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Lizard Hygiene

Lizard Hygiene

This morning, I was thinking about the trash in my phone contacts especially after exchanging an extremely vapid text stream with one of my platonic lizard friends (I just stopped texting after my brain nodes shut down from the template like responses)

I have quite a few lizard contacts in my phone that are not live right now. They are dicking me around, sending me useless texts, telling me we will hook up and weak ass teasing.

I really don't have time to play text or phone game but my friend says I should wait them out as I have had a few mature in the past.

My question is, is it worth waiting out dead links. As you all know, I currently reside in Toronto and the women here are constantly juggling dycks (since there is a high beta male population here) so they keep on juggling until they get bored or they need physical satisfaction.

Basically, a male just has to wait his turn here.

What I want to do is:
a) Send a definitive text that says if you about it, call me and let's do something and if not, I'm deleting your number.
However, that might be burning the bridges.


b) Do what Torontonians generally do: Delete your number and if you call them out of the blue, they say that they lost all the phone numbers off of their phone. I hate that strategy however, it's beta as fcuk and I'll go down in flames before I subject to that coward ass strategy. Sadly, however when in Rome...[Image: sad.gif]

c) If I call them and give them the ultimatum (which I used to do when I first moved here) it does not work. They will not call back. This is a non confrontational culture and it's considered uncouth to speak honestly if there is the slightest possibility that it may hurt one's feelings.

I feel that the numbers of these time wasters are just a drain on my psychic resources.

Please bearing in mind that I am in a beta culture, what do you think my best of course of action should be?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Lizard Hygiene

I vote for option A.

Colombia is also a BETA culture extremely similar to Toronto just based on what you described.

Option A has worked fir me more times than the other 2.


Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 10:15 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

I vote for option A.

Colombia is also a BETA culture extremely similar to Toronto just based on what you described.

Option A has worked fir me more times than the other 2.


I will take your advice, Mixx. I am getting weary of the nonsense...I will go through my numbers tonight.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Lizard Hygiene

Let us know how it went!

Lizard Hygiene

Nobody likes giving ultimatums (well, no men do at least); an ultimatum is basically like saying 'You have most of the power, but I still have some and I'm walking if you don't share some of that shit!'

But at the same time, nobody likes getting the run around either; two things that impede most men in the quest for pussy, 1) bad logistics and 2) the run around. I like the chase (to a point), but chicks love the run around, I guess it makes them feel valued or something. The text works better than the call because you just might get her machine; she'll definitely see a text.

You never know; if you have 20 contacts and you send 'Are we gonna party or can I delete your number now?', yeah you might permanently cut 18 of them, but you might spur two of them into action.

I'd like to say that 'lizard' is my favorite thing ever. I also have a stacked rolodex of lizards that were once leads that still occasionally hit me up out of the blue; not necessarily to come and fuck (usually the only girls that hit you up with 'I want to fuck' texts are girls you've already fucked), mostly because they want some guy's attention.

Fucking wack.

Lizard Hygiene

Moma I would run a test sample on 50% of these chicks. Send them the 'wrong contact' text from Roissy's text game post that goes something like 'I had a great time and cant wait to see you again. Make sure you wear those killer red heels!". If they dont respond at least they get to burn at the stake of jealousy and you end up on top.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 09:38 AM)Moma Wrote:  

This morning, I was thinking about the trash in my phone contacts especially after exchanging an extremely vapid text stream with one of my platonic lizard friends (I just stopped texting after my brain nodes shut down from the template like responses)

I have quite a few lizard contacts in my phone that are not live right now. They are dicking me around, sending me useless texts, telling me we will hook up and weak ass teasing.

I really don't have time to play text or phone game but my friend says I should wait them out as I have had a few mature in the past.

My question is, is it worth waiting out dead links. As you all know, I currently reside in Toronto and the women here are constantly juggling dycks (since there is a high beta male population here) so they keep on juggling until they get bored or they need physical satisfaction.

Basically, a male just has to wait his turn here.

What I want to do is:
a) Send a definitive text that says if you about it, call me and let's do something and if not, I'm deleting your number.
However, that might be burning the bridges.


b) Do what Torontonians generally do: Delete your number and if you call them out of the blue, they say that they lost all the phone numbers off of their phone. I hate that strategy however, it's beta as fcuk and I'll go down in flames before I subject to that coward ass strategy. Sadly, however when in Rome...[Image: sad.gif]

c) If I call them and give them the ultimatum (which I used to do when I first moved here) it does not work. They will not call back. This is a non confrontational culture and it's considered uncouth to speak honestly if there is the slightest possibility that it may hurt one's feelings.

