized she was about a five. The scales are so tipped here that you should just stay away.

2) A venue not on the list but that's pretty popular in Tel Aviv these days: Kuli Alma
This place is in the Rothschild area, located on Yehuda haLevi not far from Solo and Penguin. There's a social outdoor area and a more intimate indoor bar that has loud music, dim lights, and more of a club feel. I personally don't like this place, because anything that can be described as a "club" or "like a club" in Tel Aviv is usually a good indicator that you should stay away. But it's pretty popular so it's important for it to be on the list.

3) Another venue: HaKtovet
This place is near Rothschild/Kuli Alma on a street called Mikve Yisrael. It's street number is either 1 or 7, I can't remember. It's only a few weeks old as of this writing, and who knows if it'll stay open for long, but I've been there twice and it's pretty cool. It has a neighborhood feel and apparently gets pretty packed on the weekend. Girls that I've gone up to have been receptive. The entrance is a large metal door with a bouncer outside but other than that it's pretty discreet i.e. there's no sign or other indicator. Worth checking out.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Going to be Tel Aviv starting Wednesday.. any recent updates to the night life scene ?
Send me a PM if anybody will be around.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Rishboy, I would really appreciate it if you do a writeup of your trip. I will spend a week in Tel Aviv next month and can use every bit of information about the current nightlife situation.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

I don't know when I was in Israel many years ago the chicks were pretty sexually adventurous .Blonde Sth African dudes with their asshole game did really, really well.Same with blue eyed English guys.The Israeli girls use to come into our Hostel on Dizengoff and throw it around alot.I'm not talking ugly girls here.Gangbang ,orgy shit.Hostel is gone now I'm told.
On the Kibbutz the Israeli guys use to cock block us hard.They hated us getting with an Israeli girl.
I had some good times in the holy land as a none Jew.Some real sexy girls and I would go back there in a heart beat. The beaches have waves and I loved Sheinkin street on a friday back then .
Israeli guys I knew where almost like the Zohan.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

A quick update as I was with my Ukrainian GF so did not experience much night life. Bars and clubs seem to busy on Wed and Thursday's due to the Sabbath but I still saw a lot of place still open on Fri and Sat nights so Tel Aviv offers good options for mid week. Generally speaking I found the girls and guys too be in good shape due the the 2 year military service requirement plus the fact people are jogging, biking, etc. The beaches of Tel Aviv really surprised me as we were staying across the street and Saturday was the big day when the area of packed. Tel Aviv is a great walking city and we spent hours just exploring the different neighbourhoods.
Girls wise lots of opportunities and many Slavic beauties come here to work or vacation. I would say the hipster culture is penetrating as I saw more tattoos, piecing, etc and the only other negative was the prices. Expect Western prices unless you want to eat a falafel.

Definitely try to make it down to old fort of Massada and Dead Sea as I enjoyed it. Overall I found the people to very friendly and open.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

As an Israeli from the Tel Aviv area that spent the majority of his adult life there, I would say the Data sheet is very accurate.
good job on the thorough analysis! [Image: smile.gif]

here are my few add ons.
1)in majority Israeli Girls are PRO ballbusters. it's a thing in israel, these "ego wars" that is among the everyday life tend to leak easily into the male-female relationship. an Israeli girl who is 7+ would probably always shit test a man becasue hidden in her is the desire to be superior. a man who "does not blink" and talks back and ball bust her back (a lot of teasing) is considered a good thing, and would get you respect. when done with a smirk it is great and effective.
(add the fact that israelis are aggressive, assertive & at time obnoxious, and in TA do not fear approaching a woman and u get high levels of bitch shielding)

2)no need to game in hebrew, but you can use it for your benefit by learning funny stupid words that can bring a laugh. that would do the trick for a fun conversation. for example you can say something like "Ani Gever-Gever" (which means "i'm a stud" in local slang)
if she asks you what you know in hebrew. saying this with a smirk would probably get a laughter 99.9% at times.

3)Green-on-the-go said about the adventures type of Israelis, and like other countries, the treatment is diff when you're a foreigner, especially from the exotic blonde-blue eyed countries.
as mentioned, everybody knows everybody in Israel in general, and especially in TA which is a small "metropolitan"
so they would loosen up easier for a foreigner becasue nobody they know know them, and if they are horny, they would open up easier and faster to them.

4)altough getting one night stand is VERY HARD, indeed, Tel Aviv lurks with cock hungry women, especially the older ones (27-34) that had their night out but still without nothing to show for.... stick to the 2-3 AM hour in Tel Aviv when streets, bars etc are still with people and look for the women that prowl the streets looking bored in their bar cruising out together. that would increase the chances drastically. a good area is the lilenblum-florentin-rothschild areas which have high traffic in these hours.

one night stands are possible, but mostly ONLY common in Tel Aviv where all the suburban women come to, and tel avivian single girls
feel more adventurous and "abroad" from their former rural-suburbian areas they relocated to Tel Aviv from.
it's sometimes like a right of pessage for girls to have their ONS which is different from what they grown up with...

sometimes, counter intuitively (since being too direct can fuck your chances) I had success with just saying to them to come home with me, or even being direct by saying you want to dick them (all done with a confident smile-smirk). this works for these twilight hours where you put the offer on the table, and she may accept.
sometimes there won't be a full bang, but she can blow you or handjob you too.

hope this helps
[Image: wink.gif]

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Dirty streets, loud people, more expensive than the UK.
Even fat whores in their thirties are hard to get.
Israeli women are ruined by military service which is the highest form of feminism.

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

@eduardo and RealityCheck: What clubs/areas or even strategy would you recommend a 23 year old guy who has only 3-4 days in Tel Aviv? I want to get my Israeli flag but it sounds really hard as you both said that ONS are very hard to get. RealityCheck also mentioned that being under 25 can be a big disadvantage. So how doy ou think can I maximize my chances of getting the flag?

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

Great data sheet, would like to visit

Tel Aviv Night Life Datasheet

use tinder bro. it has a high usage rate in Israel. and after the warm up be blunt.
3-4 days is not a lot of time to secure the flag in Israel...
your other best option is to be on the weekend - Thursday, friday, saturday and hit on as many women you can in the rothschield-lilinblum-florentin area.
it's ok. you can start early and hit it up all the way till 6 AM and get your leads from there and followup after for a day in the beach or so. use physical contact, as it's not looked bad in Israel, and go for the physical escalation, if she flows with it she may be down for a fast screw. bear in mind israeli girls can make out with you and still won't let u bang them.

Best of luck buddy

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