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Cock Carousel Map

Cock Carousel Map

Only applicable to girls under 28 (28+ are marriage hunters the globe over):

Carousel-riding countries:

- ONS is common (sometimes openly, sometimes hidden, 50%+ of girls have had one at least once in their life). 1-date model.

- Girls are "focused on their careers" rather than men.

- In some countries, women say "I don't want marriage and kids", in others "I might get married, some day" (when I am 30+ and post-wall).

- Most women do not want relationships. In some places they combine their cock-hopping with long-term beta boyfriends they cheat on, in others they forfeit boyfriends all together.

- Feminist ideology is usually the norm (though not always consciously, but behaviour will reflect parts of feminism).

- Women glorify sex over love. In some countries they are the pump-and-dumpers, in others not, but they don't believe in love and think men are nothing more than human dildos. Love is dead and near-impossible in these countries (it can happen, but don't count on it).

Non-carousel riding countries:

- ONS is very infrequent. It sometimes happens under special circumstances, but is very far from the norm. 2-5 date model (sometimes more).

- Women either combine career with relationships, or forfeit their career soon after getting married young.

- Most women marry and have children before 25.

- Most women want relationships.

- Feminist ideology is rarely the norm.

- Women believe and fantasize about love over sex. Their fantasies about men resemble romantic novels closer than they do porn movies. Love is possible and rewarding in these countries.

[Image: attachment.jpg20607]   

The map is fairly accurate, but feel free to correct any that may be off.

Cock Carousel Map


Cock Carousel Map

What about Madagascar? [Image: smile.gif]

Cock Carousel Map

I'm trying to come up with a post that expresses how tremendously inaccurate this entire map is without being an asshole to another member.

The women in Latin and South America, East and Southeast Asia, and most of Africa are career oriented feminists who don't want relationships or marriage? What are you basing this on?

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 03:46 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

I'm trying to come up with a post that expresses how tremendously inaccurate this entire map is without being an asshole to another member.

The women in Latin and South America, East and Southeast Asia, and most of Africa are career oriented feminists who don't want relationships or marriage? What are you basing this on?

In both Latin America and some parts of Asia one-night-stands are relatively frequent. The degree varies by country, but a girl in Brazil can be laid quickly and her default strategy will be R-selection, the same as a girl in Thailand. In contrast, a girl in Russia will have K-selection as her default mode, and be on the lookout for relationships, even if serial monogamy.

Not every girl in the blue countries are feminist Americunts (some may even be sweet girls, as in the EU parts of Eastern Europe), but the default will be R-selection, meaning many girls under 28 will not want a relationship with you (though a minority will), fast lays are possible and frequent, and you run a slight (higher the more Western the culture) risk of not getting your texts replied to after one or a few lays. There is also greater emphasis placed by the girl on the sexual aspect of the interaction rather than on the romantic/bonding side of it. On the blue side, women operate in the dating market similarly to how men operate, focusing mostly on the sexual aspect in short-term interactions that start with fast lays. They may want marriage some day, but not at this early age. On the red side, young women operate traditionally, seeking out monogamy from the start, wishing to wait for sex (with heavy LMR as a consequence) and focusing on the lovey-dovey side of things. Essentially it is the difference between Ukraine and Poland for those who know both countries.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 03:52 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

In both Latin America and some parts of Asia one-night-stands are relatively frequent. The degree varies by country, but a girl in Brazil can be laid quickly and her default strategy will be R-selection, the same as a girl in Thailand. In contrast, a girl in Russia will have K-selection as her default mode, and be on the lookout for relationships, even if serial monogamy.

Not every girl in the blue countries are feminist Americunts (some may even be sweet girls, as in the EU parts of Eastern Europe), but the default will be R-selection, meaning many girls under 28 will not want a relationship with you, fast lays are possible and frequent, and you run a slight (higher the more Western the culture) risk of not getting your texts replied to after one or a few lays. There is also greater emphasis placed by the girl on the sexual aspect of the interaction rather than on the romantic/bonding side of it. Essentially it is the difference between Ukraine and Poland for those who know both countries.

I repeat, what are you basing this on? As in, where are you getting your data?

I'm sure we'd all love to hear how you pulled off frequent one night stands in Argentina and South Korea.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:00 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2014 03:52 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

In both Latin America and some parts of Asia one-night-stands are relatively frequent. The degree varies by country, but a girl in Brazil can be laid quickly and her default strategy will be R-selection, the same as a girl in Thailand. In contrast, a girl in Russia will have K-selection as her default mode, and be on the lookout for relationships, even if serial monogamy.

Not every girl in the blue countries are feminist Americunts (some may even be sweet girls, as in the EU parts of Eastern Europe), but the default will be R-selection, meaning many girls under 28 will not want a relationship with you, fast lays are possible and frequent, and you run a slight (higher the more Western the culture) risk of not getting your texts replied to after one or a few lays. There is also greater emphasis placed by the girl on the sexual aspect of the interaction rather than on the romantic/bonding side of it. Essentially it is the difference between Ukraine and Poland for those who know both countries.

