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Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:34 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Amanda Hess from Slate weighs in, special mention to this thread in her article :

I've read through Amanda Hess's incoherent article. It seems she's doing precisely what she's accusing everyone else of doing: capitalizing on the tragedy to push her own agenda. In her case, it's the agenda of collapsing extraordinarily different sites into one category--places that espouse "hatred of women"--then try to pin this horrific crime (through insinuation) on the entire fake category she's invented in her mind. Of course nothing could be further from the truth, but what else would you expect from a damaged short-haired girl? This is propaganda of the lowest order from an incompetent, or delusional, "journalist" with an axe to grind.

If you read through the comments for the article (which are actually hard to find on that site), you quickly note that her strategy backfired. Most people see the truth of the situation.

[Image: attachment.jpg18834]   

Even this obvious white knight (note the tell-tale signs of prefacing his remarks with "as a man" and using the term "creepy") kinda gets it.

[Image: attachment.jpg18835]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:47 PM)draguer Wrote:  

I'd assume she doesn't have alot of experience with 'game' first-hand.

[Image: hess+amanda.jpg]

What a waste of a ginger. A mane of flowing, fiery locks down to small of her back would bring her up to a 6.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 08:57 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2014 08:50 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tuth, do you think we should disable our PUA hate accounts? The site would die.

You know being a member of that site is a bannable offense here. Are you admitting to having an account there, or just joking?
Yea. I got banned once for spamming Neil's book and my new handle there is el mechanico. I also call myself that on the Naughty Nomad forum.

Which other places are we not allowed on as members here? I'd like to be in compliance.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger


What a waste of a ginger. A mane of flowing, fiery locks down to small of her back would bring her up to a 6.

Maybe. There's something annoying about that face.

She doesn't have ties to Albuquerque does she?

[Image: peekaboo7.png]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:47 PM)draguer Wrote:  

[Image: hess+amanda.jpg]

I don't think this 12 year old boy is ready for RVF. Wait... what... that's a woman?

Joking aside, have you guys thought about not opening up new members at the start of next month to let things cool down?

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 09:53 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Yea. I got banned once for spamming Neil's book and my new handle there is el mechanico. I also call myself that on the Naughty Nomad forum.

Which other places are we not allowed on as members here? I'd like to be in compliance.

I'll only give you a 7-day suspension since I like you, and you came clean. Just be glad Roosh didn't get to you first.

See you in a week.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

So, it turns out this boy Amanda Hess is no stranger to the forum.


[Image: attachment.jpg18837]   

[Image: attachment.jpg18836]   

[Image: attachment.jpg18838]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Did she ever print anything of value? How did she get into slate? Seriously

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 11:48 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

So, it turns out this boy Amanda Hess is no stranger to the forum.


I try to look for the best in people and not the worst.

I look at her picture and try to imagine what she would look like if she got rid of her extra upper arm weight.

I think she'd make a good wife to a farmer guy who is simple and not trying to hook up with 9s.

If she grew out her hair more it would cover her fatty upper arms better and might trick some ginger-prone guys to say something like this to her:

"Is that a real ball point pen ? [Image: wink.gif] ?"

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Of course we're discussing how this boy is one in a pattern of lost, socially exiled, sexually frustrated males who are falling between the cracks in an post-modern society that is apathetic at best and hostile at worst to masculinity--and all Amanda Hess can see is a few of us saying, "Game can save lives." :/

That shit is disingenuous, and it pisses me off. I'm fine with people disagreeing with any given ideological position(s). But don't misrepresent the other side with a simple, caricature-level portrayal just to prove your point. Our arguments are deeper than "Game is nice," we're talking about what it means to be a man in this day in age in America and how to actually have romantic, social, and professional success in this God forsaken country--which is more than Jezebel or Feministing ever tries to do for all these men who grew up without fathers or strong male figures (thanks Feminism for encouraging women to be single moms, fish not needing bicycles, etc.). Address that or GTFO.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Amanda Hess has had a thing for me going on six years..

[Image: xNsBU45.png]

Should I be concerned?

[Image: 4lTHX3e.jpg]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

^^Seems like she:

[Image: attachment.jpg18839]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Why is a teenage boy writing about feminism anyway?

[Image: 3002228519_f2f12d9719.jpg]

[Image: 193576fb.jpg]

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-25-2014 02:33 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Amanda Hess has had a thing for me going on six years..

Should I be concerned?

That depends; did you ever buy a rabbit at one of those pet stores you're always visiting?


Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

So Amanda Hess doesn't like the forum. But what does Amanda Hess like?

