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When are the London riots coming to the States?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 08:42 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:56 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  


European minorities feel disenfranchised? These guys get free schooling, free healthcare, access to welfare and unemployment benefits. How much more of a helping hand can you give them? How can you make it any easier for them?

Maybe the problem is not disenfranchised youths, maybe the problem is welfare grabbing, self entitled "victims" who never bothered to integrate? Maybe "the man" is not always to blame?

Maybe we could hold these fucking degenerates responsible for their own actions for a change instead? Or is that too much to ask?

Nah, bruv, I lived in the UK, it's nowhere as rosy as you make it, mate. I was there for the Brixton riots (didn't go out) and there is a constant discontentment amongst minorities.

The free healthcare and all that is very nice but give a man a chance to stand up on his own two feet and carve out a living. There is still discrimination in hiring practices and this seems to be the trend in commonwealth countries. I've heard some stories about Auzzie land and New Zealand (Commonwealth countries) and don't let me get started on Canada.

There are certainly opportunistic cats out there taking advantage (dole moles etc) but on the whole, there is injustice.

It just seems you cant win here.

Either they are not investing enough in minorities or they are investing too much resulting in apathy. At some point they are going to have to stand on their own two feet too. How much longer are we going to continue to pull the whole racist card? The race riots in Notting Hill were over 50 years ago now.

It really cannot get any damn easier for people. Has anyone ever had it easier than a minority in a European country? Yes, there is racism, but at the same time I have never known societies at large to provide so much assistance to people. Housing, unemployment benefits, free education, free healthcare, guidance programs, social programs. At the same time, this is without a doubt the most liberal and progressive Europe has EVER been. What more must still be done here?

Racism in Australia and New Zealand is exaggerated. Islanders in NZ are given preference top to bottom in an aim to uplift them, this on top of all the benefits too. In Australia, its an immigrants country. Best man for the job. The amount of money that is poured into Aboriginal communities dwarfs anything else in the country when compared per capita.

This is an excellent book written by a Nigerian who does not hold his punches at all. I wish more people had the courage he has to look at this shit realistically instead of idealistically all the time.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:56 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  


European minorities feel disenfranchised? These guys get free schooling, free healthcare, access to welfare and unemployment benefits. How much more of a helping hand can you give them? How can you make it any easier for them?

Maybe the problem is not disenfranchised youths, maybe the problem is welfare grabbing, self entitled "victims" who never bothered to integrate? Maybe "the man" is not always to blame?

Maybe we could hold these fucking degenerates responsible for their own actions for a change instead? Or is that too much to ask?

Dude, I'm not defending anyone or advocating people to riot. I'm saying that you do have a class of black and Muslim youth in London and Paris that feels they are stuck on the margins of society and that their lives are seen as cheap by the police. The incident that sparked this makes me think of Amadou Dialo a few years back in NYC.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:56 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  


European minorities feel disenfranchised? These guys get free schooling, free healthcare, access to welfare and unemployment benefits. How much more of a helping hand can you give them? How can you make it any easier for them?

Maybe the problem is not disenfranchised youths, maybe the problem is welfare grabbing, self entitled "victims" who never bothered to integrate? Maybe "the man" is not always to blame?

Maybe we could hold these fucking degenerates responsible for their own actions for a change instead? Or is that too much to ask?

Couldn't be 'the man''s not like they have control over their immigration system. I mean, it's not like they can control the quality of migrants.

Ultimately, plenty of blame for both parties....

These societies don't really want to exchange new ideas/values/cultures/races (ie. proper integration). They want assimilation. As a result, there is tendency to segregate outside groups. The goodwill is not very genuine.

And these immigrants are actually second/third rate applicants that are often not well educated, too unrefined, and too 'old country' to bother integrating with respect and gratitude. They need to make greater efforts to be a part of the community.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:50 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Dude, I'm not defending anyone or advocating people to riot. I'm saying that you do have a class of black and Muslim youth in London and Paris that feels they are stuck on the margins of society and that their lives are seen as cheap by the police. The incident that sparked this makes me think of Amadou Dialo a few years back in NYC.

