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Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

As you are all aware, Elliot Rodger, a member of the criminal hate site "PUAHate," went on a killing spree in Santa Barbara (Isla Vista), California today, murdering six innocent people and injuring several others. Discussion of the PUAHate Killings is ongoing in this thread as more details of the tragedy come to light.

For reasons that are unclear, many members of our own community had been targeted by the crazed weirdos of PUAHate, including Roosh, Me (Tuthmosis), Fisto, and several others. Before they hid their site, several PUAHate members made it no secret that they had made attempts to infiltrate our forum to try disrupt our discussions and gather information on our own members--for what purposes is also not entirely clear.

While we likely have nothing to be concerned about, this should alert us to what some--if not all--of the members of PUAHate are capable of. Without overreacting or being paranoid, I would urge you to exercise an appropriate amount of caution in your dealings (online and in person) with people who fit the profile of PUAHate members--overly socially awkward; resentful of men who are successful with women or committed to self improvement; and displaying desperate, bitter thirst toward women.

The moderation team here will be exercising this same caution in moderating this forum. While we have always banned game denialists, awkward weirdos, and overly aggressive misfits (the sorts of people PUAHate embraced), I want to remind all of you that these--and related--behaviors are not, and will not be, tolerated here.

I urge members who have gotten sloppy in their posting--or newbies who don't yet fully understand the culture of this community--to keep in mind that low-quality threads (or posts), aggressive posturing against other members, and general bizarreness are tell-tale signs to the moderators that you're probably ill-suited to be a part of this forum.

Please continue to use the report button to alert us of suspicious, odd, or simply obnoxious posts, and use good judgment in your general tone, decorum, and content. Don't self-censor or hesitate to disagree with others, but keep the rules and culture of the RVF in mind as you proceed.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

I've always thought there should be more credence given to people who've actually met others on the forum and are socially vetted

(Present company excluded [Image: dancingman.gif] lol).

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 02:49 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

I've always thought there should be more credence given to people who've actually met others on the forum and are socially vetted

Meeting other members is one of a few metrics one can use to "vet" members. What we don't want is a climate where people start looking askance at every guy who hasn't met 10 different members.

Furthermore, without naming names, I'll add that I'm aware of more than one member who has met select others but chooses not to broadcast it publicly for a variety of privacy reasons.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Yea, I met a member from who was sorta outed by a lurker for something he posted. The lurker was able to piece together who he was based on his posts. This was a great guy, and stopped posting because of this incidence. This forum has to be public, its just unfortunate there are so many haters out there.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Also, everyone should be wary of links that get posted on this forum.

They could be trap links that can be used to gather information about you.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 03:15 PM)soup Wrote:  

Also, everyone should be wary of links that get posted on this forum.

They could be trap links that can be used to gather information about you.

Don't be paranoid about links posted on this forum. Generally, anyone posting suspicious links is banned (and their posts deleted) within a relatively short period of time. Also, links as you've described can only gather a very limited amount of information (basically general location), which is often inaccurate.

For example, from PUAHate:

[Image: attachment.jpg18832]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

I am currently working on a guide to keeping safe while online, covering a more in detail analysis of the different types of protections and methods and why you should choose one of the other.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

"Meeting other members is one of a few metrics one can use to "vet" members. What we don't want is a climate where people start looking askance at every guy who hasn't met 10 different members.

Furthermore, without naming names, I'll add that I'm aware of more than one member who has met select others but chooses not to broadcast it publicly for a variety of privacy reasons."

For a meetup I organized recently, a couple guys who asked to join were close to or entirely non-entities on the forum and among those who people it. I didn't give them the meetup details. If someone actually were a rat or something, it's safer to expose them to one person initially, rather than a dozen at once.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 05:48 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

If someone actually were a rat or something...

What if Elliot Rodgers was GManifesto?

[Image: james-franco-realization.gif]

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

^ that dude had to have an account here. I'm sure of it.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

I have never really heard anything about PUAHate but I have met many individuals who share those characteristics and they always have a weird vibe, always gotta keep an eye out.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 06:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

^ that dude had to have an account here. I'm sure of it.

I think I found it


[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 06:12 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

What if Elliot Rodgers was GManifesto?

Takes care of himself, drives luxury cars, dresses well, pulls heists....

It all adds up...

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Amanda Hess from Slate weighs in, special mention to this thread in her article : http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/201...ponse.html

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

How can you keep them out? It seems like any options put forth someone will eventually slip through the cracks.