I repeat, what are you basing this on? As in, where are you getting your data?

I'm sure we'd all love to hear how you pulled off frequent one night stands in Argentina and South Korea.

A mixture of personal experience and accounts from others. I do not claim 100% accuracy, but most of the countries do have an explanation. In Argentina, for instance, most girls do not have sex with strangers in nightclubs, but they are career-oriented girls who rarely marry under 28 and often have fast sex within their extended social circles. Most of what I wrote above applies to them aswell.

Cock Carousel Map

I'm living in Mexico and yes, there are the cock riding girls but MOST are femenine and want to find a provider husband.

Cock Carousel Map

This map isn't very good ya know.

You'd need monstrous amounts of data to do this with any semblance of accuracy.

There is lots wrong with this Sir.

Cock Carousel Map

Those Somalian and Sudanese girls just can't stop riding the carousel.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:16 PM)Gunner Wrote:  

I'm living in Mexico and yes, there are the cock riding girls but MOST are femenine and want to find a provider husband.

There is no correlation with femininity. Poland, for example, is a country with women who are both feminine and have this liberal attitude (while also holding beta boyfriends they sometimes cheat on). Even in Mexico it is rare to find say, a 20 year old girl actively looking for a husband.

The cock-carousel varies in degree. What I express in the map is mostly an attitude. In the US a girl can amass 50 lovers before the age of 25, in South America many times it will not excede 10, but most will have had fast sex and short sexual relationships. This is not the case in the red countries.

Again, a matter of degree, but you will find this liberal attitude in all of the blue countries. In these places women will rarely be internally opposed (what they say to other people may vary) to fast sex and short sexual relationships, whereas in the red countries women are very focused on the bonding aspects of interactions with men. In the blue countries, ASD (anti-slut-defense) may block many sexual interactions, but in the red countries it is an attitude towards relationships, focused on bonding (where sex is rarely separable from love) that blocks sexual interactions. There is this fundamental difference in attitude.

Cock Carousel Map

Did you make this by just filling in some borders in MS Paint? How did you determine this stuff? Did you spend substantial time in many of these countries? Mongolia full of carousel riders? I doubt even 5 guys on this forum have been to Mongolia. On what basis did you pick out Tunisia as a carousel country but the rest of North Africa non-carousel.

Anyway this is all smelling trollish to me. Prognosis: cloudy with a chance of ban.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:08 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

A mixture of personal experience and accounts from others. I do not claim 100% accuracy, but most of the countries do have an explanation. In Argentina, for instance, most girls do not have sex with strangers in nightclubs, but they are career-oriented girls who rarely marry under 28 and often have fast sex within their extended social circles. Most of what I wrote above applies to them aswell.

Where are you getting those figures from? The UN has the average age of marriage for Argentinian women at 23.3, right on par with Russia.

And marrying at a later age isn't proof that they're slutting it up, especially considering that it's not uncommon for people to live with their parents well into their 20s across much of the regions I mentioned -- including Argentina.

How about Vietnam, where virginity is lost in the very late teens and girls are married by 23? I'm guessing Vietnamese women must be career oriented?

Also, how is it that guys on this forum are able to smash Ukrainians and Russians if they're not open to short-term relationships whatsoever? Connecting the dots, Roosh expressed high levels of frustration regarding Argentina yet returned to Ukraine for seconds.

Cock Carousel Map

I got my eye on you. I'm pretty sure you're a former(ly banned) member.

Cock Carousel Map

China, Africa, South America should be covered. Some of these places may be more sexually liberal but I wouldn't class them as areas where the cock carousel is in motion. Measuring how polygamous a society is, will always be a hard task. Its safe to assume in countries where it is really encouraged (The Anglosphere) then it will be high. Although plenty of women in more traditional countries ride the carousel but when they travel or secretly. Hell I knew of muslim girls in Birmingham who used to sleep with the black and Eastern European guys, and they were very discrete about it.

If you are concerned about your future wife's sexual history, you can defiantly increase your chances by going to a country that doesn't encourage polygamy, but its going to come down to your own discretion, it is a tough topic to tackle.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:41 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:08 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

A mixture of personal experience and accounts from others. I do not claim 100% accuracy, but most of the countries do have an explanation. In Argentina, for instance, most girls do not have sex with strangers in nightclubs, but they are career-oriented girls who rarely marry under 28 and often have fast sex within their extended social circles. Most of what I wrote above applies to them aswell.

Where are you getting those figures from? The UN has the average age of marriage for Argentinian women at 23.3, right on par with Russia.

And marrying at a later age isn't proof that they're slutting it up, especially considering that it's not uncommon for people to live with their parents well into their 20s across much of the regions I mentioned -- including Argentina.

How about Vietnam, where virginity is lost in the very late teens and girls are married by 23?