The guy opened fire on the cops. He was a known crack dealer.

The riots have nothing to do with that, even the media has acknowledged it. The Poms are at odds trying to explain it, because even the typical justification for this does not fly this time. Its turned into an opportunistic free for all. Its no different to organised flash mobs, just on a larger and more violent scale.

Are we seriously going to look for reasons why there may be some sort of justification for this rubbish?

I can understand a Zimbabwean rioting in the streets of Harare. But these 2nd and 3rd generation welfare cases in Britain?

Nah man, there is something off here.

Been a really shitty week. Markets getting smashed and now this :/

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 11:28 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Nah man, there is something off here.

Been a really shitty week. Markets getting smashed and now this :/

I am with HH here. There is no reason for these riots, go to the BBC website and the best reason is "We want to show the rich that we can do whatever we want." Rich people in those areas? What a Joke.

Markets going down because they downgraded the US Debt. The US debt being downgraded? Yes things are bad in the states but the debt level for the US govt is only 14%. A figure like that is a joke for a country like the US and these ratings agencies, aren't these the same guys that gave mortgage backed securities a AAA rating? The best reason that the head of the agency has - "There needs to be a consensus among the two parties about the quality of fiscal policy"...I am sorry, what? Is that the reason you gave the biggest Economy in the world a AA+ rating. The US has a 2 party system, there shouldn't be a consensus. This isn't Argentina gents, their level of debt was at a very high level, if I remember correctly at around 50%. The biggest debt holder for the US is China, if the dollar goes down then everyone but the US gets fucked.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:29 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

A socialized economy stifles growth, which is the reason all developed countries with their welfare states are suffering from rampant poverty. Socialized economies always fail in the long run.

So, despite all the free shit, very few of the citizens benefit from it.

Imagine if some local thug boss took 60% of your take home check, and said "This is for your own good." Meanwhile, you are unclear why he needs the cash and you are too poor to do anything with your life.

I disagree. I think completely unregulated capitalist economies fail. There's a reason American quality-of-life has steadily declined as regulation has evaporated since the late 1970s. By contrast, a well-regulated capitalist economy (i.e., Northern European-style socialism) works very well. If you look at the happiness indices, all the "happiest" places are countries where taxes are relatively high, social services are robust, and large corporations are kept in check.

I'd rather live in a place where I take home only 50% of my paycheck, but education (through college) is free, top-rate healthcare in available to me free of cost, my job gives me two-months vacay, and the chicks aren't overweight because they're not stuck in a shitty office job 60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, and the food isn't laced with fattening chemicals.

We're not talking about Soviet or Maoist Communism. We're talking about a system that allows people to accumulate wealth, but not to the extent where the top one percent of the population owns a significant part of the wealth and the rest of the people are debt slaves for the rest of their lives.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

When are the London riots coming to the States?

I am new to the forum,I felt compelled to contribute on this matter.

I am currently based in the UK I know what is going on.

Firstly this is not comparable with the Paris riots and race is not that big of an issue.

Majority of the rioters are white in London,disturbances in Liverpool and Bristol and Manchester will come from the white and non white youths,take a look at the videos,the rioters tend to be white and when there is a large number of non white youths there tends to be a large white group of youths along side.

The first Tottenham riots did come from the black community as a result of a police shooting however.Again white youths and indeed other ethnic groups were involved.

Recent Immigrants? News has reported that Turkish and Bengali communites in the east end chased AWAY rioters from disrupting their communities.

Don't get me wrong there are non white youths involved in the riots,it's just not only non whites or even majority.So I would not describe this as a race riot.

Secondly if it was,there would definitly not be any social justification for it,any non white Brit who is reading this and disagrees ,well I doubt you would say that to my face,right here in the UK.Because that's bollocks....but anyway the riots aren't about that.