I know! She likes it when men beat the shit out of women on film.

How do we know? Because she did a glowing portrait of porn idiot James Deen in Good Magazine back in 2010. I won't link to the article, but Heartiste chimed in on the matter and quoted a commenter on Hess' original article:

"Do a google search or xvideos search for “pornstar punishment” with “James Deen” and you can see for yourself how well he “emotionally connects” with the women while he chokes them and slaps them. The article seems kind of funny after seeing that. Poorly researched."

While Hess and her supporters will say all of that is OK because these women "consented" to Deen doing these things, that doesn't take into account the influence he has. And if the PUA community's influence is bad, why isn't Deen also judged on his influence?

So, to conclude, Hess doesn't like men who advise other men on how to become more socially savvy with women, but she thinks it's totally cool if you're "spitting, whipping, choking, slapping" women to quote the BroBible on Deen.


Addendum: In the way the nuns of yesteryear shamed the average schoolboy for his sexual desire while sanctifying perverse priests, feminists shame the average guy for his desire, while placing the perverts of today on a pedestal. This is what happens when you have a subculture run by and for sexual misfits. If this were 1954 instead of 2014, Hess would have become a nun and inflicted her weirdness on schoolkids instead of readers.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:58 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Compare the Slate article with what Tuthmosis wrote.

  • The site’s [the Roosh V Forum's] reminder about its comment moderation in the wake of the shooting is all about how to avoid infiltration by members of PUA Hate, not rooting out hatred in its own ranks.
(Italics added.)

Tuthmosis, in this thread:

Quote: (05-24-2014 02:43 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

While we likely have nothing to be concerned about, this should alert us to what some--if not all--of the members of PUAHate are capable of. Without overreacting or being paranoid, I would urge you to exercise an appropriate amount of caution in your dealings (online and in person) with people who fit the profile of PUAHate members--overly socially awkward; resentful of men who are successful with women or committed to self improvement; and displaying desperate, bitter thirst toward women.

The moderation team here will be exercising this same caution in moderating this forum. While we have always banned game denialists, awkward weirdos, and overly aggressive misfits (the sorts of people PUAHate embraced), I want to remind all of you that these--and related--behaviors are not, and will not be, tolerated here.

I urge members who have gotten sloppy in their posting--or newbies who don't yet fully understand the culture of this community--to keep in mind that low-quality threads (or posts), aggressive posturing against other members, and general bizarreness are tell-tale signs to the moderators that you're probably ill-suited to be a part of this forum.

Please continue to use the report button to alert us of suspicious, odd, or simply obnoxious posts
(emphasis in original)

Hess has seen this thread, and goes on to categorically slander and misrepresent Tuthmosis' words, the forum moderator. What she attributes to him, of not rooting out hatred among the forum's ranks, is exactly the opposite of what he just said. I'm baffled as to how Hess can so brazenly and transparently lie.

I realize now what Hess really meant.

She sees the shooter's murderous hatred of women and then looks at our desire to seduce women, and says they are both fruit off the same tree, a fount of hatred. And because we refuse to renounce our desire for sex and seduction, we are endorsing hatred.

The only way for us to truly root out hatred among our ranks is thus to renounce seduction altogether. In Hess's figuring, we must all become passive males beholden to the choices of women in order to have sex, and we certainly must not seduce any women, for that is hateful. Any attempt by a man to sway a woman's decisionmaking is hateful.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 10:05 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2014 09:53 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Yea. I got banned once for spamming Neil's book and my new handle there is el mechanico. I also call myself that on the Naughty Nomad forum.

Which other places are we not allowed on as members here? I'd like to be in compliance.

I'll only give you a 7-day suspension since I like you, and you came clean. Just be glad Roosh didn't get to you first.

See you in a week.

I wasn't aware of this rule. I actually almost set up an account there myself just to respond the some of the out-there allegations that were made about my blog. I've seen some other people in the pick-up niche (which I don't even associate myself with) do the same. In fact, a post or article Roosh wrote about confronting criticism head-on was almost the catalyst for doing so.

In the end, I figured it wasn't worth it. I would have been posting a response more to state my case to outside parties who read the site rather than convince any posters, but in the end I didn't want whoever the site owner is having my info. It was tempting to tear the ridiculous posts a new asshole.

When browsing around, I did notice a lot of the things they "talk" about are the same subjects we do. There's just a level of trolling there that is unmatched online - it's almost the entire basis of the community there.

There are some guys who are active there and try to be a voice of reason - some even defending us - but the volume of the rest of the noise makes me wonder why they even bother.