I grew up in Spain and it is far from uncommon for girls to have more than 10 sexual partners at a very young age. Of course, all of this is subject to debate, and the carousel in itself is a generalization, not to mention the map. But, I tried to sum up general attitudes to give a roadmap in certain countries. There are still a lot of men on this forum that think Polish girls are the epitome of traditionalistic romance when in fact the dating culture is more similar to Germany than it is to Russia.

Very similar you will see great differences between the mindsets of an Argentine girl and those of a Russian girl, especially with regards to feminism and sex, even though both will hide these from you. An Argentine girl has a great fear of being easy, but she is not truly opposed, in her heart, to fast sex and short flings, whereas Russian girls are. You see this manifested in how Argentine girls behave within their social circles.

Cock Carousel Map

Quote: (08-07-2014 04:50 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

I grew up in Spain and it is far from uncommon for girls to have more than 10 sexual partners at a very young age. Of course, all of this is subject to debate, and the carousel in itself is a generalization, not to mention the map. But, I tried to sum up general attitudes to give a roadmap in certain countries. There are still a lot of men on this forum that think Polish girls are the epitome of traditionalistic romance when in fact the dating culture is more similar to Germany than it is to Russia.

Very similar you will see great differences between the mindsets of an Argentine girl and those of a Russian girl, especially with regards to feminism and sex, even though both will hide these from you. An Argentine girl has a great fear of being easy, but she is not truly opposed, in her heart, to fast sex and short flings, whereas Russian girls are. You see this manifested in how Argentine girls behave within their social circles.

How have you possibly spent enough time in these countries to know what the average Argentinian girl's sex life is within her social circle, the true nature of every Russian girl's heart, and still had time to hit all of Africa?

That's why I focused on the hard data (average age of marriage for Argentinian women) which you were way off on and haven't offered any rebuttal for.

Cock Carousel Map

I think there is a misunderstanding of terms. By cock carousel I don't mean the two-guys-per-month American style carousel, but I am trying to sum up those countries where women are not truly opposed to sexual flings, in the sense that they can separate sex and love. From there on it is a scale of degree. In the US it is 100% sexual. In Western Europe 90% sexual. EU parts of Eastern Europe a bit less, and so on. But what I mean is that, for example, a girl in Poland can go to a club because she is horny just to get laid (or variations, such as sex through social circle in Argentina), and this happens with many of them, whereas in the red countries the majority of girls wouldn't dream of doing that as sex is inextricably tied to love.

I hope I explained myself, the term "carousel" is probably the wrong one to use. It is difficult to put into words. Again, the difference between Ukraine and Poland, if that helps people understand. This is useful as it will determine whether going after sex or going after relationships will be more fruitful in a particular society.

I do not wish to turn this into an argument or appear overly arrogant and imposing with my ideas. Of course there are errors, but the map is an attempt to express what I describe above. I travel frequently for these purposes and this information has helped me enormously in certain countries, and I am certain some value is to be gleaned for fellow players. An example, irrefutable just for the sake of example, is that it is unwise to set a dating frame with an American girl, who is herself in a hookup frame, or to express feelings of romance to her even after sex, whereas in certain countries this is fine. But there are some countries, particularly in South America and Eastern Europe where the mentality hits a fine line between West and East that can be very confusing, and I have tilted my opinion of the place in the direction of what I experienced most abundantly in that place (example of this are Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Brazil...).

Cock Carousel Map

Just 2 questions for you OMT:

In how many of these countries have you been and hunted successfully?
And how long have you stayed in these places to be able to make such a claim?

Cock Carousel Map

You might want to change the color for Indonesia. That's the most cock riding country I've ever visited. The fact that Java is the most densely populated island in the world should also tell you something.

Painting the entire South American continent with the same brush is probably not right either. Colombia, for example, is not a one night stand destination. I mean, you can get one night stands there for sure, but it's not easy at all. 2nd and 3rd date lays are much more common.

Cock Carousel Map

Map is a generalized as hell. Not going to refute by putting out a specific claim about a country, but a general problem with this entire thing. There is no way you have visited all these countries, understood the cultures of each of these countries, gotten second hand accounts of all these countries even through RVF, or have knowledge of the women in each culture. So let me tell you this. You're pulling a higher level of bullshit than what Dash_Global was pulling.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

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Cock Carousel Map

I agree with everyone else that this map is nonsense.

Just a few examples..

Indonesia is huge and you can get laid quickly in Jakarta and also easily find good monogamous women ready to commit.

The same goes for the Philippines.

Vietnam on the other hand is far more conservative in all ways yet it's grouped in with carousel riders? WTF?

Same goes for Taiwan..more conservative.

The only true carousel riding countries are the ones where feminism is the dominant ideology of the women. This would be mostly anglosphere countries with a few assorted mainland EU countries only.

Cock Carousel Map

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Cock Carousel Map

I'd like to hear more about your experience in Greenland. Are girls from Nuuk slutty? How many Greenlanders were you able to bang and how many dates did it take?

Cock Carousel Map

Doesn't match my experiences with African girls. I like the concept, but this map seems bitter and exaggerated.

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