The youths rioting are from all races,are a bunch Gratuitious criminals engaging in wanton destruction terrifying the rest of the population and require the strong arm of the law,or community vigilante groups to put an end to this.

There is no social marginalisation occurring to the degree required to explain this,of either the white underclass (who live comfortably enough of welfare)or any ethnic minorities.Throw away your social science textbooks,these riots are the work of criminal thrillseeking scumbags who lack any civic pride coupled with social networking technology.

As for the States(former resident,by no means an expert),I couldn't imagine this type of thing happening there,but then these riots here were a bit of a surprise aswell if I'm honest.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 12:04 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:29 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

A socialized economy stifles growth, which is the reason all developed countries with their welfare states are suffering from rampant poverty. Socialized economies always fail in the long run.

So, despite all the free shit, very few of the citizens benefit from it.

Imagine if some local thug boss took 60% of your take home check, and said "This is for your own good." Meanwhile, you are unclear why he needs the cash and you are too poor to do anything with your life.

I disagree. I think completely unregulated capitalist economies fail. There's a reason American quality-of-life has steadily declined as regulation has evaporated since the late 1970s. By contrast, a well-regulated capitalist economy (i.e., Northern European-style socialism) works very well. If you look at the happiness indices, all the "happiest" places are countries where taxes are relatively high, social services are robust, and large corporations are kept in check.

I'd rather live in a place where I take home only 50% of my paycheck, but education (through college) is free, top-rate healthcare in available to me, my job gives me two-months vacay, and the chicks aren't overweight because they're not stuck in a shitty office job 60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, and the food isn't laced with fattening chemicals.

We're not talking about Soviet or Maoist Communism. We're talking about a system that allows people to accumulate wealth, but not to the extent where the top one percent of the population owns a significant part of the wealth and the rest of the people are debt slaves for the rest of their lives.

Yea but who keeps all the money then? I am looking forward to trying out a capitalist country because it seems for a person like myself who likes to try different things and go different places, these taxes severely limit a person's spending money.

You are limited to what your governments decide are good for you. So for those who lack self discipline, then socialism is good but for those high flyers, it is rather limiting.

I have not yet worked in the U.S so I cannot yet speak from experience.

But I've worked and lived in socialist countries practically all my life and I am a bit miffed at the heavy taxing and regulation.

However, it is glorious if one is on hard times i.e. no job, or health issues preventing one from work.

There is really no right or wrong answer, I guess...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 08:51 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Idleness and lack of hope for the future is why people do this.

Riots have been happening in America since pre-colonial times They happen in all civilizations, in all times. They're hardly a sign of the "end of civilization." Really, really huge riots are symptoms of transition in Polybious' Anacyclosis cycle. But usually it's just a sign of the weather being warm and the criminal class boozing it up. A heck of a lot of riots have been recorded and documented, yet nothing changed afterwards, and civilization keeps going on.

The largest factor in rioting is alcohol. Nothing fuels a riot like drunks. Once they start looting liquor stores for more to drink, things quickly accelerate into a riot. This is the main reason why public intoxication is a crime in most of civilization, and why city planners are stingy with alcohol licenses. A common tactic dealing with riots is to preemptively empty all the booze stores and bars of their supply nearby, either by trucking it out or by pouring it down the drain. Contrast this to the Greek festival of Erinyes --where they'd lay in so much wine in advance that for several days drunken mobs of women would end up roaming the streets and literally tear people apart with their bare hands.

Surprisingly few people get killed by riots anymore. Riots in ancient Rome and Egypt are recorded as killing hundreds of people every night. In cities of only 40,000 or so. Today, with sprawling cities of multi-millions of people if there was a linear scaling we should have thousands to tens-of-thousands of people killed per riot. Instead, it's just property damage (always inflated to "millions of dollars") and some low class girls pulling each-others' hair posted to youtube.