Anyways, this is gnarly for sure. Adds a whole new level to being targeted by these idiots.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Having to nip socially awkward guys in the bud is actually a little sad, although today completely necessary for the well being of the forum.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 02:43 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

As you are all aware, Elliot Rodger, a member of the criminal hate site "PUAHate," went on a killing spree in Santa Barbara (Isla Vista), California today, murdering six innocent people and injuring several others. Discussion of the PUAHate Killings is ongoing in this thread as more details of the tragedy come to light.

For reasons that are unclear, many members of our own community had been targeted by the crazed weirdos of PUAHate, including Roosh, Me (Tuthmosis), Fisto, and several others. Before they hid their site, several PUAHate members made it no secret that they had made attempts to infiltrate our forum to try disrupt our discussions and gather information on our own members--for what purposes is also not entirely clear.

While we likely have nothing to be concerned about, this should alert us to what some--if not all--of the members of PUAHate are capable of. Without overreacting or being paranoid, I would urge you to exercise an appropriate amount of caution in your dealings (online and in person) with people who fit the profile of PUAHate members--overly socially awkward; resentful of men who are successful with women or committed to self improvement; and displaying desperate, bitter thirst toward women.

The moderation team here will be exercising this same caution in moderating this forum. While we have always banned game denialists, awkward weirdos, and overly aggressive misfits (the sorts of people PUAHate embraced), I want to remind all of you that these--and related--behaviors are not, and will not be, tolerated here.

I urge members who have gotten sloppy in their posting--or newbies who don't yet fully understand the culture of this community--to keep in mind that low-quality threads (or posts), aggressive posturing against other members, and general bizarreness are tell-tale signs to the moderators that you're probably ill-suited to be a part of this forum.

Please continue to use the report button to alert us of suspicious, odd, or simply obnoxious posts, and use good judgment in your general tone, decorum, and content. Don't self-censor or hesitate to disagree with others, but keep the rules and culture of the RVF in mind as you proceed.

Lol...An article was written on Slate and it mentioned this thread...Here is the link but I'd quote it:


Members of Pick-Up Artist RooshV’s forums piled on. “Game saves lives,” one member said. “I'm trying to think of ways our enemies will come after us because of this, but if anything, we're the solution to this sort of murder rampage,” Roosh himself weighed in. “He is self-delusional and massively entitled, but exposing him to game may have saved lives.” The site’s reminder about its comment moderation in the wake of the shooting is all about how to avoid infiltration by members of PUA Hate, not rooting out hatred in its own ranks. (At least one contributor was making some sense when he wrote: “No amount of game could have helped.")

Why did seven people die in Santa Barbara last night? It would be wrong to pin the crime on Internet forums that indulge in self-hatred, then project it on to everyone else. But they’re certainly not the solution. Misogyny and violence against women is a social problem as well as an individual one. The fact that these men see “game” as the remedy to all personal and social ills is perhaps the greatest indictment of the way they view the world.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-25-2014 05:59 AM)vannigoc Wrote:  


The fact that these men see “game” as the remedy to all personal and social ills is perhaps the greatest indictment of the way they view the world.

And why the hell not?

Knowing how to relate to other people, and especially women, if you are a man, is a huge part of being a healthy human. It's funny this author chooses to be so blind and ignorant about this.

EDIT: I will add, however, that kid obviously had issues far beyond just having zero game. A "normal" person might be miserable without knowing how to deal with the opposite sex, but they wouldn't lash out like this.

Obviously this guy was just fucked up in the dome and there have always been unfortunate outliers like him out there.

So on that level I can see what the author means by "game" not being the answer to everything.

I just know that if I had none at all, I would be extremely frustrated and do what I could to change the problem. The built-up hormones alone would drive you mad - let alone the feelings of inadequacy. And I don't think people should start tarring guys who want to learn to improve themselves and get laid.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Seems that basilransom's prediction was entirely true:


not rooting out hatred in its own ranks

[Image: mindblown2.png]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Hope it's permanent, but for now PUAhate is down and out folks! Hope that not having access to the site helps the rest of the members bettering themselves and move away from lashing out.

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 11:48 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

So, it turns out this boy Amanda Hess is no stranger to the forum.


If only this bitch had a man. I bet her life and writing would improve.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

She looks like a half scrotum with that short hair.

Grow it out, Amanda!

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

I can happily say I never visited this PUAhate website. I at most can stand browsing the misc on bb.com as a lurker.

I dont see why members here would concern themselves with these types, ignore them but keep an eye on them is the best strategy.

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