I feel that the numbers of these time wasters are just a drain on my psychic resources.

Please bearing in mind that I am in a beta culture, what do you think my best of course of action should be?

Very interesting thread. I fully identify with you right now. I am in a similar position and tried several strategies in the past with a few chicks.

I would go for option A. Hands down.
The reasons are several:
1) You said it yourself with great acumen: it drains your psychic resources to keep afloat some of these pseudo dead links. Very very true. Dont misunderstand me, one or two cases of flaky lizard that play hard to get wont bother you and are manageable, but when you get a handful of them the overall burden of this flakiness will affect your underlying enthusiasm for the game.

2) I tend to be more complacent when I believe (incorrectly) that I still have some traction with these chicks and that I just need to "activate" them pinging them again. The clean up of old lizard process is an essential part of the game, as it motivates me to go out when I have few prospects in my roster (like 3-4).

Here is an example of what happened to me yesterday using your option A strategy. I texted a lizard (a 7,5) that was always responding enthusiastically but then never really committed on previous multiple occasions (havent banged her, just made out with her on our only date 1, then had problems seeing her again).

Me: Restart text
She: How was your dinner at that restaurant the other night?
Me: Sublime, you missed out! are you around Fri or Sun for drinks, time to catch up.
She: I'm in class all day both days.
Me: Haha, I got it, and that's ok ;-) Time to sell you back to your family and set you free then: 30 cows, 50 sheeps and 70 chickens it is. Take care "chick's name". Cu around. Me.
She (3 messages): I'm sorry I am not more available at this time to do fun things with you. I am involved in more projects at the moment than I know how to handle. I really am in class and I am not making up excuses to blow you off. I enjoy your vibrant energy and company. I'm just a bit tapped at the moment.
Me: Dont worry, I understand you. Seriously. Priorities are priorities. Plus, I am a big boy ;-) Lack of momentum is a big deal for me though, especially when I'm getting to know someone new. So I hope you understand me too if I prefer to simply move on.

The underlying question is: could have I banged her sticking around? maybe. Am I willing to to? no. I rather move on. Why? beside the aforementioned reasons because I want to fiercely protect my balance. The quicksand of scheduling-canceling-and the back and forth with scattered girls can hinder your enthusiasm. Taking away the fun element of the game. That's why it is important to walk away with no hesitation from toxic or overly complicated liaisons.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 11:21 AM)truedat Wrote:  

Moma I would run a test sample on 50% of these chicks. Send them the 'wrong contact' text from Roissy's text game post that goes something like 'I had a great time and cant wait to see you again. Make sure you wear those killer red heels!". If they dont respond at least they get to burn at the stake of jealousy and you end up on top.

I am going to run your idea as well as Oblivion77's. 50% is good for a sample section to rouse some potential sleeping wolves.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Lizard Hygiene

Moma, I sent a girl this in a text today thats been wasting my time. She texted me back asking me to come swim and drink with her later at her house. Why I sent this I can't explain but it confuses women
Stolen from Amour fou..

"Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation."

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 02:33 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Moma, I sent a girl this in a text today thats been wasting my time. She texted me back asking me to come swim and drink with her later at her house. Why I sent this I can't explain but it confuses women
Stolen from Amour fou..

"Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation."

That shyt is craaaazy! LOLLL! I'll try that with 25 percent of my dead links then!



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:15 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 02:33 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Moma, I sent a girl this in a text today thats been wasting my time. She texted me back asking me to come swim and drink with her later at her house. Why I sent this I can't explain but it confuses women
Stolen from Amour fou..

"Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation."

That shyt is craaaazy! LOLLL! I'll try that with 25 percent of my dead links then!
Please let me know what kind of responses you get with that. I have sent that a few times today now and got this:

Girl:Are you hitting on me?

Girl:Your crazy!lol

Girl[Image: biggrin.gif]o you want to come to my pool later after work? I am making chicken dinner.

Im going to send it to a girl who went silent on me a few months ago that I have to fuck after this test run.

Lizard Hygiene

I've had some luck with a new restart text I've been using lately. I'm an artist, so I send a text saying "I just drew a naked 40 yr old version of you in my life drawing class... rest assured, the puppies are gonna hold up! haha" Most of these girls are mid 20s.

I'm sure you guys could just say you saw an older version of her walking down the street or something.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:15 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 02:33 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Moma, I sent a girl this in a text today thats been wasting my time. She texted me back asking me to come swim and drink with her later at her house. Why I sent this I can't explain but it confuses women
Stolen from Amour fou..

"Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation."

That shyt is craaaazy! LOLLL! I'll try that with 25 percent of my dead links then!
Please let me know what kind of responses you get with that. I have sent that a few times today now and got this:

Girl:Are you hitting on me?

Girl:Your crazy!lol

Girl[Image: biggrin.gif]o you want to come to my pool later after work? I am making chicken dinner.

Im going to send it to a girl who went silent on me a few months ago that I have to fuck after this test run.

Do I put my name in or do I leave it exactly as is..with the name Amour Fou?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Lizard Hygiene

I say just classify the lame ass lizards in your phone as "attention whores" with potential to fuck when all else fails. Don't get rid of them , since they pop up from time to time seeking attention. Whatever you do, don't chase these whores . Create a new batch of bitches that are responding, ready to fuck and suck,and that should neutralize any stress the attention whores are causing you. Repeat process when new batch starts acting like attention whores.


Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:45 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 03:15 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 02:33 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Moma, I sent a girl this in a text today thats been wasting my time. She texted me back asking me to come swim and drink with her later at her house. Why I sent this I can't explain but it confuses women
Stolen from Amour fou..

"Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation."

That shyt is craaaazy! LOLLL! I'll try that with 25 percent of my dead links then!
Please let me know what kind of responses you get with that. I have sent that a few times today now and got this:

Girl:Are you hitting on me?

Girl:Your crazy!lol

Girl[Image: biggrin.gif]o you want to come to my pool later after work? I am making chicken dinner.

Im going to send it to a girl who went silent on me a few months ago that I have to fuck after this test run.

Do I put my name in or do I leave it exactly as is..with the name Amour Fou?
I left it the way it reads with amour fou. Did you send it yet? I got my responses within minutes.

Lizard Hygiene

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:17 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:24 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:17 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:29 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:24 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:17 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

I'm assuming you have facebook.... ....there's an app for it.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:42 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:29 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:24 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:17 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

I'm assuming you have facebook.... ....there's an app for it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with facebook. It's more something like this (without the jokes and more aesthetically pleasing & intuitive):

Besides, 0 of the girls I'm banging would I ever add to facebook.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:44 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:42 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:29 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:24 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:17 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I'm in a similar situation right now. I have like 20 or so dead links that I need to either smash or delete. I've already deleted the conversations because there were just too many and I started confusing people. All the more reason to start developing my compartmentalization app... just got the ball rolling. I think I'm gonna go with A, it'll be an easier way to weed them out quickly.

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

I'm assuming you have facebook.... ....there's an app for it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with facebook. It's more something like this:
but don't you drag your facebook whores around in your phone as well? I do . Ill check that out.

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:45 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:44 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:42 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:29 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:24 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Bingo . Separation is the key. FInd a new batch of bitches and then put the previous attention whores in a completely different compartment. Preferably a ditch.

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

I'm assuming you have facebook.... ....there's an app for it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with facebook. It's more something like this:
but don't you drag your facebook whores around in your phone as well? I do . Ill check that out.
Neat idea... I bet it would help a lot of people who can't control these moody skanks. $0.99 is a good value . Will it have alerts and shit like that too?

Lizard Hygiene

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:50 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:45 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:44 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:42 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2011 04:29 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Theoretical question: Would you guys pay $0.99 for an app that would separate all of your women... and bring up all the information you have on any particular name/nickname on demand in a second?

Next question: How many people other people do you think would benefit from / buy it? Casual players?

I'm assuming you have facebook.... ....there's an app for it.

This has absolutely nothing to do with facebook. It's more something like this:
but don't you drag your facebook whores around in your phone as well? I do . Ill check that out.
Neat idea... I bet it would help a lot of people who can't control these moody skanks. $0.99 is a good value . Will it have alerts and shit like that too?


Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Lizard Hygiene

I'd drop $0.99. Especially if it imported text msg / phone call records, had various fields for date/location met, status (active, slow track, dead, etc.) age, rating (1-10), description, about, etc.

How sick would it be if it was programmed to automatically send restart texts after inactive periods? You could be pinging your whole book weekly without lifting a finger.

Lizard Hygiene

If I could program, I would make a Chicktionary app. List of girls, pics optional, attractiveness ratings, what bases and # of dates you've done with them, backlog of texts and calls from each girl, prerecorded list of text openers and gambits. Lets you type in texts and automatically delays them an appropriate amount set by an algorithm based on age and her typical response time, and randomized around that point. Calendar indicating when girls are free and when dates are set. Menstrual cycle sub-app. Gather data on which pre-recorded openers are most effective/ yield longest texts back.

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