If you want real rioting, study when Justinian was King of Constantinople. With his huge city of immigrants, there would be 30,000 killed in one riot alone, and the city would be at a standstill without food for weeks.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:38 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 08:42 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:56 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  


European minorities feel disenfranchised? These guys get free schooling, free healthcare, access to welfare and unemployment benefits. How much more of a helping hand can you give them? How can you make it any easier for them?

Maybe the problem is not disenfranchised youths, maybe the problem is welfare grabbing, self entitled "victims" who never bothered to integrate? Maybe "the man" is not always to blame?

Maybe we could hold these fucking degenerates responsible for their own actions for a change instead? Or is that too much to ask?

Nah, bruv, I lived in the UK, it's nowhere as rosy as you make it, mate. I was there for the Brixton riots (didn't go out) and there is a constant discontentment amongst minorities.

The free healthcare and all that is very nice but give a man a chance to stand up on his own two feet and carve out a living. There is still discrimination in hiring practices and this seems to be the trend in commonwealth countries. I've heard some stories about Auzzie land and New Zealand (Commonwealth countries) and don't let me get started on Canada.

There are certainly opportunistic cats out there taking advantage (dole moles etc) but on the whole, there is injustice.

It just seems you cant win here.

Either they are not investing enough in minorities or they are investing too much resulting in apathy. At some point they are going to have to stand on their own two feet too. How much longer are we going to continue to pull the whole racist card? The race riots in Notting Hill were over 50 years ago now.

It really cannot get any damn easier for people. Has anyone ever had it easier than a minority in a European country? Yes, there is racism, but at the same time I have never known societies at large to provide so much assistance to people. Housing, unemployment benefits, free education, free healthcare, guidance programs, social programs. At the same time, this is without a doubt the most liberal and progressive Europe has EVER been. What more must still be done here?

Racism in Australia and New Zealand is exaggerated. Islanders in NZ are given preference top to bottom in an aim to uplift them, this on top of all the benefits too. In Australia, its an immigrants country. Best man for the job. The amount of money that is poured into Aboriginal communities dwarfs anything else in the country when compared per capita.

This is an excellent book written by a Nigerian who does not hold his punches at all. I wish more people had the courage he has to look at this shit realistically instead of idealistically all the time.

Sorry Moma but have to agree with Hooligan Harry on this one. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Granted, there are some minorities kids who grow up on poor estates, coming from poverty and don't know anything but crime. But that's the same across the UK - black or white.

"The free healthcare and all that is very nice but give a man a chance to stand up on his own two feet and carve out a living."

A man has every opportunity in this country to carve out a living, all he has to do is want it, go and grab it by the balls and do something about it. Just because some guys didn't want to start at the bottom on the minimum wage because they didn't bother getting any GCSE's at school, they think it's better to go out and riot and loot.

As opposed to blaming the government or police for being racist at every turn. I really can't agree with your statement "on the whole there is injustice." There is hardly another city in the world that has so many different people and cultures as London. If anything in the UK you get even more opportunity, as employers are encouraged and increasingly required to by law employ minority applicants.

This prevents employers employing people on a merit basis, whether they be black, white or asian. I refuse to believe someone when they UK shows injustice towards minority people, we are the most welcoming nation on earth to people who have no connection to this country, provide nothing and contribute nothing. Yet we feed, cloth and house them. There is a reason why all illegal immigrants don't bother stopping in France, Italy or Spain and want to come to the UK.

It's not all cut and dry, and the UK has many problems undoubtedly, but I think in terms of racism and injustice? Probably one of the most liberal and progressive nations on earth so I won't have that. Racism and injustice is everywhere, but you'll find a lot less of it here than most places.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 02:12 PM)dk902 Wrote:  

Sorry Moma but have to agree with Hooligan Harry on this one. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Granted, there are some minorities kids who grow up on poor estates, coming from poverty and don't know anything but crime. But that's the same across the UK - black or white.

"The free healthcare and all that is very nice but give a man a chance to stand up on his own two feet and carve out a living."