I think a sticky post outlining the best ways to keep completely anonymous online would be beneficial.

Maybe a verified account icon under someone username if Roosh/Tuth etc can verify the person.

Limit new users (time limit or minimum posts) to only be able to start threads in the newbie forum.

Is there any way to do what they are doing to you re: ip address? Get a list of ip address's they use and ban those ips from the forum.

It sucks for users like me who are new as I feel I need to tip toe around and not be too controversial in case I get labelled a troll.

Some guys just need to get a life.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Holy shit I had no idea how many people are reading rvf.

I thought this was a small thing, and now slate talks about it.

She doesn't understand what game is, of course she's going to talk shot about it.

Would she rather guys just be unattractive?

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

I'd assume she doesn't have alot of experience with 'game' first-hand.

[Image: hess+amanda.jpg]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Maybe there should be a carefully worded reply to Hess. 'A letter of condolence to the victims'.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Compare the Slate article with what Tuthmosis wrote.

  • The site’s [the Roosh V Forum's] reminder about its comment moderation in the wake of the shooting is all about how to avoid infiltration by members of PUA Hate, not rooting out hatred in its own ranks.
(Italics added.)

Tuthmosis, in this thread:

Quote: (05-24-2014 02:43 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

While we likely have nothing to be concerned about, this should alert us to what some--if not all--of the members of PUAHate are capable of. Without overreacting or being paranoid, I would urge you to exercise an appropriate amount of caution in your dealings (online and in person) with people who fit the profile of PUAHate members--overly socially awkward; resentful of men who are successful with women or committed to self improvement; and displaying desperate, bitter thirst toward women.

The moderation team here will be exercising this same caution in moderating this forum. While we have always banned game denialists, awkward weirdos, and overly aggressive misfits (the sorts of people PUAHate embraced), I want to remind all of you that these--and related--behaviors are not, and will not be, tolerated here.

I urge members who have gotten sloppy in their posting--or newbies who don't yet fully understand the culture of this community--to keep in mind that low-quality threads (or posts), aggressive posturing against other members, and general bizarreness are tell-tale signs to the moderators that you're probably ill-suited to be a part of this forum.

Please continue to use the report button to alert us of suspicious, odd, or simply obnoxious posts
(emphasis in original)

Hess has seen this thread, and goes on to categorically slander and misrepresent Tuthmosis' words, the forum moderator. What she attributes to him, of not rooting out hatred among the forum's ranks, is exactly the opposite of what he just said. I'm baffled as to how Hess can so brazenly and transparently lie.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

A Return of Kings article outlining her disregard for the truth and journalistic ethics would be the best response.

Her writing is surely libelous.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:58 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Hess has seen this thread, and goes on to categorically slander and misrepresent Tuthmosis' words, the forum moderator. What she attributes to him, of not rooting out hatred among the forum's ranks, is exactly the opposite of what he just said. I'm baffled as to how Hess can so brazenly and transparently lie.

You forget that we're all women-haters in their eyes and nothing can change that. It's in their programming to marginalize us as the enemy of their women's studies indoctrination. They need us to be their enemy and will do whatever it takes to keep us in that position.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 08:06 PM)draguer Wrote:  

A Return of Kings article outlining her disregard for the truth and journalistic ethics would be the best response.

Her writing is surely libelous.

Yes, that is an excellent idea. Hoist by her own petard... I'd consider including a public request for a retraction, in light of Hess's obvious falsehoods.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:58 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Hess has seen this thread, and goes on to categorically slander and misrepresent Tuthmosis' words, the forum moderator. What she attributes to him, of not rooting out hatred among the forum's ranks, is exactly the opposite of what he just said. I'm baffled as to how Hess can so brazenly and transparently lie.

To Cultural Marxists, truth is what they say it is, particularly if they are seeking a particular result and the ends justify the means, and, as such, Doublethink causes them no moral distress whatsoever. To use the 1984 analogy: Hess is O'Brien, but most likely thinks she's Winston Smith. At least he had an excuse for his ugly, unflattering haircut.

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

[Image: 1389220146602.jpg.size.xxlarge.promo.jpg]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Tuth, do you think we should disable our PUA hate accounts? The site would die.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 08:50 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tuth, do you think we should disable our PUA hate accounts? The site would die.

You know being a member of that site is a bannable offense here. Are you admitting to having an account there, or just joking?

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

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