A man has every opportunity in this country to carve out a living, all he has to do is want it, go and grab it by the balls and do something about it. Just because some guys didn't want to start at the bottom on the minimum wage because they didn't bother getting any GCSE's at school, they think it's better to go out and riot and loot.

As opposed to blaming the government or police for being racist at every turn. I really can't agree with your statement "on the whole there is injustice." There is hardly another city in the world that has so many different people and cultures as London. If anything in the UK you get even more opportunity, as employers are encouraged and increasingly required to by law employ minority applicants.

This prevents employers employing people on a merit basis, whether they be black, white or asian. I refuse to believe someone when they UK shows injustice towards minority people, we are the most welcoming nation on earth to people who have no connection to this country, provide nothing and contribute nothing. Yet we feed, cloth and house them. There is a reason why all illegal immigrants don't bother stopping in France, Italy or Spain and want to come to the UK.

It's not all cut and dry, and the UK has many problems undoubtedly, but I think in terms of racism and injustice? Probably one of the most liberal and progressive nations on earth so I won't have that. Racism and injustice is everywhere, but you'll find a lot less of it here than most places.

Hmm, you make somewhat of a point there, in all contrast, I think UK would be the best place in Europe to grow up as a minority (at least when I was growing up).

I have friends from France, a country that I have visited and I wasn't impressed with all the rah rah about their culture, their food, cuisine and class in how they treated minorities. The discrimination was open and blatant.

Scandinavian countries also seem alright (I have some friends from DK) but some of their views seemed a bit Mickey Mouse to me.

You know what, UK is not too bad for a regular living, I just hated the weather and the ugly birds (lizards) and the lesser creature comforts.

And from what my fam back home are telling me, most of the rioting is being done by the farking yobbos and chavs there who care fcuk all who got shot, they just want a chance to tief and pillage.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

When are the London riots coming to the States?

I am with hooligan harry and explorer on here.

First of all i dont think there is a need at all for all that bullshit. As it was mentioned on here already, basically a group of different gangs decided to make a little incident, a giant violent party, there was no need for things to get so bad. These people doing that shit are a bunch of lazy people who have no goals in life, live off government checks, wouldnt be able to clearly specify why they are doing what they are doing and basically found a way to protest against their own lack of efficiency towards a successful life. Not too mention that all of them are criminal heads. For fuck sake, what are they really complaining about, they mad because the government cut off EMA? When i was in college i never used to get that shit, they only introduced it in 2007 and i totally found it pointless. Fuck these people, they should try live somewhere like Italy, Spain or Portugal and they would see what is like to be a MINORITY there.

I wish bbc starts to interview the people doing that shit just to hear the dumbness that they would spit lol.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 02:23 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 02:12 PM)dk902 Wrote:  

Sorry Moma but have to agree with Hooligan Harry on this one. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Granted, there are some minorities kids who grow up on poor estates, coming from poverty and don't know anything but crime. But that's the same across the UK - black or white.

"The free healthcare and all that is very nice but give a man a chance to stand up on his own two feet and carve out a living."

A man has every opportunity in this country to carve out a living, all he has to do is want it, go and grab it by the balls and do something about it. Just because some guys didn't want to start at the bottom on the minimum wage because they didn't bother getting any GCSE's at school, they think it's better to go out and riot and loot.

As opposed to blaming the government or police for being racist at every turn. I really can't agree with your statement "on the whole there is injustice." There is hardly another city in the world that has so many different people and cultures as London. If anything in the UK you get even more opportunity, as employers are encouraged and increasingly required to by law employ minority applicants.

This prevents employers employing people on a merit basis, whether they be black, white or asian. I refuse to believe someone when they UK shows injustice towards minority people, we are the most welcoming nation on earth to people who have no connection to this country, provide nothing and contribute nothing. Yet we feed, cloth and house them. There is a reason why all illegal immigrants don't bother stopping in France, Italy or Spain and want to come to the UK.

It's not all cut and dry, and the UK has many problems undoubtedly, but I think in terms of racism and injustice? Probably one of the most liberal and progressive nations on earth so I won't have that. Racism and injustice is everywhere, but you'll find a lot less of it here than most places.

Hmm, you make somewhat of a point there, in all contrast, I think UK would be the best place in Europe to grow up as a minority.

I have friends from France, a country that I have visited and I wasn't impressed with all the rah rah about their culture, their food, cuisine and class in how they treated minorities. The discrimination was open and blatant.

Scandinavian countries also seem alright (I have some friends from DK) but some of their views seemed a bit Mickey Mouse to me.

You know what, UK is not too bad for a regular living, I just hated the weather and the ugly birds (lizards).

And from what my fam are telling me, most of the rioting is being done by the farking yobbos and chavs there who care fcuk all who got shot, they just want a chance to tief and pillage.

Very true mate. It's more about the violence and looting as opposed to the protestation of the guy getting shot. Now it's anarchy all over the UK. I'm currently in Manchester and tonight they shut down the whole city centre, closed shops and got out the riot vans and helicopters. Lots of people hanging around...looks like it's all going to erupt.

Also agree with Pitt on the above, being a minority in Spain, Italy or Portugal, now that's discrimination. I think that the underlying problem in the UK certainly isn't with black people, as they're generally already well integrated into our culture, and they're an asset. It's the people who come to the UK and don't want to integrate as a previous poster said, and thinks we should bend over backwards for them.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

From the pictures it looks like the rioters are of various colors. Whites, Blacks, and Browns.

I think its more about class then race.

Poor people start riots.

Rich people start wars.

I think one person has been killed in this London riot.

How many people have been killed in the Iraq-Afganistan War? Hundreds of thousands?

The London riot will last a few days and cost millions.

The Iraq-Afganistan War is going on its 11th year and will cost tens of trillions.

This riot is peanuts compared to the war.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Riot on, but this will never happen here as long as people have American Idol, Ipads, and fast food; they're not trippin'.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 02:48 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Riot on, but this will never happen here as long as people have American Idol, Ipads, and fast food; they're not trippin'.

And they don't have that in the UK?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Philadelphia mayor talks tough to black teenagers after ‘flash mobs’

Riots or flash mobs are symptoms of a sick society, regardless of who is doing the rioting and their reasoning.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

And It begins

Manchester and Birmingham are kicking off already

When are the London riots coming to the States?

What's a good source for live coverage of what's going on? BBC?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 03:33 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What's a good source for live coverage of what's going on? BBC?

Yeh Direct live coverage,go straight to their news website

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 03:14 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Philadelphia mayor talks tough to black teenagers after ‘flash mobs’

Riots or flash mobs are symptoms of a sick society, regardless of who is doing the rioting and their reasoning.

Or Society as a whole is fine,this is just the opportunistic thugs who are taking advantage of the times to carry out looting and violence.

Even during relative prosperity Britain can experience public outbreaks with Football hooliganism etc.

Unless your suggesting that the UK society is pernamently sick, which would be argued by many.

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 12:24 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 12:04 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:29 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

A socialized economy stifles growth, which is the reason all developed countries with their welfare states are suffering from rampant poverty. Socialized economies always fail in the long run.

So, despite all the free shit, very few of the citizens benefit from it.

Imagine if some local thug boss took 60% of your take home check, and said "This is for your own good." Meanwhile, you are unclear why he needs the cash and you are too poor to do anything with your life.

I disagree. I think completely unregulated capitalist economies fail. There's a reason American quality-of-life has steadily declined as regulation has evaporated since the late 1970s. By contrast, a well-regulated capitalist economy (i.e., Northern European-style socialism) works very well. If you look at the happiness indices, all the "happiest" places are countries where taxes are relatively high, social services are robust, and large corporations are kept in check.

I'd rather live in a place where I take home only 50% of my paycheck, but education (through college) is free, top-rate healthcare in available to me, my job gives me two-months vacay, and the chicks aren't overweight because they're not stuck in a shitty office job 60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, and the food isn't laced with fattening chemicals.

We're not talking about Soviet or Maoist Communism. We're talking about a system that allows people to accumulate wealth, but not to the extent where the top one percent of the population owns a significant part of the wealth and the rest of the people are debt slaves for the rest of their lives.

Yea but who keeps all the money then? I am looking forward to trying out a capitalist country because it seems for a person like myself who likes to try different things and go different places, these taxes severely limit a person's spending money.

You are limited to what your governments decide are good for you. So for those who lack self discipline, then socialism is good but for those high flyers, it is rather limiting.

I have not yet worked in the U.S so I cannot yet speak from experience.

But I've worked and lived in socialist countries practically all my life and I am a bit miffed at the heavy taxing and regulation.

However, it is glorious if one is on hard times i.e. no job, or health issues preventing one from work.

There is really no right or wrong answer, I guess...

Moma brings up issue #1 with a socialized economy:

The state is as ignorant as you are when it comes to spending money efficiently.

If money is spent wisely by the state, it's effects are multiplied and the citizens prosper greatly.
If the money is wasted, the negative effects are multiplied.

Compare that to a capitalist economy, where individual citizens are in control of their money. Citizen A wastes his cash, no one else is hurt. Citizen B profits greatly, and at least a few others will also share in his success.

And, historically, state-manipulated countries always manage to fuck it up. It's so easy to make one little mistake, and bam! the economy explodes 2008 style. Wiemar Germany, USSR, Chile 1970, China 1958, (there are hundreds of other examples).

Issue #2: The main reason why Nordic countries like Sweeden prosper as socialist countries is because they do not have to pay for a military.

If you notice the examples of the USSR or Weimar Germany, both had to pay for a military and welfare state. This is impossible. Historically no state has been able to keep this up. Right now America is going bankrupt because they are trying to do both a military and welfare state. If America's military is forced to withdraw from large sections of the world, which I believe it will, countries like Norway and Sweeden will finally need to develop their own armies and their socialist economies will be crushed.

Issue #3: Socialist economies turn women into horrible creatures. Roosh's experience in Denmark is also common to most countries with a welfare state. The bigger a provider the government is, the less women need men to take care of them. The less women need to take care of them, the less they will enter romantic relationships with them; game or no game. At best you can be a one-night-stand king.

Issue #4: Capitalist economies are defined by low taxation and few regulations. No country in the world meets this criteria. America has one of the highest tax rates in the world. NOTE: I would **NOT** necessarily call America socialist either! I am uninterested in defining the term socialism, as far as I'm concerned it's just a weasel word with no easy definition. Most of our tax money is funneled into corporations; this is closer to fascism...

Hong Kong is an example of a capitalist city, however, and it is one of the most powerful cities on the planet.

Issue #5: There can still be welfare programs inside of a capitalist state. One program I favor, for example, is a "guaranteed income", whereby 80% of collected taxes are distributed equally amongst the lower 80% of the population. This is an efficient way of giving money back to the poorer classes without creating massive government programs that stifle the economy.

Conclusion: I cannot understand why a man wouldn't support a capitalist state. It will always be more favorable for him in the long run, both in terms of money and pussy.

Finally, a factual aside: America has not been less regulated since the 1970's, it has gotten 2x as bad. Ask any small business owner who's been around more than twenty years and you'll probably learn how bad our government has become.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 03:33 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What's a good source for live coverage of what's going on? BBC? or

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 03:33 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What's a good source for live coverage of what's going on? BBC?

When are the London riots coming to the States?

Quote: (08-09-2011 11:28 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

The guy opened fire on the cops.

He did not open fire on the police. The ballistics test has already confirmed that there was no evidence that Mark Duggan fired a weapon at a cop.

Yeah he was a low life, that's not being contested, but the UK isn't supposed to be a society where cops act as judge, jury and executioner for anyone they don't like.

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